HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # ISSUE DATE �I�N:Vrf�thJfO�!•K N 'rn,fl PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERt111T SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ELECTRIC CONNECTION/RANDY SJAARDEMA have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the ELECTRICAL Sub -contractor for STANDARD PACIFIC%)-(--'I)t')(( C (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at RIVERBEND LOT #75- 3054 Radcliffe 4425-703-0020-000-1 (Project Street Address or Property Tax 1D 4) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. W11, CONT CI'ORSIG\r\'rt1RE(()ualifier) PRINT NAME COIi\'1.1• ('I{R'fIPICA'I'1ON NUMBER titatc of I+lorida, C'ountr of 1'hc foregrtui�ug instrumea(wos signed heftorc lac/this L " day of nho is prrsonally Ienown "C ur has produced a as identiftcnlion. C V S %.%II Signature of Notary• Public Print Name of Notay Public i'rlY COMMISSION It GG082944 iri•—, F�F, �:•` EXPIRES April 10, 2021 Revised 11/16/201 stal-COSTlWTOR SIGN.-VITR1i (Qualifier) RANDY SJAARDEMA PRiN r NAME # 21055 COUNTv CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of 11orida, County of ST LUCIE The foregoing instrument a as signed before me this 26 day of MARCH ,2 ltiL by RANDY SJAARDEMA who Is personally (mown r ur has produced a P/K ns ideptificnt on.. _, ' r )� � 1 I �� s•r:1Mr Signature of Notary Publir SITYAN T BROMELOW Print Name of Nolnry• Public �,^,;nx�\p,, SHl'Ah 7. 9ROtlELOVV 11 bly Public . Slab of FloNda �,,�, �„� }• h; ,.c:nrmssicn L•xpi;r, Uvr I7, 2111D Cernn csion ,'.' IT 1.17103 y0`rdtDyNz'icn�IftotaryAssn. vl�,t•i�wy �,tytl-1 V. PERMIT #r ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Co& Conipliattce Division All Phase Roofing, Inc. (Company Minie?Indisidtial Name) (lie Roofing YM�_ ('type of'Trade) BUILDING PERMIT SUB-C ONTIZAC'TOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Cal-Atlantic/Lennar Homes (Primary Contractor) For the pr(jcct located at 3054 NW Radcliffe 4425-703-0020-000-1 _ (Pr(ject Strect Address or Properly Tax ID i.) It is uncicrstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation %vith the above mentiOned project, the Building and Code Regulatjon Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of'a Change; ofSub-contractor notice. (:(?\TRA "rOlt SICRATttRI: (Quoli(ier) 5(' 1 6 `'rtL\("1 oR St(.\ATURF: (Ch�xliticr) q tt Janies Boatilght PRI`1` ti:1AtG PRINT it Ahtl: COFIRT1'(\�l°�Illi?R Slntc of i�lorida, Couuly of `c3NI-'J" The foregoing iostrantent 011s sign e d before me this day of n bu is.persnnatiy known _-)�r bus pruduced at CCC1331229 COUNTI' ('[:RI'llrl('A'1'ION IN NI RI"It SatlrofTtoridn,C'onnt} of Palm Beach 'file foregoing instrumentwasslgnrJ herare me this 23 doh or March ' zoA ,,, James Boatright »Vho Is Lnown _ or has in-roduced a _— nti ]tleutilicatinn, • identificntiwr. � STAMP Signature of NalkrPublic , gnoture of ti�tarti : b (r SAshley Johnson .� Print tionk ofivoton• Public Print Name Or Notary Public Ashley Johnson SIV A AID ICH-A iAi COCIifNIS"aIDN ;; fF196256 a,Y caMlglsslanl # GO ,�qz�� EXPIRES: February �I, 2919 ?Y t, 082944 Revisal tI�lG!N16 EXPIRESApat10.2021 %rfF (19p WWW+AAt(ONNiITARY.�t)f<� PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PlLA,NMNG & DEVE LOMM, NT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACPOR AGREEMIiNT Preferred AC have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the HVAC Sub-contractorfor STANDARD PACIFIC/LENNAR (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3054 NW RADCLIFFE 4425-703-0020-000-1 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO C)�R GNATURE (Qualifier) SIRE (Qualifier) COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofPtorida, County of `r I ,10 A, The foregoing instrumentwassigned before me this Z�dayof .N(QI6'11 ,20AU !y SL 1 .L-t � ��_ tuba is personally known �or has produced a as identification. //�0 STAMP SignatureofNota6-Public( ` zocf Print Name of Notary Public r:( MY COMMISSION Il GG037.94�t ory s(p' EXPIRSS April 10, 202-1 Revised I I1I6f20I6 --­----•- - -_ PRINT NAME ' 2' Mi(141 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Ilorida, County orkm ,t I e i de (.`ki }} Theforegoinginstrument was signed bcforemetbis�•li�,_"�) dayof ...01 r/va-ttvir' is pet:90naIWkmgti n % of has produced a TMCIA W. 0 W CpMMISSIoN # FF 711S87 E(pIKS: July 18,2019 STAMP PERMIT# ISSUE DATE a.:. �? fr PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUS -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RiDmmGE�WAY PLUMBING have agreed to be. t•I,A PLUMr31NG ellndividual Name) Sub -contractor for Standard Pacific/Lennar (Type of mde) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at ^ 3054 NW Radcliffe 4425-7p3-0020-000-1 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 4) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the fling of a Change of -Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Sc,�4 AcJ,l PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION UMBER State of Florida, County of fi:{{�v v The foregoing instrument W4s signed before me. lhtis z ! day of who Is personally known L or lies produced a asldenHfieaBon. [ STAMP Signature of Notary Public 5NAw 6ktc� Print Name of Notary Public ; AV. SWAN SHACHN? MY COMMISSIUN # 10082944 r?aEXPIRES April 10, 2021 Revised ttli6/20t6 sUB,CONT nm SIGNATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOM PRINT NAME 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER StateorFlarlda,County ofPALM BEACH The foregoing Instrument was.signed before me this_ day of ,2i► , by GARY KOZAN who Is personally known X or hos produced a as identificallon. STAMP signature of Notary Public riAt Name orNotary Public �yird�"w KATHLEENM.HALL Notary Public— Stateoftlorida 3N CommissfuriNGG19t1510 a' a, My Comm. Expires Jun HD Bonded through National Notary Assn.