HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISION 8-22-03OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: PERMIT NUMBER: 2-b �/0®5 r REVISION FEE: Z -� RECEIPT NO.:_l/-Zy ST. LUCIE COUNTY P ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING & ZONING 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 r 561-462-1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION 1. LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS:- 1 &0 q Q C)CQG.n 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS% OF PPO.IFCT 3. 4. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION:. ST. OF FL REG./CERT# 4cDS9gVo BUSINESS NAME: Qualifiers Name: ADDRESS: morn) 1W CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): ARCHIT/ENGINEER: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): LUCIE COUNTY CERT.# 1i1A. STATE: EEC— ZIP: FAX # STATE: FAX# ZIP: a • Dune Walkover Plan SCAi1LE. V-10'-O" C A 4' CMU Wai Shower Heo By Owner 6'x6' P.T. I Attach Post Shower Plan ­�ffrpw` SCALE: l/2"=1'-0" ' ST. Slope to Drain gr Heads By Owner 5'-0" Valve Rout Post to Accept Pipe 4' Block Wall r- Sand Finish Stucco on All Exposed Surfaces (Color by Others) - Attach 6"x6' Post to Wall Hose Bib P.T. Wood Deck Gate Valve 4 Conc. Pavers Water Source By Others — Shower Detail SCALE: 1/2"=l'-0" Scale: As Noted \—Compacted Sand -See Typical Details 1 10.15.02 Rev. Dune Walkover L 2 2.11.03 1 Rev. Dune Walkover L COUNTY DIVISION �' O C �PLIA 011,,.:i�'I'' REVIEWED DATE PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR INC INSPECTION WILL BE MADE NO �12 i. =.. RNNow Now f' f �1 ifDetails ©rya�•�y�p AND7NbMp( Checked byG9 i f /Henn kin • Ream e S T. L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PAYMENT R E C E I P T TRANSACTION NUMBER: 01171724 TRANSACTION DATE: 22 AUG 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERMIT NUMBER: 23040035 PERMIT TYPE: DOCK/SEA WALL PERMIT JOB DESC: CONSTRUCT A 6' WIDE X 160' LONG DUNE CROSSOVER JOB ADDR: 10072 OCEAN BLVD S (133945) PARCEL NUMBER: 4502-341-0002-000/5 FCC DESC: *POOL, SPA, DOCK, SEAWALL, ETC (329 ) APPLICANT: HERMAN R SR SUMMERLIN F E E S C O L L E C T E D FEE CODE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------- REVIS REVISION TO PLANS 25.00 AMOUNT PAID: $25.00 FEE WAIVED: CHECK NBR: 11073 PAID BY: SUMMERLIN'S SEVEN SEAS, INC MEMO: CRB \SEAWfNDS CONDOMINIUM ; \ %Y `� \ PARK= GARAGE I\- CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE 11 STORY CONDOMINIUM SEE DETAIL BELOW DUNE CROSSING DETAIL 0 25 50 75 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET o��� E COPI 00, Fll. z.0 0147SAMDWO MICHAEL T. OWEN. 'PSM FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO. 5556 DATE CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS C U LP E P P E R& 2980 SOUTH 25th STREET TERPENING.INC. FORT `FLORIDA 34981 77272) 464-354-3537 State of Florida Board of Professional Engineers Authorization No. 4286 CLARIDGE BY THE SEA DUNE CROSS OVER SITE PLAN iy St. Lucie County Building and Zoning Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 561-462-1553 Design Certification for Wind Load Compliance This Certification is to be completed by the project design architect or engineer. This Certification must be submitted with all applications for building permits involving the construction of new residence (single or multi- family), residential addition, any accessory structure requiring a building permit, and any nonresidential structure. This Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided that no structural walls, columns or other similar component is being effected) and certain other minor building permits. For further assistance; please contact the Building Inspection Office at 462-1553 or. 462-2172. Project Name CL4,-,1 *64 gy., T & Irx.4 Office Use Only Street Address 10072 SodV4 (kVAI QL✓ Permit Number Occupancy Type Construction Type Certification Statement: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, these plans and specifications have been designed to comply with the applicable structural portion of the Building Codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Design Parameters and Assumptions Used: (Please check or complete the appropriate box.) 1. Florida Building Code 2001 Edition ✓ ASCE 7-98 2. Building Design is (check one) Enclosed Partially Enclosed Open Building 3. Building Height: C0 FI 4. Wind Speed Used in Building Design: f 4y 3 second gust 5. Wind Exposure Classification (refer to exposure tables in Building Code identified in Line #1): C 6. Average Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure 38 PSF 7. Peak Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure PSF 8. Importance/Use Factor (obtain from Building Code): 0, 9. Loads: Floor _PSF Roof/dead _PSF Roof/livePSF 10. Were Shear Walls Cons'de d f r Structur (check one): Yes No (if No, attach explanation) C . fN ?I C. EUE.- Pl L UD.4 T/ 0/1% 11. Is a Continuous Load Path Provided (check one): Yes ✓ No (if No, attach explanation) 12. Are Component and Cladding Detail Provided (check one): Yes ✓ No (if No, attach explanation) 13. Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: 2 000 PSF As witnessed by my seal, I hereby certify that the information included wit is certification is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. f Name: J EFFR C `/ 7-) , m, 4, ee P , , Certification "Design Firm: J5,- Q^J5 C- Date: 2 `2 —o3 SLCCDV Form # 020-00 4 FILE COPY 0 OFFICE OF BEACHES AND COASTAL SYSTEMS BEACH/DUNE WALKOVER GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION In many areas of the State, sand dunes provide a significant amount of protection to the upland property, to upland development, and to adjacent beach areas. The Department, therefore, encourages the construction of elevated walkover structures which are designed to protect the dune topography and dune vegetation from pedestrian traffic and which allow for the natural reconstruction and revegetation of damaged or eroded dunes. PERMIT REQUIREMENTS A permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection is required for construction of walkovers on most sandy beaches fronting on the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean or Gulf of Mexibo. In areas where a coastal construction control line has been established pursuant to provisions of Section 161:053, Florida Statutes, a permit is required for all excavation, construction, or other activities -with the potential to cause beach erosion or damage coastal vegetation. Permits for walkovers contain standard conditions which require construction to be conducted in a manner that minimizes short term disturbance to the dune system and existing - vegetation. Replacement of vegetation destroyed during construction with similar plants suitable for beach and dune stabilization is required. Only limited excavation for the placement of support posts is authorized for construction of walkovers. The construction of walkovers may not occur during the marine turtle nesting season, typically May 1 through October 31, except for Brevard through Broward counties (March 1 through October 31). GENERAL DESIGN Walkovers to be constructed across vegetated dunes or across heavily vegetated beach berms should be post -supported and elevated a sufficient distance above the existing or proposed vegetation to allow for sand build-up and clearance above the vegetation (this may be several feet depending on the type of vegetation). Walkovers should generally be constricted perpendicular to the shoreline and extend at least to the seaward toe of the frontal dune or the existing -line of vegetation but not farther than 10 feet seaward of the vegetation. Support posts should not be installed into dune slopes which are steeper than approximately 30 degrees. Whenever possible, stairways leading from the top or crest of a dune down to the beach should be designed to completely span the seaward slope of the dune. DESIGN -CRITERIA FOR SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENTS Walkovers should be designed as minor structures and need not meet specific structural requirements to resist wind and wave forces, but should be designed to produce minimum scour of the beach and dune topography during a storm event and to reduce the potential for damage to upland. structures as -airborne or waterborne debris. The width of the walkover structure should not exceed 4 feet. The railing should be limited to a handrail and one center guard rail. The posts for the walkover structure should be 4-inch by 4-inch (although 64nch posts may be allowed), FILE COPY _r „should, be embedded deep enough to support typical live and dead loads (minimum of 5 feet.), and should not be encased in concrete. Typical spacing between post bents is 6 to 8 feet. Supporting beams, bents, and stair- stringers should not be greater than 2-inch by 12-inch pressure treated lumber. Connections may be fastened with bolts or nails hotdipped galvanized or stainless steel. All lumber should be pressure treated. DESIGN CRITERIA FOR MULTI FAMILY DEVELOPMENTS The number of walkovers within the development depends on the expected volume and type of traffic; however, the width of each walkover allowed should not exceed 6-feet. Where more than one walkover is authorized within the development, a minimum 150-foot spacing should be provided between authorized walkovers. The piles for the typical walkover are 6-inch in diameter and should be embedded approximately 8 feet to account. for both structural stability and possible dune deflation losses. Since the structural design guidelines provided herein may not apply to many of these structures, designers of such structures are encouraged to consult the Office staff 10' "�I Maximum from Vegetation Revised October 4, 2000 6' - 8' FILE COPY _ _ppropriate . . Department of Environmental Protection Jeb BUSK Governor Marjory SEoneman Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 . January 23, 2002 1 Christy J. Brush Coastal Systems International, Inc. 464 South Dixie Highway Coral Gables, Florida 331146 Dear Mr. Brush: NOTICE TO PROCEED WITHHELD PERMIT NUMBER: SL 179 PERMITTER NAME: Wynne Building Corporation David R. S[ruhs Secretary Your request for a permit pursuant to Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, for construction or other activities seaward of the coastal construction control line, has been approved by the Department of Environmental Protection. 