HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1694 r' ,. """,~:f... ~~-"~'.-1'-- 'W:-~~--"'-.~~'!':"'''''''~~-:-:",-''~~-~~~'''''~-'''':'''''''-'''!-,>,-'''--'''-'~''''''''-~- , 594. __~!:.!:.~~~~~~~.C!~~1:.~~. __,~ __,_. ~___.. ____~------.--..------.~----------.--.--...-...-----------------.----....---.-._~___........r________._.__._._.. __~_.._______._._. . W ARRANTYDEED ~... ~'. ~' IlfJ>IU RInR PAmr8 OOMPUY to A. II. RILL ~ .. 1'iDI ~IlnVU.Wadetlle 14'H dayal Ifoyem'ber INDIAN RIVHR FARMS COMPANY. a CIIlI'pOJatIoa ......-. ...s aiIdDc ..., tile Ian at Ute Stat. alllIorida. putI' of tilt Int put, 10 St. Luol. A. D. 1921 by tbe A. U. HU1 aI tile ec-l7 aI ......aI Plorlda . put, aI tIie IftIOIId put. . . WlTNBSSBTH. Tllat tM.... put)' aI tJIe lint put, fOJ aa41a ~ of tile _ aI One ( t1. 00 ) DOI.t.ARS. 1It1fu1 ....,. ill tile 11IIItecl .ta, .... otIler ....... ~ to It III .... pUS by tile tUl putI' aI the .... put. at Of belore the cDIaIiac UlCl ddiwry 01 u.e ~ aa4 the receipt wIMnlaI illIeRb1 ~ w pustlId" buplacd. dI. rdeued. _wyecl aad~. ud ~ tbeIe ~ta does beftby If&llt.. ...... ... ...... ~ .... Cllldtal..to the -.lei puty aI tile -' part .... Ids Wn ............ fa fee..... aD tJIe Iaad ill St.1.ude C-ty. PIorida. detcribed a, ~: . Lo'~.o. Two (2). exoeptlng the WeB':,*entt~f1ve (26) ~oet. in Blook Ho. 'ort1-seven (47) eaid.~~v. I I 1nthe. C1V of Tero.Plorlda. 8S the same 1e desIgnated on the plat of IndIan R1Ter Pams COJllP8n1'f1 8u'bdiTIsion reoorded in the oftioe Of the Clerk of the Cirouit Court in and for G'..'.. ~. i ~~: , . REStRICTIONS. ~ , 1. '!he ~rohaser must ol.ear hie lot of all under'bruah or undeeirabU tl'owth. withln 90 day+J from date of l)Urohase. and In the event of h1s not oomolyln,r wi th this. the oompa~ sbal1 hate t: the'rfBht to do suoh oloaringat a oost not to exoeed .10.00 per lot and oharge same to "!lur,,:,~. ohaeer. 2. ~hat the purohaser. 111111. wlthin one 7ear from date. S8t or oaua8 to have eet out. at j 1ee.s1;. five otnamentaltreesonthe lot. and. le8st two 0~enta1 trees between the sidewall and OU~lt~'Urte. whioh wU1be oand.' for by the COIllp8JV at a nominal ooat, in the event that P'9r- chaser i ot on the ground. '. ; . .. 3. 'lha. all buildings ereoted. mtl8t fhet OCID!)ly with the l'OstrIotions witb referenoe ~o ~ .p1eoement of buildinfe op the lot. and that. no residenoe ahall be plaoed oloaer..~. jJle lot 11J~e ; t.han. tb. irt1 COO.) feet. and no b. uildinl8 shall 'be er~o~pA.w1thin t. he re8triote~ whio)l ; entail an 'expenditure of les8 than 12000.<>0 Withouttyftiii18sion of the Company. All buildIng.. . ibolud1ng roofs. ehan be painted within 90 days from oompletlon. 1 , J th1e oontraot ~ltes only to lots tn tbe reetrloted distriot in the town of Vero. as 1e shown on the Company's ~lat of the Voro townetto. . ~b.Jeot to all taxes and speoial aesessmenta due and p~able after this date~ ~ L--~ tIIe~... ....plWk.fl. *_1 I. r ,... ..I~1l1-Tl. '~y-'q _1M"" ..v-I"....