HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1686 ~._""C~--_~~'~"'T'~"""~______;'-,_,~ ~ ..__'''~~~'!' ........- , -,.~~~ " -:~..~-~----~-~-. 586:\ .~.:......~~.~ta...~.~;!~.~__. __.~ -. W ARRANTYDE.ED I. ~. 't.~' { IIDI.u RrIBR 'AlUIS COIlPUY to . JIIlU&U .. DUCll - 'fIIl8ll1DDTOU.l&acIe tile 88th ., aI JaD..I; INDIAN RlVsR FAlWS CO~PANY. a '*JlOfttioe cqubcd ... e:dstiac IIDlI<< tile ..... Gl tile Stale " JIIodda. pert)" aI t. &nt put. to \ I ~ I t \_J A. D. "it ~ tile I UelMnl.leQlll "tile c-tr at Soo~~ i ~ Sla~sssJ&t t...... pert)" d..tIIe &nt put. fOJ ud III ~OI ~.:::' put. t ...~ ~... tile .UlI1tcd $ata,' ud .;. nIaahIe COGIidefttloGt. to It ill IIaad ,.w ~ tile RId.put)' aI tile ~,J, \l.9ae the -sa,:: I aI tbIR ~... ..... tile ncelaIt wtM:noIlllIenbJ ae~ ..... IfUIttd, buPJaect. ..... nkutd, -YCJCd ud caaIirmecI. ud '" tIM:Ie ~b does hertIl7 IfUlt. I ........ ... ~ ~ft7 ud t'OIdna ..to tile RId. .-rti 01 the ~ put ... WI Iidn ud..... III fee IIIIIpIe AI the Iud .. 8t. I.ade Cauaty. JlIoridI. cIetI:ribcd as ,....: . Part.ot. Lf;>>t_.taad 8171ng SOllth of thellain. OanallaS.lotioD8t. ~OWIl(lbip as.! Range 39,St.! Luo1e Coun'7, nori4a, .11 the II aId lots ar e Bhowll. b7 the N.at 0 r ~e Jll4iaa Iliver '81_ I ,OOlls.n"flle4 in the offioe of the Olerk of ~e v1rouUCOUlt of -14. oount,.. at J'ort Ple~oe, : nor. 148, .<het reoor4e4 in Book 2, pase 26, the traot b.i~ lIor6 partloular17duoribe4 all " ~ollo..: I .. . ~~l~:l;"" t. )101" o. the '.O:thUll 1 iDe o~ th. r isht o~. -111 o~ the 1I.'i. Q...l.. _ bloh " . P:OiD\ ,18 ~~ ,~/10 feet meallure4 1I0~thwesterl, aloag 8~ld light o~ wa, liae, flDII thl POint! of latell~~tiODot the lad 1iae of the flaid Lot t, with. the 8out~er17 line of the right ol . I walotthe main oan81; thenoe from said point of begiDaing, lIouth"e8ter17 along the Baid 80u~herl, right of "81 liDe of the main 080al, 348 6/10 feet to a po1at \,h1oh i8 745 43/l0q . . . feet diatantf%om th..est 11ne of 8aldLot 4, mea.ured along B81d 80uthar17 right of "a1 I .11Ile; theno. aou~h parallel .ith the .eRt liae of the 881d Lote 4 and 8, 1692 t2/100 feet ,. the 80utbline of the .1d Lot 6ithenoe eaBt aloag the soa.tIt liae o~ 8ald Lot 6, aso 6/10) " . feet. thellce .or~. paraUel with the eaRt line of the aald Lob 4 and 6, 181' fee~ to be-; '.lnniD8, ooataiDing 12. 8IId79/100 aore.. lWltpt. 1Iolftftr. tile riPt aI -t r. pllbIic rI*h. cInIDa&e eualt,. ... dItdIn u aa.a- 011 tile plat allaid Iaads -sc ~ the pcuty 01 tile &rat put. TO HAVR AND TO ROl,l) TRR S.UIIJ, ~ witll aU the beredita-.ts'" eppurtaIaDcft thmaato bdooaiD&. unto tile said pu1y aI tile Raoad put aDd lib ... aad UIlcu Ia fee ..pie 10ftftf'. . . . . ADd tile.... pIrtF" the Jnt putI'. IOJ ilIdI .... ita ---.--1leRb7 _t witIa aid party aI tJIe IftODd put. his Iadrt, IepJ repraaatatim. ad U5ips tkt it 11...,- ...., -.s d. .us ImI4 ill fee timpIe: that It .... fuB powa' ud ~wI'" ",t toQ.lllW)' .....Iand Ia fee _~. ... alClftaid; that it sIIaJI be Iawlul lor AId I*lY cil UIe IlClOIId pa1, ilia"" lepI..-tatm.. .... -'&os at aU u-s palI'abIy aad quidJy to eat<< lIpOII. bold, OttUPY. aad eajoy IIald Iud: tbat IIald Iud II me . ....8B ~: that it will DR ..,. larthK aNaraata to paIcct the fee ....pIc titR to Mid Iaad as mat nuooabIy be required. ud that it __ beftbJ fally WUTUIt tile title to.ud lud,"'wiD 4d'tad tJIe -.,uUt tile Iawl....cIaIms aid pchCllIS ......l_..et. . IN WlTN8S8 WH8lt$)~...PiitrG( tJae Ant ~\~ tile cia,. aad yeu lint ahem writtal, ..... cud ita _ to be... ad ita eorponte aa1 to be aJlise.s to tbIR ...... ~ ita Ptaideat .,.. ita Stcntuy. ~ c6:lm Ita.... beaa duly autllorized uiI empowered ~ .-.IullCla of tile BoarcI aI Dindon d. the INDIAN RIVER ItARMS COKPANY. pcuty aI t lint p.Her~.;' euaate..... deIhu this deed. By IBDUlI BIVBR1AlWS CO. '.(CorP. star) . I Herm a J. Zeuoh / Siped. SeUd aad DeIiYtnd III ~ 0111I: . ~~ __...._..!!t.~.~ __~'!. .~~g!'J. u_.. _ _u...... __. q ". _.... ....__.uQ,.JJ,..,So.b%JIIL...... ........... ........ ......:. ... Its Pnsldmt. Oharla 8 DuDoaa Ita Stcntary. (tl.50 >>00. stamps oaDl)8Ued) stAB or IOWA.} . eo.r, "8ctU. .. .1... ~ dub' asathorbeol to tate ~ to deedI. do IItnb,. catiIy tJJat 011 tIUs day ~ appeaml bftcft -. Herman J. Ze uoh /"t . S >< ~ l_J , ; I i ; , , \ i J 19 2t f I I ~ . I ; , I ~~~~}. i c...., .. .. ..... . I' ;,' 8R IT RRNBWBBRllP. TWOIIlIIiI 6~ b dayal Jebruar1 . A. D.19 84 , .. .. o. &ltz.4 '....fQ Cfak at. CimIIt c-t III ud louaW c-ty Ita"....,. -*d tJIe ~ llIIIe4la tile I ..... R-* oIl1id ec-ty..~ I ,l!I..I1'M",WHBRKOI'. IIIa"lIHnIdoltt.,. ~...tb_oI"" c-t. tile'" ud,.,abow W'IitIeft. i .~ ~... ~. I . \ 'ct; ..R...C...JIlUe4........ ...... ....~.a~=L) i\~'tIJt.8BAL~I) ~ .,uw..~.~~..u.u._a.I. p. Ilia" hemIat.o alIad lIlY _ .... olIciaJ.... tll!- ud State abaald. 28th day at laau&r7 ad Ohar1.. .DWloaD , . to_wdl......thePnsidtat....Sccrdu,..~. aI..lodiaa Rinr P.,.. C_pen,.. tJleCClrpoutJoadacribed III tile fotfloinc detd. ... .... they aebowkdctd belen .. tW tJat)o __ ....,. autJoorixd b.r uld ~ to cucutc tbe forqaiq detd 011 ita bcIIaU. ud to lip Ita _aDd aJIix ita -S tINftto, that tile INI dWd tJJeftto fa tile ClOfPllI'8Ce ... aI tUd corpontioll, ad that .... deed _ euaatcd ~ aid corpontioll fOlt tile puI'poJeS tbcrciat a~ .... tIlcy RYCRIIJ' ~ . UIe aeaatloI thenof to ~. tbdr free ad aad deed .. lid c6ua. IOJ tile _ aDd purpoItS tIlnda -tioaaI. and tIlal tile IIald ~t II tile ad UId deed 0I31i4 ~ ~ IN yrrNiiit at tile ~ " D.ftlIport. i Jf.P.8BAL) K,. Co---.:-o apirft Blaa L. ~ker' Notary PlaI& III ad IOJ Saltt CoUIIty. Iowa. lol7 4~h lf2~ j7 '. .' .": <::n~.'fli~t~~~