HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1838 ''-\l!i.Ir:~ ?'~,7~7::",~:c~~:-<:',~~-,:".~""",,",.:: '.' , 1\. S ,. '<', < ,,. " ' ':' , " , , ' " , .' ' ", -::-~.~l:'~r~':/::.-\-~-'" .-, ':"-:.~. ..'-:..~~\?).~;._~..:/:~.~:." ,. ~ .. -. . -,.-,', .'~. " ~ '..... :' ;-~ :..? - :." <> ~ -'~- , -.~', , , \.......-." '.J ~'.'" .'~, ,,' '~:' ."" ." ~ .'.......>": ':-:;0-'--: ..~" " '- '. 1~4, aDd ~i1. '.e~en4>:th.I~' ~,.~~J .tit.',~Wt\\1 ).).al~8 ~t ali pe~i~n"'.b()Dl'C).T,~~",~:,i: ' " , ' " ," 'it.',w1fQa~.' WBDBOf,!"i:th.~.i~,,~ti'olth~' :tl~.t~'.ha",.~,*,.i~~...~_[:h.~'~~~~".4 ; ,:" , ;'~.'l..,thQ 4~~~do,~~.ai-:,fl~~(;~~.~;~':'~1;~~il'~ ' ' ",,' ':....~~?,. ',," ..' " '1 .{ "818'114._ .e.i'4anl'..fl",~e4. ' I :'1 ..1Jt ~e~pzo..~o. otU81 Iwl'r BLW' GOODBlWD Ca..a1) , I , . ! '. I Kari" J. ])e.\tUl)8n. " t ',t.' J. ]).8~,u~t1\,. i :< 'j . ~8TA'fB' 01' .LORtb'" , \, 'l '.,1 ' COUll~ oj aT.' L1J'()lB ,)' 'j n "~:; '. l l ~ - , . ' '. ' ,I ~mumYCEa!lPY Tha,ton tb1e dat ,peraonall:1. appeared before me, an offio.r ,d\117 ~' , , '4luthoZ'il.e4 ~fo a4m~n18teZ' oat~a',and tak. aOkn~.l....1at.. Ka1"1,~11a"Go,Od~read,. a ,,14ow, , tome well known andknow'tc) Ile io be ~eln~lY1dU8l. deaorl1)ed lli and wlloe~eout.d the" \ ~ '-. .,. ,:".",' ", '.. ,~9~ " "", ~l' . ',' ',"_ _ . . - :, '>. _:~ ,~ .... -'.: ..,~_ ,'~ -". ''"', ..~..-' : _ _' .' '. . _ .'. t "to~egO~,'de'd.,":a~d',ao~o.l.a~d'betore ~e,,~?~,t,~h~e,ceQ~ted "the, 88IIe tree17 and Tolunt82'llt ,.',j ":tor 'thePurPOBe8, thereln. e,xpreB~ed. ,:'f;'f f<' (___' ,WITNESS' iq'haltd ant~~~loi.l,,~'ItdI:,i-Jena.n~ OO\tnt7 of St~ Lu01e and State of . - ,. ~-.'-- ',."' - ~ . ..... . ~~ .....,,;.' . . ,.....-.....).-: . ~=\ - '.~- '. '.., - . ':' :rio:rttl~, ' \1118'27. da;rot Septelllber ,. .4~D'ri9~9l" ,'" ': . -. ,J -"'-'~'_ :.<., , ' c.'- ~.: -. .... ':~1~:f".~}." "'to- --_.~~~:. '~'" _:- _' ..' . _ _' . . ',' CBbtv;y 8eal) , ": " ;". :;; ,,:, . '~omaa J." De$teul!.!n.,.., "< , " : , ' <,.. · lO~al'7 .l"JbllO, ~~.~of Plorida at Large l' , , '-',':; .'\.JqCOJmll1Bslon eX)i1reB iloveDlber 8th. 1919.: '" . "11811 and reoo1de4tpia3rd. 4&7' o~'~OCtOb.~1':;;~.i.919.' a~ , I' , ' , , "', ....00110 V~b. ,:',' ,11', . '", '. "" " '," , ';, ',.::P."~~~"'~REDt, o,le~fl' "irollit Court. "'IiFJE.O . ,j Cct.ct. ~eal)" . ,,'" ',': .~,.,' v ',' . , , . .. :..t " , , " " 1h.. , ~ ",~ D. c. J ' ,.., ",' ..~. ~' 't: -':j4ii"iLiA~~Wi:"';";14~;"~--"--""~' , ' .............._.._......_......-~~~..;i.;:w;:-..__......