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PERN'11T ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliauce Dilision "--.+fix; _ ` �:�-st'••,.ri.�.�' Peay's Electrical _ (Company `lame Ind:Odual ti'ar..e) the Electrical Mpe of" trade) BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRICTOR AGREk MENT Sub-contrafor D R Horton Inc _ ! r,,n:a:,. Con racrnr) have agreed to he For the project located at (�t,Cobblestone DR (Prcie.,Strec!:ldcrr=.nr['r.t; Ia\IJ It k Lnderstoud that. if there is any change orstauu regarding our participation with the abo,,e mentioned project. the Building and C'tlde Regulation Di. I of S: Lucie Count{ tt ill be advised pursuant to the fiIin- oC a Change of'Sub-contrsccor notice. C6NCI1,1C76RiII. -ATC :•. ert --- --� Brian W. Dav;dson CRC 1327068 COUNTR' CERTIFtf'ATION AL-MBER state of Fiurida, Cmmts or Eirevard The foregoing insisumcni uac,Ni_ncd hcrere me this 14 da, of December _ r017 b, — nho is penonat(s knnn'n (�or ha;produced a __ as identification ram__ St.•1.11P Signaiur2 of Notary Public Print .Name of.Nutary Ae,Public =o4yx,,a , biclary ?ttb'`c ot9ta of F!cuda Szndf LCUn 3 'G ON t ,,y<� MFq ;cmmis�ilnn �0Ias It SL'0-CO.NTR.\CTOR S((;,,.*,rCRE (Qunlirltr) - - Christina Sla`.e PRIN•I' �,XNIE ER130145553 3U 1 COL\T1 Cr..RT11--TnTIOY NUMBER Slnte of Florida. f unnt, of Br ever d I he furcroin{ in,trumur,t nas sired before rue ilib 14 dal of December ,i117 b, .. h.� iI pc. sonalR knu„24ar 1., produced a —_ a,id clan. i C Sf,L�1P SiLnar of.Notary Public — Print.Name of tiotar� Public =opa*'u eubfc State of Florda Sandra Leone sc o` N/ cornmissian �G 020 a1 Boa n Expose t 8"0,2020 PERP.IIT # ISSUE DATE -CQUNTfY .( E ,4 O A l[ .D .A' - _ PLANNING & DEVELOPMEtN'T SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERlIIT SUB-COENTRaCTOR AGREEMENT Aqua Dimensions Plumbing Service have aereed to be (Company N. ame Individtial name) the Plumbing Sub -contractor for D R Horton Inc (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (m5� Cobblestone DR (Project Street Addreii or Property Tax ID ) It is understood that, if there is any change ofsmws regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Di%ision of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTR.\CTOR SIC,N Brian W Davidson PRINT INAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State or Florida,Count� of Brrevard Tlie foregoing instrument ++as signed berare nie this 14 day of December ,017 by who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. /t Si;nature of NQta6 PubUe )�J7 Ate, 1 OAHO. Print Name of Notary Public - _ � A1Ct3f) P:l:ii;; 3t31e rI �'Cr 7:3 ,31 Sardra gone yt ply . cmrr¢s!Yn GG 020251 5 SVIl-CO,r7RX "IORSIGNATURE(Qualifier) i / / -Az�rt'rt 4ud pi-7 PRI-NT N.k%IF. _ CFC057526 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument +vas signed before me (hiv 14 da)oI December ,017, by - -- alto is penonaU. Ana+ut X or has produced a as identification. L4"� sra�(r STA.'11 P Signature of Notary Public Pr4%6 ;tame of Notary Public S)rdra !-:Bone s. a si: ^_ammisa :n 3G 02Gc51 °R PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERJIIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Florida Breeze have a�r"d to be (Company N me.Irdi,idual name) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC (Type et' Tracy) For the project located at 1 N Cobblestone DR (Project Street Address or Proper; Ta•. IU It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding Our participation v, ith the above mentioned project. the Building and Code RCgulation Division Of S:. Lucie COU.^,iv will be advised purse -ant to the tilii:- of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR S1GNA rt. RE LQualffier}-�_� Brian W. Davidson PRINT V;v%1E CR-1327068 COCtiTI' CERTIFICATIOY.NI°FIBER State of Florida, Count, or Breyard The foregoing instrument xas signed before ore this 14 das of December who is personally known X or has produced a as identirrca ' n. S ^,nature of rotary Public Print \ame of Notary Public :9 i.,^,;?i F;,wrC �'3t2 -� r:Gr d . Sardra L oro i• .. p i'�'J :C:Clfnl:i ri 3G U2C�51 R:3sed i �rNT,r't'r.�*1s� SC [3•� 0\'1ILACTOR SIGN'0 RE (Quadrat) Kristen Kelly PRINT N.4t1E - _AJI'Ml I I CO[INTI CERTIFICATION \[:.,_ 18ER State or Florida, Counts of The foregoing inscrurrent %%a% signed before me this 14 das. of December ,017 bti who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. _ Signature of Notary Public Print lame of \otan' Pubbc tr r Sardra Dore { If Expires ExpiresC. PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPWNT SERVICES © Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC (Company Narneandividual Name) ' have agreed to be the Roofing (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for D•R.Horton (Pr nary Contractor) For the project located at Cobblestone DR (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #)#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO\TRACTOR tGA'ATEIl;F (Qualifier) S[JTiCONrRACTO SI NA wlifier) Brain W, Davidson Brian Maloney PRINT NAME — PR1I�T NA.� CRC1327068 COUNT y CERTIFICATION NUMMER State of Florida, County of Brevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 14 day of December ao 17• by who is personally known X or has produced a as identifica ' a uigaature of Notary Public sa ,ka Leone Print Name or Notary Public CCC 1330653 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NIJ BER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 14 day or December 20 �7by who (s personalty knowa X or has produced a as Identification. STA.NfP Signature of Notary Pobuc STAMP Sailit-a Leoile Print Name.r,4.tary Public no r °o �sr pod Notary public 343ta of Ficrda Notary PUMC 813te of Florida Sandra Leone Rcrised I I/ - td �� Sandra Leone %p`� M/ commission GG 020251 c oa My C,omrniss;on 3G 020251 i .s 08i1C1202C • a Roo- Expires 08110!2020 9ti or c�oa Exp'r