110%vever, construction may not commence until after the perrnittee has received a notice to proceed in accordance with Special Permit Conditions 1, 2, 3 and 4, and the n requiremepts described in Special Permit Conditions 6, permittee complies with any preconstructio 7, and 8, :Please read the permit and permit conditions including both the Standard Permit Conditions and any Special Perni�t Conditions closely before starting construction. Standard Permit Conditions l(q), l(r), and 1(s) pertain to written reports which must be submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection under the signature and seal of a professional engineer, architect, or land surveyor (as appropriate) at specified times. Forms for use in preparation of these reports are enclosed. Make sufficient copies of the periodic report form to provide the required reports. The periodic --reports are due in the office of the Bureau of Beaches and Weiland Resources on a monthly basis on the last working day -of each month. No progress reports are requued until such time as construction activities have started: The permit will expire January 17, 2005. Upon receipt of a'written request. signed by the _ ermittee or authorized argent, the Department will consider extending the permit for up to but no �`'- ►- -ore than one additional year. YoaFmu'sf apply for a new permit for completion of any work not riginal permit.' Although you may apply for a new permit, there is no v- accomplished under the o assurance that such new permit for the same construction of activities would be approved. -, LUZ ArtY person whose substantial. interests are affected by any decision of the Department on the application has the right to request an administrative hearing in accordance with the provisions of Sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes: Should you desire an administrative hearing, your request must comply with the provisions of Rule 28-106.201. of the Florida Administrative Code, as indicated below. Send requests for hearings to the Department of Environmental ---� ly4a Staiion�.5, Protection, Office of General Counsel, 39M Commonwealth Bouliey— � g�Y� Tallahassee, Florida 32;i99. The Department must rece r t e -ore `' >afr�ir our receipt of this notice.���' . Y P . u,�-... D.... dmrocc , A ,i 01 n TO 39Vd 1Nn003Ion-u BbTTZ9bT99 0E:0T E00Z/0Z/E0 Christy J. Brush January 23, 2002 Page 2 Whed the Department receives an adequate and timely filed request for hearing, the Department will request the assignment of an administrative law judge. Once an administrative law judge is requested, the referring agency will take no further action with respect to the proceeding except as a party litigant, as long as the Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over. the formal proceeding. Rule 28-106.201(2) of the Florida Administrative Code requires that a petition or request for hearing contain the following information: (1) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's file or identification number, if known; (2) The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner; the name, address, and which shall be the address for service telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the agency determination; (3) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the Department's action; (a) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate; (5-) A concise statement of ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts the petitioner contends wifrant reversal or modification of the Department's proposed action; (6) A statement of the specific rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the Department's proposed action; and precisely the action petitioner (7) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating p y P wishes the Department to take with respect to the Department's proposed action. A person may request an extension of time to petition for an administrative hearing. The person filing the request for extension must do so within the time limits for filing a petition described above and serve all parties with the request. The request must state why an extension is needed. The Department will grant an extension only when good cause is shown. If a petition or request for extension of time is filed, further order of the Department becomes necessary to effectuate this notice. Accordingly, the Department's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this notice. Actions undertaken by you under this permit, pending the lapse of time allowed for the filing of such a request for hearing, may be subject to modification, removal, or restoration. Failure to petition within the allowed time frame constitutes waiver of any right that such a person has to request a hearing under Section 120.57 of the Florida Statutes and to participate as a parry to the proceeding. If a legally sufficient petition for hearing is not timely received this notice constitutes fugal agency action. When this order becomes final, any party to the order has the right - to seek judicial review under Section 120.57 of the Florida Statutes and Rule 9.030(b)(1) and 9.110 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure by filing a notice of appeal with the Department of Environmental Protection, Office of General Counsel, Department Clerk, .3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, and with the appropriate district court of FILE COPY Z0 39Vd IW003Ioniis 8b11Z9bi9S 0E:01 E00Z/0Z/E0 r Christy J. Brush January 23, 2002 Page 3 appeal within thirty days after this final order is filed with the Department Clerk. The notice filed with the district court must be accompanied by the filing fee asp�e a d Subsection the pr sidi (3)of the offi officer Florida Statutes. Any subsequent intervention will only be approval upon motion filed under Rule 28-106.205, Florida Administrative Code. A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's proposed agency action may choose to pursue mediation as an alternative remedy under Section 120-573 before the deadline for filing a petition. Choosing mediation will not adversely affect the right to a hearing if mediation does not result in a settlement. The procedures for pursuing mediation are set forth below. A person may pursue mediation by reaching a mediation agrparties timely and proceedirig (which include the applicant, the Department, and any person who has filed a sufficient petition for a hearing) and by showing how the substantial interests of each mediating party are affected by the Department's action or proposed action. The agreement must be filed in (received by) the Office of General Counsel off Department the same deadliat ne as se� forthl abovth e for the Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399 3 y filing of a petition. The agreement to mediate must include the following: y ersons who may attend --the (a) The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of an p mediation; ss, and telephone The name, addrene number of the mediator selected by the parties, or a . (b) provision for selecting'a mediator within a specified time; (c) The agreed allocation of the costs and fees associated with the mediation; (d) The agreement of the parties on the confidentiality of discussions and documents introduced during mediation; (e) .The date, time, and place of the first mediation session, or a deadline for holding the first session, if no mediator has yet been chosen; (f) The . name of each parry's representative who shall have the authority to settle or recommend settlement, turd (g) Either an explanation of how the substantial interests of each mediating party will be Us notice of intent or a statement clearly affected by the action or proposed action addressed in identifying the petition for hearing that each party has already filed, and incorporating it by reference. (h) The signatures of all parties or their authorized representatives As provided in Section-120.573 of the Florida Statutes, the timely agreement of all parties to mediate will toll the time limitations imposed by Sections 120.569 and 120.51 for requesting and holding an administrative hearing. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the mediation must be _ - concluded within sixty days of the execution of the agreement. If mediation results in settlement of the administrative dispute, the Department must enter a final order incorporating the agreement of _ the parties. Persons whose substantial interest will be affected by such a modified final decision of the Department have a right to petition for a hearing only in accordance with the requirements for FILE, Copy E0 39Vd 1NnO33Ion-iis BPTTZ90199 0E:01 E00Z/0Z/£0 W t r i Christy J. Brush January 23, 2002 Page 4 such set forth above, and must therefore file their petitions within twenty-one days of receipt of this notice. If mediation terminates without settlement of the dispute, the Department shall notify all parties in writing that the administrative hearing processes under Sections 120.569 and 120.57 remain available for disposition of the dispute, and the notice will specify the deadlines that then will apply for challenging the agency action and electing remedies under those two statutes. You are advised that notice of this agency's final action on this permit has been given to other interested parties. They have twenty-one days- from receipt of the notice to exercise any rights they may have under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. Actions undertaken by you under this permit, during this period may be subject to modification, removal or restoration. The authorized work is strictly limited to that described on the enclosed final order. Please direct any questions pertaining to this permit'to me by letter at the above address, or by telephone at 850/487-4475. Sincerely, Srinivas M. Tatnmisetti, P.1✓. Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems SMT/dw Enclosures cc: Permit Information Center Tornrnie Carter, 'Field Inspector St. Lucie County Building Official Wynne Building Corporation, Property Owner FILE COPY b0 30Vd 1NnO33Ioniis eVTTZ9bi95 0£ :0i £00Z/0Z/£0 el—N NOTE: TWS AUTROMATION STATE OF I~LORIDA ' IS DEFFERIENT MOM TM. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEC'n Office of Baaahes and Coastal Systerns ORIGINAL REQUEST. SEE F1O ° 39Oo Commonwealth Blvd_ - Mall Station 300 SPECIAL PERNUT CONDnJONS. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 (850) 488-3180 PERMIT NUMBER: SL-179. P ERMITTEE Wynne Building Corporation c/o Christy J. Brush Coastal Systems International, Inc. 464 South Dixie highway Coral Gables, Florida 33,146 PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR OTHER ACTIVITIES 'PURSUANT TO SECTION 161.053, FLORIDA STATUTES FINAL ORDER FINDINGS OF FACT: An application for authorization to conduct the activities seaward of the coastal construction control line which are indicated in the project description, was filed by the applicant/petmittee named herein on June 28, 2001, and was determined to be complete pursuant to rule on October 8, 2001. However, on January 3, 2002, the applicant waived the 90-day time limit imposed on the Department for processing completed applications pursuant to Subsection 120.60(2), Morida Statutes until January -13, 2002, the application was further waived on January 11, 2002 until January 2:0, 2002- ?he proposed project is to be located landward of the 30-year- erosion projection and the existing line of construction established by major structures in the immediate area. