HomeMy WebLinkAboutELEVATION CERTIFICATE 6-24-18U.S.' DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, ( OMB No:1660-00s Federal, Emergency Management Agency : r W, 2018 _Expiration Date:.Novembe National Flood Insu.rarice Program . ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Important: Follow the instructions on Pages 1-9 Copy all Pages of this Elevation.Ce'rtificate and all attachments for community official; (2) insurance agent/company, and (3) building owner. . SECTION A —PROPERTY INFORMATION ' . •• FOR INSURANCE.COMPANY USE A1,. Building OwneVs Name (Note: Nof.Valid to'usefor any.otherperson orentity):. Policy Number:' STANDARD PACIFIC HOMES, A2. 'Building'StreetAddress (Including Apt:,.Unit,.Suite;_and/or-. Bldg.. No: or:P.O:.Route and Company NAIL Number:. - Box No. 3054:NW RADCLIFFE.VIIAY" city :: ,' .: :. ::. State : ZIP'Code PALM. CITY FL . 34590.' A3...Property Description (Lot and Block Numbers; Tax.Parcel Number; Legal Description, etc.) LOT 15; "RIVERBEND". (P:B.C:R. PB, 67 PG. 36 THROUGH 39) - A4..1 uilding Use (e.g.,.Residential,'Nori=Residential, Addition, Accessory; etc:) RESIDENTIAL - A5.. Latitude/Longitude: Lat. 27°13'21.42."N `. Lon9":80"17'39.19"W . Horizontal Datum: ❑. NAD.1927 F�• NAD 1983 A6, .Attach at least 2 hoto ra hs of the, building if the Certificate is.being used to.'obtain flood insurance: A7.. Building Diagram Numbe'r•:1B.' A8..'For a building with.6 crawlspace of ericlosuee(s): a) Square footage of. crawlspace or'enclosure(s) N A so.ft: . b) Number of permanent flood openings in the'crawlspace or ehclosure(s) within 1.0'foot above adjacent grade 0:: c) Total net:area.of flood -openings in'A8.b 0 sq. in. d) Engineered flood openings? .❑ Yes No A9.' Fora building with,anattached:gaeage:. ;. a) Square footage 'of attached garage 779 sq. ft.. .. b) Number of peimanentffood openings in the attached garage -within 1:0 foot above adjacentgiade 0'. . c) Total.net art, a;of.flood'openings,in,A9.b 0 sq. in... .. d) Engineer`ed flo�'d openings? '❑ Yes.® No .; � 77 :SECTION B — FLOOD.INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION ' Bl`: ^jFIP!Community Name:&',Community Number. "-.: 132.-County Name B3. State. ST. LUCIE COUNTY;120288 . .. ST.'LUCIE 000NTY".. = : FLORIDA" B4: (Vlap/Panel .' . ,..BS: Suffix B6..Firm Index 67.'FIRM Panel B8.- Flood.Zone(s).. B9. Base Flood.Elevation(s)'.. :. ..'Number - . • Date - � Effective/ .. (Zone AO, use Base Revised Date: Flood Depth) . 12111C 0406 J 02/16/2012 LOMR=F 8/26/2014 • = : . •X N/A B10: Indicate the source.of the -Base Flood Elevation.(BFE):data or.base.flood:depth' entered in Item,B9;. -FIS Profile ®. FIRM : ❑ Community Determined. Z­Other/Source: LOMR-F Case:#14-04-5434A ' .1311. Indicate -Elevation Datum Used.for-BFEin item WE] NGVD 1929 .E] NAVD 1988 ❑ Other/Source:. B12.- is the.building located -in -'a Coastal BarrierResources System (CBRS) area.or Otherwise -Protected Area (OPA)? ❑ Yes ED No ❑ CBRS .❑ OP Designation Date: N/A :. A ': IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy.the corresponding information from -Section A. .. FOR INSURANCE. COMPANY . USE. . Building Street Address (Including.Apt., Unit, Suite; and/or'Bldg. No. or P.O.;R:oute and Box No. O. Policy. Number 3054 NW RADCLIFFE WAY -City .. � State .: Zi Code, Company NAIC Nu_-niber: PALM CITY FL 34990. SECTION C _ BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY -REQUIRED) C1. Building Elevations are Based on: 0 Construction: Drawings* Z Building Under,Construction*. 0 Finished Construction A new Elevation. Certificate will be required when construction of'the building is complete'. C2.' Elevations—Zones.A1'=A30; AE, AH; A. (With BFE),.VE V1.— V30;. (with BFE), AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/Al —A30; AR/AH-, AR/AO. Complete Items C2.a = h below according'to the building diagram specified in Item A7.'.ln Puerto Rico only, enter meters. Benchmark Utilized: TIDAL.6M ST.*LUCIE COUNtY: 872 2334 TIDAL 4' EL= 2.60' . Vertical Datum:NAVD1988 .(ndicate elevation :datum:used for the elevations in Items a) through h) below. Q _ NGVD 1929, . Z.:NAVD.1988 ..' n Other/Source: I: . Datum used for building elevations must be the same.as that us{ d for the BFE._ Check the measurement used. a) Top of Bottom Floor. (including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure floor). 10.45 . ® feet.- .0 meters' .Top of Next Higher Floor . ' N.A . 0 feet. 0 meters c) Bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member (V Zones only): N.A 0. feet . 