HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROPOSED SETTLEMENT REPAIRm 0 0 0 Hamm a YEARS OFKCELLENCE VS-IROLISHED 1989 1 ENGINEERING :-j ® 1 :4 mll: Thursday, November 16, 2017 8101 Paso Robles Blvd:. Fort.Pieree, :FL 34951 Page 2 The.boring log(s) attached present a.detailed:de'scription of the soils encountered at each location:. The soil. stratification shown on the boring. log(§) is based; on. the:exar.mn4tion'of the recovered: soil. samples and interpretation:of the driller's field log. It indicates only. the approximate boundaries b:etweeii soil: types. The actual transitions. between adjacent soil. types may be gradual. Loose material was encountered from the ground_ surface down to. approximately four . (4) feet below -existing grades: Based on. our, understandilig'.of the :existing. structure and, the- information'.obtained:from'.our• field boring. log(s); it. is evident that. deep:. foundation systems are needed. to' support the existing. structure to ,prevent further, settlement and . stabilize the foundation..: :. Per the, Florida Building Code FBC 2014, :Chapter 18.; deep foundation systems shall: consist of one:of.the .following .. alternatives: Allowable _ Allowable Tension Approximate Depth Allowable Lateral Alternatives Size Compression Pile Pile Capacity in Driven Capacity In Tons Capacity in Tons Tons Pin Piles/Push Piers 25' ..'orRefusal- : 3Inch ': : 10°Tons : _ .. :1Ton. : N/A :.: . :.: - Helical'Piles : ': 25'' : or:Refusal .: ' : 3:Inch.. 12 Tons :. .' 6 Tons *BELS Below Existing Land Surface*. Estimated Lateral 'Loadfor: a: Pile: Top' Deflection of %;:inch.. 'Proposed• pileAength ;based .on the, existing ground elevations at the time:of drilling.. Pile length may vary depending.on proposed grade beam elevations and inconsistent' soil profiles. In the case of pin; helical and precast piles ' a. minimum of.'four (4)' test, piles shall be driven to determine production pile length.:. All, work. shall be in accordance With, the local Building Code and Coastal. Zone Construction., Requirements (if required): Helical. pile bearing. capacityis: dependent on helix.numbers; size: and.'spacing The foundation contractor.will be able_ to . provide the, most costeffective :combination of helix- designs.: The 'above depths -are. the minimum depths: required.'to a achieve: design capacities:.'Predrilling might .be required to achieve design .depths: All. slabs for the subject. structure- shall be designed 'as structural slabs spanning between supports and designed by: a. Florida Registered. Structural. Engineer and placed under: the.'supervision of a Geotechnical Engineer.. All work .shall, be - ': conducted by: an experienced Florida Licensed Specialty Piling Contractor:: All piles: shall: be designed by.:a professional engineer - and shall be placed .under. thesupervision of. our ' Geotechnical : Engineer ao verify compliance with our. recommendations: If -the pile is not rein forced•over�the entire length;, we.recommend, asingle #7'reinforcing steel:bar be ; laced the full length of the ile to. verify pile tinuit p P ?Ypcon ... Y•:: In case of existing structures in the., vicinity' of the. pile driving operation,. care shall be taken not to create excessive vibration'. Vibration levels•.shall: be monitored to verify compliance-.with.�county regulations: Steps must be taken to ' prevent excessive vibrations. In'the;event.excessive vibrations. are''expenenced during construction, alternative" driving methods shall be implemented (i.e.: predrilling, jetting: hydraulic push; etc:..): Thursday, November 16, 2017. 