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" -",- - --'.,:- '~_:..- . . ~ ,;' ,..--::. <, ", . ' . -.. . ..' -. .'- ,_: "';.'~-." ;-;' . ",olouds 8Ddlno_br~o.i, of what:nQt1\te,llJhl~'~d, 80'''''1', exo.pt ~Ue8 to b.l.Tiedor a'~~8'.. " , " .(,to~ :~e:i~ulr~A~b>i~i9. "~4 t~'~t,the e'1l1~.p~t;; ot the' ilr8tP~rt.1t8 att~ce880l"8Jld' ',",', ,'::", ,:" ';'.",",:-'...,;-,- ,,',:' ",;" "',:' ", '., ' '.','.""" "...l',' ....' 1, S88i.~B esC!hanc1 .Tory, aihallma)te, exeoute and:'sokriowle4S' sUch hrther and other deed. , ' anc1e8~iU-anoea:.~:'b7" 00~8eilea~~diti.~~ latr ~87 be o~nald.~ed rea80nabllProp.r: to -:~ ~ . - .' , , et~e()tUat. ,the :fUll:"intent:8Dlm.~ng.ot thi.. :instrument'! ',,' , ,., ':' '.An,: the' 8a1cf:~~t7 ot'thefiratpart;'for'lta81f an41 t. '81100.8801'8 and a8S18D8. I "',',, , ',:" '.-, i,,' ,:' ",' ", ',.. ',,',',.., .'," ,.', :" '. " '..' ,'~,'" ,'" ,:' I I the ~bOTe'.deso~l~ei1,~~:l1.l"..~~granted 81id,relea,sea,preml.aee :ancl,eT~l'7par.~~~d.~:O'l, ' ,1 l,th.rebf, wi.th" th~ apPUrtenancea. 'anA the peraonal propert1 abo't'e de80rlbed. unto the 8il'1d I I ; "partf o:ihe' 8e~ond~rt ",1 t~':"8,uooit8~or8: an4,~aa,~~,'a8aln~t :tn~ 8~ld Part7, of .t~. -first' I , l\l8rt~n4HnU....eor~an4 ...Ign. .~~B8.1~~t ~h.n4 ...~, p........., ~r.o,n. wh......... I '1 ~wttil~Olelm'J)8 or.to'Ola1Dl th.8~. shall a,nd w111 worr8!1t and bt the8e. present8 toreTer' ! '1 d.~end,exo.Pta8.tothe:tfae8to,:be,l.n.tl 01', a88e~aed ~orthe 7ear .A.D. 1919. 1 J ' , , ' ~: 'IIIT8aS ,YlHBBIO" th.~.1,d' Part~ ,?f t~. 111-at P~" h~8 OaUB~(\the8e pre8ents to ' i l"b.. 8u1t,80rlbe4'lD' 1.t~:OO~1"ror.~e ,i1mne b~ 1 ta i10e-pre81d~nt,~ ~d, i~ oorpor~te seal t~ be ' I 'Jaf~~'den4.. atteate4 b7 lte 8eoretU7, e.oh thereunto 'dul7 authorl"d,. all on the la1 ancl " I 7'U,flrat'~bOTedltt'Il.,'" , , ,~ I i~:' ',. ' ,~~,:,' 8B1U8TXAlf !WIOR C01lP.ufY: r I ' "lOorpOr.t.....i) , ,', If W. D.:8arnlttt. It. Vioe-President. ,I I' .. .quit: 1'. P.'lem1ng, Seoret8l'7. j . - .' t I,', ' 81eed, ' a,.l.&\'and, .eU Tt-rel I ' ',i in-the pre.enoeotuc, ',,',' " " C.230~OO I. R. 8tOfllpa oanoelled) , j ! ' JO..Pll 8" 'Diver. i '1 " '. ",'. In~. II., '"0J"4~ , ,I . I' ST.AD, OP"I$\fJl~laI,'I'" .'~" , 1 I COl1tm'QI' BILL8BORO, ~8,i I, ' ' , ' ", 'I t . ',' le(o~.'"."',th.' UIl4erelpec\, a Juatl" ot thePeaoe', In and tor the 8814 Count,I, 1,.,:.::~:;::;,~:;:::::":.:~::4::;~;:~ .:;;4:;,;~:'.~,::::I.' . ,.' J' ,t~e 00~~l'a!'Pj~I:0f~'f1~t;par~, i"n ~," to the abo.,. ,wrl tt.n lD,atnfll'nt, the ",a14 , . I +, ~eJ'.on' belngwell known: to ..and knnnbJ INto. b. the .811. ln41Tldaal who. a. 81lohnoe- T " ',' .', " ", , I . l' ne.1d,.~t e)Ceout.A the abow wrltt. 1nilt~UIIlen' on behalf ot l!Ia14 oorporat1oll; and. he, tbe i, , , ,', ' " "', ,', " . ,," , " . I '.4 ..1o'.;.jreeldent.:~ok.no"i.Uged'~h"t'th' ~,e"1dent of' the oorpoio.tl~n' .88' absent"troll the I , , ,," , ", '.'" , ,,: ,', , ,. " ' , ,', ' , . , " Vnit.4 $~~~.'ot.erl.0.t,~4,h.1"01-tl1~raOkDo1rl~4Ied., that Ila-noh V:~O...pr'1!I14.nth.~Ub" :: . ,'.' f, aOrl))~.,~h~9~~.~.: 11P.' to., ~"1~1n'_1W~~O":b,:Jia1t'~4b' a~th?rlt"o~ fUl14'o~Por.1IJ,~n '. I', ai)f.,~ha~ "\1.~o,t'\~., ~~efr'el' _~-Tq:~1intarU, anA~o~ ,th. u.. . and p~poa.~~, :1~ .,a1.4 ", " r ltiB,~~..t.all,*', to'tb,...4:~:~, a.h' '~r..tl"1l!Hllt.,l.the. ~..ao'anddeftci of. '.la;~~~.uon.c.:" "..~1~.'~h~4.~7~~;~tf;~:~;.~tt't~wtt~=~~.~~;;;.~~i\~~rji " _ ."'. _o_.;<)..:~ n "