_------' " I I """!IIta, IllDllII!UlIlI.:Jiad' ':th1O ,~.tJ:= :;Of aepte.ilbe, A.D. 1910, BETlIIlQ 1.,,- .'1118 Goo4b~eaa, a ~dO~t of the Oo~t)' of Dade. ln the State of norlde, P"'J of ". 'Ith'; ~.(;'rt~J.~a K..ll1\iia. ot th. co...ii of Daa. '~' tl!. atat; ~f 1'1or14., , partJ. _ - i, of'. ',the' e8c;tbD4:. part, '_H --< - - ..~---~_:_--~_.__.. -,-~:. _ . i' -. . . . I " , , " , 'I ' WI'!tE~:~hat'thet.,~~~part7Qtthet11'8t,~t. for and,1n oons1~eratlonOf the '<'j 8-O'f:on~'~~1'18r,~nd 2~t4.er:tf~~:~)..: oOD81deraUon,"tQ 'her lnhaDd pa1clbtth.:ea14 psr,t;r I ,,' , , ,"',' "." . " , " ,'. ' .\ ' , ot';the .peooncl ~t+;th"~eC).~p,: ~el'.ot 18hereblaOknon1eqe4.'ha'$l"anted', ::ba1'~lne4 I ' anA ~14 ~"~h..,!~. .~,;,~~jh~ ~eoon4 ~~. her heU'a and a~8ign. t~;"T~~'.' tiae f~l~Ow1ng l ,., de80l'1be~ lanA... 171~ ~n4 be~ in:'the CO,unt1 of St. Luoi. and State 'ot:n~rld., 4e.Boribe4 J- - '. _ _ ". ' ,~- _ . '." ~ . i . _' ;~~ _ "'.- '1-,' ae to~lo...' . '. . :.~. : ~ -~.~. : i :," ..~'",--., '.: ;',? .,' ';:,_~:~'_~-,~'. _' ,. .' _,' _ _ .' _ .. : .>..: '_' . 'l " ' ",coiDm.iu:J1ng'i\~)60/100o)),ains north, olthe Bouth11edoo,fnel'of" t)it', South.,at :, . i',"" _ ".....,. _~-~-' -. . ~_.:,:_;__i'T-,:.~..:-..~~ -. '." ~. :'_~:."'", ".'-",,',:, .... _"~' . ;._' ", F. ' ~~.t~l'.~~~'.~,~':~~~~ll~~~{q~:t~rof seo101(m, t.en~7"8..en~", iD,~own81l1P 3',:,:;~u~' of Bange ; -: \.' 41 'Z8.8t,f,an4 ~c..,:U4.0",runlf~~\h two 6OAoo Ohaine. thenoe'run ~ uenv ohaine to the: J"~ . ~ ' ..-c"" ';c. ~ r,J;'. .' ~.. _. , ., . . _. - ,:- .:. ( _ . . ,"1 ',~.~: ~ln~ ~.?~, .Bal~.,a..ptith~eBt ,!luarter 'ot th. !forth.eat ourte, of ~otlon 2'1: ~o~o. l'1lIl i ::",,:l' ~'.~,; ~~:,~!~~"j~~llt':,th8no.,;t"12D ~eB,~, to the w.~t ,line of 8~14, ~~O~10D'~tf:it 'be1n~ the tlao. ',:':l ,ot)~nJd'_f~~"oon.talnlng tlY~ 1&51.,.orea otl.~, b'e,.ltllore OI'H,lt 1.....~An4 h.1D<< i ;'l ,'~,';f'~:~'~';~~':d..ie4l>' 8,M. K1i1l1eJ18and Te.1~'e Jlui1.1'.u hi. ;'11e" to'Ka;;y ~1~ GOOdbr~ad ",."1' < -~~"'th'_~"~ 'oi '~~_b.J';..D. i~8, a."reoordod'1n Book ot})e~d.Pa~Ioo~iBeo~r4. of i , ," ::~,',:',::t'8t;~1~.~~;t7Jjilo~lU;"'~ ',' -'-, ., ", ,,' ,> '\','U'It ',':S,:;::~,.6J~UP.l-tt4f th., flr.. J&rtao.. IInobJ fuxlt -r.t;'il!e, U u. to , ,') ;', J:':~"~i,,,~' ~D4, ~.,' 4e~..th;'''''; ,~1n$ttl>01aw1\ll 01;'lm.~f, ~1 jlO1"-.l.~.._. ",';;~J1J~;~>j~it;~?}<};"J:~~'''~:__'/.th'':':~li'~~'~,ot: ~b~ 'tint ~~t~~~t.r'e~~<.~ther .,: , ,:;~f,i;;,l;~,~if;~~f~; ..at ~~fJr.tab~.;:~1tttll~ ,i".,,' . , " ,'., ;,. ';r';~F;:ll~t~~f'J;i;;:"~~,Jtfr ,'. .." '~.Ci;:,It*,::i~~_." (~.all, ' ,.' '. I I I ! , I I I ! I ~ I I I I l I I o I I 1 I o I I I i '! i I . , I 1 " . '. " :'?:V*I~~~l,tf!ifk~~