HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1669 ----~~--~..._...._..-......,.~..........._ T ,lI-T ~"'''''''''''''''''-~~F''''-'~~1t~;-............~-P'_ ~ l,..~ ..'..t___"!_,_n_......'...-__....,....,..,_....~.,..-,_.--...~~__-.,'!..'!""'.........;.~..,.'. 569 _. ~~ D. ~~tlC...~-!.~~!,'..~~ 1 - I I WARRANTY < DEED lOUt IlYII\ J~ . 00QAn to !.1ft . ~U~. ~ (~ i 1'BJIlDInVU, Made tile eoa 4Q aI "'IUI, INDIAN RIVIlR FARMS COMP4\N\,. .llIIrpOf'atloa cqube4 MIl ubtlllc __ u.1a.. aI tile State aI PIarida. ~.. tile Int put. to A. n 19 al~ tile J.et, MM.. ~t1Ie~ty.~. at. 1...1. u4 State aI . put)' at t1Ie eecoacI ~ W1TNBSS1ftR. .....t tile.... pert)" oi tile &nt s-tt.b Uld.. ~ticlII at tile...... o. (....00) _ DOLt.ARS. lawful ~ III tile Valtlld Sta.. ...s otIiICI' .,...... ~ to it .. ..... ,.w ~ tile ..... ~ of ... IeCOacI put. at . belen the ..... ... .ddPery rJ tbIR ~ta. ...s t1ae ncelaIt wIIeRof lalleftb, .ebo,,~ ba4 cruted. ~ ~ rdeue!I. COIl~ Uld CODInMd. .... ~ tIItte pmeata don IIertbJ 1IIlDt. bemIII. ... ..... -ft7 aad --- ..to u.e ..w SlIIlJ aI tile -.d put .... ... ... ...s...... .. fee ...... .. tile .... .. /Jt. I.tr.ie C-t.J. PIoridlI. ~ as followl: . 1.0'.... r.. (10) 18.Blook 10. SeTe. (,) 1A Bootu '....hiaa'oll 4c1d1Uoll '0 'h. 01', . ot T8IO, ftoI1.... .. 'hi .... il ~.~181lat.4 OA \he pl.' of Ill41an BiTe! )'ax.,. OOllJlUl'. . ~tM'ta..:)... · ... . .. . . 'UbdlTl'loll~l. 'he ott1o' of thl ObIt of. the O.1louU COUI' 11l aDd tor ..U. Oou". I I I ! I I i g l! I I E J I ~ t . ~ t J i r t ~ , ~ l ~ i ~ , . . i ) ~ I ! ;, ~ ~ ~ ; I I t i ! ~ ~ ! 1 i I t i t ad Oharl.. DaaoaJl, . I to - treII bowa.. tile Pmidalt ud Secntar)'. raperthdy. 01 tile 1adiu JUftf F_ eoa.....y. tM corpcntioa detaibed la tile fOftCOiq deeclm. .... tJaq ecbowIrdaed i WClR - IJIat aIIq - daIy lIUu.on.d ~ Aid cupcntioa to cucute tile '0ftIIliaI eked OD ita bdIaIf. ud to lip ita _ .... .as ita _ tMftto. tlaat tbe ... alhed f t!Iado h tile corpcnte ... at .... corpontioa, .... tlaat Aid deed _ aeruted ~ taid -.-atloa fOJ .the I"If1Il*S tlia'tiII n....... .... tJaq ...... ~ed l tJIe U<<lItioe thmaI to be tJatir rr. act u4 deed as IUda c6:as, for tJIe _ ...s ~ tlaaria _~ .... tlaat tile .... lastrumeqt h Uoe let u4 eked of taid I CUJIOI'&tioe. . - ...... " ~. ..IN Wl'i'NESS ~8REOP. I_ft lIeftuDto ~ ..,. _ ud otIciaI.... uu. IOtJa day aI Ie ~I UI, 19 2t ; at tile City aI Dnmport. C-ty ud SCate .r0l'tlaid. __ . 11 _ .~ 40" I ! ....DO.e ..coWl - , \, (I. I. leal) NOWy PubIie ID and fOJ Scott Cclcmty. Iowa. MyC-~npifts 1Ial., tn 1.. .. -;. .' , ~ 1 . ~ 1~ i ... I I. the puoha'eI u..' ol.ar hi. 10' of all UDdelbruh or UDd"1za~. 81ow\h 111 'hill ! . , . l tOla7e fl. ela'e of JUohue, aDd 18 the e'Yell' of hi. DO' ooap1.JillB lIUh 'hil. n. 0.. I paIQ'. ehall h.Te the zip' to do luoh ....11... aM ohar.. .... to 'he puoh..er. I . i 8. fha, all buUdlll8e neo'ed, aut -tll" ooapll lIith th. 1..