HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1811 J' -~~.'~.-- ," :t~",,"C7~,~:' :"'Y?~'~~,::,:7:~?r-~;:~r:a;~~JVi~:n',' ,',1 " -;' . , ,; '-,.,: ,~-:- 'I; tr"', ~'4C~' '\b. ....,. - , , -. , . -".',.". --:- " . . . \. ~ I .1 .1 (.~at ~) , \'=~~~:~~~1t;~~J.~It:i. .. ,-C_ _'. ._: -, _..',_ '_..., ._' _ __ _.: " _'_ .-...._';._. ...._.....! . lit OOla1I.~~ Upl~41I~~..;:....~,..~~....,.....':j~ .lt~~.....",., , .-~ ":,;,:----,:.- '.- ;-- ',-;.", ",... ... .,'- , o_-~' '_'""_,-._~,__.,__,,,~_,_:, _ , , . ~ . . '.' ,'.-.. .-, ." '0. '-'---', ' -~o_ ."_ . . . ,'.~ -- \ .~,~. ,.; u"'" ;: " '! 'U64 hi 1',001'0..d .thl. lfth tar ot sePt_b.,,;, .."2). i.li. ' " ." . '. . t~ 0.' 111l'.Il, 'Oitl'tCl~OllitO~.". ItEOoIiC{~E: . , , lOt. ot. SLU,) ",'q~/~f1r~~". 0.' : . .:>.~:,~!!;{~,!Ic.b, " ...", . , . ,'.:,.".' .' ,'" ',." .": . ".!~:'~n7{;'\ :' '. .'~' I . ... ", .. CGoj I. ~. Stap, ono.i)..4) . . . ' .' <.0'::,'.: . J ~_._~-~-_._-~~---._~_._---_.~~~--~~~--~_._~~------~-~.-~--~~--.~~~--~-~~~~~-~~~--~--------- I. ,', .' . . , ,1~.,.;P.:--.' ~. 'y~ ,~ J>IXD. OM,'fIJ '!LAft~ . '/ !hi. Deed, Ma4e th.: Mh ~ ot Ootobft'A. J>.1918 b,J. P. and W, .. Yate. o~ the Count7 I rt 8'.Jouol. , 8'.te, ~tn""l~ 'h.-:.iIlan.-: O.ll~ thO ......\0-:0. \0 Oai Y1Ji l'1-aU ot \h. iloim', I jot at. IA1..01~ st&:t.ot nOr!": h~~"lnafttr oall.~ the 8'1'nt..", . . . .", i I' .I~.8E!B, ~t' tbe lai4grantorl, ln oonelderation of 'One '4oller an4 oth.r. 'Yal11ab;l.e ! bone14e~atloDl the~eo"~Pt~ ,whe1'eC)t, '1a h'.rebjr .oknoWl.d84Ul, 40gi...., grant, bar~aln, 1'-11; . I I " ... , , ' ,." " , ,- , ! .rUln, r'Dl1B.~ 1't1"8~' enfeoff" 001l....,.an4 o,onf11'11 uD~~O the ..14 grant.., and hi. 'helra and I . ~Sel8D8,1n tee ,'l..ple, the lan4e tilt-.tel1].St.'L1101e Count1. Stat. of norlda, la.oribe4 ae ! I , ',,: .' , '. , ' ,fO:j.lon: J ,",,' f1'.o~ Jl\1IIlber on. thoU8aD4 on. hun4r.a and ei.ghteen, (11.18) o~ the'ellilmere'anae I J~;;':~'8ub41Y1..lol! ot a11111l01l1'T.'.4~' ot Towiw.lp ao. 7h1r.OD. CS11 ..ou~ of 1IaDs.. I 1 ftlrt,. "T.n (a,rlaat, aooordingto 'tbeltlat ot aatd 8ub41'Y1.iont11ed ill the offioe ot the I IOltl'k..ot. th'~lrouito.ou,~, 'in ..nd, t;or ...u CC)~t7 onth"th o.a,: ot JulJ'..p. 1.911nd r~- I . 