Windows & Doors Since 1976
1:720 N.W. Federal Hwy, Stuart, FL 34994 • Jbaluminum.com • (772) 692-0090 Fax (772) 692-9744
July 3, 2018
To whom'it may conce!`r"
I am writing you xst ay , E-g;:rding permit 1712-0574 located all-9 Lake Vista Trail. We have
finio or-4rscree r-roorr lucaieo. iat this address. During the final inspetftion the building inspector
wantedx1arification or, z, rnosrai'n ,,..c;etail. We are currently waiting on a reply from the engineer on
record.,Will yqu ,p!% ,,.e ext :-r d i ; i�., permit 60 days? We are hoping to get their letter any day and will do
a revision with a fir.--d upon its arrivai. If any questions arise please contact me on my cell
(772)418-0560, th:iok .
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Michael Goodwin
CGC 150842,7