8101 Paso Robles Blvd: FortPierce, FL 3.4951 . Page 3 Any underground -structures such as: grease traps,: septic systems; .etc: ,must be supported_ on pile.foundations;.unless, the deleterious material (i.e.: silt; muck,=peat; etc::.) is excavated inits entirety and replaced with-compacted:washed:gravel ...such as :pea rock or #57 .stone below the water table elevations :and clean granular materials above the water table:.: Excavations 'shall. not. extend within .one: (1) foot_of the: angle of repose_ next t0 existing. footings or _structures :unleSS underpinned::.Trenching : shall be in compliance with: the 'Florida, Building ::Code; OSHA and. Trench Safety Act requirements. Shorings :shall' be, de'signed_ and inspected by a Florida- licensed professional engineer: . Provisions: -shall be made by the architect, ' engineer. of record: and'.contractor' io address differential � settlenients when' tying -in. -new'. to existing: structures:: Mixing o f -different . foundation :types shall . not be used unless - provided with expansion joints to address differential settlement: All outside.ground surfaces .must: be sloped. away. from the structure to avoid water accumulation and 'ponciing.' All. rain . • waters shall. be discharged away from all building foundations: Verify all water; sewer, plumbing; sprinkler:and,drainage lines are properly functioning with no: leaks in the vicinity, of the :foundation: . Regardless of the thoroughness of a, geotechnical exploration; there is always'.the :possibility that conditions may. 'be = different,from.those of the iest'locations;'therefore,:Federal.Eiigineering:&,Te. sting,. Inc., does. not: guarantee'any subsoil condition between.the bore test holes: A site plan:showing'the locationof; the proposed structure.was not, provided at the time the soil borings were.performed. Once plans and specifications have been finalized: and drawn, Federal Engineering .. T.esting; Inc: shall be :provided a .copy :of the'. .finalized plans. and specifications for: review.: For :a :more accurate portrayal, of subsurface •conditions, the site contractor: should performtest pits:. If different conditions : are encountered,'' Federal Engineering :& Testing Inc.,: shall be 16tified to review. the: findings. and: make any:recommendations as .needed: In accepting .this report the :client understands that all data: from, the soil borings is :intended for foundation analysis only:: and is :not: to be. used :for :excavating,. backfilling or pricing estimates.. '. The .site -contractor must, familiarize_ .themselves -with the job site conditions.:: Environmental analysis of.the.soil.materials ,is•not part of the scope of services._ '.If environmental analysis, of the, soils is required, we can provide aproposal for.performing an environmental.analysis of the. soil. materials.:. For Environmental. due diligence a'Phase:I.and/or Phase II Environmental. Site:Assessment is recommended.' Asa xnutual.'protection to clients; ' the .public : and ourselves; : all. reports are : submitted. as the confidential property of clients; 'and.authorization for • publication of statements, ,conclusions .or. extracts: from or regarding our: reports is reserved . pending:our written approval..: Federal, Engineering &, Testing. iris. appreciates. the opportunity- to ..e of _service : to . you at - is phase of your project: Pleasefeel'free to:contact us if we may be of further service to you. Sincerely, 9 _Iz Keith- ,6Blanc, RE.' Federal-Ei�:ginperir g & Testing; Inc. Florida. Reg 'T,0.1 5394. - Certificate of Authorization # 5471,," '� Deptli (FT) ::: Soil Descriptions Hammer Blows ' "N" 1 : 0" - 6" .. - .Topsoil &: Vegetation :. T. :' V = 4' :Brown Band with.Traces-of Organics . ...2 .:: - ' .2 3 3.. . -2'.. 4 ..4 2 1 5.: - :: :::.. is _ .2 .. • 4... 6. .. 2 ..... 2 .. . 8 .3.:. .. A. - 4' - 15' Brown Silty Sand .. 6 :.10 3. 4 12 :::. 4'. 5 13 5 ..4..- 8- :15 • 6 .' :. :6 ,. '. 1.6 1Z :.. . 18, :19 : 20.. . 22 23 24 25 ":. 26'. 27 -. -28 . C... 2g 30 .. Water.Levek .- .'3'6° :. Below Land Surface Keitl l eBlnc, P.B. =. federal"Ehineexing �i Testing, Inc. A =.A ___`. F1 `,'Reg.. 14 `.'59394 .'. Cr gate of Authorization # 5471 ENGINEERING 241f-Si-SW,' 'S i 24thiP{-SW k----i v) i b e i i 1 t U) I I: 1: —Ner!