-.L. ~.da"''-p'll~?''W~part -TO.. JL\ YB AND TO HOLD. TIlB SAHlI, ~ witlil all the beRditammta ... appurtcaaac:a thueunto bdoo&inc. unto the said party aI the SKODd put and Ids ... aad ..... III tea tiapIe fornu. . AIid tile IUd PMtJ' of tile lint pUt,. for ItatIf .... Ita ~ dots IIaeby mwaut witlt BId party aI the ItCODd part, his ban. q.J ~tativa. ... aDIOS . tMt It .. ,,*,eaiIJIy Itbtd aI. IUdIalllll III fn 1impIe; tMt It .... filii powft ... lawful rictat to ~ft7 said bod ill fee timplp. at afORSaid; that It shall be lawful for said . PMtJ' 01 tile -' put.........1tpI upftlaltati~.... aaia- at all lima ~ UlCl quietly to nlm upon, hold. DCaJPJ'. .... nijar said bod; that aid bod is f~ . froIa.. ~ -w-; tbat It 1riIl make S1Ida funla<< ~ to perfect the fee _pie title to said land as -y. r-.hl)' be required, aad that It dots beftby fully . -..at tile title to aid ...... Ud wil! ddaad tIie _ apiatt tile lawful du- allII peh(lIII .~__. IN WlTHIlSS WlUUtIOF. tbe put)' 01 the tint put. oa tbe day aad ~ ~ aboTe writlal. ..... QUXd Ita ~ to be ~ ud ita IUJ'Of'aIe ... to be all.ed to .... ~ ~ Ita Prakkat .... Its Secmary. wIUcIt ClIIIccn IIaft ben duly authoriad ... empowered ~ rftaIatioa aI tbe Board aI Dindon aI the INDIAN RIVHR 'ARMS COMPANY.pub'oIt1lelintput~'Anucute....dtlmrtlilltdted. IIDIAlJ "RIVER PARUS CO. Dy Herr.an J. Zeuoh (Corp. SaJ) Its Pmidnit. S/cDed. Se6kd ...s Dtliftftd loa I'rcsmce allII: _:..._____l~x~_l.Ltf~8'].. ................. . .._... .m_m.J~rn~_~.~_.$$)t,.l'~. h__..............'.. ,_.... _... Charles Dunoan Its S<<ntuy. STAU ow IOWA.} c..I1" ... .. J. .. o&er< chaIy allthoriztd. to tab ~lDaita to dr:cdt, do bmby c:atify that OQ tJUs day ~ appeaud belen _. Rernan J. Zeuoh u4 Ohar1es Dw1oan. to.... bDwauUlePhsicleat udSccntary.ft>4l<<thd)'.altIIe Iadian RiYU P_Coaapuy, thuorpol1ltioe.-nbed ill tile f<<qoilll oked. _ _. and tIwy lIdnolrJed&ed befCIft .. tbat till)- _ dilly aatIIoriIed ~ .... .:arporatjoa to acaate tile flJR&O/Bl oked oalta bdWf. u4 to lip Its _ and aSh. Its ... tJlado, that the .w alIi1ed tIIa-tCo .. . ClQIpCAte .u 01 .... (UpoI1ltioa, UlCl tJoat aid dad .. aecvted by Nid -s-atioe few tbe pufp)teI tIIaeiD aJlft5lOed. and they ttwrallJ' K~ . tile ~ tIIaeoI to be their free 8d aoid dad .. .xii oftica1. fOJ tIie _ ... plIrJlOIft tbereUa ~tIOOtd, and that the uId iastrumeatls the 8d UlCl oked aI taId ClOII'JIIlI!'aUoa. IN WITNESS WHIUlBOP. naft hemmto a8iud IIlJ' _.... o&iaI waI. tJUs 14 tb dayal Bovember 19 21, at tile a.,. aI DaftllPOrt. Couty .... State afcnMid. Cl..pZaiAt) .. WI' ('O"'-~ npira r~.. E. Platb NOCary Publie III and fOJ Stott Couty. 10..... Jul7i4tb 1924 ,-: U't1 " ..'.~.: Z} t~ 8TAft OJ n.oaID. ~ } c...., " It. .... .. rr RIl)OU,(DBRRD. TIIat .. tWI J. P. O. Eldred N& ~ 1lI111d Cclu8ly. . IH WITNU8 WlfIUlSOP. J"ft __..,. ........11.. 01 aIcI c-t,. day...s J'CU ehoft writtm. . tt . 0.'.' .... .?LOe..11l17.e4 (C~.C'.SEAL) ~~ .t/.. ~ ~. (') 9" 6th ., aI UAroh A. D. 19 24 Clerk aI. aru.li.CGartlD .... for laid c-ty Ir.awe daIy mordtd tIie ~ Deed loa tile i ..... -.. -.. .....(8&\1.) i Cled: Cin:aIt Court. I 8J......~..~~........OtputyClcrt.1 . I . 1 v, .' " .-..<: ?2i'i~~tl~f)f~~