\rio\loll. lIith ..rel-) . - '8Oe. .. pl&o_n_ ot"bUld.lq 0. \hI 10', .124 'hat DO 'he 10' lilll 'hllD 'hlr" (ZO) f.e'. uaftlIOfIOI8. n.ideaoe lIlall ~. pl~~e~ olo.er '0 1 Sub1eo' '0 all 'ue. ud ap.o1al .......m. due .Del pl1.ble .ttez thl. ".'e. J" L _.._.... .~Ll..:l __, r_ rAII............ ~.. _'" I. _.I J.l l _ 6......_ ,.. J~l .A AA." T~, It '.'.ll II.... 6.4 ~L- TO HA VB AND TO HOI.D THIl SAMIt tGIttlaa willa all the bemliw-.b aad appurtcIw;c::s tJacnuato beloaPtc. uato tM said pu1y aI tile aeood .P<Ut and his lIdn and usIcas ill fee simple 'orntI'. ADd tile aid put)' aI tile lint party. fOJ itlelf aad ita ~ don IMn:by _t with .... put, aI tJae Mal8d put. his bein,lepI ~tati-. and ~ that it Is iDckftuibly eeiIaI ohald Iud la ree "pie; IJIat it lias ,1IlI potm ... lawfql riaht to l'9Ilny Aid Iud la rft _pie. as .ronald; tJaat It ..... be lawful f<< said party aI tile --' put. his bdn, Ifp1 reaw-tatins, and...... at.a tlaIa ~ ~ ~tJ7 ... nIlU us-. ltoId. 0CCIIpf'. Uld C8joy Aid lUld: tlaat said land is ,_ from .a ~; tJaat it wiI make Rda furtlia' __ to pericct the fte IimpIe title to tald Iaad as...,. ~ be rtq1Iired. ...d IJIat it don IIucbr ruJIJ ~t tile tide to MiclIaDd. and.1riII Maid tile __ apiost tile lawful cw.s" all pet-. wlloauoeYCl'. IN WI1'N~ WHIlR80P. ~ part7 at u.e &nt put. 011 tile day aad yeu first above writtea. .... C8GSCcl its __ to be -.-. aa4ita cuponte ... to be allIed to .daeIt an-ta.b:J its Praldnt. ....rib ~ wbiclt e>Iicen haft a- duIJ ...thoriad ud CIIlpolftftd ~ reeoIutiara aI tlIe Board at Directcn aI tile INDIAN RIVER PARMSCOMPANY.put)'9fthel5ntput~toa<<llteuddcliftl'tIais"-L tlDUI BIYBR '.u118 00.. . ;. By.. i (CClfP. Seel) lera. I. aeuoh , \ Sipcd. Sealed .i4_~'ftftd la J>ratac:,e aI us: 115 Praldut_ .."" _.. ..Yez._ R.. _ ......1~_ __ __ _ _ u _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __ _u _ .... h_. -_..~._a.__aoJaz_ ___u_.. __ ____ __ _.__. _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _._ Oharle. DaDO&II . 115 Secmarr. STAU 01' IOWA.} . CoalJ ., ScotL .. l. _OIiCa daIy ~ to tab -kmwIecIc-- todcedo. do IIucbr artif,. tJaat 011 this day pctJODaIly appeartd bd'ore_. BeI._ I. leuoh ~ ..........~-~- ~ lTA'rIl 0' ltOalDA. } ill "": -:. .....":........ ..... -... lU. fg ,",,, -.., . . .. .. " 2<1 .. ;2 an of * C!raIit Court .. .... for said Coaaty Ioaft duly ~:I . ~ Deed in tfIr 1'IItIIie ~ 01.-. CGuaty. IN ~_~8R80P. .lIew IIcm,mlo tit IlIJ' IIud ~t aI.... c-t. tile day"'", ebote writ.... I(.,~ Ot. -41 . . I .. .....0. 1114.... ....~~=LI \ ' "om .~ }~.o._""'- . . ... ......-:;. ~+ 'f'"-5;.,.,." _;or ,-. < - -. "--".,--",~~"",.~"" "'-,-f.< . -.-:- .'- :~i~E~~~1~1f~\1.~{1ft a ., .~~ ~~ " .~ I ;. .1. I .. :-:-. ~ ., { ~ ~ ~~ :~ -~