HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1678 '-~""'~~n~~~'lf":~"'~'''''''''~~~~~':?~'~--t.~~lJ",:,".;o<"_...~~,,~t ":'. 1':", ~''''.~.,'''~-:'''-::'<:.":"'~':'~_~----;"",,:,"'''-;~-4 '~_~~'~"!",~''''~~__~~ C . i I ; :i I r [. r I , .. ~: II, ~_ .,.....,.. ....,!,. ,.... WARRANTY: DEED ' .to 'IOXU .mm,AJUllOOMPUY .LOVla J. Wu.Laltl I....~..'.. ~ ~ t \'1Da~w..tM .tJl da)'.at ho.."i INPIAN JlIV8. FAJlM8 CoMPANY. a carparatloa cquiIed'" esbtIDc __ u.e Ian alu.e.... allfIorida; IIIfl7 01 tilt lilt put. to A. n. 19 d'" die I. i . Loute J. Win.a'll. .. alu.eeo.l7a1.Al.l.. ...s &tate aI IacU aIla .. _ . Jlt.IU aI u.e -- put. WITNB8BB1'8. 'nt.t tM .... ~ 01 1M tat put. IOJ ....Ia -.ldlfttloa 01 UIe .. aI . , ....:' ...... :. . . ... ODe (....00) ,DOUARS, lawtaa.-,. .. tile Ualt.elI .... .... ... ....... ~ to it .. u..s peId ~ u.e .... petty. aI u.e __ put. tot .01 W\lft the -ua, ad deherJ" ....... ;..iadt. ad... nedpt ~ IIIMftbJ ~ W paatlld. krpIacd............. _ftJe4 UId ~ ...s by tJ:M...-au -...,.. annt. buaUt. aD. ..... ecMW7 ...s ___ -.to tM aiId puty 01 u.e MCiClIId pUt u4 .. IIeIft ........... Ia _ .... .. tile ...1Il 8L r.udi CaaIty. PSoridI..:1e1cri1Je4 as .I"': . .. ...tteli(lO) .ore80t la"t!w'I$' (20) AOle8 of 'no", Six (6) la aeotloll , ' '.'"" .. " ;- . . ' , , ':--,; "";. - . . -". twe~"7"(20),' tOW!laf11P.th~I"J"'hree (&8) sou~b, IlI\D$4t !hlri1""D1ae (89) Baat, .a the .~ 18 ~~el::~ tad oathe lad geDua!. plat of lal](\8 of the Illalaa 11yel lUIIl. 00... paD'/; filet la ~he Otf1o~ of the Olerkof "he OirouU Cour" of SaiD' Luole CIJunt7, noli. . i c' ~ o;~ ~: t . t: t \ IRbjoot \0 all t.,... and dltob a...._nta o. "1\1 . pl01al a...._lIta if anI b. l...lod I :tor the 1"1 1923, aDd all 8I1b.equeat tax....aad ae......ab. I j . i i ! I I i i I 1 f . I I l i i I I i , I i I I I I n. L. Itscept. 1Iowenr. tftript ai-I' fOJ pubUe IOIICk. clralua&e caaab. ud ditdla as __ 'XI tbe platal MId .... .... by Qe putI' aI u.e &st put. , ... i.'l'O . KAYS ,AND TO HOW THa SAM8. ~ willa all tile ftRdi__ts..... ~ tJarmaato ~. lIAto tile said party aI tft IteODd put aDd Ids .. .D4 .....1Il _limpIe fclrenr. , A.I tile ..w petty aI the &nt put)'. fOJ ittdf ... Ita IIICDMCih, cIoet IImby _t with ... party aI tile __ put. .. beiit.1tpJ ~ ad U!Iipi . ~ It it1DoWVT"'V..... aI..w .... iD -.a.,le: UIet it lies r1IIl poftI' aad lawful riabt to ~ft7 aid Iaad Ia fa: tiI8plie. as aionsalcl: that It .... be lawtaa for said . , .i-tt oldIE..... ~ ... Wn.1cpl r,-lath~ aad.... at" u- pelltUb1y aDos qvjttIy to eat<<..