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: After considering the merits of the proposal and any written objections from affected persons, the Department finds that upon compliance with the permit conditions, the activities indicated in the project description are of such a nature that they will result in no significant adverse impacts to the beach/dune areas or to adjacent properties; that the work is not.expected to adversely impact nesting sea turtles, their hatchlings, or their habitat; that the work is expendable in nature and/or is appropriately designed in accordance with Role 62B- 33.007, Florida Administrative Code; and that it is an activity or type of construction which the designee of the Director of the Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems has authority to approve or deny pursuant to Delegation of Authority, DEP Directive 137, effective June 21, 2001. The direct and cumulative impacts to the beach and dune system that will be caused by both the seaward location and shore -parallel width of the proposed construction represent the maximum such impacts that are acceptable to the Department. Therefore, future construction on the site seaward of the coastal construction control line shall not extend further seaward of, or increase the shore -parallel coverage occupied by, the proposed structures approved pursuant to this permit. Based on the foregoing considerations, the designee approves the application; authorizes construction and/or activities at the location indicated below in strict accordance with the project description, the approved plans (if any) and the Standard Permit Conditions which are attached and are by this reference incorporated herein, and any additional conditions shown below, pursuant to Subsection 161.053(5), Florida Statutes. EXPIRATION DATE: January 17, 2005 FIDE Copy 90 39dd 1NnO03Ioniis BVITZ917199 0E:01 E00Z/0Z/E0 PERMITTEE: Wynne )Building Corporation PERMIT NUMBER: SL-179 PAGE 2 LOCATION- Between approximately 20 feet and 280 feet south of the Department of Environmental Protection's reference monument R-109, in St. Lucie Counry. Project address: 10072 South Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Eleven -Story, Multifamily Dwelling (Condominium) with Attached Garages 1. Location relative* to control line: A maximum of 178.0 feet seaward. 2. Exterior dimensions: See Special Permit Condition 2.1. 3. Type of foundation: 16-inch diameter augereast concrete pile. 4. penetration of piles: To elevation -48.0 feet (N GVD), or deeper. 5. Structural elevation (bottom of beam): +16.3 feet (NGVD). 6. Top of pile cap elevation: +4.75 feet (NGVD), or deeper. 7,. Elevation of understructure slab: +7.0 feet (NGVD). Swimming Pool 1. Location relative to control line: A maximum of 102.5 feet with pool deck extending up to 140.5 feet 2. Exterior dimensions: A maximum of 36 feet in the shore -normal direction by a maximum of 20 feet in the shore parallel direction. See Special Permit Condition 2.3. 3. Type of foundation: See Special Permit Condition 2.3. 4. Penetration of piles: See Special Permit Condition 2.3. 5. Deck elevation of swimming pool: +6.75 feet (NGVD). 6. Bottom elevation of swimming pool: See Special Permit Condition 2.3. 7. Maximum depth of swimming pool: See Special Permit Condition 2.3. Excavation/Fill (See Special Permit Conditions 2.5 and 7) 1. Total volume of excavation: Approximately 64.5 cubic yards. Volume of net excavation: None; excavated material to be placed as fill on the project site. 2. Location of excavation: From 56 feet to 103 d of the control line. , 90 3�Jdd iNno03Ion-us FBI. BVTTZ9V195 0E:0T E00Z/0Z/E0 1 PERMITTEI✓: Wynne Building Corporation PERMIT NUMBER: SL-179 PAGE 3 3. Volume of fill to be placed: Approximately 539.2 cubic yards. 4. Location of fill to be placed' From 0 feet to 185 feet seaward of the control line: Other Structures/Activity 1, A wooden beach/dune walkway structure of dimensions 160 feet shore -normal by 6 feet shore -parallel is to be located a maximum of 278 feet seaward of the control line. See Special permit Condition 8. 2. Seaward rectangdlar spa located a maximum of 34 feet seaward of the control line, See Special Permit Condition 2.3. 3. A paver -block driveway on the landward side of the proposed dwelling. 4. Landscape activities as shown on the approved drawings. 5. Paver -block swbnming pool deck attached to the periphery of the swimming pool is to be located a maximum of 135 feet seaward of the control line. SPECIAL PERMIT CONDITIONS: 1. No work shall be conducted under this permit until the permittee has received a written notice to proceed from the Department. 2. Prior to issuance; of the notice to proceed, the pern-ittee shall submit two copies of detailed final construction plans and specifications for all authorized structures or excavation, including all appurtenant structures and utilities. These documents shall be signed and sealed by the design engineer or architect (as appropriate), who must be registered in the State of Florida, and shall bear the certifications specified in Rule 62B-33.007(3)(b), 62B- 33.007(3)(m), and 62B-33.007(3)(o), Florida Administrative Code. These plans and specifications shall be subject to approval from the staff of the Bureau of Beaches and Wetland Resources and shall include or reflect the following: 2.1. Two complete sets of dimensioned structural and architectural drawings with roof framing plans for the condominium and garages with elevations referenced to (NGVD). 2.2. Revised construction drawings showing the understructure frangible walls designed to breakaway In S linear foot sections. 2.3. Two sets of dimensioned construction drawings for the swimming pool and deck with appropriate sections showing pool framing, depth variation, and foundation system, with all required elevations referenced to NGVD. The pool design shall - be certified by the design engineer not to increase the risk of damage to adjacent dwellings during coastal storm events. L0 39Vd 1NnOOMoniis SUE CAPIT99 06:0i £00Z/0Z/£0 PERMITTEE; Wynne Building Corporation PERMIT NUMBER! S1.-179 PAGE 4 2-4. All grade level concrete slabs shall be a maximum of 4 inches thick, shall contain no metal reinforcement, shall be structurally independent of the pile foundation of the proposed condominiums, and shall be of breakaway design- The concrete shall be jointai at each pile and shall be saw -cut (1-inch minimum depth), or weakened in some fashion so as to breakaway into segments measuring a maximum of 25 square feet in response to overwash or undermining during future storm events. Any slab turn down edge, or other similarly functioning curb or edge, shall measure a maximum of 12 inches. 2.5. Site grading and drainage plan clearly indicating approximate volumes and locations of excavation and fill, with no net excavation seaward of the 1988 control line, and showing no storm water runoff directed seaward or onto adjacent properties, 3. Prior to issuance of the notice to proceed, the permittee shall provide a lighting plan for review and approval. The lighting plan shall depict temporary construction and permanent exterior lighting appropriate for the protection of marine turtles_ The lighting plan shall have clearly marked symbols showing the location of each type of exterior fixture for depicting the symbol for the light type: fixture name or stock number; number of fixtures; bulb wattage and type; type of mount; and mounting height of proposed lighting and a detailed description (manufacturer's cut sheet) of proposed lighting and a detailed description (manufacturer's cut sheets) of proposed lighting fixtures as described in the lighting plan shall be provided. 4. Prior to issuance of the notice to proceed, the permittee shall provide written evidence that a public notice of the Department's action has been published for one day in the largest newspaper of general circulation in the county where the proposed project is located. A certification from the newspaper showing compliance shall be provided to the staff. Prior to publishing the required public notice, the pennittee shall contact the staff and obtain the specific language that must appear in the advertisement. The public notice must be published within 10 days of the date of issuance of this permit. S. Construction activity authorized by this permit shall not commence until after the time period provided - in the public notice for the public to exercise any rights they may have under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, has expired, or if a hearing is requested, disposition of the hearing request has been made. 6. Prior to commencement of construction activity authorized by this permit, a preconstcuction conference shall be held at the site among the contractor, the owner or authorized agent, and a staff representative of the Office of Beaches and ' Coastal Systems to establish an understanding among the parties as to the items specified in the special and standard conditions of the permit. The proposed locations of the structures shall be staked out for the conference. FILE COPY ' 7. The fill material shall be obtained from a source landward of the control line and shall consist of sand which is similar to that already on the site in both grain size and coloration. This fill material shall be free of construction debris, rocks, or other foreign matter. A 80 39V8 1Nf1003I0(1315 Bb11Z9b199 0E :01 E00Z/07,/E0 f� PERMITTEE: Wynne Building Corporation PERMIT NUMBER: $Lr119 PAGE 5 sample of the sand shall be provided to the staff representative during the preconstruction conference. S. The deck of the walkover structure shall maintain an elevation above the existing dune vegetation canopy, and the width of the structure shall not exceed 4 feet, The piles for the walkover structure shall not be greater than flinch by 4-inch posts and shall not -be encased in concrete. The walkover -shall extend at least up to the existing line of vegetation but not further than 10- feet seaward of the vegetation. The optimum siting of the walkover structure shall be determined by the staff representative during the preconstruction conference to provide maximum protection to the existing dune topography and vegetation located on the site 9. All permanent exterior lighting. shall be installed and maintained as depicted in the approved lighting schematic. No additional exterior lighting is authorized. CAVEAT: Due to potential adverse impacts to the beach and dune system that may result from additional - development on the property, the shore -parallel and seaward extent of the permitted structures shall not be increased, nor will any additional major structures be permitted which would exceed the limits established by the permitted construction seaward of the coastal construction control line. Approved plans are incorporated into this permit by reference. Done and ordered this J 7 1---- day of V 2002, in Tallahassee, Florida. Attachment: Standard Permit Conditions FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PILED, on this date, pursuant to 5120.52 Florida Statutes, with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. DotX. Deputy Clerk Da ory 60 39Vd 1Nf109Mon-1S State of Elorld2 De ent o ony D cNe Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems FILE COPY 8b11Z9D199 0E:01 E00Z/0Z/£0 J6&uh. Governor Department of Environmental Protection JUL 19 2002 scuthem distrl�t P.O. Box 13425 West Palm Beach, florida 33416 Certifl'ied - ROM Receipt Requested Claridge H Development Corporation c% R. Mason Simpson, President 7777 North SR ,A 1 A - Vero Beseh, FL 32963 Dear Mr_ Simpson: Fiq,r, - -to -1-6;'fz F- y — D. Enclosed is Individual Environmental Resource Permit No.: SI 56-0187182-002 issued pursuant to Part IV of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Title 62, Florida Administrative Code (F.