HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOUNDARY SURVEY - SITE PLAN 12-1-17��—„--._.---�_-- __.._._---,------------- �'` LEGAL DESCRIPTION. 'A, ;� ' BEING ALL OF LOT 17, ACCORDING TO CREEKSIDE PLAT . NO. 1, R=720.00' SET 5/8" IR/C Yr� 11 —1 SET 5/8" IR/C �� AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 55, PAGE 12 PUBLIC RECORDS 0=O'36'4$" LB 4286 b 4286 OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, 75'44'03"E 55.58'N 2:LB i CONTAINS 0.2 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. .7 N r� �-•�� 1 CONT 1 A R , SET 5/8" IR/C LB 4286 I I j PROPERTY.ADDRESS _ ( �� 8421 COBBLESTONE DRIVE, FORT PIERCE FLOOD ZONE GRAPHIC SCALE 1.-- zo "AE-16:5"--- —f ---= (---------__----------- - - . o 10 zo FLOOD ZONE r/ 00 (IN FEET ) X.111 I inch = 20 ft. LO I ni AREA SUMMARY IN SQUE FEET LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS AR i SOD:6217 t DRIVEWAY/WALKWAY.683 i m BM DENOTES BENCHMARK O.R. DENOTES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK • I p ' - BB DENOTES BEARING BASE P.B. DENOTES PLAT BOOK o PROPOSED C.M. DENOTES. CONCRETE. MONUMENT PG. DENOTES PAGE 6 ) COVERED N CONC DENOTES CONCRETE - P.U.E DENOTES PRIVATE UTI1TY EASEMENT r7 LANAI 14- C.B. DENOTES CATCH BASIN P.D.E. DENOTES PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1 CBS . DENOTES CONCRETE BLOCK STRUCTURE P.S.M. DENOTES. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER 00' CD DENOTES CHORD DISTANCE P.L.S. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR Ld- I 28.67' 13.61- CB DENOTES CHORD BEARING P.C.C. DENOTES POINT OF COMPOUNDCURVATURE O O r C/O DENOTES CLEAN OUTS P.D. DENOTES POINT OF CURVATURE 00 + O O P.E. . DENOTES POINT OF TANGENCY � W � DENOTES CENTER LINE LOT 16 ! (O 06 11.00' 13.96' d D.E. DENOTES DRAINAGE EASEMENT (P) DENOTES PLAT DATA F.F.E. DENOTES FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION P.C.P. DENOTES PERMANENT CONTROL POINT I ;n I N FNDr DENOTES FOUND R DENOTES RADIUS . CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 1 1 OC) + 0) l I.Q. DENOTES. IRRIGATION QUALITY WATER R/W DENOTES RIGHT OF WAY P.B. '55 PG. 12 LO IR/C DENOTES IRON ROD AND CAP . f SAN. DENOTES SANITARY I7 n t7 I � L.B. DENOTES LICENSED BUSINESS U.E. DENOTES UTILITY EASEMENT VACANT 60 l L DENOTES ARC LENGTH W.M.T. DENOTES WATER MANAGEMENT TRACT ! of (n LOT 16'L.M.E. DENOTES LAKE MANAGEMENT EASEMENT MAG/D DENOTES SET MAG NAIL AND DISK � 16•¢ (M) DENOTES MEASURED DATA WMME DENOTES WATER MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT EASEMENT LOT 17 CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 1 M.H. DENOTES.MANHOLE — _ DENOTES INCLUDED ANGLE 1 ^/D DENOTES, NAIL AND DISK w ¢ PROPOSED MODEL 4EBB/C P.B.PB12 DENOTES DRAINAGE FLOW j 12' D.E. o °" F.F.E.=17.16 VACANT (NR) DENOTES NON RADIAL LINE O.S.T. DENOTES OPEN SPACE TRACT I Oa Z --A—DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION o= GENERAL NOTES P.R.C. DENOTES POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE J ar 1. The last date of field work was 10-10-17 ' PROPOSED 2. Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or COVERED - parties parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. 