HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1684 ...,.-~.~ -'~~~."'"&-''''''~'''---:-''-. ,'~_""';-'::~'r.......'.....'",,,,,,-,T'~ < ".-.-~~--_.,-,. ..."'.----------...----. -...~.-~'~.~~........" ~...;~. .,~-'-~~.--,....-.......,~.;.,..-~~_~.~.'-~~~,.~--~-"~:r-,......-,~'--"'T -~~_.~ .584.~. . - --~!:!- ....~-!~"!--!!.. ....I-'-.~~__-- _.. __. WARR'ANTY. DE.ED. ~~. ~; ~ . f' IIDIAI BtvlCR 'A1UI8 COUAn to .JOBI BIll' '111II DQ)DI1VU, Made die 2 ~h dq aI ,. br -'7 INDIAN RIVIlR FARMS COMPANY,. eorpontloa............ nlItIaa __ tile ...." tbe State of PIoridII. put, aI tile Ant put, to A; 1>. It2I ~ tile I .lohD Bb' oftllec-tyal ud State of "1 ft 14& puV " tile ieCGacI put. Wl'l'N81mI. That tile IIId pert)" aI tile Ant pat, fOJ ad III eoaiIdaatJoa .. tile _ aI . lawf1al";';" III the UIIited Stake. ud ~ \'IhIabIe ~ to It III Iwld pelot ~ &be .... ~ ~~...~ at . WOft tile --. .:: 01 .w.e ~ta, .. tM rrcdpt w'-i .. ~ ~ Iaad anntm. bupIaaf. ..... ....... . eoGnrtd .... eoafirmed, ..... b,. tllae praeata dot8l1enbt put. bupIa. ... ........ -ft7 .... ClOII8na ato tile .... put)' aI tile -.s put .... lablldn ud...... Ia lee ..,.. .. tile Iu4 ill St. Lade CCllIIIty. IlIodda. cIeIcribtd a, faloft: Lo~ Jo. two ee) ill Blook 10. two (2) III Booker !.Waahing\oa Ad41t1oDto ~g Cit7 of ..ro, rlor14a. a. ihe .a.. i. d..ignat8d on ~. plat of IIld1-. Biyar 'al'lDll 00llpaD1I~8 IiIlba1Yl.1M, noor4e4 ia the offio. ot the Ol~lk;'t the 01rouit OOUlt In aDd . for ..id at. L~ 18 I l i I I I l . I I f i j j < lIbell.ha"e the light to 40 .8uoh olearlll8 aad oharge asme \0 the plrohaeel. · I 3.. !hat au buildings ereobd, must tilst oomp17 wi ~ the r8stliotions with reterenoe tof })laoelleDt of build1lW,~OD the lot. and that ao reeidtllG. shall be plaoad 010881 to the 10' ! . OOUll". BBSTBIOtIOlfS. 1. T!le purohasu mut olear hla lot ot all QDderbrulh or ande.irable Slowth witbla 90 . . daJII tro~ elate ot purchase. aDd lath. .,.eat ot h1a DOt oomp1l)~D8 wi th thi.f the OODlpIlD7 .. 11D. than thirt1 (80) f..,. . Sub3.ot to all tU88 and lpeoial alleeHlllenta due and p&Jabl. atte! this elate. , i ~ r ;-; ~ ~ 1I."n'....~--.......... f .*.1 11 -+. ..IIi........ fa II. ,kt ...............~....w-tP..s.c........... To HA~ AND TO. HOI.D THE SAHIt tGpth<< witJJ all tIJe benditalqmll aad ~ tlJeftuato brIoD&iDc. IIDto tile said party aI tIJe --' put and lab" ud ..... ia lee tImpIe 1Oftnt. ADd ... .... puty aI tIJe &nt putI', fOJ itadf ... iU -.. doet Mftby _t with .... party aI tIJe IIU'OIId put, Ids IIdn.ItpJ ~tiftS,..... assips that it illDdehuRIIy __ GlIiIid Iaad Ia lee.....: tW it .., fall potIft ...s ..wfal riPt to Coaft7 ....1uId Ia fee _par. at afGnaid; that