HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1883 '..~,:~U4'1'>>..._"t.D' .r.ultl'..a#,..,..-tof~,~, ,.~,.,~l'\~~I,~at"'~' ~... ~.,fio..,.'Qo.' ~lell'" , ,', ;' ;;~,..'~l~.'.'U1'~b~~';~~'j..tb~~.~.!~~.,~;~,p,~/~~~.~~t~:;~4'~~!.~~10tlo~.'.2).,rei,~~i!',..~i~~t..t'" ,', aJ1('.xo'Pt~~1':~~..Ql'.~.ij'~,,_;nt.~'''l1~,'lu.'~n4:~;.b~.~ ,1>.o_b.~~i91G,~';:tk.I'..~' , ",,\'. ,'~<_-:~..,.-. '.,_,.,',~_,.~,.~~,<~'~:>.._.:. . "~:'>:-:., -.~>.':'::;'_.-~ ,>:'_ ",_.:::,: :.\.._...-.....,<.-:~.:.<._,:i::':. >.: <:'_'-;"" ,":' . .:.: '_. '~':'_"< ,,'_' _ '; ,.", .:0:': _ . , .3:~.twill~j.~~~,..:~~~..':.(...r~'lf)o/~'.~l ~~t":~~ ,~111t~~.~, .no.::,4~t.J1""..14'Pl'. 'f.' .' , -'t~... :~ltht~~:~PPui.~~~.~::t~;r~~t'o~~,~~~int.-:to ~~', l'alltrant..'. h"'-ah.lraancl~"l for.ftr, aaa~~.t'.il'la~' ohi~ian4i.maIl41 .at.o...z}.:aro.pt..,' af~r.,..s.4, .nAh'l"~fi , atat.d.,' , , ,.'., ',u4 'the Gr~'\.., to~ '~~..it; ~dhla, )le1r.. ~,da,ri'.is.., i1)oo~'~d.r~tlon of the OX8011'\1 "1" . ,"', ' ,..", '., ,." "".::j;',,' , ',' ':' " ,',,' ,', {(m4de~1 v.rlot" ~~'1~' 'deed, ,het'.bJ'.~"'~~-"'...nd ..,.,:.........' ~1 ~ the (ir~'or ,'1 te auo.OtleOr8 'I ani1..'1~. :to'h014,...14r..i' e.t.t. herein ...or~b.~. u',ollthe ,tOi.lO~~' ~~rme: ~,: " ,I ' ',:'., " .' , '.'," ", '". ,', ',',,' "'. ' ',,' . ' .'. ",' , " . " 1..,8.16. l'..1.8ttlt'. sh.ll' b'1l8.d. .xoit1.1vt17~or' prl....t. 4well1ng' bouae purpoae. ,anA' I ' .~ 1l0~lJD~'s11all' b~,,~'~., ~~t::~~1n~~,~ ,purpo..e .'.~i O~. .\loh :ho\\~e ahall ~b".re~t'~~Plaoe~ ' j o~ :lll~e.r',dto re_1Il,llpOJ1 8a14prem~a"8, anclthe oOlt"otoonat,FUotlonot whioh .hal1 be not I \ ,-c~~ '-. ,,"'~_:4._ \..~.ii""" ." "......H in _' '.- . -,' ,', .." . ,," " _ ,,__ _ ~ . _ . _ _~ '. . Il;8":'~~ ~~:':'",:';':;~,~~~'~-_....;...-'----:..))oilar..,' andpdor to June'18t, 192i;', no '8~ch house '8ball ' - iJ:(;~,-i_~:,- :..;'.<~>-~..<~:.;.;..; _ ~ ,- _ _.:; _ -: .' c .., '~'_.". ,: ,":__. _ ," _ ..; ." . .' _ . r :::~:::4;~;::::~':i::'::::~=::~;::::i~1~:';:=w:~. .:!:i:t~::.::::tor i .\ of aUOh'-h~ua.beereo"A. Pl.o.cior:8\\~.reclto r8Qlaln ther<l'oh'~1tb1n 'iela than ~ln7 (50) ,I I feet':fl'OII th.:hO.~ proJ:\.r~lln., ID'~ ,tll~l'ebi'th~lrla1d'Of the ald.walk, nor with1n I 1'-88' than twelve' (lait..t ~f >b(. til. 114~i l1n.\ot an1 ad~oUl1n~ or' abl1tt1ng land, 'norn~rer ; I than twent~-tl~(a5) feet'ot ~D7 'other d~.ll1D$'~' ',,' ',' I if' I ',a. So teno'- .01' ..il,~~oe'cl1ng" thl'.'e ($) . feet 'in h.lght ahallbe erOoteA or maintaineA I'- , ' . , r' On'8n7'P8rt of the p1"emt8eaberebl 00nve7.d. nor .hloh su.ail approaob within seV8nt7-flv. ('15~ ", I teet of ih.atr..~ lin.. ' ' ! I I ,3. 