0 'meters -- d Attached ara a to of -slab . g g. ( P ) 9.93 .. , : 0 feet. 0 meters e) Lowest elevation of machinery or:equipment.servicing the .building N.A feet 0 meters El (Describe type of equipment and location in. Comments) - . f). ;Lowest adjacent (finished). grade next to building (LAG) : 9:00 : ® feet.::[]. meters - . g) HigFiestadjacent (finished) grade next to building (HAG) - .9.20. feet D meters h) Lowest adjacent grade at lowest elevation of deck 6r'stairs; �ncluding .. .A � Q feet. 0 meters structuraisupport SECTION _D.—SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION _ lhiscertificationis.to be signed and.sealed..bya.land surveyor, engineer, or.arctiitectauthoriied bylaw to certify•elevation information:.: I certify:that the information on. this Certificate represents mybest efforts to interpret the data available. l understand that vny false statement May be punishable 6y fine or imprisonriment-under 18 U.S...Code; Section 1001:• Were latitude and longitude in Section A provided by a licensed land, su I ey,r . Yes 0 . No. .. Q..Check here if attachments: Certifier's Name: License Number: Davd.'P. Lindley; PLS .:. :. L.S. 5005 L Plac' Title: f=- Professional Land Surveyor.. Company. Name:- Daviii.P. L'sndley; PL$d Caulfield & Wheeler, Inc.. I,.S. 5605, Sate of,Florioa. . � .. .:: li7/17/201g . . .. , Address :.... ... . 7..960 Glades Road r Suite 100:: 'Not valid without the signatureand the original raised seal da . of City: State: Zip Godei .. ... • Boca Raton. 33434 ... . p r Licensed Surveyor & Map e Signature: :: .. Date: ..... Telephoner .: 07/17/2018. 561=392-1991.'.. .. Copy'all Pages of this:Eleyation Certificate and -all attachments for (1) community official, (2) insurance agent/company; and, (3) building owner:-' Comrrents,(including type of equipment and location,:per. C2(e); if applicable: Item A5) Latitude & _Longitude obtained by Magellen.GPS Blazer 12. f•EMA Form LIBb-LI-33 (7/15).. Replaces, all previous editions Page 2-of 6, ti OMB No' 1660-008 Exniration Date:: November 30. 2018 IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy.the corresponding information from.Section A: .. FOR ANSURAN.CE. COMPANY, USE. Building Street Address (Including Apt., Unit, Suite; and/or:Bldg. No. or P.O.'Route and Box No: Policy Number: 3054 NW RADCLI FFE WAY City-: State.; Zip Code . Company NAIC Number: . PALM CITY FL .34990 SECTIONE — BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION•:(SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR:ZON.E.AO AND. ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) ... . For Zones A0 and A (Without BE), :complete Items E1-E5. If the Certificate is inte.nded'to support a.LOMA and or'LOMR-F'request, complete Sections A, B, and C:.For Items E17E4, use natural geadej.f available. Checkthe measurement used. Iri•Puerto Rico only,. enter meters. ". E1. -Provide elevation'information forthe following.and c.heckthe.appropriate boxes.to show whether. the is above or below the -highest adjacent grade (HAG) and the lowestadjacent grade (LAG).' . a) Top.of bottom floor (including basement;. N A. El feet ' ❑ meters above or '❑..below the HAG _.'El cra.wls.pace, or enclosure) is .. b):Top.of bottom floor (including basement,. A. El feet ❑ . El: above or. ' ❑ . below.the LAG �. .meters crawlspace, or enclosure) is E2: , For BUilding. Diagrams 6=9 with; permanent flood openings provided in Section A Items 8:a6d/or.'9 (see pages 172.:of instructio.ds); the next higher floor(elevation. C2.b in. N k ❑ feet': ❑ meters above or ' ❑ be'l wthe HAG .❑ the dia rams of the building is--.-o E3. '.Attached Garage (top of slab) :: N A. ❑ feet -❑: meters .❑ above o.r ❑ .:below.the HAG .; E4: ' Top of, platform of machinery and/or . . equipment N/A.' 0 feet ❑ meters :❑ above or", 0 . below the HAG servicing the building is E5: .Zone AO only.: -'If no -flood depth number is available; is the top of'the floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? ❑ .Yes ' ❑,: No .❑ Unknown.: The'16cai'6fficial must certify this ipformation in Section G. SECTION F _ PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION ••The property owner or owner's -authorized representative .who completes.Sections:A, B;. and E for Zone A- (without a FEMA-issued or . co'mmunify-issued BFE) or. Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B; and E are correct to the, best of my knowledge:' .. Property Owner or Owner's Authorized. Representative's Name:.. - Address.'