&C.). Appeal rights for you as the permittee and for any affet ed third party are de=ti'bed in the text of the permit slang with conditions which must be met when permitted activities are undertaken. Please review this document easefully to ensure compliance with both the geneanl and specific conditions contained herein. As the permutes, you ara responsible for compliance witb these conditions. please ensure in congaWou Personad assodated with our review aad under Mad the approved drswing�s —an-d conditions. Failure to co t may ramt Imnor and the'imposition of civil peaalties up to SIO-000.00 per violation per day pursuant to Sections 403.141 ' and 403.161,. F.S. In addition please ensure the construction eommenaoment notice and all other reporftg conditions are forwarded to the appropriate office as indicated in 1hespecific conditions. Ifyou have any questions about this document, please contact me at $611681-6651. Sincerely, Doug Engineer IV Submerged Lands dt Environmental Resources Program FILE C 0 PY ,�.,� •�--� � � 1..1 c /"� � G C. /'ivy/ ..- � �(L cam' � � S "M'r M �,►� J� cN -rip M u gpaS �! 057- coWA4 Y Iq I& CON8 � or — ,MA2Q02 "More Protection, less Process"• Mod on mq*d paper. !® 1& Bu* Governor Department of Environmental Protection Southeast District P.O. Sox M74 West Palm Beach, Ronda 33416 ENWYCt0?MffNTAL RESOURCE PERIVIIT p�iNIIZTEE: Claridge II Development Corporation clo IL Mason Simpson, President 7777 North SR A 1 A Vero Beach, FL 32963 David 6. Sawhs sexy Peftdt Number: SI 5"187182-002 Date of Issue: JUL 19 20 Expiration Ddte of Construction Phase: JUL 16 2W Project: Claridge by the Sea/Stormwater Count y: St Lucie This permit is Issued under the authority of Part rV of Chapter 373, F.S., and Title 62, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.0 ). The activity is not cxempt from the requirement to obtain an Environmental Resource Pwait Pursuant to operating agreements executed between the Department and the water manapma t districts, as referenced in Chapter 621 IS, F.A.C., the Depardncnt is responsible for reviewing and taking festal agency action on this activity. A.CTX'tTiTY DESCRIPTION: The project: involves the development of a proposed 23-unit condominium known as the Clm*o by the Sea Condominium on 2.79 acres of coastal upland and consisting of an 11-story tower, parking garage roadway, pool/cabana area and supportive infrastructure. This permit allows for the construction of a surface water management system to meet State and South Florida. Water Moagment District (Sp`VS M) smrm water quantity and quality requirements. The proposed surface water management system consists of dry eelltration. ACTIVITY LOCATION: The Claridge by the Sea Condomirtiutb project is located on SR AIA, South Hutchiusan Island, St. Lucie County, Section 3, Township 37 South, Range 41 East, Latitude 270 6' 46" S., Longitude SO- IT 30" E. This permit also constitutes a finding of consisWAcy with Florida's Coastal Zone Mmagement Program, as required by Section 307 of the Coastal 1VlanagementAct This permit also constitutes certification of compliance with water quality standards under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C.1341. A copy of this authorization also has been sent to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) for review. The USACOE may require a separate permit. Faittue to obtain this authorization prior to construction could subject you to enforcement action by drat agency. You are hereby advised that Page 1 Of 1 i "More Protection, Less Pfems" FILE COPY Pail ad an mtyeW paper. Permittee: Claridge H development Co. Permit No.: SI 56-0197187 002 Pzoiect: _ Claridge bythe Sea. Condom!Aium SWMS authorizations also may be required by other federal, state, and local entities. This authorization does not relieve you from the requirements to obtain all Other required permits and authoriwions. The above named permittee is hereby authonzed to conswict the work shown on the application and approved dry, plans, and other documents attached heveto or on file with the Department and made a Part hereof This permit is subject to the limits, conditions, and locations otwork shown in the • attached ftwings (ESrhibits 1-51 and h also subject to the attached General Conditions (1-19) add SpeMc Conditions (1-11)6 which are a binding part of this permit You are advised to read sad understand these drawings and conditions prior to cernmmcing the authorized activities, and to ensm the work is conducted in conformance with all the nines, conditions, and 'drawings. If you are utilizing a contractor, the contractor also should read and understand these drawings and conditions prior to commencing the authorized activities. Failure to comply with all' drawings and conditions shall constitute grounds for revocation of the permit and appropriate enforcement action, Operatioc - of the Facility is not authorized except when determined to be in conformance with all applicable rules and with the general and specific conditions of this permit, below aA,d as specifically described _ SVRPACE wA7'ElR SXSTEM >nBs Gl�; Project Area: 2.79 acres drainage Arm 1.66 acres (coastal construction Setback Drainage Basin: Middle Coastal . Indian ltiverL.agm. lice and AlA right of way) - Receiving Body: Swale system located on east side of Sp, A-1-A within the right of -way, Background: On May 3, 200% the applicant, R. Mason Simpson applied for are Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) to construct a surface water management Mmtna .to Serve the development of 2.79 acres of uplands, in coastal St. Lucie County. Proposed FareiWeg: Although the total project area is 2.19 acres, a portion of the site is seaward of the natural beach dune. Rimoffin this portion will continue to flow seaward away from .the drainage basin. In additiop, an adjacent portion of the site west of the dune area. may exhibit initial abstraction and 1nf IMMOA properties which mitigate against the geMratien of storm water runoff: As a result; an area of 1.66 acres was utilized for drainage design. The purpose of the proposed work is for construction and operation of a surface water management system to serve 1.66 acres of the 2.79 ante condominium complex site. The proposed surface water management system consists of the construction of an 8-in. PVC storm water piping and a series of yard drains ,and inlets routing storm water runoff to a dry extiltraiion system which shall provide the required 0.19 sa.-ft watt quality treatment and flood attenuation prior to discharge into a swale system located on east side of SR A.I.A. The dry eaciiltration system is proposed to consist of 344 linear feet of 18•1n. diameter perforated aluminum pipe with invert bottom elevation above the 1.0 ft. NGVD wet season high water table elevation, set in an 8 fk wide x 4 ft deep trench. The dry exfiltration system shall provide the required volume of water quality treatment. The minimum perimeter berm elevation is 5.1 I fL NM. Bassin Information: FILE COPY Pa* 1 of 11 Permitt6e: Claridge 11 Development Co. Permit No.: S1 S6-0187182-002 WSWT NormayDry Area Elev. Ctrl Elev. Method of Basin (Ad) (ftNGVD) (ftNGVD) Determination Project site . 2.79. 1.0 N/A Previously Established Discharge Structure Information: Discharge from the site will be through a single outWl control structure to a swale system located on the east side of SR A-] A. bUjor Discharge Structure®: Project site Design Storm Freq.: 25--yr, 37day CrastEIev. 0.5 fL wide rectangular weir with S- in. circular orifice bleeder at control Design Rainfall: 9.50 inches 4.0 & Allow Desip Design Disch Method of Disch Stage Basin (cis) Determination (afs) (fc NGVD) Protect site 2.24 Prevs. Post 1.82 5.11 Design Storm Freq.:10 yr Way Design Rainfall: 6.0 inches Flood Elevation FEMA b inimum (feetNGVD) ELEVATION Design Elevation Basifl feet NGVD) (feet Minimum road crown Project site 4.42 N/A elevation at or above 4.42 fact • • Design Storm Freq,:100-yr, 3-day Design Rainfall: 12.2 inches Flood Elevation Breaking Wave Height Minimum (feet NGVD) (feet NM) Design Elevation Basin (feet NOW) Minimum habitable Project site 7.47 N/A floor elevations at 20.0 feet FILE COPY Page 3 of 11 Permittee: Claridge 11 Davelopment Co. Permit No.: SI $6-0187182-002 Water Quality: Dry detention of 0.19 ac-ft is provided in a dry detention -motion trend compute as 2.5 inches multiplied by percent impervious of � drainage area of 1.66 acres. Pervious Impervious Volume Volume Am reatment Area T ,d Basin Ac Ac McAnd r. Pro-1 Site 0.456 1.20 Environmental Review: No protected species or wetlands ware observed on site. System Operation: Claridge by the Sea Condominium Association, Inc. Water Use Permit Status: A pVw use permit iris not been applied to this project at -this time. A water use permit may be required if any dewatering is Proposed. Water and ''Wastewater Supplier: FFUA (water) & St. Lucie County Ut dities (wastewater). Save OurRiverg: This project is not within or adjacent to lands under consideration by the Save Our Riversprogram. SWM Basin: This project is located within the lndk n River Lagoon Swim Basin. Right-o&way Permit Status: A right-of-way permit is.not required prom the South Florida WaW Management District. Well I+Wd Zone of h flueuce: This project is not located within the zone of influenco of a well -field. GFNIM" CONDMONS: ' (1) All activities authorized by this permit shall be. implemented as set ftth in the pions, spec4cations and performance c.ritmia as approved by this permit. Any deviation from the Permitaed nativity and .the conditions for uaderftkmg that activity shall constitute a violation of Ibis permit and Part IV, Chapter 373, F.S. - (2) INS peitnit or a copy there4 COBVIete with all conditions, attwhments, exhibits, and modifications small be kept at the work site of the permitted activity. lWe complete permit shall be available for review at the work -She .upon request by the Departlraent sty. The pe iRtee authorized by this permmit.. shall require