HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1823 .:J ' , 0, Ii I , , ,;~,' ~ ,:~",,,,,~,~:,:,~;;~~,;'/-'-,,,,,'~T:~'.:,-~ --,-;-::''"~ 7:::~~",f;~'~~"'77';;'??~'~~-"'t.r ,~~,-;~g~';~~??"~~<::'r ' :~(1~,i~2':?"3' :,:"-'~ ';:' ' '': ' '''-:-i, '0," , ' ',' " ::' \,' ,,"', ,.' , I', ,",; ,'" ",: ,":'--; ". ,',,:, ",' ,,' "', -:' ' : "OU~lllt~ apn.h.~.loa, teal', 01' 'o~'lC)~ of. Ol'~, t:r0Jll her '..14 hUbo..', . ,- :." 'i *itaIA~~ -.., ~4 OtftOl.~' 8..i" .~"Y"a;;"m:",~w,t.t~l\~h>>i.' 'j'- j). ' :a.919~ " .' . - ."' . .: .;:. - . " , . \' ~. . ~ .' .... .;, ~ < . :S<. " ." ..,...., ..',' ..",....I.,II..3on.. ~,".. __,,- , _. .10" lQb.l1~.I'..~ ot'JI1orlt,a at .-L~,.~ , :~,O~.,lQ.ezpi~.{ Ootob~''1. 1~22. " " , ~"',. -- .- )-". - ~ :' -' '., - '~. '.' ,-'- . . . . ~ . , ~ . . - " 'r,j~ARt'8JIAL) ~ ". ~;o ," ~-'. " , 8ta ~o~' JlJ.Ot'l~ , ' . t ,-" ':"'-.:'-_ " __- .:' , OOUDtlo~' St. 'tuOf;~ ' ,_ ::-'. _-';, .:- 0;,:","" - ___'" , ,oImIa'J)AY >>tl'80nal.~,.Ppe.r'4'b'f~r~,lIleJ~ Bll Jlo1rU'4& ~ellna ,Boward,hi.swift to .....11klloWll.ltb. J'Uion81~801'1b.4 '1Jl ~.1d10 Q.oute~tbe ~ore801ng DeetlotConftJalloe, . :' '- :". - ':' ; .'.: , - - - " " '. . . . -- . ~ '_: - - '. . . aJ1~ ,.OkDoWle,?e~that' the,. aeouteA th~~e f~rth~ PU1'POs~"tl)ereln, expr'8sed; Whereupon it' 1~ Pl'~1.4"t)18t the .~II8:r ,be.r.~or~eA. " , ' . ".. - - -" -".' " -,-".' . . "-- ,,' U ,WlfD8S,1IBIBBOP. I hayehereuntoilttl:.r.4117 neat ,and oft1o~.l ....1, th1s 22 de, ot, ,Sept. a, J). '191$, at "ero ne. 1 ) .-, .- (liO!ARrSlAL) J. K. Jone." , lotu7 h'bllo ~ : State of norlda at Larg6. M) Oomm18~1~n explres Ootobel' '. 1922, state, of I'lQr~d. ' OountJ' of 1St. Luole , , ' '. I ,J. K~e7one840hereb7 oel't1f7 that .t.Dgel1naBowarl to III' ..11kJ1own' a8 the wife of ~ - , . "'- . - .", . J. B.H,OWU'd an4~80~.otth.c per~onido80rlb~41n, and' whoex.outed the' t~regOln$ Dee4, 'f~:tbll",'4a7to..; o~ '..~par~te, and.: prl'J8t8 oxalnat1on' before',.8' Wen and male, 8opar- , .te.17~~4 apart from ,her' lai4 hueband7' ',otnowlectgeand 4eolare . that ebe made her8elf' a pUt7 to;~n4 txe,O,U~'4,~e,,8IUHto~'tbe ~po8'Of1"el~a8iD8, l'el1Jlqubhlng" reDouno1~ an4 oonTe;vQ 1D,g"~h..i' rl$htot't.owel",.eeparate, ..tate and,'home8tead.' and all her right' in and toth. . ", - ,.-.'" :" . - ,,' , . .' . ~ . . lai14eJJ18a14'~ee4 Ae~orlbe4alJ4 ar8ll~'d~ edthat Ibe exeouted the8Ul8 b'ee17an4 'JOluntar-, " " , ' " , " ',', I ll~t 1rithout ':;~~Jl8tl".lnt',.PP1'e~enalOJlt, t.;u.~l"OOJllPu1"lon of or b'om her sald ~u8band. I I. ..I~~"_0Jl40tf1~101 oooIO~ Vno PIa.tbloaa 4a~ ot Sopt. A.D. 1919. . I , , J. K. Jone. I .otar, hbilo, State of norl4a at Larg. (I07.'AHr Wi,),' 117, Colllllll..loJ1qplrel Ootober '. 1922. I >> J ,.' I " ". " , . I state ot ,florlb. " J ,j o~~t7,'Of'~t. Lute'. J' " " ' ",' . · Li1:0;~.D;:;~:o:::7 ~:t::::X::u:r:.~:r:::: ::r:th:::.:.~.:j .olQlo,le4Jecl'~.t,the7ex.o~t..' tht, 881l' forth. ~.. there~ eXP1'eI8e4; whert1lponit II pr~4'~I~:'.th..'.... ma7::~~)..ooi~ed,~. ' , , , ,nr~X:-18J ~~~,~,-~~'haV'-'h.reQD~:,~'d...,'_anc\o,ft101al .eal; thi. .8 4q of 8~J>>:t~. ,A~~';'l~19.,.t'V~i'1~h , . 'Jill. lon.. " , lotat'J'.Ml1o;' 8tateof,.''1:orl4a .t Large. lIT' ~GaIl'.i01a expirel COwb_ '1., 1928. ' " u' I ~., .. , . I f " I I ' i I ~.. , , .,-t_., ot nO"''':~f . ;., ----f. ""J..