HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1672 >~"~'.~ ..,-- ~'~~,!"~....,~~... &- ' ..:~~. :.-~"":,,....~.t--~~:......-...~ .. ~"'~'~~'~"'"'~'~,.':~'_"""""" . .--~.----='""-~'T~'"~;':":""~'T~~~~...'""I:I'~"~~""~;.__~".~""""'''''T~i''-":'O''~ _ .~ ~~~'~"~t.t.~...._..__ ~...... I' ,C" ..' ., ,WARRANTY.: DEED '.' !aW '11..'", OcUAft. to OIA)~. em. 'IBII1Da1UU, Made the .18" da, aI . "'.HI.. .IND1AN IUY8R PARMI COMPANY,. ~ cqubed ud...... __ tile.... GlUleatata at ~ put)' aI. Irit...... to A. D. '9 IIbJ die OIlal1,." II Uk olllle c..ty aI ud State Gl . I'Uti .. dlelealad pert. . WI'l'NI888TR. 'nat the ..w pu1f 01 tile .... put. for ....Ia ~~ aI tbe ... aI ...,.i....., ".UIUtlId ;..:.......:.. ~ ~ ~ to Itla ~ ..... i.,. . ..w pert)" altIle ~:. ~t:~ the __ := aI u.. ....... ..... ... recaft w1IereoI II ~ ___.... ... putelI. ~ ............ -ftJt4 ud COII!Ir-'. .....,. u....-ta cIolIt ~ era" .......... ...... co.'ft1 .... ~ ..to tile ..... putJ' at UIe tecOacI put ud ... .... ud........ Ia fee IIuIpIe .. t\e .....i11 Ill.ude C-ty. ....... cletcrtbedas f"': ,... < . . .'.Y". .,';\II..t:,......(,) 1.. "oU". ,"~Y.' (11). 10...1, "'DIU, _11"......(..) a01l\h. ~ .;.~ tJal"'~.laht: (88) .". clonal.us to.". Mr.. ..e GZ l.... ...tll. __ 1.4..1S- .. ........ .'h..{~t plltllal pla.t of'laakl. of 'th. la41_ BITer Iat.. 00.,..,..-IU.4 ill \he ; -Oftlo..t~,_: O1elk of 'h. .01ro\l1t OOal' .of lalat'U1. Goat,. ftor14.. .. -. . . - . . ~ :.'--;';';:L.:.~~,L-e~.J .;.~~: i:t;. ~' : . ..' :~. -' . . . . .811.\3.0, ,. all tu.. ..Del clUoh .""..Ilt. or aDJ ..01&1 ........at.. If U7 b. leTi.d. 11l. _. N.n. Oil th1. lu4. Iowa. n l !.' ~ , I I f I I I ! j I ! 1 , J i ! j I j ~ 1Iowntt. the ricIat at way for plIbIIc IOlIdr, dniIMce ClUIlIh. ..... ditdIea .. __ 011 the plat aI.... Iuds mMt ..,. the party aI. &nt put. I , 1'0' RA VB AND '1'0 HOLD TII2. SAMIt ~ 1ritla ... Uot ~ta ud appurtmaDcts therftato btIoct&iItc. UDto tile said party aI the IK'OIId put ..... I . Ills Wra ud ..... hi fee IbapIe ~. . . . ; /" ,A8d ~.... party 01 . Ant 1IUtT. rOJ itId( &lid its --... don benbJ' COYctlUlt wltIa aid party 01 tJIe ..:and. part. his .....1ccaJ ~tiftt, ud UIips i tIIa' It is ~ .-.s 01 laid ....i11 fee ......; tIaat It ... ruB JlOWU aad lawf1ll richt to CUlftY said lead la fee ...... as aforaaId: that It ..... be lawf1ll rOl'.... . . ,.,. ~ die tecOacI............. ~tatmt. ud..... at aI tiaB..-abl1 aad qaIetIJ to tIlter..