•h-El,d fe SII +J (6 �, T ' J 1 � �' ••''� � a ,}� '[- J � it r, )Kline Ave s n*A J, 1 Site' *ocation` it a. cn I S e 1 Fort -Walton -Ave • , 1 , ' it ..� 1• i r Q-2017 g0 • Z We Rock Hardness Description Soft.:, :: : Rock core crumbles.when handled' .: . Medium .. : . Can break core with .your hands Moderately_Hard :Thin edges of,rock core .can be broken with fingers ' . ; ..Hard:'. :.::.,' : :. :: Thin es of rock core"cannot:be�brokeii.with:fi dgengers:: Very Hard ' :: :: ' :: Rock .core rings:when struck with a. hammer. - Sand Quantity Modifiers Particle Size Very Slight.Trace 0=2% .:.:. Boulder:. : >12:in..": :. ".:.. Slight Trace : 2.5: % . " .: :: Cobble::: ; . , . :: ' 3 5 Gravel : , 4:76 mm = 3 .in.'.' ... :. -Little.Trace : :. : 10 - 15 % :..: Sand ::.. - .074 mm-�4.76:mm. Some :. :. 1.5 = 30 % .: :.. Silt :.. ::0.005 mm.= 0.074 mm :.' With::.: > 30 % . ":::.... :::Clay::: < O.QOS mm::' Silt -Clay Quantity Modifiers , . - Slightly: Silty /Clayey 0 _ 5 %. : L imitations: ofLiabilit Warranty Analysis and Recommendations cone: We warrant that, the: services performed by Federal Engineering and Tesring, In accepting this-report:the client understands that'all data from the soil boring Inc..(F.E.T.): are conducted in a manner consistent with the''level of skill and•" is intended forfoundationanalysis, only.and'is not'to be:used for excavating, care ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently :practicing' : backfilling or pricing.estimates:In accepting this report -the client understands: under similar conditions.' No other warranties,. expressed. or implied, :are ; : that all -data- from the soil boring is intended ;for foundation analysis only and made. While the services of F:E.T. are an integral and valuable part of:the ' is notto be.used' for excavating, backfilling. cr pricing estimates. The -site design and'eonstruction process; we do not warrant; 'guarantee; or�insure the ' contractor must- familiarize themselves. with.the job site. conditions.. -Soil - quality or. completeness 'of services or -satisfactory performance- provided' by . 'boring(s) - on. unmarked .'vacant . property or. existing structure(s) -to. be other members of the ;construction process, and/or. the construction plans and - : .'demolished is considered preliminary with further boiing(s)to be performed specifications which-we.have •not prepared, .nor tlie:ultimate .performance of. after proposed building pad is staked out. Report recommendations are -based building site materials' As mutual protection' to clients, • the ;public and. :primarily :primarily.on data from test borings made at the locations shown'bn.the'test ourselves;,all reports are.subiriftte'd as the confidential. property of clients, and - boring" reports., Soil, variations may exist.'between' borings : and may not avthorizatiori for publication of.statements, .conclusions 'or extracts from or'. become evident until construction:. If •variations are then"noted, F:E.T: must - regarding 'our :reports is reserved pending 'our. written approval. Reports 'are be contacted so :that field conditions .can be :examined -and recommendations not intended for 3rd party use: revised if: necessary: The Geotechnical report states our understanding as :to : the: location,: dimensions, and structural -features proposed of:the site: An Subsurface ExplOratlOn : signifi hanges i tune, design; or ation of.the site improvements . cant c n the na loc Subsurface exploration is normally accomplished by- test borings. The soil must. be communicated. -to : F.E:T. " so that .the . Geoteshnical analysis, - " . boring . log- :includes 'sampling ; information,: descriptioti . of the. -materials conclusions, and recommendations can be.appropriately adjusted. recovered; approximate depths of boundaries between soil and rock strata And. :.