HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1917 I I O. .. "',-.- ,'~~ r.:- "'-.' -~.... -;;-- - ",,-,::...- ,~~.~~,.-"...."~p -...~;r'_.,~. . '~', , . ,- .' , .~ c ~,"'"Jr"'C '~:~':''''''<'', ..~~r-,_,T.r., .~_ .7f_,r-~ ~-.~'7 ";""":.'7:~:~:'-.o:":~"'~~~-:;~;~~~""i.Y~':"'~"'~:r:?,;;--""':':.~ alielpe, In t" IIl.ple. 'Ula' 1>lo0'.'pUotl 01" r~' 0 laJl4,.ltuat.c\' In 8'~ J.uol. OounV. ~. -.'., < - - - '..:, - . \ " - . . - - - . >. . '. nor14~, tIloWll an,A d.e~'l bel.1I tollo.... .'.' ,.., ' .' - ", '-'. ,- - ......"" -.' - - - . .' ',' . , , lilot ~. ~~';one.~ai.t of 8'O'lQJltWtll~.1:lhi, "In "~"hlP,' th1l't,.f~Ul' ',So~th, ,of .' ". . : . . . . . a~!hlrtl-ll1nt" Bu', oOllta1n~t1I.,'bt.o hUelI.. ,..il'J-on. ,~" ''''''Iltha '(881,8) .ol'8I, ,1101'0 'o~i.a..: -...~.. :'" .. ..- . .-' ...... " I , ' ,,' IlOJPt,' l\owo..r,'tbel"1.ht; ~ wq tOI"p'ubllO road. anc\ dl'.tauaa. oana1e '01': dltoho. .. ahOn,Ollthe p1a~ ote,ald landemad.'1>1 ~h' noru.~ "a' Ooaat Ilealtt Oo~ and reoord.4 1,. the 'o:tt~o. of th., Olerk. 'ofth" ~lroult,ooUr', of 8t,,%.OO1' Oowit,.~ 1'101'14... , " .;10 'B4VB m to JIO~D THB ~', toa.th.:r ~ th &1.1' .al.ment., 1.p:royoment., , he:r~41__n~ an4 apP1U'tonaDo.e the:reunto bel'oDj1D1, unto the .ald patti.. of 'h. aeoona pnrt,and tb.~1' he1:ra'and ...llDa, tnfee almple fOl'eTe:r. I I I I I ! J I I I I I I I ! I I I I I i I Signed. sealed and dellTe:r.1 I In pre.ellO' of u: . . "'. L. Jenninga _ M. Llh~bo:r8. i "I ::':rO:p::'=:~1 .., ! I I i I I I t ~4 the l181d partlea of' the' flrat part, fot" th'lIBelTe, and,the1r h.irl,' legal, r~ ... . ~'- ., --- -.' , -. -.:. .' - - -. . . , .. .. ,..', . . . PJ:~8~n~t1Ye8 and &8alpa, dO, he:reb7 00"~an'w1th.a14"pert1ea of th~ seoond part,the1:r I he1~a',-le~ :r,~pr~aen~at1~8a ,and'as8.1~'; that the781'eln~efeaelb17 ,selled of sald land In I 1'e~ l11'!lpl.; tba,tthe, ha.... toll power aDel lawfulrl&ht to oOllYe, said lan4 in fe. 8impl., a8, - , ",.' " " , , ,,' " , ' , , " ' ,\ afQr~I&14: ~~at it 'e~a11 .~ lawfUl f~~ Sa1dpart1ea, of the 8.oond part, their h.l:ra,lepl I l'~})reael!tat1Ye. and asa~an8, at all t1me8 peaoeab17 and 'lulet17 to ente:r uPOn, 'hold, 000111'7 I and enJ07 8a14 lan4;' that aa14lan4 la free'frolD all onoumb:rano..; that ih'7 w111 mak. auoh l' " " " 'I 1 :tu:rthe:r aa8uranoea to perfeo1i the f..B1mple' t1 tl.to aaid land as ,flIIq reasoilabl"ibe r.- I qlllred; " Qnd ~~t the7~o, her'.b7 ful17wal'1'ant the title'to 88il land and .Ul defend ,th. I aame aca1na" the' la1rtul ol81ms of &1.1 peraona.holi8oe.,e:r. I , , , , , , " ' ,', I II WI2UBSS WHKRB07. thepartl.. of the fir8t ~t haT' hereunto aff~xed their name. ' i 8DdsefUa on' the daJand ~a:r :fi:r,t abOTe wr1 Uen. I I I' I I ! Geor.. O. Prleat1e7'(aeal) Lulu B. JriBet1.)' ( aeal) I ,1 I I i 1 !, r :' 1.' ,an' oft,loBr dull al1thor1zel to AA"'ft~I":r oaths and take aoknowledgmente, 40 " ' hertb)' oe.rtl11 ,that Oil tbla 4aJ personall, appearedl>>efore .. IIOBGB o. PBIB8!LBY, to 1M , . . ..' '., . - ,~ known 88 the ~:rIOIl 4.eor1be4 in and wbo ex. outed the foregoinB Deed, and he aonowled- , ' se4 ~hA\ he ex.ou1ie4'th. 88118io:r' the' purpoaes therein expresaed. I ,And Iao turtheJ' o,ertlf7 that on thie 487 pe:rlonal17 appeared befo:r. .. LULU B. I PllIB8fLBY, to IDe .ell mo_U the wit. of~llQB O. !IlIB81$IY. and aa. on. of _ the pt1'8 Olll!l' I I I 4"OJ:lbe41~an4 Whoex.oute4' tl)..fo:regolJ18 Deed. and, that alie, ,on a a.par~te and prlTat. uaa1n~tlon l)e~o~. met;akenand~', aepa:rate17 and' Nil" f:roll he:r.aaiel h1l8band, d1. aomowl'4a8 "'4.olu. that 8he IIIMe her.elf . j)U%tfO. and e~outed the e8llt for .thl })lll''' lJpe."C)i, r.~..a\t~, 1'.11DquJ..iwaa. :r.nouno1ng and OOllyeJ:l128 all her :rlght of <dowe;r, aeparate eatateu4h~..at~a4aDcl all bet" ~~8ht'l,n,an~to th~lBD4 de80rlbecl,ln 8a14 De'4,' and ,that ' ab. ,tQ:.outecl,tht .ame~re,.11, and Tol1Uitull,., Wi thOllt &D7, oOb8traln'. apprehenal0D, fear, 01' . - - : -. . ooapultll0D o~.q~tI'O..~~-: ...i. lui~ban~. , " ,,"'Ij:wi~s .J()~; {'ha~. h.~e1U1tO affixed., haD4 &lid oft10ia1 a,tal thl. 8l~t dqot()otob.%" 19?-'~A':lhU&ct'1~.t". CO\11\.uid.tai.;~~ore"'l~. , , " , , , ,,' :~ate...ot Penn.l1..u.-.. , ,'iT _~,OIllll1.'~l)JI'..plJ:e' leb~ 11..1!~ .- . .. - "' + .. > ... ..:;. --:- "(t16.O()'J,',~,""'O,,~,,), ' . .~ . , ~":'r! . f