the contractor to review the complete permit prior io commeaaement of the activity (3) Activities approved by this permit shall be conducted in a manner which does not cause violations of state water quality standards. The permittee shall implement best management practices for erosion and pollution control to prevent violation of state water quality standards. page 4 of l l FILE COPY Permittee: Claridge If Development Co. PermitNo.: S156-0187182-002 Prot CMdae by the Sea Condominium SWMS Temporary erosion control shall be implemented prior to and during construction, and permanent control measures shall be completed within 7 days of any construction activity. Turbidity barriers shall be installed and maintained at all locations where the possibility of ttsmsfening suspended solids into the receiving water body exists due to the permitted work. Turbidity barriers shall remain in place at all locations - until construction is completed and soils are stabilized and vegetation has been established. All practices shall be in accsor4ance with the guidelines and specifications described in Chapter 6 ofthe Florida Land Development Manual; A Guide to Sound Land and Water Management (Department of Environmental Regulation, 1988), unless a project -specific erosion and sediment control plan is approved as part of the permit. Thereafter the permittee shall be responsible for the removal of the bmriers. The permittee sball correct any erosion or shoaling that causes adverse impacts to the water resources. (4) The permittee shall notify the Department of the anticipated construction stint date within 30 days of the date that this permit is issued. At least 48 hours prior to commencement of activity authorized 13y this permm% the permittee shall submit to the Department an "Environmental gesomrce Permit Construction Commencement" notice ' (Form No. 62- 343.900(3), F.A.C.) indicating the actual start date and the expected completion date. (5) When the duration of construction will exceed one year, the permittee shall submit construction status reports to the Department on an annual basis utilizing an "Annual Status Report Form" (Form No, 62-343.900(4), F.A.C.). Status Report Forms shall be submitted the following June of each year. (6) Within 30 days after completion of construction of the permitted activity, the permittee shall submit a written statement of completion and certification by a registered professional engineer or other appropriate. individual as authorized by law, utilizing the supplied "Environmental Resource Permit As -Built Certification by a Registered Professional" (Form No. 62-343.900(5), F.A.C.). The statement of completion and certification shall be based on on -site observation of construction or review of as built drawings for the purpose of determining if the work was completed in compliance with permitted plans and specifications. This submittal shall serve to notify the Department that the system is ready for inspection. Additionally, if deviation from the approved drawings are discovered during the certification process, the certification must be accompanied by a copy of the approved permit drawings with deviations noted. Both the original and revised specifications must be clearly shown. The plans must be clearly labeled as "as -built" or "record" drawing. All surveyed dimensions and elevations shall be certified by a registered surveyor. (7) The operation phase of this permit shall not become effective until the permitter. has complied with the requirements of condition (6) above, has submitted a "Request for Transfer of Environmental Resource Permit Construction Phase to Operation Phase" (Form No. 62- 343900(7)t F.A.C.); the Department determines the system to be in compliance with the permitted plans and specifications; and the entity approved by the Department in accordance with Sections 9.0 and 10.0 of the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications Within the South Florida Water Management District - August 1995, accepts responsibility for operation and maintenance of the system. The permit shall not be transferred Page 5 of 11 FILE COPY Permittee: Claridge 11 Development Co. Pernrit No.: SI Sb.01 s71 s2-002 iirAiant- r`1. -:A— L..aL— 21.,E •--- I1__ f___•___ to such approved operation and minte=cD entity Until the operation phase of the permit becomes effective.. Following inspection and approval of the permitted system by the Departmen4 the permittee shall initiate transfer of the permit to the approved responsible oP=tinE entity if 41ffmM from the PmMittee. Until the permit is transferred pursuant to Section 62-343,110(1)(d), F.A.C,, the permittee,shall be liable -for compliance with the W= of the permit, (8) Each phase or independent portion of the permitted system must be completed in accordanco With the Permitted plans and permit conditions prior to the.inidation of the Permitted use of site Must uetare looted within the area served by that portion or phase of the system. Each phase or independent portion of the este;n must; bs completed in accordance with the permitted plans and permit conditions .prior to transfer of responsibility for operation and fiance of the phase or portion •of the system to a locatl government or other responsible entity. (9) For thow systems that will be operated or maintained by an elitity that will require an easement or deed restriction in order to enable that ca ty to operate or maintain the system in conformance with this Pik such easement or deed restriction must be recorded in the public records and submitted to the Department along with mLy other final operation and maintenance documents required by sections 9.0 and 10.0 of the Basis of Roview for Environmental Rosource Permit APpliestions Within the South Florida Water Mm agement District . August I995. Prior to lot or unit sales or prior to the completion of the systeom whichever occurs fnt. Other documents concerning the establishment and authority of the operating entity must be filed with the Swxafty of State where appropriate. For those systems which are proposed to be maintained by the couUW or municipal aatities, final operation and maintenance documents trust be received by the Department when maintenance and "operation of the. system is accepted by the Iocal governowettt entity. Failuro to submit the appropriate final documents will result in the permittee remaining liable for carrying out maktenaace and operation of the Permitted system and as Other permit conditions. y (10) Should any other regulatory agency require changes to the permitted system the permittee shall notify the Department -in writing of the changes Prior' to imPlement8don so that a determination can be,made whether a permit moth 0cation is required. (11) This permit does not eliminate the necessity to obtain :any required federal, state, local and special district authorizations prior to the start of any activity approved by this permit . Th&. permit does not convey to the permitted or create in the pem ttee any property right; or any interest in real property,:nor. does: it autlwrize .any entaaace upon or activities on property which is not owned or controlled. by the Permittee, or convey any rIOU or privileges other than those specified in the permit and Chapter 40B.4 or Chapter 40Fr40, F;A.C. (12) The permithm is hereby advised that Simon 253.77,: F.S. slates that a arson p may not commence any excavation, construction, or other aotivity.involving the use ofsovereign or other lands ofthe state, the #iris to which is vested in the Board of Trustees ofthe lnternal. Improvement Trust Fund without obtaining the. required lease; license,. easement; or other form of consent authorizing the proposed use. Therefore, the .permittee is Iesponsible for obtaining any nec essaty authartzations Page 6 of i l FILE COPY Pe mittee: Claridge 11 Development Co. Permit No.: S15&0187182.002 Fro ect: C 'd b the Sea Condominiums SWMS from the Board of• Trustaes prior to commencing activity on sovereignty lands or other state- owned lands. (13) 'The permittee is advised that the rules of the South Florida Water Management District require the permittee to obtain a water use permit from the South, Florida Water Management District prior to const mcdon dewaterino� unless the work qualifies far a Senora] permit pursuant to subsection 40E-20.302(4), F.A.C., also known as Ike "No Notice" rule. . (14) . The peruuttee shall hold and save the Department harmless from any and all damages, claims, or liabilities which may arise by reason of tho construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal, abandonment or use of any system authorized by the permit. (15) Any dellneation of the extent of a wetland or other surface water submitted as pert of t#w permit application, including plans or other supporting docume»taiiion, shall not be eonsidered binding unless a specific condition of this pwmit or a forma] detannindon.under section 373.421(21 F.S., provides otherwise. (16) The permittee shall notify the Department in vaiting within 30 days of any sale, conveyance, or other transfer of ownership or control of a pemutod system or the real property on which the permitted system is located. All transfers of ownership or tmnsfers of a permit are subject to the requirements of section 62-343,130, F.A.C. The penaunee transferring the permit shall remain liable for conative actions that may be required as a result of any violations prior to the sale, conveyance or other transfer of the system. (17) Upon reasonable notice to the permittea, Department authorized staff with proper ideatification shall have permission to enter, inspect, sample and test the system to insure conformity with the plans and specifications approved by the permit. (19) If historical or archaeological artifacts are discovered at any time on the project site, the pormittee shall immediately notify the appropriate Department office. (19) The. permittee shall immediately notify the Department is: writing of any previously submitted information that is later discovered to be inaccurate. SPTAMC COfNDMONS: I. Discharge facilities. A pollution retardant basin with 12" x u" sump., and 12" baffle discharging to a control outfall structure consisting of a 0.5A wide rectangular weir with 3-in diameter orifice bleeder at elev. 3.5 feet NOVD. The control elevation of the outfall weir is proposed to be located at elevation 4.0 feet NM. 2. Surface water management system. The surface water management system shall be built In accordance with the Claridge by the Sea Condominium grading, drainage, and site plans dated September 14, 2001(attached e7du'bits 1 through 5). Page 7 of 11 FILE COPY Permitter; Claridge H Development Co. Permit No.: SI 5&0187182.002 Pro"Claridiste the Sea Condominium SWMS 3. Sedimentation Controls. At all. times during dw construction, the pertuittee shall use best Iuuanagement techniques for Melon and sedimentation ~ controL Entrenched silt screens, straw