HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1683 583 J.. .v..",~.~ ~.. ~ _ .........,-4 -.......,.,..--~.:<;'."."""';--.....,,":'...._~.......".~""""-. ~.._-.~..,..,~-~....'. --....~"'._.. ~..l.......... ~_...__._.~_"______"""~ ....... '_~__'_'-""._'~"'__"."" ",""..",:,,~.~6" -. ...-.-.._---_._~----_._._---~--.._. _._._-_..~ -----. ------- ~---- -------- '--'--'~--'.-----._-. -....--.- ~...~_._~-- -_..._---- -~!.:..!:-~.~~~~!!~.!!.~!!._'.~. .. ,--~ -. -"-" "-- 1--- I ..>\1 -----T-- a. 4-"-. WARRANTY~.OEEC< IIDW aIVlftJARIlI OOKJIut to ~u BUt - T 'fIIlUlIDamJU. JoIa4e tM 10th dq of . J.br gall INDIAN RI\'lU\ FARMS COKPANY. t. \WPOl'&doa ~ t.ll4 ~ __ U. II". aI. ltate.. ~ put)'aI tM Int..... to A. Do ,t 8., tilt Jo1J.DBU, of UIe CcIlIa~ at Iud Stateal fl oUda ...v at tM -- put. .. WlTNJiSSHTH. '!'bat tilt .... pert)" aI tile lint ..... fOJ ...... caatidntlillt aI U. _ aI . I . .' . . . . ... Om (e:.?O). DOLLARS. I lawtaa ~ Ia UIe UaitlId as_ t.ll4 olIIer ........ ~ to it Ia '-I .... .b1 u. 1U4.~ ofUle ..... ..... at ... u. ~ UIIl cItli_.. I ~ lIMe MICIlc.. UIIl tile -'" wllenof IIIMnb7 ~ ... anated. ~ .... rdeucd" -ft7CCl &It4l ~ u4 by u.e. ......" doet IIaW7 &I1lIIt" I ..... ... ..... -W1 ud <adnI ..to tilt .., pet\J aI UIe teoGIl4 put u4 ... IIdrs .......... Ia fee ....... .. tJIe ..... .. at. I.lado ~~. JIIorIdI. ~ at foUon: . . .. .' . ../ Lo' 10. Thr.. ~3) 1n Blooklo. Two (8) III Jbekar I. Wa.hinstoa A44itloll'O !! the . oui o~ Vero, P.l.odda, a,_ Ula Balle 18 dealsnatad OD t}1e plat of lQd18.D BITer )'UDl8 CofapaD1'..Il'dh1810D. reoolded.iD the o:lfioe ot \he Clerk ot the 01roi11t .CoUlt iD ... . . forMld. Ooua'7. 8\. Luol. I ~ I i l j , t j J . < 1 l . ~ t ; l ! f I t ~ tt t I ~ I r ~ , t ~ i f , i t i ~ 1. BBS1'aIOfIOP, ~e purohaser mu.t o18al hiB lot ot allundelbrueh or unde.irable srollth w1\hill 90 d878 troadate of purohaqe, and ia the even' ot his riot OGlP11ins with th18,. the Oompan7 Ahall haYe the rl,ht to 10 .uoh olearing and oharge. lane to the puoha.er. 3. !hat all build1tJBs ereoted, IIU.t first oomp11 with the restrloUoD8 with reter.. enoe to plaoement ot building OD the lot, aad thl)' IlO re.idenoe shall be plaoed 010881 to the lot line \hat thir tl (30) tee'. Sllb.1eo' to ail taxes aDd .~oi al a..es_ntH due aad p878b1e after thlq dat.. ; l Jtm,.tr~"'."""" f.t.~W......... . "1 '".Ii eiHlm... ~"""klf.MoU""'T ~ h ~.~ ;. I 1'0 HA VB AND 1'0 HOLD THS SAME. tocetller witll ... tile Mndi~ta &ad ~ tlIemmto bdoaPlc. unto the said pulJ' aI tJIe ~ put 3IId i his .1Idn md usIps III fee tImpIe forner. 