_. City, .. State:. _ :: :Zip Code . Signature -Date. Telephone Comments :. ... El Check here if attachments ' FEMA Form 086-0<33:(7/15) Replaces all previous editions Page:3 of 6 IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy.the corresponding information from Section A: .. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY . USE. Building Street Address (Including Apt., Unit, Suite; and/or'Bldg. No. or�P.O. Rbute and Box No. Policy. Number: 3054 NW RADCLIFFE WAY . - City . State Zip Code ". Company NAIC Number: PALM CITY FL . 34990 - SEcnO. N:G -COMMUNITY, INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized bylaw or ordinance to administerlIthe community's floodplain management ordinance can complete . Sections A,-B; C (or E), and G.of this.Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable item(s) and sign below.:Check the.measurement used in Items G8 —G10. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. G1:.:❑ The information in Section C was taken from other. documentation that -has •been signed and sealed by a .licensed surveyor, engineer; or architect who is authorized by law to certify e evation information. (Indicate.the source and date of the elevation. data in the Comments area below). G2.- ❑. A community.off icial completed Section E'for a building located in Zone.A (without a FEMA-issued or community issued BFE) or Zone A0... . G3. ❑: The following information (Items G4_—G10) is provided. for �ommunity floodplain management purposes. G4. Permit Number' . Date Permit Issued- :: -G6: � Date Certificate'of .. 75: 777 Compliance/Occupancy Issued G7'. This Permit has. been.issued for: .. ❑ :New Construction ❑-Substantial Improvement. G8. Elevation of as=built Iowest.floor(including basement): El feet fee ❑ meters Datum of -the building: g G9. BFE or (Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building.site: .. ❑ feet ❑ meters Datum 610:' Community's design flood elevation: ❑ feet ❑ meters Datum The. property owner or owner's authorized representative who'comp etes Sections A, B, and E for Zone A (without a FEMA-issued-or• community -issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, and E are.co'rrect'to the -best of my knowledge., , Local Official's Name' Title. Community Name ITelephone. Signature .. IDa te . Comments ❑ ..Check here if attachments FEMA Form 086-0-33:(7/15) _ Replaces all previous editions . PageA of 6 - t1LtVH I IU14 LtK I INL.A It -Expiration Date: November.-30, 2018 IMPORTANT: In these spaces; copy.the corresponding info rmation:from,:Section.A:" FOR :INSURANCE • COMPANY.: USE Building Street Address (Including Apt:, Unit, Suite; and/orBldg, No. or P.O.:Route and Box No.. Policy Number:' .. - .3054 NW RADCLIFFEWAY City:: State Zip Code Company NAIC' Number: PALM CITY'. FL 34990' ' If using the.'Elevation Certificate•to:obtain=NFIP:flood: insurance,-affivat:least 2.building:photographs below' according.to the instructions for Item A6.-. Identifyall,photographs.with date taken; "Front view" arid -"Rear view"; and, if required; "Right Side View" .and ='Left Side View.'.' When applicable; photographs.must show the'foundation•with representativeezaniples,of the flood openings - 'or vents, as indicated in Section A8.•-If submitting more photographs:than will fit'on this page,- use.the Continuation. Page... } r, _.� f 1. � U S� C i:�: t�<�•: Photo One Captionf Under Construction Photo"three Caption: i, { Photo Two Caption: " 'Photo Four Caption;. FEMA Form 686-0'33. (7/.15) . :: Replaces.all previous editions Page 5 of•6 r i BUILDING PHOTOGRAPHS OMB No: 1660-008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE See Instructions.for Item A6 i Expiration Date: November 30, 2018 _ IMPORTANT: In these spaces,, copy. the corresponding information froi rn Section A. FOR aNSURANCE COMPANY,: USE Building Street Address (Including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No. or P.O. Route and Box No:. Policy Number: 3054 NW RADCLIFFE WAY City State j Zip Code Company NAIC Number: PALM CITY FL �: 34990 If Submitting more photographs that will fit on the preceding page; affix the additional ph.otographs below, Identify all photographs with: date taken; "Front view" and "Rear view"; and, if required, "Right Side View" ancl':Left Side View," When applicable, photographs must show the foundation with. representative examples of the floo openings or vents, as indicated in Section A8. L . Photo Two Caption: . Photo Four Caption:. . FEMA Form 086-0-33 PAS) Replaces all previous editions Page 6 of