HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERfNIT I! ISSUE DATE _.- CoYu�n�T�y PLANNING & DEVELOPNIENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DiAsion BUILDING PERMIT SUB-COITIZkCTOR AGREEMENT Nay's Electrical _ have agreed to be (Company Neme inch ideal Narne) the Electrical Sub-contra_tor for 0 R Horton Inc (Type of trade) Ii'rma:} Cosrra.ror) For the project located at _3��J (PfCf2-;.Sift.^I :iii�fir<Of t'fa:2, -• Ia's lU=l — It k understood that. if there is any change of statl.ls regarding our participation with the above mentioned project. the Building and Regulation Dig ision of S: Lucie County %t ill be advised pursuant to the fiIin- of a C`hang.e of Sub -contractor notice. COtiIIU(TRSr .. ;ATU G Brian W. Davidson P11 NT NAIL•' ---... CRC 1327068 _ COCNTI' CBRTIFICATIO- Wt-ieER State of Florida, C'onnts or Brevard The rorcgoing, insu ument +k assigned before me this 14 das of December ,01 T by oho is personally knnonl or has produced ns identiifica6an. l• \ 9 Signntlurl of Notary Puhlic Print Nantc of Notary Public _w 1°vp,^P P,0~ r v - p�y is State of F!otida vl� rNolaryLeon,' t.G o20251 9 Tres 0:1f IQ"020� I SL'B-CO.-,7R4CTOR SI(;NrtrCRE IQunliFier) Christina Sla°e PRINT NA01E ER1301455513�y COL'NT1 Cr.RTTF[EATIOS NUSIBER~ Stntc of Flori&i. County of Brevard 1 he foreggoin,, in,trumcnt nas Signed before me flih 14 das of December ,ii1-7/bt s• hn is ps/wnal{s kno r, ur ha, produced a - � as id tton. I / - - S 1.4%IP 5ignat ofNocaryPublic Print Name of Nocan Public o,W "JsK1 Notary Public State of Florda Sandra Leone w c ea My Commission GG 0202i 1 Expires06110/2020 ti PERMIT # ISSUE DATE rCOUNT�Y`' - .. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Buildina & Code Compliance Di -vision BUILDING PERA11T SUB-CONT ACTOR AGREENIENT Aqua Dimensions Plumbing Service have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) y the Plumbing Sub -contractor for D R Horton Inc (Type of Trade) r' (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 55 ��OW CLt IN (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID ..) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation nvith the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Diaision of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. (,ONTRAC-PORSIG`ATtW t ualirier) Brian W Davidson UNT NAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State or Florida,Countyof Brrevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 14 da, of December ,a 17 by who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. Si%nntuurre of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public �C f cos o NotaryPublic da a Stale _f F'cn Sandra L;;ore a` W1 C cmmissu:n GG 020,51 ti .if N• X SUU-CO:`ITRA OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME. CFC057526 -- lg�pag COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County or The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 14 day of December ''017' by — who is penm:ally known Xor has produced a as identification.^ STAMP f(\JL�� ST.kM P Signature or Notary Public • I OAifl. Pro Name or Notary Public �'�'•;'iL}`.si„ate°�°�,''�'-1ihPi�-l',�'�s'�p j ax "Al ? ry R:i: he State et R:crda Sandra L �-ore s. - �f; Commissv;n GG 020.51 Alk �V, 5} 'OiYW Exp;,es Clt?/i.12020 ti PERMIT 9 _J ISSUE CO�a!NT}Y �•_1 RI SD Florida Breeze PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division u--umpany v ameandieidual Name) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL (Ty'pt of Trat�) BUILDING PER\•1IT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC (Pr:marr Conu acto,. ) For the project located at o6!5 (Project Street Addresi or Property Tax ID �) It is understood that, if there is any' chan,e of status regardin our participation with the above mentioned project, the Budding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tilin'- of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SiGN.ATLRE (Qualifier) Brian W. Davidson PRINT,NAME CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION,,NU.NIHER State or Florida, Counq of Breyard The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 14 day of December :oa_7b,, who is personally knoon X or has produced a as identirica ' n, Signature of Notary Public -�/.'rr SILL �AN4 Print Kame of Notary Public i c*r'/ Flibi;c S't3te of Fford i Sardra Lore '1y� +Ay .^cmmis;i n 3G 020251 R:3sed lEt'DDId� Expces Ui;rt2020 iLd Oti'1'tLiCTORSIGN :RE(Qualifier) - Kristen Kelly "KIN"I' NAME r1C. ( I COLNTl' CEK f MCATION NUMBER State of Florida, Count, of The foregoing instrument teas signed before me this 14 dm- or December . ,017 b,, who is personally Imo" n X or has produced a as identification. STAH7P S� Ltx- Signature ofNotary Public / �a 811.E Print Name of `otar. Public ;.Y '_jyrNctury Public State of Flc1d3 r v r j� , Sandra Lsone }dy ti ommtss cn 33 i�� •z e.ai t a' Expires l;` , PERMIT # I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES o - i Building & Code Compliance Division s BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC (Company Name/individual Name) ' have agreed to be the Roofing (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for D•R.Horton (Primary Contractor) For the project located at-30 C-6 wbc& u,U (, , DL (Project Street Addressor Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO\ rRACI OR NA �(Qu.li�&,,)�—SUBfiONTRpCI O SI NA mlifier) Brain W. Davidson Brian Maloney PRIVY' NA,12E PRINT iYAM[E CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of Brevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 14 day of December 20 7 by who ispersonally knowo X or has produced e as Ideatirica u. � Signature ofNotary Public S&Wmm Leone Print Name of Notary Public 4sx pva Notary Public Slate of Flonda Revised it/ L6 °; Sandra Leone _Y1 MY Commission GG 020251 expires 08/1C/2020 ov CCC 1330653 COUNTY CERiI"LATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this' 4 day or December 2017by who Is personally knows x or has produced a US Identification. STA—Up Signature of homry, runuc STAMP yaimm Leme Print Name of Notary Public r 6py po" Notary Public S131e or Flor+da } Sandra Leone oR My Commission GG 020251 9I a v%00 Expires 08/10/2020