HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1682 i,t-. .1' ~ 4. , . ~ J ) ?'O""""r,~ ~. :o:,~ ...:'li~,~;-",~. 'If -~~:";".~':--_~-:~""'-.~"'.~-~'-~_~_____~~--....:."__~'_~~' '_..--"'t'",...-.. .'~~-":-;r'~ -,.,....,-.~..'~7""---:---I'"'~'.T7...~.,.... ,.~'...."..,_.........-~.__...~~ . . - . -, - . ..'.' " . . . .. . . ..... 582 .. ~__".!'!:.~' ~ _',!~!,e6.~IJ. ~~_ "_"_ ._." WARRANTY ~.DEED IlDlU BIVBR 141Ul4 OOIlfUY 'to . L. II.. ..... ""'"""'" 'lIII8 DlDDTVU,We4edle . 9th day" 10Yebu INDiAN .1UV8R FAlWS OOKl'ANY.. <WpOntloa.......... abtIq __ U.1a.. aI tile... all'IortlSa. pat I' "tilt Int .-n. to L~1&. B....D . "~C-\J''' 8'. LQ01. ud ... " nor 14. 1*lY " the --s put. . VlITNJ$SS8'n.I. 'I'kt die tUt put)' aI die Int put. ,...... iii ~ aI UIe ... aI . .~, ...... . . Olle (tl.OO) DOLLARS. lawM ...., .. ... ~ .... _ odIeI' ftIoabIe 0IIlIIIIcIIn~ to It b IIaD4 pUol bJ. tilt aid putt aI tile Iel'oacI put. at'. belen die ..... _ ~y . 01 tbeIe ~ ... UIe ~ 6ereOIlliltftbr Kbo~ Iladanatlld. barpIMd. ..... rdeucd.-~ ... ~ ud bJ tbIR pc'aaIta does knby annt. ......... ... ..... __ _ ___ ..to the taI4 pui)o " die ..... P;Ut u4 ... IIrin aDd UIipt, ill 1ft ..... .. tJIe IuId .. lit. l.ade C-lJ'. JlIc!rkIa. cIetcribed a. f~: ~ tf~Ot'.lsh':(8) in the 'oQ~h Balf'U,) of 8eoUoa -1'went,-alDe (89), tOWlulhlp !hlrtl\lOho (.~2) Bouth,. BaDg~ Thll'1-D,lDe (39) laat, a8 the ~a_ i. .:- d..lsaated OD the la.t sen81'a1 plat. of l,8n4. of the IDd.lan BiTer 'arllls OOllpal1J, fUedlD the offioe of the Olerk ot theOitouit Court ot Saint Luoie..OouatJ, A. D. '928 ~ tile I'lorlda, oontalnlng 10 a0I811 more at 1.... ".~ }". : SUbJeot to all taxes and 41 ~oh aanufUDlata or BIll a}leoial al8eUII8nta If an1 be levied . .. for .the lea! 1923, aad 811 au'.eqaeat taxeR and ala.saments. I . ~~. die riPt oi ..., ,. pabIk __ dniIlqe.cauIs. ud cIltdlcs as __ 011 tile plat aI laid 1aach made ~ the party at tilt first put. . 1'0. HA VB AND 10. ROI.D 'l'1lIC SAHR. taptlItr willa aU the ~ta aad ~ tJacmmto bcIoaaiJI&. lIIlto die laid put)' Of the --.s part and k..'s .... ud ..... is fee "'-PIe fama-. , '. ADd... Did ..,., at ~ tnt put,. ,. itIdI aDd Ita ---. dots ~ _t willa aid party cI the -.:oDd put. Ids hdn. lreaJ rtpraaltati~ llIld usicm tMt It Ii~, ~ of.........1Ia fee....".: tllat 1\ '- f... poftt ucI Jawf... rlclat to CtlIlny Did..... is fee Iimplr. as aforaald: lllat It shall be Jawf... ,. aJd .