HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1693 +~. . ~-""""""""~-~____~''''''-''~~'_''~',,;,''''__'''____'''''-''~''''''~_<'''__~~___r__~_''''''''''''''''~~~_,.__~ .p , ~ . ~n.3.. '-)~.,. .. _."_..."",,,-'~ '..fe. . &44.-.dC "__neaf'" M.. .,. ,ev. "~-_...._._-~... -- -- --"-... _.- -_.- _-_ -.. _ -~, ..'-~' ~__. _. _ __~__'_'_ _'w~_~."_. .____ ~.._.~_.__.__~_____ _______~~________.'___________. ~..__ _._...._~..___.~ ______ --f- l.. TBJ81lQ)1lmJU, Made tile 28th da7a1 . Jlaroh I INDIAN RlYaR FARMS CO)lPANY.. CIOI'IICRtioa orpabed..... nistiar udct Uroe la.. '" Uroe &6w aI JIbida. put)' of tJIe &nt pert. to J ! I f ! i f ( ~ I 1 I ~ t i ~ I WARRANTY:DEED INDUN RIVER rARt4fJ OOJIPAlfY. to A. M. HILt V-S-' A; D. ., 88br tilt A.. ll. Hill altIIe C-ty 01 .....State aI Plorlda putI' aI ~ ~ pouL WlTNBSSaTH. .....t Uroe aw pert)" aI \be 8nt put. fOJ ud Ia ~. aI tile _ 0( . . . . One ( '1. ()() ) - -- - DOI.LARS. IawfallDOllq ill the Val'*' __ ... QtIlu ~ -.lclcraUo.. to It Ia .... ..... ~ the aI4 PNV Gf tile --s put, at .. belen tile -u.. a4 dd1very aI thole ~u. ...s tile .-ipt wllenGl. ...." ~ NcI PUled. ~ ..... reMIed, -ft7td.... ~ ... "" u.c...-a.. doet 1Mftb11QDt. ~ ... ..... -.., aa4 coa8ra ..to Uroe .... puty aI tbe __ pert ud ... Wra u4 ....... ... fee .... .. tile ... Ia 8L J.qde c-tJ'. PIorid8. ~ as ! '~:t '0. 'len (lO).in BlookNot SiX' (6)08010le. Park Jlom~1tes, . Addition to the Oi~y.of l'el'O. Florida, ae the same 1s deeignated on the .tlatof IIBdlafl'~R1Ter "1'UcO~~e<tlIb4i~ ~ vi8ion, reoorded in the offioe of the Olerk of the Oirouit 001lri ill an4 for saId (Jolllit.Y. I RESTRICTIONS. . . . . I 1. The purohaser must clearhls lot of all underb'tUsh or undesirable. growtj1 ~ thin 6 ~ monthe 'from date of purohase. and in the event of hie not 00mpl1ii8 with thiS, the OOJM>>aDy I sOO11 have the right to .do euoh olearing at a oost not to exoeed ..,10.00 per lot and ob8ase t same .to th~ purohaser · . . J 2. That the purol1aeer,wi11, within one year from date. set or cause to have. sot out, a t least five orDamental trees on the loti and at least three ornamental trees between t~e sl~e- walk. and ourb line, whioh will be oareA for by the Oompany at a nominal oost. in the event i tbatpurohaser is not. on the ground. . .. 3. That all buildings ereoted, must first oom)ly w~th the restriotiOns with referenoe 1:<< p1aoement .f ,lae4~ftt of building.on the lot, and that no residenoe shall be p1aoed ~loBer, to the lot line than twenty (20) feet, and no buildings shall bee~eoted in Osoeo1a Park 1 Addition whioh entail an expenditure of 1e8S than t600.00. without speoial permission of ~. the. Company. A1:t buildings, lnoludiq roofs, shall be painted wi thin 90 days from oOtI11)let\bn. i St. Luoi. Subjeot to all taxes 3nd speoia1 888essm~ntB due end payable after this date. t g . . , ~ i Jtwr" ."" ~ " ..,. ... "l'rlil fl.... *. II --. .... ":1~r " ...... .. 