HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT PLUMBINGPERMIT # ,�ouniiT�y�, l 2— OLJ 0 V I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Benjamin Drew Plumbing (Company Namc.__'lndi._�•Widu___..al -Name)- the Plumbing__���� Sub -contractor For (Type of Trade) For the project located at _.______ _, _ ­.. ­__...­ have agreed to be D R HOR_T_O_N INC (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Addressor Propertyx D 11) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO�MRACTORS �,1TURE(Quallricr) � _-"-��--" Brian W. Davidson PRINT N, N _—­--­--------------- __..... CRC1327068 COUNT!' C-MTIHCAT10N NUMOER ­� TM"°--"---- ` - State or Florida, County of erevard� 'the foregoing Instrument Was signed herore me this star or n ho Is personally know n -X—or has produced a ry as idenlitica lion. 1 Slpna f Notary PuhUe� ���___""_._._. SrAnIP S/�•Jr��1/{l / ORafn Prinl Name OFNo(ary Pubur Rv/oL 1 11 16n.016 SUO.0 `i'ri2.�Cv6lalCN,ITanE -allri Benjamin Jimenez PRINT N,1\lE CFC1429456 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUNIIIER " State or Florida, Count) The fumiloint instrument was signed hefore me this _ � do or Vl�tdA iZF.e 21c . by. ssho Is persouall} knosrt, x or lus produced a, zs Idcntlricatlo Sigaatureo otar� Pubttc STAMP Print Name or Notary Public a? �t'�(�y,^�'hf'"r"v''ii•-r'if`r`�d"'4s'�rlP'"rl"",r'�`(� �'sr "02. t+^n:a;y Jc•'`tc [>1atu c' �tcrica �Nsf''4<lL•w'�if�4i��W '�+'�Fs•l«l.� Y ai �6 ne'n,<S •lam.