HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOUNDARY SURVEYOF 2 FOR CERIFICATtOP.�S NOT VALID WITHOUT r� PAGE 2 dF 2 T I OF THIS s Ln N . SHEE BOU"NI DARY SURVEY 217 E Easy Street EASY STREET _ _ __ _ b0' RQ1k - 20 AS9tlAI,T RMD — — — — —r — - co o I CONVEa DR N I � 67.52'35.60' 7.500C.OPADS 1 STORY CONC. BLOCK . a,c Ely ?� zx Rn' Z:R An 49.88' j L6 CJ COt1C. 'HXED z �kiL. POOi b l c .ri 40 97' LLj o i. N 37.40' o CD CZ WOOD O CZ). , !�:w_ ,'!. DECK .1$' U MIN. ACK EQ; FRONT " • . SIDES CNR SIDE t. I v REAR I I 1 ZNG. TECH. I I � FD I i`' .I • FD: I *! �89'59'4.1 »E 215.10' lob 4s' cAN�L rad+r OF env SCALE:1 "=30' At I antic LanG7 I�e8 i gns 2S of the Treosnre'Cocit ism pa DATE: 4/ 12/ 10 7u ► E Jensen Beooe Gird. Jason fie orh. FL 3M7 Foiling Address:, DRA JO P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beuch,; FL 3495 2010-0204 (772) 398-4290 ALD55430;-10i I .com LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ` " PAGE OF 2 NOT VALID WITHOUT SHEET 2 OF THIS SURVE) Lot 16, 17 and 18 in Block 14:,of I ND I AW R I VER ESTATES UNIT THREE "'j ADDITIONAL SURVEYORS NOTES '='� (SPECIAL CONDITIONS) according to the plat thereof::`: as recorded in Plat Book 10-{`' page(s),'- 47 ` of the Public ;Records of St. Luce ' County, Florida. ABBREVIATIONS: (*)=Not.'veri'fied-by field measurement #=Value as platted &.field measured F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevat:i,hl-, SET = Set 5/8 = iron rebar W1 t,h:'-:-j yeIIoW cap marked PSM 5543 MS=Value as measured in field°`k. OH —OH —OH— Over Head Wires' SURVEYORS NOTES X--X—X== Chain Link Fence FD=F and 5/8" Iron Rebar 1. Unless otherwise noted only platted easements R.O.W. — Right of Way are shown hereon. 0-0-0—= Wood Fence 2. No underground utilities or improvements Were � FPL .Transformer Pad _ located unless oth'erWise shoyyn. PL=Value as platted 3. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Map R = Radius of curve': Zone X. L = Length of curve 4. Flood Zone shown hereon is on inter retatio 0= Delta of Curve "n �:�' �- P b the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. Site Benchmark Y Y P The flood zone should be verified b a MEAS. =(,Measured Y'' S.F.=Square Foot ri;:: determination agency. CONIC. = Concrete, 5. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Center C.P.= Concrete Pad ° .`,:,.:: line of Easy Street as being N90'00'00°E ®= dater Meter ®= Power Pole according to the Plat, described hereon. ®= Bell South 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Pubfic Utilities and Drainage ®_ >f►fe I I Earsement . :1.. 7. All Lot dimensions shown are per plat unless otherwise shown. LAST FIELD DATE:12/7/16 BOUNDARY SURVEY >, f Certified to: Joshua Michael & Kimberly A Michael ' PNC Mortgage a division of :RNC Bank 217 E Easy Street 4' Superior Title" I hereby certify that -,the surrey shon herian is .true and Correct SCALE:1 "--40 At I ant I C L Ot1re..• 1 es 1 gns and is based an actuol'meoseurements taken in the field. This 12 10 of the Treasu`:Coo'st survey meets the Minimum Technical. Standards of Chapter 5J-17 DATE.4 / / 754 PIE Jensen Beach 81vd. Jgnstih Beach, FL 34957 Florido.administrot➢ve code. DRAWN: JC Mailing Adoiess: C�0.TlFICAT�O ' P.O. Box 1421 Jenseh-Beoch, FL 34958 D0tarbrJ-ma xassa. 2010-0204 (772) 39$-4290 ALD5543®gmai I .com James A. �Ak _ DATE: REVISIONS o=an�nclamlDe�n 12 7 t6 farmboard tie in CeS f rO JrSrATEOF • Date2a16.1?A713..4336 e 05W FLORIOr NOT VAUD WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE AND AuTwENTICATEb ELEmmNIc SEAL •,ia