Was, or other sediment control measures shall be used during eoumction The selected sediment cotltrol measut+es shallbe installed arotmd the perimeter of the area to be developed, and shall be installed and maintained throughout the construction ;period to protect adjacent surface waters. All graded areas shall be stabilized and vegetated unmediatety after construction to prevent erosion., M addition, the permittee shall provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration,' and :intended and xeasonabiy expeded uses of a. qstem will not adversely impact the ecological value of uplands to aquatic or wetland dependent species for enabling existing nesting- or donning by these species nor cause violations of water quality standards ofsurface waters 4. ce of .Stogy Drainage, *st{em. Maintenance of the stmmwater system- is the responsibility of the Claridge by the Sea Condominium Association, I.C. to a$= that it operates as designed; A maintenance schedule shall be implemented to ensure that the stormwater management system is $mcGioning as designed. Inlet structures shall be inspected annually and cleaned on .an "as netted" basis. $. Turtle Lighting. The following conditions shall be required for the protection ofumine turtles: a. All permanent edrior lighting shall bo installed and maintained as depicted on the approved lighting schematic and out sheets. No additional exterior lighting is authorized. b. •Ifany of the lights become visible from the beach or disorient nesting or hatchling sea turtles at anY time, they must be modified suoh that they are no longer visible from the beach. c. Tinted glass or filar with a visible light ea m ttance Value of forty -live (45) percent or less shall be applied to all windows and doors within line of sight ofthe beach. 6. Uot'e- Species. The permittee shall Maintain, the Project sites free from the invasion or establishment of the plants listed on the current year's Florida Exotic Pest Plant Couucil's Category I.Invasive F�otiO Species'list( year 2001 copy is Mached ). 7. AdditionA Water Qu Hty Requirement, The Department mumes.the light to require that additional waberqua]ity Irealmeaftwthads be incorporated into the drainage system if such measures are shown to be necessary. S. Dewaterlmg. 'No dowazeriag activities shall be permitted at thin site. Any dewatering activity May vuluire $n :Industrial Wastewater perInit '(Tim Powell (cry 5611681-6684, DFI'M= Palm Beach) and SFWUD approval. Within- 30 days of receipt of a dawataing perm% the-pemigee shall submit a copy of the permiteo the Department (ATTN:.StormwaMr.Seedon). 9. FDOT Permit Requirement. A FDOT permit is requiredpriorto discharge to FDOT system. 10. Drawings and Attachments. Drawing exiu'blts 1 through S, and DEP forms. 62 343.�t30i3), (4), Page a of 11 FILE COPY Permittee: Claridge If Development Co. PermitNO.: SI 56-018718MM (5). (6),(7) and (8) F,A-C are hereby attached to and become part of this permit. 11. Complmmce with Geaeml Condition& The permittee shall be aware of and operate under the attached general limiting conditions. Generals conditions arc binding upon the permittee and enforceable pursuant to Chapters 403 and 373 of the Florida Statutes. , RIGMS OF AFFECT PARx'YES This permlt is hereby ,granted. This action is final and effective on the date $led with the Clerk of the Department unless a sufficient petition for an administrative haWas is timely filed under sections 120569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes as provided below. If a sufficient petition for an adffiinistcativa bearing is timely Sled, this action automatically becomes only proposed agency action on the application, subject to the result of the administrative review process. Therefbre, on the filing of a timely and sufficient petition, this action will not be final and d&ctive until further order of the Department: Because an administrative hearing may result In the reversal or substantial modification of this action, the applicant is advised not to commence consnuotion or other activities %will the deadlines noted below for filing a petition for an administrative hearing or revest for an extension of time have expired. Mediation is not available. A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of -the Florida Statmm The petition must contain the information sot forth below and must be filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of Gememl Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399- 3000. Under rule 62-110.106(4) of the.Flodda Administrative Code, a person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may also request an extension of time to file a petition for an administrative hearing. The Department may, for good cause shown, grant the request for an extension of time. Requests for extension of time must be $led with the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the applicable deadline. A tamely request for extension of tune Shari toll the running of the time period for filing a Petition until the request is acted upon. If a request is filed late, the Department may still grant it upon a motion by the requesting party showing that the failure to file a request for an extension of time before the deadline was the result of excusable neglect. If a timely and sufficient petition for an afth strative hearing is fled, other persons whose substantial irderests will be affected by the outcome of the administrative process have the right to petition to intervene in the proceeding. Intervention will be permitted only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with rule 28-106.205 of the Florida Administrative Code. In accordance with rules 28-106.1 I1(2) and 62-110J06(3Xa)(4),.pet1dons for an administrative . hearing by the applicant must be filed within 21 days of receipt of this written notice, Petitions filed by any Page 9 of 11 FILE COPY Perrnittee: Claridge II B e Iopment Co._ Permit No.: SI 5fr0187 1$2-002 Persons other than the appiican; and ogserthan those entitled to WMW notice-undersection 120.60(3) ofthe Florida Statutes Must be filed within 21 days of publication of the notice or within 21 days of receipt ofthe written notim whichever occurs fast: Under section 120.6M) of the Florida Stwhte however, any person who has asked the, Deparmaent for notice of agency action may.file a petition within 21 days of receipt of such notice, regardless ofthe date ofpublieation. The petitioner shall mail.a copy of the petitioneo fe applicant atthe address indicated above at the time offiling. The farih n of any person to file a petition for an administrative hearing within the appropriate time period shall constitUte a waiver of that persoa's right to request an istrative determination (hearing) under sections 120.569 and :i20.57 of the Florida,.Stabrtes. A petition that disputes the material fps on which the DepartmoVs action is based must contain the following Wormetion; (a) The name and address oil each agenCY affected and each agency's file or idenf flmdon number, if The (b) The name, address, and-Wephone uumberof1 he petitioner, the name, addnassy and telephone number Of the petitioner's representatives if any, which shall be the address Par service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation ofbow the pe flift r" s substantial interests are or will be affected byte agency determiaadioa; (a) A statementofwhim and hawthapeNonerreedvadno*e ofthe agencydeeision (d) A statement of all dispuWd issues ofmouial fact, mtbere are none, :the petition must so and • (a) A concise statement ofthe ultimate facts aueged, including the specific finds that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification.oftho agency's proposed action; (t) A statement of the specific rules or statutes that the pettioner contends require.teyersai or modification of the agency's proposed action; and (g) A statementof the relief soughtbythopetitroner, staftprecisely tbe action that the petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed: action. •A petition that does not dispute the material facts on which the Department's action is based shall state that no such facts are in dispute and otherwise shall contain the same information as set forth above, as required by rule 28-106.30I. Under sections 120.569(2)(c) and (d) oftbc Florida Statutes, a petition for administrative hearing must be ftmissed by the agency if the petition does not substantially comply with the above requirements or is untimely filed. This permit constitutes an order ofthe Dgwft wt .Subject to the provisions of.paragraph 120.68(7)(a) of the Florida Statutes, which may PAP require aremand for an adminisaativa heaft the applicant has the right to seek judicial review ofthe order under section 120.69 ofthe Florida,Statute% by the f ling of a notice of appeal under nile, 9.1 le ofthe Florida Rules .of Appellate Procedure with the Clerk ofthe Department in the Office of Genera[ Caunsel; 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard; lwlail'Sta ion.35, Tallahassee, FIorida, 32399-3000; and by fi fta eopy of the notice of appeal accompanied by the applicable Aft fees with the aPPmprate district court of appeal.:The.notice of appeal°must be filed within 30 days from. the date when the wider is fhled with the -Clerk of the Department 1'ege 14 Of 11 FILE COPY Permittee: II Development Co. by the Sea- Condom Executed in West Palm Beach, Florida. STATE OAF-FLORIDA DEPAlt1'TVJF.NT OF ENV]RONMENTAI,1'Y MCTION Permit No.: SI 56-0187182.002 o 02mmawd h Date ' ministrator av�ironwental Resources Prag'ram TR!! L Copics furnished to: USACOE - Stuart South Florida Wafer Management District - T. Woszhou� Pam. Richard AIL Wyk% ] ,.& Culpepper; & Terpannin& kr. , 2990. S. 25#`$4 Fort Pierce, FL 34981(by E-mawonly) FDEP - Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Dean Gallagher - Florida Fists & WiIdli£e Conservation Commission CW WCC). TIF,�CAT,E 41F5PM The =derSigaed duly-degVu tied delmty Oak he by C91hat ispermiit.and Air liste d pe�sans.before.the.close ofbusimm on the above ' FI 'LING AND CiM0, GMENT FILED, ont dsdat0,pursaantto 120.52(11� Florid bD t�fi ignated Depm wxd Clerk. o flick is y ac wledge& Oak Date Page 11 of 11 FILE COPY were mailed to C.1 CONDOMBUM ■ L AM S ` COUNTY. c `` T ■_ tt I FOR ui az U. 1 ��COMPAW Lu CC bw • 'ti 16 CTii Awsasns�g�era■Mrta� aawnarsat rw ���e 3-1 if1..,.1 .1 =t, if pow D sir �L'-, W=- WI! r eaar erne 4711�, IMILWIN r oc-aay-m M �= ( [ZJ��I[!=�[ G'.c]C�'��r-•cam.--.-r-�-.rn=-T�PO . `Mw CMpi#�'�i.�5'iw�a� � Nnr'�~r!L�,;�,t�:iii�'i11 �+1�Yi^yM .. �•�� m 0 0 F6At-yl1{ /l*41 '101i . OR. 1 'Ia:r i `i a'. 1' \6lA6:1, C7AY• c-(!i ` .f `• ;��a nwom v exuva - va mm As sear 11 a AlwAssup"am 10.0 WNW "W"Wwwoughtm sun= 101MVISM VAN= F- 0 7 WTI wwwoo rn OR O S�YOjLY'JI�18d9 vamLAg m. \ \ f _ r�rr�asir..rw • ...:A� dEmA.ft" •�'.'�w7i"i4"�i . i� s Amw W049map"44 ' Is Is • 9 1. t:Sf.PIRJIY couj1d]V . 