6-D.E.I ENTRY FLOOD 3. Reproductions of this map are not valid without the signature and or raised seal of a 6'D.E• 4 33= Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. FLOOD ZONE ZONE "X" i� ca 4. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for rights -of -way, easements X. 16 23' 21.33' 14.00' I _ deed restrictions, or Mu h Act Deeds. This ' 16.23' of record, ownership, abandonments, rp y, information ,should be obtained through appropriate title verification. 5. All above ground fixed improvements, if any, have been located and shown hereon. f OMZONE_ SANITARY FLOOD ZONE 6. Underground foundations and Improvements were not located as art of this survey. WATER o AE-1,6.5 i SERVICE �'� "X" 9 P P FLOOD ZONE SERVICE I o :v .. N A' ,-�__'—o f� �� 7. Flood Note: By graphic plotting only, this property is in Zone X and AE-16.6, according to " " S� 5 „- J M ° o ar� i �' ��'./� the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 12111CO170 J, effective date February AE-1.6.5 /8 IR C '`� _ ___ 16, 2012. The exact designation can only be determined by an 'elevation certificate. No / -] --- LB 4286 RROP.OSp. ` --R=85"0 — —. = -- — -' -' -` -` ' — additional search ;of the public records has been preformed. There may be additional map R ! FLOOD ZONE /W I . CONCRETE o Amendments affecting this property. f DRIVEWAY A=5'02 26 "AE-16.5" . 5 4 c 8. The Flood. Zone lines shown hereon have been established by the -Published FEMA Panel and - L=74.78 iTI R/W the use of existing field elevation data. 1: N _ — •`PHOPOSED `q'z:CONC. °,WALK .. INLET 'n :^o' .' 9.. The bearings shown -hereon are based on Plat information and -are referenced to the 2' CONC. w 16 00'' c' SET 5/8" IR/C East line of Lot 17 which bears South 13'59'24" East and all bearings CURB N I LB 4286 are relative thereto. 2' CONC. CURB 10.. No easements are shown hereon other than those depicted on the plat. No search of TIDEWA "� 8 TER GIRCLE 'o _ -,, the public records has been performed to find additional easements that may exist. `. R i375:00 ;R=87,5:00 , „ao o, S 11. Elevations shown hereon are based on the North American Vertical Datum N.A.V.D. _ � 50' :WIDTH R/yy � _ .�--"' ;.r►• •�s _ •,-• � ) ( R=87 ASPHA 02 26 A :T05 59 1988. _. LT PAVING �� �„. ' : " = , L = 8.42. _ i. :.BENCHMARK — `._:,,:... .�_.•�.. s� , ._i �,.._., ,.. � ... , .: •�-� ,— - r4-.'�=�,:-- - 12. The building setbacks 'shown hereon althou h based on the best available information, are • : 'TOP ;SAN MH _SS, 19 t'; r ; := S _ TOE P I certified to and must be verified rior to design or construction. �j _ - not cer p g d O WO ELEV 1517 C `� ODSWALIC bRIVE BLESTONE DR_LVE INLET Boundary Survey, Site Plan & File: 15-141.100.17 C U LP TI N 4 I N R I N C = �- _ `" `J J Date: 10-11-2017 O >f"� STREET 8/ �7 FB. N/Aq CONSULTIN2MOSOUTH25 SURVEYORS THOMAS `� �KII DATA TOpO Lot 17 SCALE: , =20 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34981 .. � Professiorlj�lurvey �BaM�ip i�CDRAWN BY:PV PHONE 772-4G4-3537 • FAX 772-464-9497 Florida Cie I te..Np,i61 � � For: D. R. HORTON �`°-`t `°m ``\ FIELD: PK STATE OF FLORMA CERMFICATION No. LB 4286 .r v