HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1690 _.....11 r j ... ~~lBJ:'~l.~~ .. ).~~.--._-- .~.,-"_: ~-wP...~~~~.....,..-...~~...-.,., ,r- l~_~ ~ ...,......__..~...~_,.;_ __~!-~"!"i---- ".'"'!: ,,~ _........,.."'-:-'."~~~-"'~".....--:-~.:-.,.~o __ _..~~.~.~,.u~!!_~~~!..~ _ __ WARRANTY.DEEO I~ I.... "" ~~.-- IIDW Rmm I. .OOJIPUY to . GR40. D. .... 1'11I8 DIDD1'OU.....the 88th ,-aI hblllat, . INblAN llVU 'AIUIS COMPANY, t. ~...... aad w.tJiII-- tile Ia... aI ~ s.&ta aI PIorld.I. put)' at the 1M s-rt. to 01.0. I). lellk.z . at"'C-tJ'aI lap.. ud s.&tuf Kloh1881l.. put)' aI tile __ put: WlTN~ net tile 11M put)'aI...1nt s-rt. fOfllDl1lD ~ aI tile _ aI , . 081 (tl.oo) DOLLARS, 1a1lfal ...,.. th Ualtlld... aDd otIIer................. to.k Ia..... pIlId ~ ....... put)' aI the .-l put, at. ~,tIIe t-aiDI aad dcliftrJ' at u.. ..-..._ tile nceIpt wkreoI b 1IenbJ ~ Iuul paatecI. bupIaed. ..... m..d. _~ lIDI1 ~ ud'" lIIeIa pcaeata does IMftby pant. ................. -nr ud.--.a..to tllellid pert)" at tile lIftIOIIlI part........ ..._........ Ia 1ft...... tile la84i11 s.. tude C-ty. ......... cb:rIMd a. f"': W..' twell1;v aDdt'/1OO UO..'ti) .ore. of !raot Ten (~O), aeottoll !h11t7 (80). :t'(l . ~.aIh1p fhtr'7-1wo( 82) South. .... thll-'7-lllae (8') .". a. the lI8.. .18 dea1sna .' t - . . . ~.4 oa the 1..' fen.ral ..p1at' of'Uadll of. the I~U.n BiTer '.1_ Ooa}aD7, tiled ill t~. .offioe o-t the Olerk of the. ~1rOQU Oourt of ~a1nt Luole OOllat7. Plor ida. A: D. 1. 88~ tile SllbJeot .to allhxe. aDd d\i'oh a.aeaament..or ., llpeoi.l .......a"'. if aDl b. l~Yled. for the ,.ar liIB..ad .11 .ub.equent taxe. and a....ament.. }: " c. l' ~. I' t i \. ; t. , ! ,"t !. t~'. i ~ ! \1' t ,; i Hxcept.llowenr. tile rfcJat 01 .., f<< paWlc rcMa. draiu&t ca.a.. aacl ditdIts u IhoWD 011 tile plat aI.ud1aDds .... ~ tH puty aI tile first put. t 'l'O HA VB AND TO. BOLD TIDI SUlH. toattJ- 1IritIa all the !Jendi'*-ab ..... ~ ~to ~...... UIlto tile said put)' aI ~ teCOad part and I IIIIIIdn ud .....10 fee IiapIe Icrtnt. : . . ,,~ die ... party aI tile Int pert)". fOJ itadf lIDI1lts --." dots ~ _t trith _lei pert)" aI'the !IftIOIId put. his IIeln, IrpI ~tati\U, aad usips ! tiIat it Ii iIIdef,V'V... aI....1ud Ia fee....; tllat it IaaS fan ..