-. Idd. amapJ'. ud tt1Joy aaJcIlud; tIaat .... Iud h fm: I ... .. ..1 .... "'_: .. tIIM .It wiI mab IIIda fartlltr _ to perfect,. fee Iimpk title to .... Iud .. may ~ be ftqIIInd. ud that It does IItftby fally f WUIUIt die titkto.... lad. ad wtI dol_. _ 8pIast the..wf1II daiIat alai ~ .......ftf'.. I IN WITMIlSB. \\'lI8ItHQ'. u.e ~.~ the 6rtt part. 011 . daJ' ud )Wt ant aboft wrlttcil. W caued Ita _ to be Iiped ud its corp.xate ReI to be.abed to f ......... "'its 1'mIdeDt...1ta 8el:mat1, wIlida ~ 1Ia... beat cIuIy utlaorbtd ..... ~ed ~ raoiutiml.of . Boud 01 Directon aldIe INDIAN RIYRR 1 ._AllUs COMPANY. pert)" '" tht ant put.... to _Ie.... cleliYft tbII eked.- IIDIU BIYD .aJ18 GO. l i ; i I j r J i . I I ~ i i I I . i I I 1 ~~ - ". _ J (".00 Doo. naa,. Galloell.d) By a.DaD J. I.aoll (Corp. Seal) / lu Presidaat. Slpcd. &aIed ...i DdiYUed ill ~ alas: . . - _.-. O*zl.. Jhuaou . .~_~.....Iu.. P. ,.....1. ..... ____ ..... ... __...... _ ... .. __ _.. ........J~,.ua...Iok_..__._..u ..___..._.__ _u.. ...__.... . Ita SecRtary. 8uft. OJ 10. ". At} ~aI" · . :; C, I, ....... .. iIIIOIoIi.d to Idle ~1e4pIads to" do IoenbJ ClfttiIy tIIat GI tIals da, ~ appeared before _. ,Bu.. J. ..aoh '-t .. , i' i ! \ ,r: udC!1ul.. ...... . . . to _~..... the Pmidatt ud 8ecRtarJ'. faIlCCtlwll. at tile IDdiaa Rhw ,...... c-p.ay. tJIe corporatJaa ckaribed Ia tJIe ~ deed..... ud ...,. r.bowle<la'ed ...... _Iht UIey _ *17 utIIcirired by .... corporaliaQ to__ die rcnaulaa drcd 011 its beltaIf. aad to ....lb .... ..... .as its ~.tIIattO. tat Uot ... alIsed ~ II ~ corpara.te..a aI .... ~ ud dlat.... drcd ... ~ ~ .... ~ for u.e ~ tMftia apmsecI...... tIM7 RWnIIy ~ . ~ ~ to ~ tWr me Kt aDd deed .. .... ~. for die _ .... pvpoJeS tJaaoda ~. ud tIIat . aid aau-t Is the eel aad drcd aI aiel aa'pontioa. .' i.,;,.'. ~ ~ ~.. IIlne 1lenluato a/Iac1l1J' _... c6W ......... at tile CiiJ' aI Davaapolt. ~ ...i Slate afonsaId. ~ t. ... ..! ". l,,!~;aIAi;)..o .' '. 18tJa .. .dQat >>eo_HI M,Ol T' Jctlnpires 'zaa... I. ll_ Noc.r, ..... ill_ lot Scott C-ty. 10WL . MJ ... 1.M. .. .ftAft. or J'I.OIIDA. } ~".. ..... ..<0.:;.... DB Ii'. PlP(JtV1l1PUlD. T1at.. tJda.'" ' da, of _., . . A. D. I'M ... f._,bc '. t;e., ... It .. . .}:.... tile 9"caIt c-t ill ud _1lli4 CouIIIT "W daIy -*'I tile ........ IMd III die ~..........eo..tt. ' ! . '1. - of WITN88S WHUIlOP. IlIaft ___ '" .,. ...... _de'" 01 c-t. tilt .r;, ....,.,.... writ_. .' . '. ~ J . t:~ . ,~ .... -.... .1..... ...............,.......w... w.._. ......(S8AL> '. ~.... ~~. . ClriCimdteo.t. I '. .. . . .. . 8,......... ,.; ... ."," .........,an. 1981 .'~' , '.,. ..~::-{f~~f'\~I!$~!~