HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1780 ". '~"~'[-~'~f'~?~?_:~;;r.r.~'~':"~~~r:" '-;,-,.,,~~~: ,'-; ,;.~. 00"':,'..' o -~";o_-\/ .":, ...'..-.- . . ....: .' ..',,',.'..., . .-..,;' ",' ':.' ;, . , r, , ~~:~~~;~~~i~~iii~~~~i~~~,~:Ei~:i;;~.. . I . (". ., : ...' .' .:.. ". "~ ,. >'.. ';~,,: 'c' "', " ",; ',;,< ,.,'.'. ''.c " '?..', '..,.- I ~.- hO.~T~\"" th...1'18h', qt -.., ot, JQl)"10,,"~4.,.an4 ",aU.,. oaDa1lf'~" 4ltol!8.~ .. 'iL_i . thq";' on ~~,iat'~t ..i.. lalla. '..d.ellr ~. _\ot thaflro' .... an. .~~~,. 1n \he o~. .. of the. CltJ:k ot th, O~ou.~ t . Oo~_t; .~f,..~t. koS.o ~o\lJlt't l1o~~, ~ .'~~"", . 'O'BA" ~.,o aoi.n.~: S~,:.to8eth.r~thI11'fel\."h..41:_.~_,on4 ~~~.~~~.. "': i ' ' : -, .., ' . - -- .., - " ' . -~ ~ -"', ;,' , . - - , . , ,... . \ - . --:- . -' - ' '.-;. -' " . - '-,- '.,' -' ' . .,.. ". - . " . ! iht~~\Ult():,~~10nslD8~~to \h.' lai~ Pui~i~ttht eeoo~d ~t an4'thell' 1\'" .'~b4' .~'l8n~ln < '- '.. _~: :.;. 4 _",.' ~ - , . , . . -..' '. . _. . '. . '. . .' . .''', ' - ... ~ _ .' ~ ,te. 8.1mp).t,for.~~~,:" ~ ,,'. ,',.~, . ;-. " . ,'. . " " .' 4. . .':, ,~,' ...., I . j1~, the 8~1.~~t7. of the fuet ~tt. for, 1 tll"~t en4, 1 te, lUoo.~eOl'~" 40.8' h.~eb, OOTenent I . " wi 1h .a14'~tt'ot 'the eecon. put.' 'their'heir8, lI'~..l representats,Tts, end ae81gn8,~ ~that'1 t I, " , ".....;, " , ," , " '. . '. ,,",',,' , '. ' , ". ,,',. , .' ." " , , "I .' 1s ln4efe.elbl'JStl.ed oteald len4 1n f'-e Blmple, that It.b*atullpowft an4:hwinl rl@ht:to , "':' .,' 'c.'.,," ,":,. ',,:: ,..,..',', ", ' ..", " ','.: " ,.', ::..' "': ...'.-:; ',..<'.:.. ,':.: I conye7 laid land 1n fee' elmple, ae efol'eea,14; ',. tl;.at -It lhall. belaw.tulfor.al~ ~t, Qt the j . . '," .' , ',,' . ,. ". ' .,,', " . . 1 , 18.o0nd'pUttth.,,1t.',helre~:b8all'ePl'eeenta1;1Yee~'.an4.'.".8b8; at aU' 't1a'I'-peao.~blt.end' .) '1:1:~:~::~~:r;,: ::~. ~::U:~":r::7 a:::.~::l to:::~:r~:~a1~~.~::i~~. . ,- '. " ' '. .. " - . . .' . --....,. , , '. .: '-~,'< -' -.: .'" -, - . <.I'a141~~a8 ., reaBonabl, be 'r~~Ull'e4~" aDdt~t It doe~ h'l'8b7'M17.~~t' ~~:,i(~.,~o j 18a14'1804, 'unel .ill iefen4tbe ecm8*salnet the .iawtul ol81m .. of 'aUpel'llOn8,Wh01l8oeTer^.', l ' "1 :'iJ' wt'l'iiESS: mR80'.tbe'P8J,"~7 of the fire': p8rt,on: the 6a~an4'1~ar tlr.t-:a\i~~e~itt.nt ! r~ . .au.ot h. ~~oba.. Ol~.. ena,lh' ..r~.rata .ae1.