2001"tcClles. . ". DFYIYVMONS::coda--a spades in chictai #0" 1 ]a, ►u�os ly Or:�cci+a+aats$, ft+orn a uatavral.rtnge outside ofFlorida. Native--aspeaeswhose :nahualrzmgtincluded,FiadUl t.1hatimaofEuMun-contact(000AID). Natwalized =o1io--aa c mdo #hat sustains i3satf`'outside GWdvatiou (ithas not "become native): bivasive exatio--M exotic thatuot only1w:natudized butass'vq=ding cuts owaanPlorldaplant:cQMMus dW- Abbreviations used': hl iy. IW; P = ProhibitedbyFla, Dept.,OfRmvk=enUd Protection, N c e„v, Noxious wred•lifited * ,Dept. ofAstiadtin & COSumer Sertnces, l 7 � rc.wat Noxious wend listedbg U,%.Demtment.ofAgricalture 9L3W -V—e : N = north, C M central, S =souuth,.refeaft t0 each speaes`c n=t.-dkft tution ut general regnons Of �`Ioi i (not Its poteaw Mpialm.s%tal See M* Category X invadva a0fics *a amalteft lant des by g . community stnactatas or ecological AMCt OM Orhybridgms v i&muvrs. this d fnmon dogs not rely on the economic severity or geogaphic range of therohTe bui on the dooran�nee�iecologlcal damajge caused. ScieRMO Name rusPrerarorlus a mahwWOMIS rtla�tdrbrudn Ib/sta lvbbei* dream -A enundata) rria ells trea fz ik tv Lr aragttrd�sl DtRts .. arlirniavaritgaAaOrChIduce Common Name • • tosatY a emeteafaeeola tdmose. Siliclstc W tonpue 0[dL9iR altioebatton atdlda li9t Dist. C' S S , C S Cr S �sch411a avcnlc� ' � C' ' Sta>t�lnotisfpatPCi'lnast ' S rloplrylhm,antlllornoot� aolabq' tnopiy►ff m 'Alocaadriee bums rued in in Ian witiva�tofn ortna rqubrtr olla� tee P aS aglawo spdxdn 8IG C" trtrm dlu»umr dq' estaustte C, S nmm�omwneitnGm stet D GGCJra P.tG7:Ier7tA WIId t= Na !rr r6w aslatrca latber S nropsitpttacat�oldts GartOLwflDd N . r, . fasCoxaQlQta rC4 asaama btribjjera �� N ornra •olntL P N,ClS la tanijlora St>�n d�t�Y tcus ttrlcr+ocaaAa(K Imudlig F. r&vsa vtu. ni ida mimp lied} I a vertldlA= bydnM P. WN; YJ�P ila olysPsrtno B� p• I�►CrS' renachne argpeslczatlis west lrrdian marsh C. S tnpernta tylhtd itl¢ for► 8 Nr tJ, N, Cy:s brasrlirmis misap ied) ' GUtoea rratt�4' ti{ttttetSplitatll Fr v' astrtrnrtmdi 01WMrn ;3oid as CsS afminttmftranrttettst l3raaiiianja5mrne Cr S Lowana antat+erahrub:vctbena N trstram hid& m gloasy Inivet. tntm ainensa i lnat )i cLlq a p&d N,C )cam japoalc+Q Japaaesahoncysudde: N. y aponiCurtr Japap]DOM fit' 1aC:g Lygod&artnlem lnrn _ Old W*dd Ing.f= a adyenatm '-eat► • oat'sctavvine ,C,S am a = elalttttaysda�ttettervlo rAcW wt ,mwbmk. $N, ' U 6 � amaapigrio eatclaarsnitnosa L P. 'U. C, attdvra otttGttiiaa heaved bamboo ? LtCond(fD1Ia s�vmd fCm N I nmlt Allestswordfam G Butmseeth was Bross. cr+rddoJlaw Saw" W%nvine N aadrria a�eltda • almakt�e ' ankuntrtPrtas t d0mm • = rsemat IMF Ac� strm►vbetsy.g�uva ltttwakl. • 19"Win"99d ea - .lobate lmftn KU N.0 tonawuaao do�v�►::oso-m3rttle SparI10SE0 3Ct Tradate�a Iaraseb errmt_ ilea, Qitneta Wbwtt N t bwolo seNet{a (bola at aaro �totver, G taoceaTavnt mrtlarq� tt UP" f tfflffa aetlnopylla sehe03cT4 Qtt d a G C�Dtascataaet tree rhlrrsra.tr„aLtrtr, olrur Aras3lian ,N N, enna ptadala &- asila Nlmb%g Chiatmas Iai C i IUMOltirS}, �l1FIS1iDaCSGMa lanIli tompimm fZ£ sv¢tland aisht shone, aquaha soda N, II C, hauuadU apple olOntarrvheMM sodaap a u .' pR roll ottowhcad vine C ettnuMl j=bOh%JWR V actarla rrrciao ittarsed"halted C nee sari o mat►az Tmrlescarttlafhrminr+�' vrhtto-floworedwandeting3�v , rradesrtatr spathaMl- 1.0y3MVIM Rhoaaspauhaera,.ldlttn'a . dLrcolor) • C LIt aChlatr.nnrtiea . ,Pard glass . • (�BraChrariannrtrc� . ' r,p.u+sFwar.awntaitprlalume �•9..t�, pr:s -3-4 = - - FI L'• E. SOY FormwMMAMM F.A.C. -OmmencernentNoffee • DatKQd ENMONMNTALP.M RczpERWr Construction Commencemout Nottee PROJECT.-' ' MAW: Thereby notify the DP -PM t =t� afBW&0nm=d Protection that the construction of the surface water management systems authorized by Bn*oumenW Resource Permit • fl- has commenced ,/ is expected to commence on 199, and will require a duration of approxhustely months . vwech hays to c6n*eft It is understood tI>at should the coAstn tau term - extend beyond one year, I am obligated to submit the Anmual -States Report'for Surface Water IYlanagenrent Systems Construction, . PLEASE NOTE: •ifthe actai oon=act m commncemew date is not known, Department sta should beso notified in vvridng in order to satisfy permit conditions. . PeAm�ittee or ido and Company Date ' Authorized Agent Phone Address _ . • : - _ _ FILE. COPY ' z`�rnr�r-s.zvrvwvvr�r_ r-.rra.. - ? • . ft mToftAtmtmi. St"- Hewer • pate:Ociober3.1995 F-"M0NwWwa M RzS0URCFI PERMT • ANNUAL STATUS REPORT FORM • ' Florida Department ofl~nAron hental protection Permit No. Countya ProjectName: phase: The Mowing -activity has occurred at the above referenced project during the past year, between June 1. P and may 30,19„•_--. . Permit Condition °!a of Completion Date Grantioipated bate of Activlty Completion , completion, , (Use Additional Sheets ids Necessary), Benchmark Description (one per major control structure); ' print Name Phone Permittees orAitthorized Title and Company Date_ Agent's Signature This form shall be submitted to the above referenced DeparWent Write ,daring Jane of eoeb year for activities whose duration of construction exceeds one year. . FILE COPY _ • .�.Yu1•u.rr a • rawt ENMOMMULMOMMPERAw ' • AS-BUMT CZRTMCATION BYA UGLqTEM titQrES5t0X&. , Pamnitl�Tutnber ' Pra3ectAtiva - x hereby certify that all:to por at of fs mace zvatermatisgwmeatsys eve been butt substmtfany in accot&=q, with tho appmved plans and speeiftwdons md. are ready for impecdon.. Any anbstandd.deviations (noted below) from the approved platy and sp'eciiications will not p'revaatthe syswm from fuwdonhg as designed when pmpq ly maWahlad and operated .These :=based UP= ott site obStrvationloftbe syst= conduceedby mezrby nly.duig4ft under :. my direct supervision and/or my review of as-buMPlsus cettifWby a rgg Wvcd professinmal nr. other appr to iiudMdual as authorized by law; ,dame (pease print) Signature of Professional -COMMY �*amo - Florida RegistratIota Number - Company Address DAte CiM State, .Tip Code Telephone Number - -(Am Seal) Substantial deviations from the approved plans and sgecMantiotts: (Notte: Attach two copies ofas-butt plaru wltenti3ere pare substantial deviations) , Widgi 30 days of completiau of the system, subA*two copies ofthe form.to: FILE COPY t - PamdtNumber. Project Name: :Form;#M,9ob(6i: F' Ate: Form Title: insoeation gatafication . D%=0 e3, IM 1MWMONMNTAL RESOURCE P=VW* nvSP1 ors CERTMCATION bspectioa Date(* bspeetion R=ults: (check one) I Nearby c6rdfy that I or my designees under my direct supervision have Wpectedtthe system at the above re£arenccd project and that the system appears to: be functioning in accordance wM the requirements ofthe permit and Chapter 373 F.S. (as applicable). The following necessary maintenance was conducted: I Nearby certify that I or my dudgm under my direct supervision has *ecwd'he system at the above referenced project and that the system does not appear to be fimcdo login accordance with the requh mama of the permit and Chapter 373 P.S. (as applicable). I bave informed tfw .operadonnud mda trance entity -of t$a following: (a) tbet the system does not appear to be f=0donittg properl3r,. M thot =datensm is required -to bring tho system into compliance. and (e) if mz1ntenance measures are not adequate to bring the system into compliance, the system may have to be replaced or an ozrnativo design.constructed. obsequent to Deparmacnt approval. Name (please print) Compaq► Name Company Address City, Stme, zip Code Telephone Number Signature of Professional Engineer 5 Florida Regl4t udonNumber Date (Affix Sea)) Within 30 days of completion of the inspection, submit two copies of this form to the following Department Office: Department of Environmental Protection FILE COPY PamdtNumber. Project Name: :Form;#M,9ob(6i: F' Ate: Form Title: insoeation gatafication . D%=0 e3, IM 1MWMONMNTAL RESOURCE P=VW* nvSP1 ors CERTMCATION bspectioa Date(* bspeetion R=ults: (check one) I Nearby c6rdfy that I or my designees under my direct supervision have Wpectedtthe system at the above re£arenccd project and that the system appears to: be functioning in accordance wM the requirements ofthe permit and Chapter 373 F.S. (as applicable). The following necessary maintenance was conducted: I Nearby certify that I or my dudgm under my direct supervision has *ecwd'he system at the above referenced project and that the system does not appear to be fimcdo login accordance with the requh mama of the permit and Chapter 373 P.S. (as applicable). I bave informed tfw .operadonnud mda trance entity -of t$a following: (a) tbet the system does not appear to be f=0donittg properl3r,. M thot =datensm is required -to bring tho system into compliance. and (e) if mz1ntenance measures are not adequate to bring the system into compliance, the system may have to be replaced or an ozrnativo design.constructed. obsequent to Deparmacnt approval. Name (please print) Compaq► Name Company Address City, Stme, zip Code Telephone Number Signature of Professional Engineer 5 Florida Regl4t udonNumber Date (Affix Sea)) Within 30 days of completion of the inspection, submit two copies of this form to the following Department Office: Department of Environmental Protection FILE COPY • , • - .' Dear• Cruet 6sr..S_'s9� , REQUEST FOR TgANSFER OF EMUONWNTAL RES0UY2CE PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PELASE To OPE"TiON P E (To be completed and submitted by;the operating. entity) . Florida DepuluxatofBvirontamw Protection It is requested thatDepardaentpermltNo. - au O'Wngthe:ccnst on:sadoparattoafe . surface water management system for the below mcationed pzojec[bc transferred from the coorstsuctionpbase peumitto to the operatioaphaso operatungsx►tity. . PRO]EtrT FROANE Name• _ Address- :.Civ.. $tate• 2ipcode• . �0: - Name _ Address• Mate: The surface water maaagcment facffi&3 ere heathy accepted #or.op=tioa iu d:maintagauce ia.acewArdaaee Wh the . engineers certffication.aud as outliaedin#besrstdcdve cove at and articles ofincorporldowforthe OPM* entity. Enclosed is a copy of the docnmenti=Jfuft tidc' of tba operating entity for- the, common areas:on v+ hft the surface water manggemantsystem is .located, .Note that ifttie:opasttb* entityhas notbeenpraviouslY.a2Prov4 jhc applicant should contact tbA Depmtt mi staffprior to fling for permit transfa •- Tile undersigned homby agirrsthat all terwand conditions.of tha permit andsubseguentmodi endow. ifany, have been reviewed, are understood and are Nearby accepted._ .Anypmposed modifications shall Be, applied fornad obtained prior to sgch modification, Operating BntilY_.....,.__ Name Title Enclosure: Copy ofrecorded trausi'er,of title surfaeelvatermamsemeut systm . �. Copy ofplaw Copy ofrecorded restrictive covenants, zAic]cs.of incorporation; aa&efttificato ofincorpmx6oat' FILE COPY APPLICATION FOR TRANSFFa OF ENVIRU 11 OF SALE OF A EACII= OR, SURF PermitNo. Date Issued FROM (Name of Cturettt Paund Folder) Mailing Address City Telephone: State Ra�-0-w�Q0 ( ' - ' /�pflseiaa:f�.