HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1674 .~~~ >. ~1",?,_r~}~~_~.....,:~..~~.~~~~:-...4. :"'_~'.:~r'" ..~_~.~~~~"'-"""_ ;~ , . .'~; l,.--.:r~, :~ > ~__"""_' .'l',":,:-1'-""~, ", ..-,...,..... .."..' . c. ,.:,~fJ".~-.:--:;i. r.574I , . -.-..- .1". ...... ~ 'u""'n.... .t. ,.... WARRANTY; OEt;D ,.,~. . .... , ..IIDW itma,u.. .GOIIftIY.. . .. . . . to . IAQJI a. _.1. 'lIIII1lIDIImJU. Made tile U. . dq ~ol . Mo, Dt~tAM ItlYllR FARMS COll1>AHY,. CllIrPCIfttlell....... u4..... __ ..1&.. aI die 8ta1tl ol JIIarida. ~ aI tile Int put. to . . . . .. . altlleC-vp(' Del.... llIllll8ta.. of .. ...it I. leU... paItJ of tile MaacI put. .. WtTNa TIat U1611icl puff at tilt Int put. far.. ill ~ aI tile .. aI .. . .' . .~... 0..( tl.OC)) DOl.I.ARS, ..wtaa ~ ill ... u.lted 9latII, .. GtIIti 'IUaIllIe ~ to It ill .... ..... by UIe .... plUty Of tilt -..d put. at .. Wen tlIe CiIteIIiIIII ud ....,. . of tIMM.............~ ~ IeIMnb1 ~. w ~telI" ~ tDIdol'de8led. ~ ud ~ .... '" u- ~18doel~ annt. . ................ ~ alIII.... _to the.... putyal tile MaaclIIUt ud.................. Ia fee....... the.....1a at: lAde c..ty. JIIoridI" cIeIc:dbed.. IclIIon: . . . .'. . , . .. . ... .. J.",".t,,,.t.t)f~'i.."r.ltU'~" Aolet.o'." ,. a"\..UT1.e1oitot h""QIQ,e.1i (1.).11l1e.. . ,~..;.~ :~.) ~~~~~Iht.P!Jllt'~'hz.e (Z~) " 'Iou". ituw'~ alril~Dl~ (I.). "It. .. ~. .... . . of . ...' c.,: li~~,.'-.~. ,';...,..' .:'. . ,,' .. ..-.-..~." ',' .. t. te.l...,... ca_. pla' of lIloh lubdlTl.1oa ftle4 ,I. 'he otfil. of ,. Olelk of ~e 011- . ~ii t .'1. ., ~.' :.Jt. __.. ~~: ~r-..,.t~-~;- " ',-, : .' '". ' . ..1 'Oeut 0"1 ,,1n "aole O~',. ftor 11&4[1 A. b. 19 1,., tJIe I I ~.... ~ ~ Jbctat.~. tile rialata( 'ft7'OJ pahIk roeds. clnlDap ClIMb, ud cIitdIee.,.... CIll~ plat of said luck" ~ tile party 01 tht lint put. , , ,TOH4V11j\ND'1'O ROW THIS MMB. tGcetIIes 'trithD UIe IJenditameata ud ~ thawato bdoeaiaa. ...to tIIe..w put)' 01 t.UIICl.... part aad Ilia'" ud ..... Jqfee ... farner. . . . ...~... AIId die .... pt,rf;J at tile .Int putI'. far itetIf ud ita -m.n. .... IImbY _t widt .... party aI tile ___ put. .... ....I$J rqlftIaWatiftlo aad lIIIIiaus u.it.. III..., 1M, ~ 01.... iNl!dia fee.....; UIet It _,ail power....1nfuI iiPt to _wy..w ~ i.'eulaaple. u ar-Id; tht It ..... he lawful far .... .....,...tIIe.................1$J rtpnIaItatiftlo ud...... at" tilDes peiaabIJ aacI qIIittfy to eata'..... IIoId, 1ImIP1. aad ~ .... 