- ' • : ' groundwater: data. :The logrepresents conditions' specifically at the location . and time the. boring was made.. The boundaries between different. soil. strata CohitrudiOn ObservatiOits are indicated at.specific depths; however, these.depths.are in fact approximate Construction observation and testing is:an important element of Geotechnical and dependent upon"the frequency ,of sampling. -',The transitions between soil. services. The Geotechnical Engineer's Field Representative'(Field'Rep.) lithe stratum 'are often gradual.. Water :level; readings are made: at the "time the "owner's representative" observing the work: of the: contractor, 'performing boring was performed and can change with.time,: precipitation, canal levels, tests,- and reporting, data from such tests:and observations. 'The Geotechnical local well drawdown,:and other factors. -Regardless of the thoroughness of a "Engineer's'Field'P pq sentative does not -direct the :contractor's -construction Geotechnioal exploration there is always a.possibility that conditions may be means,: methods; operations; or personnel. • The Field: Rep.' does not interfere differentfroin those of'the test locations; therefore F.E.T. does riot guarantee.' r with -the relationship: between .the.owner:and .the contractor; and exceptas im any subsoil condition surrounding the :bore . test -holes. Fora more accurate .: ;observer; does not become.A substitute owner on site.: The Field. Rep.- is only . portrayal of 'subsurface. conditions; the site., contractor- should: perform 'tests, collecting data for -our.Engineer -to review.. The. Field Rep: is responsible for. pits. If different conditions are.'encountered, F.E.T. shall. be. notified to review.:. his/her safety only, but has no respoiiMbility.for. the safety of other personnel: the findings and make any recommendations as needed. and/or the general public at the site: If -the Field: Rep, does not feel that the • " him/her, the Field Rep: will stop his/her site is offering a:safe environment for observationl, testing until. he/she. deems the site is safe. The. Field .Rep: is an: . important member of a team whose responsibility: is .to observe' the test and Laboratory and Field Tests" work being done and report'to the client whether that work is being carried Tests are . performed .in . accordance with" specific ASTM Standards. unless. out in;general conformance.' with the plans and "specifications. otherwise, indicated. All criteria included in -a given-ASTM-Standard are not al..nays required'and performed. "Each test report'indicates:the_measurements And determinations actually'made. . '.. Limitations of Report Ownership o, f Tests. / Reports Federal Engineering & .Testing, Inc. shall have no:liability; in contract;. tort or All test results :and/or reports prepared by F.E.T:.pursuant to this agreement. otherwise, for any inaccuracy, defect, or omission:in interpreting this report. - and/or Addendum(s)' thereto,, shall "remain. the property of F.E.T. ;until all and shall- not in any event have any liability for'.lost ;profits or any'. other Mo. -due and' owing'to F.E.T. under tWi .Agreement ;and/or Addendum(s) indirect,.special,. incidental; consequential, exemplary or punitive.damages. In. thereto, are paid in full: wing the: event of future conflict between owners• and contractors : the - following., applies: F.E.T.(s) legal and/or -company representation: and -preparation for ate; i.e.- deposition; 'expert . Analysis and Recommendations: ' 'representation: fees: will be billed on an hourly r The Geotechnical report is prepared primarily to aid in the design of sife work Fitness, etc.' F.E.T. "has no 'obligation to*amend its conclusions or recommendations after the: date of this. report,. Any alterations or. changes in and, structural foundations: Although the information in the report is expected the location of the project should be brought to our 'attention at the earliest to be sufficient for.these purposes; it is not intended to determine the cost of coristruction,or to stand alone'as construction specifications. convenience for review. and.applicability.of.this:report.... .. .