HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1691 - .,..~~... ~4 ,101. ~+-~_,,_A.) ...~:"W..~ ....~_~.:-- ......,..'~~..~-....~-:"''''''''"!'...~~"'''''~,.~'lJ........--'~~--:---..-~:'"'e:...........~- ......... 41l1"1" ~ 14 ~ ':.r....""':""~~"'"":-._"!'..._"':_~. .' 591 ...-.. ~~!!':.fC.'~~L!~~,________,_ ___ W ARRANTY.DEED IOIAN .RIVBR '..8. OOMPANY to UAROARI'. v. Al)Al(B .1 'I1II8111D1AITVU.!We tile 2'1tb dq".. rebna17 INDIAN RlVEk l'A~COMPAHY. t. ~ cqubed'" alMillllUIlIer tile IaWl at UIe sea.. aI PIorida, puty" tile lint part. to . J(arsaretV.A.d...., t81ns1t' "tllec-l)'''. ~ook . ud Statur I11lno1eputy aI tile ItCaICl put. WrrN~n. T1at tile.... put)' aI tile &nt put, for lAd III ~ aI tile _ fJI< . . ... . ., One +11',00) DOLt.ARS. ...... ___ ill tile v.w .... MIl odler nIaabtI ~ to It ill ..... pUt b,. tM .... puty at tile --s pat. at OJ Wca tIIe.~ aDd dd1WWY aI.__ PRttIl.... .... tile naIpt ..... 18 .. ~ IIacIIl'8Idcd. ~ IllIcI. rdcUed. . ~1'tyt4 ~ ~ ...s by tbIR prelCSlta does IMnby annt.' ............... -"7 ....s.-"alllllo tile aid put)' at tile ~ put aDd...IMin.......... ill fee...... all tile Iud ill 8t.1.Gde C-ty. JIIorida. cMaW as ~: ... d . '.8t Ten and 'sa/ioo (lO'~88) aores o'tEast twenty aud 82/100 (20.92)aoreB o't Traot !line .( 9J, .Soot1.o~'!en . hO), "ownShiP 'Th1rt7~thre. (33) South, Range Thirt,- . . nine (39) Eaet, ae'the same is designated on.the last general plat of. lands. of the . . .', \ ...... . . Indian'RiTer rarms 001llPfm7~ filed in theO'tfloe of the Olerkof the Oirouit Court of Saint ];11010 Oount7 .pior1da~ ""p" 19 U by tile I - - 1 I I I I { 8uqlt. ~ftI'. tile ricIlt at ..,. fOJ pubIie roads, draiDqe cuU, IIlICI ditdoes .. slIoft CXI the plat aI said Iuds .... bJ tilt put)' aI tile lint put. I TO HA VB AND 1'0. HOW THB SAn ~ wi.. .. the bcnditammta aad ~ thcmmto beloacial, unto tilt siicI party aI tile acood part and ( Ills ban lUICI.....1Il fee IimpIe forewr. .bd tIle.8aid ~ aI the fint 1'UtJ'. ,. ilIIIf ... ita -... does bcRby _t with .... put)' fA tile ItCaICl put. Ills MiB. IepJ rqJftStlltatiw., lUICI ..willS tat it 18 iDdcfeuillly -- aI aid ..... la lee 1iapIe: tIat It 11M lull ~ ..ad Ia..rai riPt ~ -ft7 .... la6d III fee 1iIDpk. as.ror-Jcl: tlaat It .... be Ia..r.. lot aid party aI the ItCUI4 put, _1Idn" ~ ~tati\'W, UId auips at .. times ptMabIy aa4 qujetJy to eats UJlQO. hoW. GmIPJ'. ... cajoy .... IeDIII tlaat .... Iaad it IRe tn. aII.