1aDd; tJaat ...w IIDd it me . hli.............~ IlIat k .. ..tie aada 111I1II<< -.aca to perfitt die fee .....tJde to .w .... u as)' ~ be mpdnd, .... IlIat It dott IIcnbJr.JIy .....at die tide to aid ...... .... 'trill cWe.d die - apiut the IawfMI dII-. at.. pao.- ~.tlI.' " t ' .IN wtrH1lS8. WR1Ul8OJ'. die party aI tile Ant pat" OIl tbe cIq ud ~ Int aboft writtea. 1M ca...s ita _ to be .... aacllta CIIlfJIOI'lIte ~ to be a1hcd to ............. ita ~..Ita~..... 05cen"w....., aatllariad ud ~... ~ R:lIOIlrtioII 01 die a.r.tof DIrtctonal t!leINDIAN RIVHR j FAJUlSCOllPAHY.~ClItllelntput~toCRCllteaaclddmrtllltdeed. Iliad InD lAIIII 00. I ;.:>,(Ccwp.~) ') B, a.naa J. i.1IM I I I I I I I Sped. &eJed.~.~ ~Ji'raeMe aI..: , ',.i' OU21.. JIb.. . Its Praidmt. ';~_~'.""~~____'__".'.".'__"___.h"".' _... .:.__ .u _. -.o.~.. _ "1&2...,~... ____ ....'. _.. _....,.' .,_' _... __.. ',__ , Ita &crdary. 114.,.. or iOW"'L.. . c-t6 II..... r- . J...... ... ....1wlfI-I to 18" MiMw......._ to ..... do JaaoebF c:ertiIy tW _ tIIlt .ta)' ..--JIY epptamt Won -. Ift_ J. l.uJa "- "'1..' Da.... . to........... tllel'raidlld....~. nept'Cij~. 01 tile .....1Uwt p_ ec....,.. tbe carporatba detcrlbeclla u.e IoftcoIaa deed...; iulcI tJaey ~ Wen.. ...... ......., eatIIarbtd IIJ aId~.. to ~ the ,..... M4 _Ita 1le:W. ud to" ita _ ud dz ita..a tIlcma. tIoat tile -' etIud .:'........ ... ........ .... of .... ~ ... UIet .... deed ... -.led .". aId.~ _ tile ~ tIIeftIa",-" ad l1M7 enenU, ecbo..tedpl "_~........ to;t>i "IRe lid'" deed.... ca-I. tar t1It _ aacI.JIlII.-s tIMnia ~_ aDd dial u.e.... u.r-tit tJlellduddeeol of.... ~--. . ,..IN ~ WHEREOF..! "wlMmaato ~., _ --=w....... ... at u.t Cut 01 Duceport.. C-ay aacI.8tate ..r--w. .)'aI .NJ 19 l' t'.'- : .~. . ';"- ~'~ ';<':~ '~:..\; (.......) . w, "- . . " apIree leUl. .. la" Notaiy hf6:1a ad far SCIott c-ty. Iowa. Mr . .... 1.18 (? , b; lj L .-' I1AD.'.. ~ W Jl8lDA.} , c.-r 1I..1.IIdI. . . .;~ rr QW:lDOJlUi>. TIIat.tIIie 1.tJa "'11I ."2' A. D.19 .. ~. ,':".'.";.;:~...' 'aI.".. ..:.:. .... ~..,.. . . . '.' (l ..... .01'" a.wIt c-t ill.... jar.... Colaty IIeft ~ ~ ........ o..s ill die . .,...., 1m"HIII WIDW&01'. I"" Iiencndo let.,..... adib... ~ c-t......,...,.. __lnltteL.. . .... '.' . ,~-- '~'-., . tot. PI 0 WI __H .;,'... ..\ '. (i,. .,.....t....,...,.,..._._.................__..........u....<lllAL) ,!~~. 'ot. ny) . '1 ......~,,~....:=..~ . ,.~ I ;.i~~ '. ..' ,:'.~'::~;~~{.~~l.!&