- .... la'!1a1 rlPt to -ftJ' .ud1Uld ill fee Ii1apIr. u af-W; that It aIIaJI be lurfal f<< said paty altIle*-41 put. ....Wn.1IpJ ~tatJftS, Ud _iellsat all tIaMs pcMahIy ud qaIdJy totllt<<apoa. Idd, ocaapJ'..... eajoy MId bacI; that said ...... Is fne ".. .. ~.v __; U1at it will -.b lid f1IrtIIec __ to perfect Ute' fee .... title to .ud IUId as 11I81' r~ be required, and tllat It dots IIenby fally -.at tJIe title. to ....1uoJ" ud wiD delead tile _ ea-Iart tile lawful dUma 01 all ~ no.-"". IN WlTNB88 ~_PI(ty aI the lint put. oe the ilay &lid yeu 6nt eIlO'Ie wrltkD. bad c:a-a ita _ to be..... aad ils corptVate'" to be dud to . .......... ~ ita ~... ita ~. wWdI c*cn un: beta cIaIy aatJooriasf ud _pownd by redatJoa at tJIe Baud aI Diredan 01 tile INDIAN RIVER PA1lM8 COMPANY. tIU'tJ'''' dR &nt ~ ~ to eIeCIIte.... ~ lids dcccI. IIDIAK BIYD ~ CO. ,. By (tGrp. Seal) Xer_a J. Z811Gb Ita PresideDt. . > i SIpcd. SceJt4 d4 DdiTaed'... ~ alus: Oharl.. DUOBa _..;__......c.T.z, ...........1... .........-. -...... -. -... :..-.........- JII- .1... .J&okezt ....... ---.........:.......... Ita &cntary. (t2.00 .000. .tamp. 0&00.11414) ST. Aft OlIO""'} c..I101 .... .. r. .. oIIcB daIJ alIthorIad to tab 1lC~1eda" to .... do Iotftby ftItify that 011 this day ~ appund Wore _. ,";i.~ I ~ tJ i ( i 1 .. Oharle. D1IDOU~. I ................_..._._......_Ri_p_"'"-............._....._........ ... .... __ ' ~ - u..t __ __ .... autIIoriIed ~ .ild CllIIpOntioIl to uea.te tJIe fotqoiq ckel CIII ita btW. .... to ..... ita _ aad ails ita leal tMmo. that tile _ alIbed . ~ Ie tile carpante ... 01 .... ~ ud tIIat ... deed _ ~ ~ .... IlIIrpOf'atioll f<< tile ~ thcftIa apftIIMd. .... tIaey .nnlly ~ I :: dIenal.1o be tWr free Kt ..... deed as 1Id~. fOJ tile _ .... IIWPC*t tIItnia -u-s. ad tIaat the said iastnaaaat is tile Kt aad deed at said i ~/ IN wrn.$i8 WHHRIOP.I..ftbenutotollsedlllJ'_UI!IoAciaI....uu. 28~h dayal . ..blllall 1988 j /attbeCityalDaT<=-lJ'udStatearon.ld. d 'UDOe. B. Pl.'h I I, . 1 . Notary PuhIie Ia ud for' Scott c-ty. 10WL 'r" ..\(....SI4L) Myc-islioauplra roJ t\h lilt / I or:=-} . \ ;, ' BB rrIUlMBMBBUD.1'IIatClllu.'~ e2at dayGl hbll18l1 A. D.19 at J. .. 0..41' e4 ":i' . an 01... CIrcIIIt Cawt III ud fouaW Coaly "ft daIy.RCllI'dccI tile '-caiD8 Deed ill tilt I ..... .....allIId CoaIt)". , . };!~ . WlfBUOP. I"ft 4- ., ....... tn_ aI.... c-t. tilt day... ,., .... trrittIII. I t, :'_':.' ............R4I-.O...I1.dl"..... .... ...................(SllAL) /, .. . . Clata-ltc-t. \OMM I" "'.......j:Sl.Adii..~.:.._""'" Ber_a J. ZellOh '1'.~ ~.. , . ' "=:.,.~' ,~'.~:~~~~,~~lfWll~tk~:~;