HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTION AGREEMENTP 'N CAN MG OPME SMVIC9 S-�: .17 1:_:s. 1 1 lViNi 'Biifldm —ftCo N'17�,P'11�1 -Mll laied io be the Sub cqj#Mc* -t4r, (Type" of --C6 , Y I'M jifi**Y or ftft is. any 6ah9d.76f rsfdtif§ Mgy idi46urparticipatiowmiffi the ;abovq-mentioned ' pi*ct;-Ihe>Building and, Code ftqj* n of St Lucie Count will be advised pjg uant,WjfW co 0 C ,tiR rrATu:(goaua>.� WCATIOMNUABEk' COVNIT-YtERT State of Florida, County oP'�,�_ %Zl -Aolkperson -a- AC atiidentifictiou C, 6tofy [EY Revised I+i!1'6T1016; ttff,17477 - 21 -UiRF PERMIT ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I:: ;`'4 xX4-'-~7" have agreed to he iC'ompan}: Namulndividiiutthe-- Suh-contractor for '�� t - C" C.. (Tyly of Trade) (Primary Contractor) Uor the project located at l I _­Glo 10tclap,Pt'K_ R. tProjert Street AAddrts.s or Property Tax .tD #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned projecl, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of it Chwwc: of Sub -contractor notice. CO 3 ;NATURE .(Qwh7vr) SUB-CONTRAC. R SIGNATURE (Qualitle-r) � G PRINT INAME PRINT Ni%k C_4 Zug CWKrY CERTIMCATION 1 VMIJ COUNTY CER I?FTCATif)AT taL�tiBER . Stab of Florida, GturNy an._: jib- t State ntFlacidu Ceuntyot104 yIf( The forgoing iastr u mmt Kus dyed before me this j ! day df ��Gt 7I4C Q C __-' 2a11. by,P 1 Yn .- UUCP io a� ipctnwaeat tsas latwme 6 d tp .1lid— K who Lr petsbtlalFy k»aau —or bac sced s �, ilpt►lsOONPWVP Aft , `'}_ • $TAMP j�i�Y,s�. ,4'i'M kllised9$I4li fIi t `,_ -_ •,_„t���•�.`