`I1m�aGoi�iPP ::�@`eatiwi7�tr - RESOURCE PMU41r AND NOTIFICATION ►1'E1L MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Identification or Name ofFacility/SurFaee Water Management System: Dace Expires Zip Code Phase of Facility/Su face WaterManagemimt System (tfapplicable): The uadm*Aed hereby notifies the Department of the sale of legal transfer of this facility, or.surface-water management system, and fiuther agrees Wo assign-aH:rWb and obligations as pem ittee to#he:applicant=m fe-cvw tthe Dopaimtem agrees to the transferofpain4ir. Signature of the owrM patmittee• Title (if any).— Date: TO (Name of Proposed Permit Transferee): Mailing Address: City: Telephone: ( 1 State:Zip Code: The tinder ped hrrebynt&es thcMq=tmant ofhav(Ing acquired the btle.to this fact7ity, or smtioe-whet maagement system. The undersigned also states he or she leas cxaminedthe application and docamanss submitted by the cement permWca, tha basis of which*e penn#tvaas°isaued bylbb DvartiaeA zad,etMP4*V Sectustely and :tompleWY,d scribe She permitted activity or project. The uuderdprA-f u*er auests to:being fard1ft with the permit,: agrees:to comply wide its teems and with its conditions, and agrees to asstmte the rights and liabilidw Contained is the permit The_undessigned also agrees to Promptly notifytheDeptofmryfutmechangesin:own-nc:orresponslilityfar,-thopom2ttoedncgvhyorproject. SigMature of rho applicant (Transferee): Title (if any): 4_ Date: Project EnglacerName (if applicable) Mailing Address: Telephone: ( FILE COPY 0 FDEP/OEACNES&CD1S1i S Fa`x':850--488 5257 Jun 25.2002 15:14 P.01 FLORMIDA DEPARTNMM.'-..-�l*.il-2--.-44.-.,... t Permit Number: SL-179 Pexmittee: Permit ]Expires: Ja tuaiy 17, 2005 ne Built i�a9 Corporaliog _.. _ _._... -- ,yn...:.: . .c o nsty J-. Brush * Coastal suns hAmatio 464 South Dbde ,.Hioway Coral Gables, Florida 33145 �� _._. _ -: _:• :_ You are hereby .granted final a4thorization to proceed with. the :conscton ux activities authorized -by the permit. number referenced above:.. Authorized work must conform. with -the- detailed project - description, approved .plans, and .all condicibns inckkft ;preconstxucdoA requirements included. in the f lg order. A brief -description of the authorized work foUows. Prroject Dascripttion: Construction of an elevetrstory;"tlfami y dwe pg (condomW!mn) with . attached garages, swimi6ing pool, other structureslaetiv .' excavation, "and, placeMneAt of fill." Project Location: Between appxoximately'.20 ftiet ..and 280 feet' =3& ,of tiie Departmenf of - Environmental Protection's :reference :monument R-109; . k St. • Lucie' <Coumy. - Project -address: - ...10072 South. O�eanisrive,. Jensen Bead:.: , •_---- _Special Iiastractinns; _ 1, A .preggnwucaon cone c s recpu ec - : 2� Installation 4f three• test• _ ....... piles to be••located--a maximum of- 48.5 -feet seaward of -the control •linei.-b auttiorized-under this_--.- notice. --No additional work Is authorized: - _..-...... -- -.... . Questions regarding the permit or this notice should be directed -to the undeniped at:'. Bureau of Beaches and Wetlaad Resources 3900 Commonwmh Bjvd: M.S. '300- d bR✓l TaUabassee, ;Florida 32399-3000 Date11of Notice Srimvas M. TORRUisetti -F:E. - Telephone (85�0) 88- 80 SMTIdw cc: Permit File Permit. Infoiznation Center' Tommie Carter, Field Inspector Wynne Build M Corporation, Property Owner St. -Lucie County Building Official _. .... C DEpte+mT}.f31(3Cev-0t/9ry Lost .COnspiCuousiv 61 ire 5aife _ Office of Beaches and Coastal' Systems Florida :Department -of :Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard - Mail Station 300 FL0ReA "� Tallahassee. FL 32399-3000 PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE RECORD Permit •Number. In Attendance: '/``I 1 " I V 1~ M l'NI 14 /" -- I--zsr L_ fc- . I have met with the permittee, authorized agent, and/or other person(s) identified above, and together we have reviewed the project descriptionand conditions setfiorth on attachments tothe'final order:ofthe permit issued by the Department. Further: (1) At the time of this conference, 'construction fencing is: IN PLACE [ry NOT IN' PLACE A reinspection for construction fencing, compliance will be conducted by (date): n NOT APPLICABLE NOTE: Construction fencing shall be installed -to protect dunes and/or vegetated areas by restricting pedestrian access, storage• of -construction materials, and traffic by construction -equipment, to that strictly necessaryto the=authorized construction. (2) Approved construction plans are on -site at the time of the preconstruction meeting, in accordance with permit conditions. YES NO The .Pre -Construction conference will NOT -be conducted unless approved construction plans are on site. (3) A notice to proceed has been issued. YES NO NO Proceed at will. Required, but not yet issued. None Required. ;DO zNOT,PROCEED .UNTIL Proceed at will. ISSUED! COMMENTS: Ji Department of'Environ 7eri­/ faf: Rrotection Date Field Engineer FILE COPY EP Form 73.308 (Rev.09/97) COPIES - White (office) Yellow (pennittee / agent) F11IL- (inspector) ffi`..Gtry �' L Y i 'S6a. f y. rail. Tel! 850-4s1-4A7 f �� I an . fax: 85Q-48&525�-�:s:<, Local Tel! 321-7i9-a77 Pager, 1.577-332-43Q7 Q4 ci7n . FLORIODA OF A t 1' ON NOTICE TO PROCEED PerMittees Wynne Building Corrpotation c/o Christy.L Brush Coastal Systems °btemational., 'Inc. 464 South Dixie Highway. Perwk Number: SL 179 ftmit ZXtlres: January 1%, 2005 •j �.r'�" Yam` C Coral. Oables,•Fionda 33k�6 lt% • i You are hereby granted fit' authorization to proceed" -with the construction or activitiesLarixed by the permit number referenced A)ove. Authodwd :vmtk must oonform with the detailed project description, approved plains, and all conditions including: precvnstruction requirements included in the final order. A, brief description of the authorized work follows. Project Description: Construction of an eleven -story, multifamily dwelling (condominium) with attached gages, swimming pool, other structureslactivity, excavation, and placement of fall. project Immaon: Between approximately 20 feet and 280 feet south of the Department of Environmental Protection's reference monument R-100, in St. Lucie County. Project address: 10072 South Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach. Special Xastruccttions: A preconstruction conference is required. Questions rgWding the permit or this notice Should be directed to the undersigned at: Of lice ,of Beaches and Coastal Systems 33900 Commonwealth Blvd. - h+I.S. 310 0 ifti Tallahassee,. Florida 32399-3000 Date of Notice Sr n vass M. Taimmisetti, P.E. Telephone ..(850) 488-3180 SMTljg cc: Permit Ale . Permit Information Centex Tommie Carter, � Fidld Xnspector Wynne Building. Corporation; P>ropexty Owner- MAC 5 2OU3 + St. Lucie County Building Official FILE Copy Phat r'n"'-rni(-iinivQ1v nay the:.�iite ST. LUCIE COUNTY CHECKLIST SUMMARY L*23040035*PLAN.BL BUILDING DIVISION CHECKLIST STATUS DATE OP ID DESCRIPTION / COMMENTS NO 05/15/03 BLD26 3. Building Department Review Complete COMMENT 5/15/03 10072 S. OCEAN BLVD. CLARIDGE DUNE CROSSOVER 1. PLANS NEED TO BE SIGNED & SEALED BY A STRUCTURAL ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER, NOT A LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 2. WHAT IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN GRADE AND TOP OF CROSSOVER DECKING? PLEASE NOTE ON PLANS. 3. GUARDRAIL MUST BE AT 42" AND MEET ALL OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF FBC-2001 (1015). 4. GRASPABLE HANDRAIL ON STAIRCASE MUST MEET ALL OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF FBC-2001 (1007). 5. PILINGS MUST BE EMBEDDED 8' PER: DEP REQUIREMENTS FOR MULTI -FAMILY USE. 6. NEED 2 COPIES OF "FINAL ORDER" FROM D.E.P. (THIS PAPERWORK HAS THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION FOR PERMITTING). 7. NEED PLUMBING SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT. - �,f #, 4,��.,7470 FILE COPY TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME 05/16/2003 09:31 NAME FAX 7724622522 TEL SER.0 BROL2J853904 DATEJIME 05/16 09:30 FAX NO./NAME 94647470 DURATION 00: 00: 39 PAGE(S) 01 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM FILE COPY R � + LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TOMAC of Florida, Inc 3503 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL 32963 Field Phones (772)492-0590 Fax (772)492-0555 TO: St Lucie County Bldg Dept 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-1553 WE ARE SENDING YOU ® Attached ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Change order DATE: 5/27/03 12:25 PM ATTN: St Lucie Co Bldg Dept RE: Claridge by the Sea -Dune Crossover PERMIT # 23040035 ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications 171 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 5 19/03 Comments Received from St Lucie Co Bldg Dept Permit # 23040035 2 5/21/03 Plumbing Subcontractor Agreement 2 3 5/03 Final DEP Notice 2 5/21/03 Site Details Sheet 5 of 8 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ® For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ® As requested ❑ Returned for -corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For Review and comments ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Per your comments attached, please find the documentation you have requested for the Claridge By the Sea dune crossover permit # 23040035. COPY TO: File SIGNED: Traci Register If endosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. FILE COPY e - w COMMENTS RECEIVED FROM DOCKSIDE BUILDERS ON May 19, 2003 ST LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DEPT CHECK LIST SUMMARY BLDG DIVISION CHECK LIST Bldg Dept Review Complete COMMENT we <<Fcq. Plans need to be signed and sealed by a structural architect or engineer not a landscape architect. 2. What is the distance between grade and top of crossover decking? Please note on plans. L - ',19. Guardrail must be at 42" and meet all of the requirements of FBC-2001 (1015) 4. Graspable handrail on staircase must meet all of the requirements of FBC-2001 (1007). LI'-A-5. Pilings must be embedded 8" per DBP requirements for multi -family use 6. Need 2 copies of final order from DEP (This paperwork has the project description for permitting.) -7. Need plumbing subcontractor agreement FILE COPY MAY-16-03 03:07 PM DOCKSIDE BUILDERS 561 664 6796 P_01 Y A,� 1"2 1 i72-v6U �'? Y 1P, 7-- Ile- SIC, , 7.!•.i . .. :.... , :°=j .. t`�:Jr3.: t'.TiE.'� � iZC`.'� C:1n,' l=0(;:r:, E''. �.(� Bi VB _ BETWEEN GRAB AND 'r'OF' ,..:iy:•i;-l_:'a'•.:,i`, ti)F/.:K_J,V�i� �T_irA B NO} 011' PLANS. MUST !i"r: r1': ;) AND MEET AT,r. OF Z'E3F • .:•;�:.'...•.f•:`,C�'r�: U?•' FE1( ..;t)'� !�Ua:i) C}�iv Lr IiA _.r .i[� 5TA iZCAS E' :S'7 MFZT w G�t.F._r'_ u "i i'RoM D • ;t•il•'; �'kfC:;'i:C UE;JC,Fti1J G:, rOR :?E�;,�l;77':14G C.:ONTRACTOR 0 r 02/1 .� �%� � c;� T J is �-!�` C•.2,/ /� f��'-C= �c'•�1? ( �it.�-O J �') �� ./�_ C�t !;•� ; = �, � FILE t :`ti . � � r l t"Zr) :� /��1(.•C,�� f._ Pr.? t= `E?/fY'L.�=?-e l��.c_".°�C�_C�� PY