HomeMy WebLinkAboutHARDI - PLANK ATTACHMENTExisting stud wall to rem Existing soffit to remain. (not shown) 6.25" hard) plank siding over 151b felt paper or house wrap over 15/32" plywood nailed to studs at 1(" o.c. w/ IOd ring shank nails 8" o.c. in field and 6" o.c. in edges. Nail Hardi—planks to studs using 0.093" shank x 0.222" dia. heads x 2" long gale. siding nails blind nailed into each stud I.A.W. FL Product approval FL#13192.2. Contractor seal all planks and underlagments using MFG recommendations. H drdi— blank A ttdchmerit SCOPE OF WORK: Remove existing siding and replace with new Nardi -plank as shown above. Detdll NTS PERMITTING INFORMATION (FORM 100) Florida Building Code Residential: 5TH Edition and ASCE 1-10 for Wind Loading BuildinCofe'leight: Dn is: Enclosed Risk Categor�: II Wind Speed: 140 mph ultimate Mean 15'-0" Roof Pitch: 4:2 Internal Pressure Coeent: ± 0.18 _ Subjectability to damage from: Weathering: Negligible Termites: Very Heavy Width of Roof End Zone: 5'-4" Wind Exposure Classification: C Adjustment factor for Exposure Height using Allowable Stress Design and Load Combination per ASCE 1-10 Section 2.4 DL+LL, DL+0.4WL; O.4DL+0.4WL Exp Height Ady Factor: 1.21 x Load Combo Factor O.4 = 0.'124 applied below Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Roof Zone: I. Existing psf Roof Zone: 2. Existing psf Roof Zone: 3. Existing psf Components t Cladding Wall End Zone Width: 5'-4" Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Wall Zone: 4. +34.0/-31.0 psf Wall Zone: 5. +34.0/-45.0 psf Components it Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) on Garage Door: Existing psf Shear Walls Considered for Structured l es Continuous Load Path Provided? Yes Are Components an Cladding Detai s Provided? Yes Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: 2,500 psi, Presumptive: X-Bg Test: psi This Building Shall Have the Following: APPROVED SHUTTERS: IMPACT GLASS: BOTH: NEITHER: X Existing to remain Existing to re Existing to remain See hardi-plank detail on this shee Finish using water resistant board per MFG Installation instructions Grade >F OF LESS I MAN A.I.A ?ITCH ® = Roof Zone I ED= Roof Zone 2 Walls Zone 4 Walls Zone 5 END ZONE ` :.A- ~ ST.LUCTF gwy[F:N47ED FOR CO RLVIv,,NVED BY 2 .r.. Existing �o� rem B�PERNQT h�it]ST 13E APT ON JOB / ; N;C> pECTtOti WILL BE MADE. Existing to remain o 'Existing to remain 0 W d "— Existing to remain TYPICAL SECTION Scale . 1/2" q C I v� 4JCr a U HIP ROOF 2:12 TO 6:12 PITCH GABLE ROOF FROM 2:12 TO 12:12 PITCH = Corner Zones Roof Zone 3 CQ C)0�Q 0 iL .n° *o tJL° q):3) �U Z� Ln-! OD r- ".; N(1) 7WESE PLANS AND ARE SU;S,IECr rO Aft. PROPOSED ORK MAYREQUIRED BY FIE! p iNSPECCORTO TiOlyg THAT �ANy W:CESSARY IN ORDER wrm ro At,L APpU,A8LE Coon. +' O �O wv CO Co q)Lo(X) �0 F � 5 7-L117V Go R RECORD rr Q1 =Coma Ra L- o cy cv u 0r r v a- (a a.- U FACTORS -Oak U to AND SHW COMPLIANCE — x Q3 is ,B -► ELL WITH FBC ENERGY CODE MUST r LL- I REMAIN ON ALL DOORS AND WWNDOWS 'V" UNTIL INSPECTIONS AFIE COVED .� IC3 '' SCANiV Lb BY ST LUDE COUNTY Sheet File Copy. C LL� i l L) OF I. DEC ? 12017 ,iI �, a Comm 4��,F9Z,�9I i _-II'i" St. ucir county, FL 11— 2 31