HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1903 ~ " 'l ~... i~ ~ .--, ~' ~ t~ ' <: e; ~ r'i ~ i ' ' ~I ~ I' " f~ ~, ~. ~:- rr,- ., ~ t g [ ~~ If ~ t ~...' ~ ~~. . <::- ~; , r. ~: ,0'. ~. ~', ~, "t,- ~ k~ " ~. ~: ~ ~~ ~ ~ I f: f ! f I f I i I I I ! I ! I f I i' r ~" i . }' . t f f [1 r '" ~ Ii' f f ~ ., "~;}Tf;~~~:--;,-"-,~",,,-,~,;,:,~<,.,'-,~~7~~- .; . "S,th'b~'a>>>>urte~9" t.Mhav, &Oo~ ~18htan(la~' t\~'ho:rlt1'to ~,. bail~~~~',lItll',aJ1~, , OOI1Y." ,tl:1~', aame 1~ 'manuer ~~~ f~d at~re8~ld~ ~d that ~~e 1f.dd >>Ut~ ot th'~ .Ioon4 part '~18 1i.l~8'l.\tid' all.lan8,1'b~, anfM7 ~~~~"8^bl1'.Qfter.:, pe.a~.t,u11, andqu.liU'118ve,' hold, ' .1\18. ',', cb~OUP7 ':'>>088'''8~anilenJ~l-1;~.c .b~V', ~,~1l.~pr'elQi.'lJ:.'.8J1d.Y.r, pal-tenet paro~l ~hereot, I " ..'.-', "......'..~', .. ".,,'..:' ',', ,', " ,,' " ',' wl~h ~h. appurt.nanoftBiW1thOu.':ab71e~, auit~"lroub1't mole a\.1;lon " .vli)tfol1 ord1,tu'banoe O~~h.~lIa~d: pa~U.;a'ft the:;flr~t' put,' th~U~:'~.1~~or ~$.~ilnG,' or of aD7'.~b'~'~1'BOn or pe~aOi1i.1..Wtull~,oia,l,lI11n~ ...'o:Oi.~'lIh.' a.~.:_~tnd tb.t the same are' 'nO~freQ, o1.ear, _, 418oharse~ ~(r uns..g.umberbdo;l'e.ndfl'om ,all' tOrme~ ttnd othel" Ir8l1te~ tl~~8, 'ohar~8, estate 3udpent8t ,t~ea, a88e6~l1t8 and ,lnoUlIlbran08.. ot1Yl1at nat\U'e and klnd89,ever. ' I And the said pa~tle8 of the tlrst part, t01 themselves and thei~ ~t.rs, 'thea~oY. , deaorlbell' an'd her~bt srfinted and' ~el"88ed premiseQ, and~Yer7 partan4paroel thereof, witb; I the~PP1U'tenanou~ ~to' the ilaid. part7 of .the !loOOnd ,part ~1Iih4!'ir8 end assigns, a~~~~stth~,: ,\ sa18: partie,s 'tit thi tl1"atpartand his helYs and against al'l.a11devery'person or "%..on."~ ..ho.uoeve~i 'ladUllyo1.~ll1ling or to ola1ulthe 8ame 8hall and wi1.l warrant and by t~ese prosent81:0~ever aefe~d. i ,1 I I I I I (Sg~) I ( SW.) ,! I ! , , 'IN 'lfllESa ,1t'BRR~"the said parties of the tir8t~t have hereunto,8et thelr hands ,I " " ," ~ " ,', ' ' " ',', ,,' , , l'and 'Be~1I ~t~e ~48$ and ,,'-ar :first aboye written. t :;S:::~;I:!."" ',',e,.:,it,', :::.,d:"..~, ..i,'l"~.,l',,,.4 '., ' I ' .,' .". ,,~'. .',. ; 1i.";::tIlUtGhl.0D i' STAu.tI1l, ' RtDA ' ' - ',. . I cotntft oj ST. Lt1CIB ",~ ., ",:'KNOW ALL HEnDY 'l'HgSR PRE3EHTS, mATI, .and8')I~ Les'osJ'!1skl, ., wite of the 'a'b~Y~ nsmed' J~88P~ 'j~LeBZOZ7DSki do b,tbee8 'p~e8entst made and eX8outed' bl ' I me. 8~pa~a'~eand~P8rt tromrq said h~61>and and"1~ ~he 'rrcseuocj ota ~otarjPub1.10 ot: tne,' I I state, ~'~ Piorlda:,.aOlQlO~l'dsG ~d deolate~, th.at 1-41,4 ma4c8 myself apart7 ,to and exeouted 'I I " '" ''*', ' ,', , 'I' :;:4 t:::::.:.:.::l:0:::::::~:: '::::~:. .:h:~~::l:.:. ~':4 t::.::.~en::l:_ j ta~117, and without any oompulsion, oonstraint, apprehenolon or fear, o~ or from mw said i husband., I t , I I ,[ I I .JOSEPH ,. LESZCZYUSKI WAlfD.\ JI. LEaZOZYlfSJCI I I I I I I I I i I the abo.,e'n!Ulled ..4&-11. ~e8aoqnak1, ~~;..Up~ as, the wite ..of ,Jos.~,.Le'aIOQ'D8lt1, I and~S ~n": ~t: 't~."Per80~s 'd~ll~r~bedl~ -and~lJ9',~iout81J~~l~e'trireg'Oii18~,.d ~t CODvEt1tu1oe, Wh~ , , , ' ..', " , , " ' ..,-." " ' , , " i, being .t,the~: t1Di.,8eparat. @d. apa~t from ,her, ~,h~ct;,th~' 8814Y1~da M. LealolJll~l d1 1 ' ' " .' " , c' , ' . ' " ' . " ,,', " ' , " ' I ,then and tli.~. ~. ~de%.ouie' 'tb.etore~01ng aoknowled8lllentj h~rnam. being with h,r own t hand 8\lbsoribed,&Ddher{..ai aft~ed in Jq })reafinoe. " '1 ,..',. 1rI~~~'''':han4~nd 8;ala~'f.l':~e ,4q'an4~e.ti':..~, wrbtOD.' " :-:(ir.tslULf 'A~~'.lQUBG B~'. (Seell' LlJ:QOlllJl1Balon, ~1re8 JliJ.7 1921 ,; IH WU'HESS ~~R()",I Bubsoribe rq nee and affix my seal this 30th d,,~ 'of August A. D. one thousand nine hundred' andlf1.neteen ~~ , ,A.. w. YOmlG, J.P. (Seal) bioi. ,Stall J.iy ~omm1d.19n 8Xplr~B July 1921 STATg O!'n)1~ln4" . ' ,',' COUNTY O)',llfil: -~OOl. TO :UJ, W1lOloi IT IlAY CO!(OKlUh B.UJD10Wll~hat on ;th18 30th dq : .-~" . ~ '. " -:.:, ~.'-. - -; .- -. '. _ - - _ _ - r", .. _ '.; '0 '. of A~8tA.'I). 1919per'onIt11;vapp$ared'be1'ore me,. lfot"ry Publio of the iitate:})f iforlda, .,;i , }1~',~': ','0' '3,,' ,.,"",.:,!.....,.,',," ",'~. . i.:J".- '. ,:: t' '.or; . -~ . -. ,.-;. " l ':