10 Plil~e ~t publ~oentertalDl1l811t. apartment hOl1e.,' flat, boardlns bo\\se. nor bu11d- ! liDS cle a 19i1'd tor :the r.,81denoeof 11I01"than one 1811111: DOl' hot.l, tavern, dance hall, or othpr j" , ,.' '."",..,' ',..,' '" , 1',re8ort, ahall:' b';ltab118~~d'oonduotedor mainta1ned on Balclprem1B88. " ,"I' , I ' ' . ft. If.Il~8an~. nor advertieing a1811a, billboarda or other adTert1B1ng Ae.f1o~a. exoePtJ , laB ~rtaln~ to ,the luton' Whloh.-8alde~gn1B looat,ed. shall be permltte~60 saId prelll18e~q , I norahall tlle ~~1~.. b. 1l8.d1n~:b.87,or,~t~r antpurp08e that'ma7 encl.DBer the h~ullth or ! lunr.a:Bon.bl1d"'~~b th''-':4.1l1.~,_ot -a~ ho~der of ~ ad~oln1Dg lanA,. " " I I . ," 6.' 'Th.~;aJ1tOI' llere1nres.erv.. t~ ltaelf,1.te auoo.aa,o:ra or a8B~gna, the right or pri-! , , ,', '" ,'", ,,', , ".- " , " , i v11eg. of. rlpt 01 ifa7 to lal8J1d -.lnt.ln,waterplp88 t~ ....reg. orotherwla.. aor088 i " ' " " ' '.. " " ! a.U.'prem1ae. ~t ~,plao.; ail4 al1ote8trlng oleo'\r10 11ght and ~'"l.phon. wirea aor08a ibe I 1.......;.4"'.ot'uo~ p.l.... 847 bu...._t " .OO1"1! .... 4 "U-".;.tOllJ' ph...' I I ' , 6-" BO..1!'l'~' '~~,' ~t. p1pes,' aha"l ~., .ztfllAedl\01" 4raln.cl,.nto the Indian Rl....r or thel ,I,A'lai1U' 00.....;, DO~ oIuo11 tIl. W8tor. b'oo..t~h4 111 ,4'p'o.i~ill8 refU.. or "..t. wat.~ in ill th...,: 'I ' , I !heabOTe .n1Ull8l'~te~. r.at~1w:tl0Da. l.8'Z"eIi1en~8. oo".n~~8 an4:'_~n4,l 1t1ona 8h.ll b. deemed j .a o~Y.nan.t"8:n4'no~a.o,~n"tiJ~:" ,f4,.r~.ot" Q,A..'~811~?~thl,~k.ian....nd 8hallblnd '\h. I ',' ~"'" , "," .. " ' '", ".',,' ," ' ! Gr~~~!rc.~~.,belre' attl .8al~~, ~tl1 :the t.ln~'~O~:~';,.A., ~~OO;'bU1;.. wi th,the , Oil17 I '8~01.11'1w.tatloJl 00"'1'.4 u,~.t~,t1,o~"ot,o,laU8' n:aDl'btred ell in tb1a oontJ"aot. .. ' J .~pe1-tal~ t.tll.' .1I~'8111oDOt.,.i'l>l~' ~d ,8pe4>>Jt1.08.~J.ona 11ll'".r.no. '0 buildli18 , and I WhlOkIJ1~ti'.~'.!OY'4f~t~'A.~~"'to~~~~or'''''~h~0. anI 'l,nOl\lt~lngt b~~l"l.td. ~~ '~t.1925.:b I 'lI~n.81,,~tr.O"'4a''''rall,,~~''O.U8'''' ~"IJ.pr.aen. 0 ., e 811" "~ ~ s na.." 1 ].ta' P;r~8j,~'Il'\t""lt8,Co~por.:t.,.~:,~.' Jle .ft1:1r.I..'h.atect b, i tli8t01'et.n- at ,the 01_ , :.:.,'. ..::: ,.-. <~_-~'~ '-_".--> :_ ~>-'~-.~'. '~~-.- '~. _'.~"::" _ _ .~ -;'~<::-"~- :- -~_<---"-'_:~.::'~~- ~ '{t: -':_~-::~ :' -. ,~',' -'-:': -", ~:,'--. - ,--."-' "-: .:., ','- :': ',_,:-": '-': - ,: ~~:'''_ -: _ .. ::: ~, '. .: .'::.:' - . ", ;~t~~!!tl~~t,' ~~~' ot.~~. ,~~t;.' ot.'Oh~o~, ,Jil.dt.Utll4a7:ot v.i'.)r.-191',~ , ' ...,'..:-. ,'.' '";,,,' :>".""" "",sauRo BI'(CJ{.~Bv.Lo_O(IIPAIIt .'.' . -, . ." ,',i.."' ':,' ,-.-' .' -.- ":- "f"':,_',', >. "'.. ,'.' '_;- -/. - .,.-'. ",':' _ . . . _' . _. _,_ :?'~";:', : -: '..' . ,.,,~'~'~". 'k'- < Jtj~ It' UII;: , . , .1~t. ',1. , . .' II. o o ~