-. Wd. 0l.'ClIPJ. ad teJoJ' MId WId; tJsat taid laDd is frte rro... f ,'. ,...; that it will ..u IIId& furtIIK ......- to perfect ~ ftit _pie title to .... Iud as -I' ~ lie nquftd. and that it doa IIeftbJ f1lll1 nrruat tile title to IeIllIud. aDd will dcfcacI tft _ qaiDst tIae lawf1d dalas at all peQOIiI1f~ftt. .'. iN wiTHBssWilKlUJOP. u.e put)' Of tft Ant ~ GII tft clay aad year &nt ahoN m1ttea. bl ca...s ita _ to be iic-I uad Its carparate teal to be alIiftd to ............ ~ite l"niIldaIl.... . wlaida ~ !laft heal chaIy ...tIIorbed aad empowaed by raolaUora 01 u.e Board aI Dincton aI the 1NI>IAN RIVER PARMS COUP., !ANY: . put)'~, t1nt put. toDeCllteaDdddi..vthisdccd. By II>>LU IlIVlll.AllM8 - (CCIf'p.SeaI) lIel-a J. huoh . . Its 1"R:sident. SIped. Se8Jtd Dtliftnd iD aI as: Char 1. . >>unoa a h;..___.T..x..._P.._....l.;.________.~___ _. _, _.,. ,__".._ _... Ita Secretary. _u.. _.__Q_,~Jl.l.loJl'-UII_......-- _u __ ,.... _.... __. __ _..:._,.... (11.60 DoowaentuJ Stamp oanoe11e4) ITA1'8 01' IOWA. L c..t;r .. ..... j . ....... ..,. elIthorilell to taR ~1M..u to dtelh, do Ilmby certify tJaat GII tIIiI clay pmIlJGdy apptared ~ _. BerlllaD J. aeuoh .. Oharl.. Dunou to.......... tJIe I'raldeat...s Sead.ry. rapect;m,.. aI tilt ...... Rlftt' F_ c-p.ay. lite l'llI'JlCntbs de:Icribed Ia the fClR&Oilil dre4.... ad the)' ~ . Wore _ tJaat lIIq -...,. DtIIorWd by'said COJPOftlioa to esecute tft forc&oiac deed oalta beMIf. aad to.... its_ aad db Its'" tbereto. tldt tft teal. aIWd t1IcRGo .. tile carparate .. cl .... ~ ... tJaat IUd deed _ -ud ~ said ~ for 'tbe ~ thcftiD UJIRIItII. ... the)' teftnJI)' ~ u.e aeaadaa.tIMrd to be tWr ffte lid .-.I dNd .. IlIda oIicert.' fGt tJIe _ aDd PlIJp01IrI tIIereiD ...~ ...s UIet tft aid battraEA9t Is the lid ucI deed aI taid Corpontioa. .' : ,< ' IN WlTNIlSl! WIDEuoP. 11Ine ~ ~ iIt)' aa8;le UIII oIiciaI.... w. .jh at tW ~ at Da ...s State .rcn.Jcl dayal >>eO_bel ~ My t'o-..nlool.Ja upirft hanoee ~. Pl.~ Notal)' I'laNIc Ia and for Seott c-ty. Ion. lalJ till leU. Ir"n ~ . c.-," _1AIlM. .. IT .........BIUID. 'I1IIt _lIIIt 26 "h day aI . Jaa_l, A. n. 19M k " p..Ot_nlled '.. G~atu.eClmakeu.till...loruMer.t,...,4DI)'--.t1Ie.....DeediDtIle N!Ic..... aI..~. ii"b ., Uf1nTNllSll WlIBUOP. ....... IItn8tD let., 1Iud_!bteal oI!f14 c-.,u.e day...s,...,.. tnIttll1. ., ' ~, -... .--.-<.. .R...Q...I14I........... -- .... --... ...:..-.:.....(SlAL) . ~~ "'...&1\ ~Da.,~ .CIcrk~Ooart. By......_~-~_.~ -~--.._...........__.~ ~ (;; .j - 1928 ; ;~ . . - ~..~ i ~~~:~lf~$~~*t;~f~ . b ;-_. .i~'>'~~_-,;r--~~~-"-j" ~1<1:J....~4-' '" ':. -- ~ : ~ -;ti..:"h:"f;~}e:.r", :....~i~/j~~~~~ft?: