HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1688 I i " i .'J ~':""'~~~~'''--.''''''-~'''''-~-'''''''''''-~---'''''~-'''''.'''':~-:'.'''''''''''I.'''-''''- '.~ .''''~~~-=-'''''''""!'''''!'..~'''''''''-'''''''''''~-'''~'''-::-~-'''!~-~---~~~'''-:o<''',:r''- . __A J..,_~ 588 ~.;!:.~~ ~~~...~!:,-'~ WARRANTY. DEED ~: ,. ~ IDJAlII"fII ,.&11I8 00..11 to lI1IMaJ I. IlVOI - I .A. D.'" ~ tilt ! I I 182I~w.seUie 88a clay of "oeabez INDIAN RIVRk PARUS CO"PANY.. CllIJIOl'lItioIl orpabe4 ...s cdstI8c .... tile 1&.. aI tlle8&atc aI JIIorIU. put, at tile Int part. to 10." " ,- ~,. ,. ..~.o' llah' (8) lD ae.\108 fnlT' U.2). '..a.h1plhll...'hze. (aa) ao.~, laqe ..~. ~.' - . . '-. . . . '"" . . . , - . .. . ~llt,..,.~~ (~) Ba".OOD.~DlqtO.8e.on.. .. ~. ..... t. 4..tla.tea ora the 1..' . . "Il':r~ Pl..' otlaad. of.e lia4.1.. 1l1ye, ,.,..0_..7. 1I.le4 1...e Offloe ot tIl. .. ~ . c. ,... '_ ..,,":- _ "t. "1:_. " \... . r . , - Olelk of 'h' OboaU Oout of I'. Lute OOQllV. nerUa. . '~-_. ~ aQ~..t te ~l t..e. .d 41 toll .......aM du and p.,.'bl. after tht. da'e. ,. . : , \.~ ;-:'" , ~ 1loIrner. the riPt " ..,. IOJ pIabIie rOlIdI. dniDaae cuah. .... ditches as __ 011 the plat aI said IaDcb mw.Ie ~ tile put,. 01 tile lint put, : 'l'O . BAVS AND TO HOLD 'I'RB SAMH. tocetlla' willi all tile btRdit.-ata.....~ tbaamto ~JoaciD.. unto the said party 01 tile KalCIlI put and ... Wn ud....._ .. fee _pie foRTa'. . ADd tilt .... perty 01 tile Ant pert)". fOJ ltadf .... lU ~ !Ioes btnby _t witla aid party aI tbe KalCIlI put. hiI bdn. ~ ~tatiftt. .....aaiJns . . ~-diIt It It....euIbIy Idad aI.Jd IlIIId is fee -'-PIe; that it .... ,aD ponr ....I&willl ,.Ilt to COIlftJ' aid bad iD fee simple. as &foRsald; tbat It .. be I&wf... fOl' laid tJ*t1 GltllelelClllaclpu1. ........Ieplrepnsaatatm.. ......-.-at all u-~....quittJy toalteupoa. hoId.occupr. aad eajoy said bad; that .... Iud .. me ?:1niB . iii ...........: tlIat It....a.... fllrthtr -..es to paf<<t tile fee IiDspIe tide to .... Jand as may nasoubIy be rtqa!nd. .... lIIat It does lHRby fuBy .':cWrut tile title to .......... ud will defad the __ apJa,t tile lawful em- aI aU per.- .~'a'. .. IN WlTNBSS WHBRHOP. tile put)' CI tile lint part. 011 tile da, .... )'Ul lint aboft writtea. had caaad 1"_ to ~ Iipcd aDd Ita eorporate Ita! to be a81nd to fJIcit..-u iii Ita PnsicInat .... ita SecnWy. nIda c6:cn baft btca ~y autboriJled .... empotI'Utd ~ raoIiatioD 01 the BoanI 01 Dindon 01 the INDIAN RIV8R PARKS COMPANY. party 01 ddnt pUt'" to _te.... dditU tIais deed. . IIDIAI BIYBIl .J1UI8 00. . '\. By B..... J. hq,h (Carp. Seal) Its Prnidalt. 9iptd. s.e.Itd ~ Ddl~ 1Il.~ "lIS: ~:.""'h__J..z..~ _ .... ___. _. ..::, _. _ _.. __ .. ..., __, ,__ __, :....__..JIIJaa..L._JIo~i_ ''''''''_ __. -'" -.... -....... _..__ Oll_le. lhmoaa Its S<<ntary. . C p.OO Doo_.t&l1 ....pI oaDO.nea) IT=.,~::'A.}_ _ ' . .' <; .1." c6:It did; IltItIIorIlDtd to tab a-Itd&mtett to deeds. do hcRbJ omIfy tllat ad tIa1s clay penouIIy tppeartd before _. Bn.. J. huh J., .:. < . , : i ' ; .... 0hat1e. ...... : 1!D~"~t.itlle Pr~~klnah,.sSerrdary. RIp(CtIYdy. 01 tile IJIC!Iaa RITa' p.,.. c-....,.. tllealqlOntioa "'-ribtd III tile foft&oiaI dI:ed. __. ...s tiler ~kdpd ;.; Ware _ that tile, __ _ autIIariItd ~ said ~ to aU'Ute the ~ dI:ed Oil Ita bdaaII. .... to lip ilI_ aDd afb ill... theftio. lIIat tile ... &IIiud it .tIIeftio Ii tile tIllfJ'Of'* ... " .... -.-atioa. .... tW .... deed .... eucuted ~ IUd <<WpOr&tioa for tile Pu~ tIIeftia apn:aJtd. .... lIIey ___,. ~ : .. __ tIIenaf. to be ... me act aad deed .. .... .... for the _ ...s parpoItS therda _Iiootd. ...s tI&at tbe saicllastriamalt Is tile act awl deed 01 said -aorpcntlaa. .. .. IN WlTHB8S WHErue01'. 1 baTe Ilaeato alIiu.I .., _ ...s ~ .... tIais . · tot tile City aI DaWllpOft, ~ ud State aror-IcL . p'\ _ (I... WIt) ...-...... .../ sr:"~=A,+ . . ." .1& 11' P~RUJU>. ........ tIIIi U,. da, aI ,.1>>1" 7 A. D. 19 U I Ii.... ... o. JIl~.~ .. ~. an r6 tile CIradt c-t ill ud IOJ .us County bawe cIdIy --W tlIe ron.-c Dad ill tlIe I NIIc~"'" . . .IH WI1'Ha8 WHIIIliOP. J baTe 1IImato.. .., IIud ..It" ... c-t. 'tile .,. .... ,..., .am. writta.. I ,. . \ ~....~~=~:: e"lt clayal Dlo..... ! t I 19&8 I 001 W. leleuea Notaq PublIc ba ud IOJ Scott c-t,. Iowa. II, <.'---~ ftpaa J1I17 jtaa 1.. Ol.Ot.au:r., \; ~ .~- ..~: ~~~;.-:~~~~...~~?~~~~y~~~~ ~ -~ "'->:-JI;'l.~~..:;!i~:k?'"I~~~*~~~.ts~, . ~ - . ";', ~~~~~~~t~;j~:1~~W~~