it IIJaII be ..wfal for tai4 puV 01 tM 1ft'iIlIJd...........1tpI ~tatha. ud...... at" u-. ptMabIy... qaietJy to tlltu UJIOlI. bold. OCCUPY. aad cajoy aid !aDd; that said !aDd Is me fn8 ail __anaa.i that It wiI -.Q -'a fartJJu ___ to paid tM lee simple title to 1&id IuId at _, reuoaabIy be nquiftd. aad that it dot8 htnby laIIy wstnat die tidt to ....1uJd. aDd wiD cklCDd tile __ apimt tIJe lawfal daha 01 all ~ no...-nr. ; IN WlTNB88 .WHJUUroF. tile put)' aI the lint put, _ tIJe day ad yeu fint aboft ,",ttea, bad CJUaKd its name to be oiped ud its ~te ... to be alIil<td to !!,'. thete..-.. ~ ita Praideat ...s ibSea'darJ'. wllklt olI!icas IIaft beea duly autl:.clri.d aad aJI~ed ~ raoIulioa of the BoenI aI Dlrecton aI tJIe INDIAN RIVER : FARMS COMrANYf put)'." * lint per. ~ to acaJte..... ~ tIds cktd.. IIDIAB Brixa .A1UlS cO. . By ~ I ; ~ , ~ f (Olrp. SaJ) i ~. . ~. SnJe4 aad Ddi\"Ued Ia PftseDoe alus: "" . Hllan J. leuoh III Praident. Cha!lal Dunoan :.... ____u._Y.e%a..P.. Basel...-..-u..--..... _._. u....... u.....J:C!na.L. .Eoku' '--oo"" __ oo __ _....._ __..... __._.._ III Seentar)'. ' ~ . ITAU o~ lOW"'} ec.tJ " ec.tt. .. I,,, ~.CIaIY ~ to lake ~ to detdII. do befdIr ftrtiIr that Gft this day penoaaJI, appe.amI before _. UelDl8Jl J. &.aoh ...s Oharl... Danoea to_ftII bon at tile Praidmt ud Sccfttary. rcspectiftly. aI tIJe Iadiu Riwr F_CoaIJllIDY. the~tJoa dnrribtd ill the ICftI1liq dttd.__.. and tbey lldnowkdctd beIGre _ tJJat u.q _ duly aatIJorbed b,. .... ('Ofpontioa to acarte the lonaoiftl deCId .. ib bdIaJf. and to . ita ...a- &ad db ita ISI thatto. that the -' alIiud tMnto is tle ~te ...of .... CIOfJIClIlllioa, ud that said dee4 ... ~ ~ IIIld c:orporatioa lor tile parpoa tbaeia ~ a,ad they RnraJly ~ tile ~ t1JmoI to ~ thdr .Ine act aad 4r.e4 as IUds cdan. ,. the __ aad plUpQIn tIJudn -tIootd. aad that tile IIIld ~t Is the att and cited aI.... f j \ ! i [ . i 1928 i ! j , I i '-..,.-_......' f .rAft Of ltOaIDA. }. I c:....., .. It. ...... ! ax IT lUlIOUOIPlRD. 'I'W _ tIdI 1.' day of.. brual7 A. D. 19" I r. .. 0 Bl41.t ant aI tile ~adt c-t lu*, fo....ilI Cclaaty Mft dilly -.w U. ....... Dad ill the . NlIic Retwdt oI.:i.t c-tj. ~ t IX Wl'l'NRSS WflIIRIlO', I lint 1JImmo.. .-y ......... t--.a aI.... CcMt. u. day __ ,., aboft tnitta I . rJ o ~ . ........ O~ -11...4........... _.. ..- ....-.. .-.---.(SBAJ,) ~.. - l .'n.nWitev%~.=::~ (1) Q. HI' C'__iooiooo ",pins Iraaoe. ~. Ila'h Notary PubIie Ia aDd lor Scott c-ty. Iowa. Ju17 6Ul 1926 / IN. fat the CStI' " Da 1\ . 'I.M WRBRBO'. IUft llemmlo alIiud ..,. _ aad olIcW -a. this c-tr ud SCale afoRsaid. 20111 dayaI '.blbl' /) Ie t: E' f .- ) \~ ~. . .' - '.'::::.:'.~.f~t.i-~.~L_l~