HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1680 I'.?....... " l fl. LI ! (\. ~ Lli i i ~ I; , I' i! -.-=:.,-=-.,~~..~----.--.----~~.~~.".:-.......,~~".~.~~::--~_~~-;,_..~,~J.~I. . . , ~- _..t--~"7' (.'"':-'":~~~:~,f"-~...,.-._~~~~:-~~.,,~~:- -~ 1- , r" ".' r....~.~_........,....~__~ 580. --,..~ ,~......,- ~-.----"... .--- . WARRANTY Df;ED.\~. to .' otto WlSU IIDI.. RITE ,_.OOU~' 11D1QD1VU,.....u. 1.' . .,.Gt. "1)1_" INDIAN lUVD. PAlW8 toMPAHY,. CiOfPOnlJoa ....... .... eWtIlic __ tbe .... GI tile 8Iate aI PIorWa; put)' crI u.... a*t. to A. D. 191. ~ ... Otto ~aell, . . ..00d1e~"'*'", -10- h1aad .... StaCe aI Ill1ao s.. ." ~ aI tilt ..... pen.. . . ~ ~ tile 11M pert)" aI tile Int put, lor ....Ia ____tIoa aI tile _ crI .Oae (tl.90) OOu..us. IawW ...,. ill t1Ie u.fte,t sea-. ...s ..... ....... ~ to It ill ..... ,.;.t ., die 11M put)' d u. .... put, at Or W. die --.. ud ddIftr,. aI... Pfti!ItIab, .... tile ftIllCIPl wIIenaI ".1lcRbJ ---.~ w ....led. bupIMd. .... .....-W)'ed ud CIlIlltr-s. ....s by tIMIe ..-ata does 1lcRbJ 1I'UIt. ....... ... ...... -ft7 -.I: --.. _to tJIe .... ~ aI tile IeCClacI put ad ... JieIn ... ...... ill fee .... .. tile Iud ill 8L J.ude Ooaaty, IlIoridI, dIIcribed ., fClllol!t: . .. . -... -. . _. -. . · ':' i ".'tall '(10) aorta of "lIt~eu\7 aad 8s/ioo"UO.88t .~re. of t'raot ~. .', - "," . - - '. : . .' . . .~., tbne'( 3), Seo\lOD !hi~l":'hr.e .(U), tGlrllllblp fh12'Q-two (32) South, BaDS' fhir\1- .. . r-t.;... . .... 'ala. (39) . Ba.\,~a the __... 1a d..18nated Oil the last seneral plat oflan4a of \he IDdl~~'R1YU l'ar..OoapaD7, fUed ill'th. otfioe Of the Olerk of the OirollU Court of ~tllt Luoi' ~olln'J, I'lorlda.. . )-.. 8111)jeo' '0 all 'axu aad 8peoial auesaneat. dlle and pe7"le af~r \hie date. BIcept,.llowenr. tbe ri&lat alway IOJ plIbtic I'l*II. draiup CMlIb. ud ditda as.... c. tbe pial aI AId Iaads IIIIde ~ tJIe puty 01 the 6nt ~ . 1'0. HA va AND: TO . HOLD TIUl. SAW8, ~ willi all the lIeftdi....ta aDd appurteDuces u.a-to bdoa,iac. 111I10 die said i-tY aldIe RGIII4 put aDd Ida kin ~....Ia fee tbapIe~. . . AlIll U. said p&rtJ' aI the tint puty. IOJ Itd aDd It. ~ cbs IMftby _I widI .... petty'aI die __ put, Ids Iodtt, ItpJ ,.-..tiftt, &lid assicas tW Illi lIIdelellliW)o Mbed 01.... .......fte....; tlIat it .... fllD i'C"IU aacI...wfaa ricJat to alIIft)' ............ fee....... as afORlllld; that It .... be lawfal fOJ .... . pirfI' 01 ~ ___.~ tilt....... ~tetm.....s..... at all U- peacahly aad fIIIIeUy to ftIta' tipoa. IIoId. 