~. b~' aalXailt.~."".~"...;t.llr ita: . !b'eeldent,1rh.1ob ottioer' hae b..n dul)' eu..~o~lledancl 'Ilpo~r'ed 'bJ' 'l'e801utl0l\':o" .tll.Boal'd of 1 '~ll"G6tOl'lot"ihe.tl~rU.a laet 'Ooa,*~1le8i.t1 CompanJ'; ~t7 'ofthe.tirBt~i{'~~i~ln~:~~.ieoute! 1 ',,' . .. ' , '.; "," . " ',..' , . ',. '. ..' , . '. "..', , ! '.,.,1., '~,,4 ,Gl"l,' T,'~', .t, h",.,,18.,]), lie4,., .'".,.. '," " ','. , .' ,',,(0,0....... ',.,8.' a)."'~,,.. ",,',". "'.:, . " ' ... 14 .- t. t D... 1t 0 ' , 6~ ...O~ .. ~, ~I' ,oa.,<~.~c' ~.:i l!S1,~ec1,' .eared ilnci4el1 wl'ed ';BI R. i. kOb1e8Ud.'; b.$ldeftt,~~ ~n pre.eno. ot 118& .' " . . ' '.' oaer '.e41ee. ' , ,. I '. . 'f. ',,- , "'. Marlan' fJ.n4be1'8.' .' , <<' '. 'l::~::':::l"... .'. .. .. . '.. ... I, 'I. an ott~Otl'~t1lt au~or11f14 tot8ke aoknowleas..Jite)o 4'~~,",t.:do h.er'elt1 o,,"'lf't tlet on ibl~""Pei'IJ0l1a,.17 .pp.ued"b.t~J'e .. il.i. Xo\)1'8U~.io ~.~,~~ii ~9.~~"Ui.~,h;~8;'4.nt .[ '. ,'," . . '. . , '. . -. '., -." .' '.' -" "-.'<'~ ,. " - -. . -' - . - . -",' - ! , O'~'\bffnorl",'ia8tOoa8t..a~~lt,O~t tlie oorpOr.tioD'd'80J"lbe4'~,~htto.~"g~i., i '- . ..~,' .': .' _ ,','--'-' -.,~-_ -' .c". '_ _, .'_ '_ _ c_ _, _ :'," --_ __' ..',.-': '""',.', .',_,,_," ,". '-~.'::..<'~',',""J:-'.'-,_'>>'~',':'~-:',' t '. tim4 '~."ao~o~i~ii4<<e~ b'.foi-.,_~ th8~' he Was 4ul7"autholo~le4 b1.al"':OorpOta:~~#7~j~i',~~~~iit the j , .t:o~rol~' D~e4'on,lte '~ltll' ~: to,'~lgn Itena., '~4 affix 1 t8 ...i ~~.t~~<~t~~t'~h. ., .' ". , -', '. . I ".1., ~tflxed', tb~.to 18 .the<< o~i1xn'at~ e.~~ of 8a14 Oo~oratl0nt, '~4, .th~t .'81.,'. ])~~~ ~a~. e~.ou-l' ted bJ eai4 .00rporatioD tor the PUl'pOlt' tb...ln txp1".e.e4~ . . , . " I , :. II msiSS'1IBBRBOf. 'X have hel'eUnt~ .tf~~4'" n~. ~n4 "oft1oia~ ...1: tht.16th 48' ~f I -' -'!it '"", . ,'..' ~' . -; . _ .. ' . ".'. " - .'. . . ~. .' '. ' . " - . . - '. - - -~- - . .' :" ! ~~.. l~~t.~ __~t. ~~l~,de~Ph;a,~, o~~~~ 'a~d ~\at~ 8fo~~al~~ ,,~, ' " .,', : ,..' , .:: ! (Jotal"y,8,.tl: ,:, ,'" ' fe. Jlflen II. ."on,' .',,"., I ,,', " ,'.'. ': ", " , ' , ','9wt Mllo. 'ta~.. 'ot J.JlUl'lyw..i l' ,;. L~~~ ~.:~=:~~1:'~:::; .::::~.,l' .~ 'i9~97 .~ao1~ a:~a.~~~F:.19aaf ,;;;ii~J.. lOt. 0.. '''81I:;;~ot)~~~~~I~I;O: · ,?~.~;:~~~;; .i~J u;/\~r.f "'. ',' .";'"~ W";;tl< ..' :i: :. ';~:(;~~;\~~;~]SG'f!;"; -, D' .. ,; " O,j, ' '1 . ; ......; .' ,....