~: tlaat It wiD -.b IUd! furtMr ....... topafcct the fee .u.pIe title to aid Iaad as -I' naooaabIy be ~ and that it doa bcftby fully w.naat the title to I114Iuc1. ...s wiJI delead the _ apbast the ...,.. d&i-. "aU ~ ~ftI'. I IN WlTNIiSS WHBR80tt;~M9'oItheint put. CllI Uaedq.... rar lint ....-rewrittee,... -...I ita_ to be sipcd aDd ib UlI'JIOI'lltueal to be aJbed to u...e preICSIb b,. ita l'Riidaat.... ita~.. ... ~ "'1't .. duly autIIoriRd aad ee"".atd ~ moIutloa aI tile Baud.of Dtrmora 01 the INDIAN RI\'BR I l'ARMS COMPANY. puty 1 the lint put ~ to _Ie aad ddlnr this detd.. IBDIAll RIvER }'J...1Ul8 CO. I - I I Subject. to all taxes and. e11 toh assessments or a~ speoial assessmerite, if any be levied for the ytar19~t and 811 subsequent taxes and assessment. I I $cMd. Seakd ud..{)dinrtd III Pr-'aee 01.: ~~........-/ . _..~u._X'.:rA..._ Jl~g'J___.. .~___.__....... _.. u.. ........... ., (CGrp. Seal) Horman J. Zeuoh Its PnsidmL Oharles Dunoan Ita Semury. __n_...Q~..Jf~"P.~~~'h'_"_'_ :... "'_'" '-.' "" _ ..___. _ _.. (11.00 Doo. 8tamp oanoelled) . STAn OP IOWA.} CoutT., ..... M- I...~. duly ~ to tab ~b to.... do IIeftbr certIIy dAt 011 lhiI clay pec->>y appeand beIoft _. Herman J. Zeuoh I " IIlICI Oharles Dunoan. . . to _.. bon.. tile PrnIdcat u4 ~. ~. cf tile IJIdiea RJftI' It__ C4.puy. the CGJpOratloa dacribtd III tile fOftlGiDc deed._.. .... tIIey Kbowledced Wan - th$t tIIey - duly ~ b,. .... corporatioa to a-u the f.... dml 011 ita beW. ud to lIi&a Its _ ud &lis ita Mal thtftto.. tlaat tbe ... aBind tIIueto 18 tile ~ ... 01 ..w ~ ..... that .ad deed was aeeatcd ~ IUd corporatioIa fOJ till ~ u.cm. upnaed; ... the, Je'ninIIT dllOwltdsed tile __ t__ .. be tWr Ii. let ... deed . -a. aIkcn. ..tile _ ...s plIfplIIK tbn'eID -"-' &ad th.t tbe 8aid. u.u-t It tile IIC:t aad deed alsaid arpontka. ., IN ~'WJJBIleOF. I"-re btmmto aIb.ed .,. __ ud oecw...... dais at tile r.aI DaftllpOlt, ~ aad State ~ . , ,1 1 _ \N.',SltU) / ~0~6.}/ j c..., ., .. ...... . , Il. rr RBWKMllEIlKD. 11Iet CllI tWt 8th' clay aI Karob A. D. 19 24 ) ... P. O. Blarel an aI the CimIit c-t IlIIad for AId Coaly uw duly _dcd.. ~ Otc4111 tile ! PIhIc ~"... ec-t)o.. ' IN WITHIl8I WHaRIO', I".. IM:m.Io let.,. .........u.... of.... 0Iwt. tile cIar lIlI4 J8f abow W1it1a i I I I 2'11;h dayal ~ebruar.Y 1924 M, ~.n..eoa npirn 'ranees E. Plath. . ~otaty PIIbUc III IUld r.. ScGtt CouIlty. [OlD. July 4th i924 'I }t"'t.(....... ., ... " .. lit ( ".~ i".i f . . .., 1 {\o' --.-I-.,'O"--B],4re4...-.... . -... --..............(S8AL) an Cim8t c-t. 8y....._.W~....~..~L~ to ~>.:" .----.-:...~C1crt. \ ~ ']7' ....;..,..~....:_.....__..........._.._ - ., .:~--;;~,~~tf}t~~~~\,~t