0ttUP)'. &lid aojoy said 1aIIII; that saId.1IUId Is frft . ...... ~; tIIat it.. __ ... f.th<< _ to paled the fee tbapIe tide to .... ..... as -I' nasouIlI1 be nqvJnd, aad tlat It does'" fully wwraat tile tide to IUd ...... ad will ddad the __ tpIat tile lawful cw.salall ptftOlIS tr___nr. . . ., . iN Wl1'HlIS$ WlI8RROF. tile puty aldIe Ant put, <<* tile day lIDIl year Iipt. aboft WlitteD. Iud -.sed ita __ to be Iiped aad ita UIrpOnte ... to be dbed to .....-... by ita PraidtDt .... Ita SccfttuJ'. wtlieIa ~ aYe beeD duly ..u.ciri.d aad empoftftd by. re.ohsUoa at die Iloud crI DII'erton aI the INDIAN RIVIUt P.uWsto),lPANY.....v~.h..rt....to~aacldtliwrtblidftd. ' IIlDUI Rttlm 7AlU1S CO. . ,'. . By . " (CGrp.Sral) , Ber.a J. Selloh ..,......"y=:::807J~."~'..... ......... h.... ...;...Oh.J....,Qz.llk...u __.u_.__ _... __........ _..... _ __ 11$ Pmideat. Oharl.8 Dunoan (60tJ ~o. aaap oaaoel1ed) Ita Secnbry. i ! I i I ~ . i ! ~ . 8'lAft. 0'# lOW"} - CeIIIIIJ aI .... .. . I. _... dIlI1. ~ to tab 8C~__ to'" do IIenby oertily that Oft lids" ~ ~ before _. Be r.D J. zelloh ,,>,-- \ .( I.P.SBAL)...: I , j ! I I 'ebral, 1928 ',' 'Ianoe. K. Pla'h I Notuy J>aIlIc ... ....IOJ Scott C-ty. Jow-a. I Jal1tth,1tU I aad Ohule. DIlrloaa ~.... boWl! as dlel'raillaat...s &ecm.ry. ~. 01 tile IIIdiu lUftr ,_ CcaPUY. die cwpontJoa dacribed III the fQft&Oillc ddd.... &lid tlat7 ~ed belen _ tIIat ...,. _ daI)o &lItIIoriIed ~ 11M cwpcntIoa to aecate tile lOftSOIic tked 011 Ita btW. &ad to lip ita _ aad ..ita ... theftto,. tllat the teal a8becI tMnIo .. aM ~ ... aI ... ~ .... tIIat Aid deId _ aecated ~ said corpatatiall lor tbe parpo.es tIroaei8 ~ ud tHy sntnIIy lItbo~ ~. t-.tiDa tIIenof to be tMk. fne eft ...s deed .. ... oIillm,. for tile .... .... ~ tIIerdD PM'd~. &lid tIaat die said ~I is die eft &lid deed aI.... .corpontIoL '-" ,/,.;. IN YilTHBS8 WttmtaoF.11Iaw --.0......18)' _ aDlI oAcUJ .... WI 1.' lit .~ at, aI Danaport, CoI.t,- ...s &tate .rcn.Id. cIs,.aI M, ~...-&o.. apku ./ so=.=- } '" U IT IlBMBWBItR8D. ".... - tWt I).~h ...,. aI . IaDllaz, A. D. 19 2t J.' .., ... O. &141'" . .. an aldIe ClmIlt c-t iII...s fOJ said c-tJ Uft c!aIy ftiOlltlW lilt..... DelcliII dR NIle a-dt aI..... CollDty. t . , or W11'JUIM'~. 11Ia,.......Iet.,.... _ate... crI.... tilt .., ... .- ... ......... . . .,. . . \\. . , .. . ... ....h.I...a...ll4ze4...... .....u,...............CSRAL) :(0'.0', Sf'L) t;;.; . .ar.tClrcaltCowt. .,: .\, I .'i. By........~~. .. .........u..o.,iIt,.c::IIdt. ./ I. ... ,+ , .. -.' - . A: I I I ( i I I I ; .~/J "'<r .. . . :' ,~\~'~:{'tt~f~ill~