HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1898 . , , "l9S,~,~L;, - ' "':';>',:~~'<-"-"~ _ ;;_''''~O ,,:: ''-''''\', ":'(", ',J,'..'.':":. ,,','..,....', ~- -.::--. . - .'; . . ." ~ -,- ..( # _,~' l,;, . . '1'. .f "." 't ' , ~':':~:'" '. ~~;:.;, ,'.": ,.., ,'" " ,', "~,..~..{,, " ' - , '",:Ana the, ..l~ ~U... ot. the :tir.' 'pa,rt tor ,~h.m8e1v..a am\ to~ .'th01r h6b,. q.outQr. . ~ ....=...- .',,;'. ,:-, - ".'_:-' -_,."'L', .-, '.~.'-.,.'. " - -~ -~._:. - :.' ,',' -. -,", "',- ,', -, .'.-." '<~",--'::"'.:-"_ ""_' .'-".-"'.. ,-~' <' .. 8Zld~IUD18~l"'~~" 'd~,' 'oo....~an'.>pr~IIli..!t ai&~\: ~aree'lI()'atidW1 th~''':b.. '8~1.d'~U-~'ot''h:. ..00n4 ,S ,::~:~:~~:t~;:~~::~..d:t:~~!:~::~~::l;h:.7-::'l:;::::l~.:t~~.;::.t , U ,',. .~Il'O~ut. and'ln~.t'IlIt~~".a'~t~:o:t1n~edt~o'.o~."ln' and: to a1~~,da:~arth."a~o.e ,I .., "'4'lor1b84 and srantedpteml.ee anAMa cooa. r18h\, tu1l'>>o~er '~o.la.tu1,,~uthorltl,to8~ant, ! .,., ~ I ~'''1lI. ...u ~(~OIl..Ot'th. ..... .1il, ;".n~r ...at .....t.t...l.I...~~tth..~~l;. >>'t7.t I ,', t~e ..oond par', hl.het~1J 'at1cLa8ligna 8h8ll~d mq, .tall,tlme8' het..ttor.,peaoetullr I and ~Ul~Ut,~a..'~, hOld,~..ef'O~OU.P1.: ~.eee~ and ~D'.fQ7' the,abO~'4eaarlbe4: ,reMi.../';.1th' '1 , , .' , .."",' I th.apptlr'enanoe8..w1tho~t- ~,~.t-, 8Ult.tl'o~bl.iDlOle..~tl.on,."iotion' otd18~1ubaDoe ot t , , ' , " "', , ",',' -,,' " i th~ said putttt8 ot the tl~8t prt, tbelrhelt'a'Ol'a881gn.;, or ot'anto1;her' >>Grson,:.tla~~8J .' .' -' ,c - - ", " .. ". - ,'-. '-.' : ~r to olaim ~the 8ame;~dtba~ the,: 88J9&:1'8 'treG. 018CU'; d~8oharged and Wu'UQiu.bereclof, all I - , . ~ ..... , .. i . ' ,tormel'or otbel', eetat'8,judsments, taxeli,ass8Bsmentsol'1noumbrano'ef{' o-Zwhatloever kind ! ; ~, ~t~.. I , ' : . koept, however, tii~ttlil~ cleed.-1B made8~bJeot to,. mor1;saee:onthe a'bOY.de80db.~d! , . - -' -' .,'" '- - .,-::.'. ': - : and gr@ted premiae8 to a8oure,the' p&1Dlell1;ol two pl'0m1seor7 note.,e80hln'the .. o-Z l ,.', '-~'. ,< ." : . . . ... . . ^ . . . - .... -:. . --" ~ .760.00, P&7ab~eJul7, 1&1;.1920 andJuJ.7 'let. ':1.921, reapeotlvell, Wh1ob1llortgBBt'Wa,sgiVen I - . -, - .. . - -. .. '. . . .~- -::. . . . ." - : .-, '; . , and exeou1;ecl bftahamR. l).etoher and , Je8de a.' Pletcher" his wlt., t~. ..,' ~.netch~r. May I' ." -.. . '. .... . .' . 19th,,1919and w~aflledtor reoord1il the 'olfioe of the. Clerk of t}ie:Cl~<iult ~oUrt Of St. . "" . . .. ;"," '. - .' ; -' '. ' - - , : ~ - - - - r.uole,Count~.;Plorida 1n, Mortgage Book ~4 at p8go20ana ,which lI01"tga((e'1Q':herobY assumed , . , bftha 8aid ptli'ty 'of ' the seoond part. , , ' , ' , !n4the 8a14 partha otthe1'irat ,~rt. tort~em881ve8 a!14\'.