1 AM tile .ud pet\J aI tile &nt ~1. fOJ itaeif .. Its ---. does IIenbr _t with aid puty aI tJIe lIealDd part, his IIeln. Itpl ~w.. &ad assi&ns ~ that It Isladtltatillly ItiIelI aI..w..... ill. r.e ..,.; tMt it ... full powu aod 1a1rf1ll ri&Irt 10 COIl\"C)' tald IaDd iJI fee Iiaspk. at .ronsald: tJlat It abaIl be lawful foc aid I pert)" at tile --.cI put, JUt hdn, Jep1 ~tatiw.. md........ at" ~ ~.... quIttlJ' 10 nta' ua-, IIold. 0U'llI/J'..... eejoy said 11ad; that aid IaDd Is flft ! rn. all ~-; that It wiIi .we. tucla f1Uther .-...- to pafm tile fft simple tide to tald IaDd at -I' ~ be ftq1Iind. md that it .... baeby raDy I wunat the tide to.Mid 1aDd. md will delcal tlIe _ apIDst tile 111JfuI cIahB of .u ~ .~. ' IN WITHHSS WH at doe int put, _ tJIe day ..... 1'- lint lIhoft writtm. W nu.d itI_ to be Iiped aDd ita t'OfpCftte ... to be aBi...d to ~ 5.l u.- ,...ta ~ Ita . wIUda oIIcua lien: bcea cluJ)' autJlQrircd UIIl napowmd ~ raoIatioll 01 doe Board at DirccIon aI doe INDMN RIVER , FARMS COMPANY. . to~lccute""'ddn-ft'tJUsdtal IBDIAB BIVK8 rAlUfS 00. ~ B1 Dlaa H. Zelloh ; ( i i j ~ . ~ . i [ ~ I I ~ t i J. I I I Siptd. CherIe. Dunoaa Its Praidmt. --.... ._..Yer.._ .1'.--JlasBlu. .-_.___. -....... _..., _. _.. _. __. _ _ ,..~~.~_ _t..,. ."okll_~_ _w... ___ _ _._ _ _ h_. . _._ _.. _._ ... Its Suntary. sura O. IOWA.} . c-tJ .. ..... .. I.. all c4ur * autboriaed 10 take ~..... do IIcnby CItItify that _lhI. day~, apsun:d Wen-. Helmaa J. Zeuoh ad Oharl.. DunoaD to_~ .....tbe PraldcatUlll8aentarJ'.letI*tinIJ.althe..... ~Inr F_ C-PUY. theCOfJlOhtiqGdnaibed iD tile fcncoiq cIee4. ,_. aod tIIey a-1tdI<d before - that tIlq -- tfuIy utIIorbe4 by Aid ClOIJIllQtioIl to ~~t tile fClR&'Oill deed oa its bdIaIf. aad to .. ~ __ ud alia Ita tal tIIcreto. lhat tile -' aliud tJilmto . ... cgponte ... aI .... (lllrJIOI'atioI ..... \llat..... deed - ntade4 ~ Aid ClOfporatiolllOJ tile ~ thcniG <<praIed. aod tlIeF tenraII, ~ tile elllCldioa dIinaI to be tIIelt me IlCt md dcIIld .. IlIdl caoa.. fOJ tile _ aad ~ tIImIa _tiOAed. ud tIIu the said ~t b tile lICt ud deed of aid ~P. llIaft llerearato aII&cd.... _ ADd oIIidal-": tIIit 2O\h dayal re br uall 1923 at ~ City aI o.ftlIPOIt. f-ty md Slate .raraUd. .. . I I 1'18IIOe. Ai. Pla \h l , Notary PubIie bI aud foe Scott Cowrty. 10.... Jul.7 4th, 192t ., I i aTAD tYi rtoamA, } I "": ':r ~::"'......1lO. ..... - ... 1.' .. .. Po 11....' ... D. 192. I I.. P.O. JI1.4I.....~ an aI UIe CimIit cGn ill.... fOJ... ComIty IIsft duly uawdtd the forqpalac DeccliII liar I PlIfJic ~ at... Oli.ty. . . IN ~I!!! WRIPl~F. ~ "W ~ lit ... ~....... aI.... eo.t. till.,.....,., .r- vriur& ! " '''-. ) i .u.u"uo.um,\MU .u ..... . . c;;;<c.;;;.;;=Ll I f ...uu.u~O~.:,...;""',amll. .... ....... o' j -1- My C~...~ rspin:A L~ _-..;________.._ . --. ..: .~.. ...\~~~i.llt;;J~:- I I,