1M .... . ..... .. I to} ~,.n,. "'1M 1&4.' ..... ~ TO HAve AND ro HOLD THB SAMI. t~ with aD the htrtdita:Dalu aad appur1eaaDces Ihtmuato bdooaidc, uuto titre said party 01 dte RClODd part and ~ hie bein lUId UllIips .. fee IlmpIe fORTa'. ~ f Aa4 tile .... perty aI tile lint party, I<< itadf aad its --.. does Ilaeby _t with said party aI ta IrCDDd part, -1acin.1cpI ~ftS,. .... usitos g that it b....eaib17 tebed aI said 1aDd.. lee 1i8IpIt; tIIat it .. faD powa- ud lawful ria" to aID.., said Iud I. Ice....... aloraaJd; thai it UaII be lawful for said ~ . f party at the -.d put, hie ban, IepI rtpnSaltatiw.a, uad UIips at llII tiJlles..-llly lUId ~ to etIla upoa. bold. 0ttIIPJ'. aad aajoy aid Imd; that laid IaDd it Iree ! m- all __'__; that It....te tudI 'artIIct ~ to pnfcd the Ice ..pie title to said.1aad as _y raIIllMhIy be RQ1Iired. lUId that It does brnby rqJJy f wanut tile title to aid 1aDd. ud will ddaad the _ apiast the la.rel claJas old ~ ~. t IN WITNESS WHBREOP. the pertyol tJH &nt put. oil tJH day aad ~ lint abaft writtetl. bad CD..... ita name to be tiped aad its corponlO ..... to be a/liud to ~ thete pratIlta ~ Its PRsickJlt uid ita Setm.uy. riida o5oen b" beta duly aallooriud aad emponnd by retOIatioG aI the Baud 01 J>ira,tors aI the INDIAN RIVIUl 1. PARMS COMPANY.partyolU.""PIIt.~tomcutuadddiY<<thisckcc1 nmIAH RIVER FAm~S CO. .. . (Corp. Seal) . By Herman J. leuoh Its I'nsideut. Siprd. Sealed aad DdiftRd ia J'rato(e alas: Char1ae Duncan ~ i __.....V.erB..P...UD.g&l._:.;:.:,:..---.----.--..--... .. H.'... . ~ ~ __.....O..._H...SChrnm......._........_ ............ f I ~ < ~ , t € t . ~ ~ . ~ i. t ! i ! t I i Sf~~=}- C BaIT RSMIUfBHIlBD. .....t.. tlU1 6th day GI Karoh A. D. 1924 I ~~aI U~. _ Oak at tM C'in:u!t Court ia .... b uJd County haft duly RaJrdrd lJIe foftcoisc DealIa tM I IN WJTN2SS WHBRIWP. I"" Ittralato lit ray .... ....114.. aI.... c-t. tM day u;I,... &bow 1Rlt1llL Its Secnl.ary. . STAD O.IOWA,} CwatJ ., IIcolt. .. I. all oIicer dqIy allthoriad to tab ~ta to dteds. do btRby artily that lID tIaia day penoaaJIy appurtd beIoft _. Rerr-..an J. Zeuoh lUId Ohar1es Dunoan, to - wdJ bowD.. tile Presidaat and Semtary. nspcctiYdy. 01 tJH IadiaIt RJYeC Farma CotaplllJ', tile t'lIfpOnltioG .s-ribed ia tile 'oncoiac dm1. _ _, lUId tileI' 8Cbo1lW&ed Wore - tIaat tItcy trtn: dab' ..u.oriad ~ Aid ccipcntioG to _te tile forquiq 4<ed .. ita bcWI. aa4 to lip Its __ aad dis Its ..... thtnlo, tUt tile ..... dised tIaado is tile ~ ... aI IUd carpclRtioa, ~ that .101 deed ... auuted ~ aid corpontiolt I<< \be ~ thcftia n~ uad t!ley RYenIIy admo"Jedced tile eMCUtioa tItenGf.to be Uoeir fn.e ect .... deedllS tlICIa c6en. I<< the __ aad parpoeet thenID _tioaed. lUId tUt tbe said ~t Is the act and deed 01 Slid t.'!lrpOntioa. . INWITN&S8 .~EOP. III...e bereuato........ my _ &Ad o&iaI seal, tWa .t tile City 01 Da~ cG.aty ud Slate Ibaaid. 28th Uaroh 1921 ~Yol ~ I ,.. Pranoee E. Plath Notary Pubtic ia lUId rcw Scott CocmtY. Iowa. July 4th 1924 tN.P.S~) ) WI' 1'__;..0,..., npita .r -- .. c., ..... \..,I'? .. . .P-..c.,E1dre4... .. .. . ....-----....(SEAI.) t (L ~ 0_ ^ _. _ ~Cimtltc-t. B, ........'- -A \t4. .-~O~_........J)qIItty CIak. (O'.O'.~) J f l \ ,. ..... , j I ./ -'~~ -".,)- y.~ ~t.. : -:..'. ,< :j~~i{~~..i J . . I i r ;, f t r~ f} ~~ ~.; .' " .~i ,~ i' f t. F r t, , ,. ., , F , ,- j 1. i i \. !' .f, L I ; ., I I . I.. , . j; 1 ; ~. r'C ~ -} i.-. . ..~ . " , ~ -.; . ~. ,.;; -I. ,." :"i '< .;: ."J. ;:.(: '.~ -J ;-:--(" :..