~ll:~~!.,~!ir8~, ~h.e above . I"'''. , . . ... - ..- ..' -' . -. - . , ' ! gr8J1ted and des9rlbedprem18ee.w1th the appurtenanoes unto the said P8l',tt of the aeoond f '. ' ~ '.' . -. 'f par\,h18 heire 'and'~lJal~B. against, the said parties o~ the t1r8tJ?fl:rt~d'th.,1rhdr. and '.",tnetall and eTery person or per~on8 whomsoever, law~ll ola1m1ns' o:t'to'ol(dIll'thes8me ','liheUancl '-Ul warrant and detend, exoept as he,~eln noted. , , , , ' ;'; I '11 trITllE88 WBEREOIt.the said parUesot' the first part hav.hereunto Bet their hands; , "" ,. " I and aeala the day' aDd' year firet above1f1'ltten. ' , , , , hi.' ,{' ": , I, ~isn.~t 8eeied an4de- " ISIW( R. XlLBfOlIBR, livered' in presenoe ot;" " - mar~:'" ,,:,,' 'J '. J. II'. J~ne.'()\<;P~ ~~) JE33IBA.'nl!CIUm ' .'., ',law) " L, Ed V. Walker I", STATB' or nOlltDA .- .. I' CO~fi ~~ ST_. LUCII , '. .'; ,.,. ,',' , , ,', On,t111a ,dq personal17 appeared betor. me Isham a. Ple~b.t:al\4 J~...el' A.ltl$tohe~ " ., _, _ __ _ . - . ',' - _" " . ,".. f'. -< _, ,:,: :.~.: < :," ,~; >~< < ~ " , _. .. , to lQ8'well,knO,wnas,the ,persons desoribett 1n 8Jld who e%eoutedthe:to~e~~~c:~,ed and they ,.onow18dge4betore '.,tll,,1; the7 exeouteds8Dle, ,tor the ,pur}iOae8'the~e1n,:~t~~~ed. ... - . .' . . -' ~. - .' . .~~ ;'. . In w1 tnesswhe1'eo:f'I havehe1'euntosej Jq' nameandotti~l,~ a.~'tlH...16 .dR.1 ot -.. " 1919.t Vero, F.1:0r-,U8,. , ! I I l r , ! i , , i i f ! 1 r i I I I I ! I I I ! I ! I ! , i , I i I I j L . I j ! I 1 ] 1 l 1 ~ '.' , "( (SEAL) ,Ootobe:r :.t~ :o~ I, , ,.~>l '(I.P.3eal) ~'J~' K. --.1bos ?;:., _ _' . lfotar7Pub1:io t 8~t'o1 11or14a' ", , at la1'ae. ',lll' 99~88"op.~e~~11'~a~\~'I, ,1988 . - " . :"" ,. ',(; ", " -. -: : ~ . I I 'a~A~B Olf 1/t'ORInA ' " f OOUlfn OP. Sf~cf,t1OI..'. '. I .~",~~L:",,' . ,t',;n,.0:ttiO~J.<4~' author,lzedto ~1~1at.r' oath~ ~d',~~;&okDOwleci~ilta .'10 ! "be~~b7' O.~tlt7,tbat": Je8~tc(,&..,ri~tche~-'- to Ill8w.ll",b.Own ,.. 'the '.1t8'O{1.b.Jl~~eto1;r. I , ~~'~' ~D~' qtth;"~r~~.~'d~'~~~'~~ed,"~ and .0 ~~e~uied' \bo~t~re~o~ ~i.~,~:' ~1d: thladq to! ;i~~,~~~~~~:r;;~;1~1:!.r~:~:;'~~~~74~~.:~;i;~~t(::ut~..1 ,;:,..~ t.i::i~.'.'~~..(~t'ji.i1o@~i"8~' rc;:U.Uq\i18.bl_~,?:~1~a8~,ItDc1.o~ei1JJ'- aJi ~eidihtof I f*#~j:'4,:~.i~'!~~~,.,;,."r"',;,<",,,,:,',-,~,~,;":,',.'",'",",",~,;,',,','...',,t-.,.,;..:<.,.,;,;,~,.,',.::_:,~,.,:,','",','",.,;,.,',.',',.,',~,..,.,.~~c~~.~~5~1~,~C~~t~:,1:;~ ~..~~.:~. . I --,- __~ _..' ~,~ _ r~_ ~ .. ~:-:?~~"~._~.~'~:~.:'~.~~:~~;~;:;:~.T;<~~::- n " , c ~.' n