-ti "d.....,..... ............ ~tatiftll, aDd..... at ... u-. ~ llDd qaietIy to Ulta' us-. IIaId. octsIpJ'. aad tII.io1 ... Iud; that taJd ..... Is me ~ ...~;. tllU It.. ~ ... furtMr __ to pafed die fee _pie title to aid lad as -I' muoaabIy be eeqaind. aDd that It dots berebr fully ~ tile. titJe to..w Iaad, aDd trill delead tbe _ ~ the lawfa1 cia'- 01... ~ ""--nr. . , . IN 'WITHIISSWHRIUIOJI, tilt pat, aI U. fInt .-n. 011 u. cia, aad yar am aboft writtal. .... c:eIUlCd Ita DUDe to be .q.dlllld its ~.Ie It2J to be aJliud to ~ peiIaI(6 bJiU l'n8deat ucI....i\l~, .... c6cn aft beeII duly ..tboriHd UId _pv.er~ ~ raoIutIoa aI die Board aI Diftc:toft of the L~DIAN RIVHR PAJlNS COMPANY.putral~6ntput~to_catUaddelinrtlaisdud. IlfUIAI RIVBB I'AlUi$ 00. . / '\ By Helman J. leaoh . . : ~I (Carp. Se.I) ~ '..,. , ..m.'o...':::...~~:~:~~"~' 0.0 n oho o..__.... ___". .OA~ .R..Jlohr-1JIIl_ _.. ._...... __ _ __ _.. . _, ,., _...,_ Its PraideDt, Oharl.. .Duncaa Ita Secntary.- i .tl.60 Doo. stamp ouoeUed) &TAD OJ lOW"'} c.atJ tl W. .. . -~ I!l~ *........... to tab ~ to deeds. do hcRbr Cfttify tIaat _ W. day ~ lIRJUftd belen _. Hel man J. Ze aoh ... Oharlt. Daaoan to _.. ...... tile l'ree&6mt ucI Semt.vy.~. of tbe tIIdiu Rmr 1'..- Compaay. the ftlfJIOBtirJa detcrIbed ioa tile ~ deed. ... UIII tMy dDowlecl&cd befGn _ tIIat ~. .-e dIab- aatIIorlaed bJ Did cwporatIoo to ~ tk.fonaoiac cited 011 ita bchaJI. ucI to ... its _ aad "x its Mal thado. lllat the ... aIIind ItIIftto II tile CllIIIpGIati ... 01 .... corpondoe. ud tIaat aid dceII .. _cecI RJ,' aJd aarporatioa for die ~ tIacftIa a~ aad tIae7 _ally ~.w,ed U. ~ ~'to be tWr free act _ deed at .a'1llJic:IM, for tile ... ud plIfJICIWS theftia mcatioaed. aad that tbe taJd ~t is the act UId eked aI Did CGrpOntioa. ..~ atiOtycl WHJUUIO'. I_we Ilemalllo alIRd .., __ .... olIdaIlHI. .... c-tr ud 8tate aforaNcl 9~ .JaI BOY.. ber 19 23 'ranoes JG. Plath Notal)' Public ia u4 fOJ SclOtt Couaty, Iowa. 101, c-ioIioaupiRs Jul.7 t\h 1926 . "="~} ~,.i'BB ITJUOQMBIQ\IlD.1ktGetllls acUh . 4aY". JaDWlZ7 A. D.19 2t ~~.!. .!: ~: .. . . . if .. . an aI tk. CImIil Cairt ~.... .. Aid CoaDIy _" ." -.w lIIe foreaoiq Deed ill die .~. 'tirrNas WRIRIIOJI..kwe ___..., ~+... aI.... c-t. d. clay ...,., ~ writ-. .'- a. . ~~ ~ 'ou~'oO.lIl4...oooo ouou uoouoooa;;.c..;;;;:':Ll ,(o.t.O!. )1 · i ."uu~o~ouuooo.._aR "-. ..." ~. ~.,,- \J~_.