'lo~e~' among th6:l'11bUOr.~or4' ()t Sala Count,. ln p1atb09k2 oD'P8PB 1:an~2." ,\ ! ' . '0 JUVB ~ ,to BOLDth~. lame ~g.th.r W1~h the h.r.d~tBlllen~'8Dd. aPPU1'~~o", unto thel 1'.14 ~~{'.'. "'4h~~h.1J'io .." a.~lKD1'1D t...l.rQ1e. '. ' ! I", ,AIJ)~he 'a1481'antor.,~orth..el'Y" ant th.lr heire 'and 1.gal repreeentatiTe., oOTe';' j .1 '-:., ' '. ,. , ,:' " , " ,. ' , , !DIUltI1l1~ ..It gr~t.., hlah.lrl, le8a1 repr..entati..... ~cl: .s81gne: . th.t !J8ld 81"an~ol'. f I .. . ",. . '. . ! Iha.,...ln4.~eal~:b:l7I.1sed o~ eail. land in ~.e I~plt;~t .a~agl'antol" haT~ ~1 ~.~r an4 ! , h.wta1rlg~~ to' oonT',. ..ld'.land 1D ~e. sillPle,'.s ftore.~14; that it ehall, b. .~~ for l I' ", .., ',. ' ! j '~14" .8l'8I1t., " hl~ )1,lre ,1-'8a;l. r.~..~~~tl T.I an4 a"1811B. at .11 ~1m.a, peao,~~l,. .n4 Clll1.,-, j t' , " " " " . '. ' , . , 11;' t9 .1l~.J:'llpon~.ho~d.OO~UP1 and enjoy 8ald~; .bat,eald land 1,,'tr.. tr~ all enoUIII- I . I '- _' --~ - :. , _' , _ '_' __ _ . - . - _ " _ _ ,_ _' . ~ , l !bJoQoe.; ~~,~1", 8tanto~I, .thelr ,htlr.an4 'leg81'.r'P1'..entatlTfI wi.ll. malte .uoh farther 8e- ! ! ,', ,",',' ',' ' " .' ,", '. .'!luranoe.'tQ ~t.ot'th.'t'~.l!!lPl.iltl' to ~a~41a~...,~~d l1"~te.. ,hie h~ll'e, . legal r~-. J I ' '" '. ...: . . ." , ,', " , ", ",', ":,~ "., ' .... ! .. ~pre...ataU'YII:~4 aSllpe, .. -T ~..~on.bl' b. re4111I',.d; an4 that Baia gI'~ntorl 4.0,hG'.b1 I I ,'.,' " .. " ',. , ltall, WVI'$n'the, tttl.to la141an4 an41fllld.t.n4the a.. aplnat.th.lawtal ola1m. ot . ! I ", ' c ...,', ' .' '. ' , ' , , )ailper.o..-wboao.Ttl'e' . . . I " '" " . " I >U'JIQ ~lt};haii41 and e'a~' ot .a1:d srantora. tbe 48, an4 ,.~ first .bo.... Wl'~tt.n. '.. { " ~,'," , f _ _ . ~ ; : _ _ _ .'.- ~ -','.:_ _~.. _,,' ',' :' , .1gne4.i 'a.ale4and 4.11.,1'.4 in the pre.eno. of: ~~ i ,.~ ': .' . " - ~oha~{.Buti.~,. ., I "".. r" I~' "1m4'~. 1- ~:;fo:;~a. J"" .; .,' . . J B.iaDJ" OllltUT '~tOJi, ,th~8,4a, ....o~~ .p".~b~to:r' '.. ,ala. ottiO'I',dlllJ, .\\~ho~.. '.~~.j;l~l~~ ~~, .~,~..~~~,-,i;~~;~..r~~~.lI\~J>.~.l\1.;,~";"., ..;,.'i~~~' .. .aDor YaM' hl. .1it. ,,~,". ~1~ bo.' ~'~.j.~tA.'J.a.~~4.~J1be4'~ ~ ,... I j I 1 " '1 I I , 'I B" .J. ~.' Tate. (Se.l) I. I. Y~~I (S.'-l) .~'JaD4lT. tel la.al) Btta Yate, (S'.l) :.,