HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1841 . :1 i I I I ! . I I .. I n :-~-~:::-~~;.,f --",:'~-~'~~~~~-?~~~~:;;';~~r."-':-_!~~~.~~~~~'f:~~:~tm;S;!~r7~-,~~. ~;,._~, " 0' ,. " , . ' , ",., ",.... " '.. ,.. "141', .'. ....., ' . - ~'.--,' -- -"-~'\l.:_4<' _, ~, :_:-~:\~~~:; 0.;'" :"'{;"'oL .;,\'~'r , , ,',.stu.'O'"rLoatD. ',' 'Y' , ()otJ.~:'o,s~~:;tficbJrJ, ' . ,',':" ,:.',' :;" .'~\" . ,,". " , ...." '... " ' ',., I BElUmYCI;RTII't ~t, on,th18,dq ,P8:fBonal17 appeared' betore Ill', .offl~erd\111 .:. -, <:- :~:-"., "'. '..". U"_,-...; '.':_'." . '_ ,~'_~_'; .. '." _.",. ,,~". c,'~"'--~':..'-,:;~~~.....,(_...._.....;'" '." ...;-. '--,,' .":.,." .'" "".utho~l..o. to' e4mln18t.r oat~. anA,t&ke aOlaio~le4pent".'liarl ill.' Gool.bread. .W$;dO.~' '. ..~ ,.._,'; :-:.':....: "4'.._ _~.;..-~': .... ,'. ._.~_' .,.:....J-" :. '_."," ;-..~;~-_ "~;:~"-.':',-_:'~-,' ,', .'~' '. ~__;,;'~:'?>:" :"<:,,,...:,..,. . .. to 1Il..ell known and kno',m to lIle ~ b, the lJ141'Y14\Ui1 at8orl\leo. in,and whoexeoute4th. , ' foreg61D8 4ee~,: aDl'aoknOW1.agtll' l)etoreme that' 8hoexlouteo.'th. .__. '1're811, ~d ' Tola- , ,,' " , ,,' ,'" , , ,,' , ',' '. <,,' " ';~'~': ': 'tarii7'fol' the: Purpose. th~relnf:XPl'~"eo.. , ',. " ',' Wl'lllES8 '..,'h~A: .na.o:tf101.l~oai at JenBon, Oount7 of 8t. .Luoie, and State of 'l~lda,:thla 27th.' de,- of Septs.aber, A~J.19.19. ~_ r~ . ' rb " ,'. ' !holY' J. DeSteu.blJl ' ' I ' (Hotar,- 8eal) , " : BotaI')' Publlo. State :otPlorlda at 'lar8e t ,~' , ' Iq oommisalon exPlre~ lIoTembe;r 8th. 1919. I ' p'd8d andr~oor4edthla 31'4 b11i,Ootober.' ...]).19'19. ' ~. . . ". - . " - . , -'. . , , - P. C'- Jtt.'I)REJ>, C1ert Cirouit Oovt., lif"cot9!) (ot. 'Ot. Hal) , ___ '". rj"/Ji , ~~ ' . ~--------~--------~--~~=~~-~--~_::_::_------"-------~-~~~~~----------- r- I i ., i i i l I ~. i ! f \' I j i ! , I '1 I . I I I ! i I l , . I ! 1 I i ! I I I I 01 .. -:-:. ,. Kar7' H. ~ohal'''B at a1 :lo WABlUH1'Y'J)1BJ) . .-. ". ,THlS\1ABRA11TY DUD '()" COHVBYABCB, 'h~oute4 thliJ tenth, 487' of' 8.pt8lllbe~ ,in ,the 788r ot .. our,Lort.on. 'holUl8nd Dl~.iJhpare'anl"Hln8t.'D 'l)Y4RD "BB'!RB1I ',JIa17B. Bmma, L, 'ano. ,Lu.o7' A. Blobarde, (Splnstere) ot B'WUk, III.D 00\U1t7. JfewJerae~. ot the ftra' part, and ~a.' $.a.,OOOdbreait, of Jensen.- 8t,'LU.~1~ Co., 1'10r14a,ot,th'.'00n4 part. ,WI'llfE8Sm, ~8tthe 8ald partie.ot tho tiret part, ',t~ dd 1Dc:oonaldeJ'at1on of the .\IIl 'Of on. h1lD41'eo. eci thl"~J'-fl"" J)ol~r.' lawtul mone7 of the UIi'I te4 Stat.. of Jmerloa . '~othea in hand, P8U., ~J'th' ,'.~"'~~ of'theseoonA, pari, at or be~or8 ,the, ensealing ani a.e:U:Yir7oi>'th8a8yi1'e8Qti.:tbe reoelpt whereot leher'8b7 eoltpo.,led&ed. b7' thealpreaent., . , -, ~. '- - - - '". - -' {-..... . . 4,0, gl'"",~8l'ant.. b@"rga1n. 8e11.,allen, e1iteoff,rem1ae" release, oonye, anl oonfl1'il Unto . .' ." . "...., . .- , th'.aid part)' O~~h.. aeoond,par~ :and ,h~r .h!lra, that oertain propert7 luthe Oount7 ot St. I4IOl. and 8tateoflloridat, deaodbed aa 'foll-on: , B.,l~.orth'thre':fifth. C~/6r ()tLot io,. J. O. I'rleaaUbdiV1.10no~ 80uth east quarter- '(as...';) of a.o'~loll 8J,xteen (16) Townahlpthirt7-aeyen hJ'7)Sout,b,Range tOl't7 one . . -'.' . '. '. . - .: . - '. '. .. f' . (41.)nJ.iet. Sa14' 8~bd1T1810n platt'eo. and reoor4e41n'Plat Book 1. page 14' of'Bre'Yal'l Co.' lira; 8.S. Ooodbrta4. I ,'1 I I l I I .1 ! ' I. I : d. I I I j. ! j , \ I I , I j I I I i I ! I i I I I 1 I ! i i I I i I I BAtoor4~ ~:,. , .' , ..:: ! ,41>>OY8 8/S' being 8,ohaln8 Wide ana. 10 o1191na 1012<< more or-ieB8and oontaina 3.3V/l~ . , , I aor,shigh laD! 1101'101' le.l. I " " 'Og'~b.J' 1dtha11 &Jut' singular' the tenement., h8Z'.d1 t8Jllanta aU. appurtenanoe. I thel-eWttob'lO~~~ o~: ~.q"~8' appe;ta~. au,4th. reyer8lon an~ r.~.rslonlJ. r8lla1JldJ and remaln4er'.reJlt...18~.. and prof1t.1ih~r.ofl AJiDJL80,~lt~. estate, rlsht. titl', I 1J1t.z.e8~,' h_st.~i.'.'. ti~.. '~4~1Iht ot 'd~;eI', a.parate .ata~., propu'7,- poSB.BSion, 01aba I " ,,' .'.' ' , ' , ""., ,,' ", '" , I , ;;.:"::.~;~...~;':~~ ::.:u':~~~'=ran7~~i:'::t:~: ::l~O:Oth. I ' ,'.' '. 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