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P lift CE :. ower 50 x 16 Jamie Busby Door - ENGINEERING HydrauliDoorCaculatlo ns. 105 School Creek Trail I Luxemburg, WI 54217 (P)920.617.1042 1.(F) 920.617.1100 ........... Project Location:. SCANNE.:. ... .Prepared for: i :.Por:t:St. Lucie, Florida..: B Powerlift Hydraulic Doors- LakeMN NT1'.:: REI Project# R17-11-287 ��' 113.�0� CCU 11/2.9/2017 Design Criteria:. .... . 1; Design Loads per Florida Building Code514 Edition (2014).(ASCE 7=10) HOP jpRpINING ! $UBMriTTA� REuI EW PROVED APP ROVED ROVEDAS NOTED , 2. Deflection to be L/180 max. for vertical.door members: Deflection to be 2L/120 fo ®�Y4;@.p RbStD®MIT ::0 REJECTEq SUBMITTA_:NWSREVIEWEDFORDESIGNCONFORMITYAND 3.: Steel anchor plates,:clip:angles, reinforcemen channels and bars to`be:minimum AS 10 ONLY. THEOCONTRACTORFOMANCE TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS :. . 1 RESPONSIBLE :.:CONFIRMING AND CORRELATING DIMENSIONS AT JOBSI E 4, Steel tubes:to be minimum ASTM:A,500, Grade B, Fy = 46 ksi: :FOR TOLERANCEN CLEARANCE, QUANTITIES, COFABRICATION TIO PROCESSES. A D ' TEC 10 ES ..OF CONSTRUCTION, . . (� COORDINATION OF HIS WORK T OG ER TRADES AND -.. TS 5„: ;::: Stainless steel screws: and bolts shall be stainlesssteel alloy groups .1.2or.3 (300ser $�M y-� Of FD. ksl TT minimum; with diameters and,locations as shown in calculations, By: .Date: Architectonic Inc. :. 6 Field and shop welding shall be E70 or. better, steel filler alloy to have a minimum to sile. strength of 7%tbNp tgrk 84950. 7. Design of•material separation to:prevent reaction between -dissimilar materials not.designed by Rice Engineering Inc. Concrete shall be minimumTc= 2 500. psi normal Weight assumed uncracked Page: Description: Date: Revision: :1.: Project Data . 11-29-17 2:::: Section Props./ Wind Loads 11-2947 3 Seismic/ Load Combinations 11-29-17 4 :..Vertical: Rail Check :. ..... 11-29-17 ... . 5., Cross Member Check 11-29-17 6 Door.Header'Check 11-2917 7 Frame Header Check 11-29-17 - .8 'Door Leg. Check 11-29-17 ' :9 :.. Truss Tube Check:.. 11-29-'17 10 Truss-Uph_htCheck:. 11-29-17:• 11 Bottom:Tube Check:11-29-17 12 . Reactions and, Deflections 11-29-17 13:: Door Results . 11-29.-17 14 Large.CylinderSpecs: 11-29-17 15 •Hinge Analysis. 11729717 Page: J.Description: ;:;: Date: Revision: '.16 Frame Header.Connections :. 11-29.-17 :::17 Frame Post Connections .11-29-17 111-114 ..Anchor Bolts 11-29-17 2-948 -Shop Drawings . ENGINEERING 105. School Creek Trail :::.. Luxemburg:.Wl54217 Phone 9208451042. .... Fax 920 8451048 :www rice-inc.com Florida Firm No. F-01000005081 .. Ee 14 2018 .. Certificate:of.Authorization #9090 . Wayne K. Helmila :.::Registration No. 59092::.. Engineers Design Approval Stamp: 11/29/2017_ Disclaimer..:: .. •This:Certification is limited to the structural design of.:. `�\ �F. 'structural components of this Hydraulic Door system. �� Q• ��C N S+� It does NOTa include responsibility:for: .o. • Structural: designN59092 ofhardware,�hinges;and,latches. � •- :Design of material separation to prevent. rep ction between :dissimilar materials. • Design of air and water infiltration prevention. The manufacture, assembly, or installation of the system. .:: �Q • Quantities of materials r odimensional accuracy, of drawings /��j/� • :::Anchorage to the substrate or design of the building support AL ��\\\\ strucuture.... . I ... Coyer.Page 1 of 1 �: , C(l * :FFB0 1 3 2018 : 0 i . . Sheet No: .. _ ProjectData: . Governing. Code:. :.:::�:::betail.Ref.. Powerlift� Hydraulic. Door � :.' :... �ASC 7�05. mod r Double Posts...:.:: .. �;ASCE 7-10 vlDouble:Legs . [�,HurricanePins :Wd. ►Use Truss ' lib := 25 ft • building roofheight . SSUMED .... i h 16ftijW�rdoor"ove[�leight� g�A w . b�3 ad s HS on JJ ftr d or overall width.:CL (n =0ccupancylRiskCategory:a,; Jar ?Jir l:i•i( 1 _klal all . 48 ; !nr (ir Xh6rikhfal.tubespacingrv,('l .. 3,1 {Span ONtA $�i"r� ,.. §Itr(( Spay::-t82.25i, ::;in, :ilx!axuerbcaItubespacing�Ct d ;rign, r: 4,11..1:17 }: .i; I I (: %i rI!'! ;i=^ '1 - "• i . _. •Hin es re.locatedatverSc .. •7VOTE. g a vertical rails . Spat:= 3.5:. m truss'uprightspacing.---- _ -0 Load Data: s,:, T - y .:Wind .� me..ra .�� _ .�w . - 160 , mph designWndspeed 77:� E:= "C1, building exposure :. - 1.0. topographic.coefficient Kd:= 0.85::: directionalityfactor External Pressure Coefficients.: GCp1.:=:-0-95 CZ ... .. GCp2:= 0.80 . CZ . .. ::wMember Section Data-: GCp3 := -0.9 .... Typ ::. . .... . GCp4.:=: 080 Typ ., r : Cylinde . Large ::.. F rame:Header. -- -- - HSS5x5x0.188 �� :.Internal Pressure Coefficients:. _..:... ..:. ...._�. GCpi1':= 0.18 t: Frame Posq. ::: HSS5x3x0.313. D oo[Header. HS$5ic2z0;125 Seismic Load Data: _ Ss:..6.... Ma :.':: . ppedSpectralResponseAccelerition8tSiortPeri . . DOOrLeg:'. . HSS5x3x0.313 ..';�. : -�;- ., S1:= 2.8%:MappedSpectralResponseAccelerationatLaigPeriod'... . .' .. :. ,. Uert(cal Rails: :. HSS5x2x0.188 �� ' Component Importance Factor Cross Mem bens HSS3x2x0.083 ap:= 1.0 ComponentAmplificationFact� .' -- - Rp:=.2,5 , - Component Res pose Modificait6hFactor ,.. - : =: : Bottom Tube: HSS5z2x0:125 _ Fa := 1.6: .: Short Period Site Coeficient (►able 11A-1) . Truss Tube: HSS3x2x0.125 l : Fv:= 2.4 Long -Period Site Coefficient(Table1lA-2) -- Triiss Upright ... ' HSS4z2z0 12$ .. . Soil Site Class: D ��__ -- - - -- R17 11:287 .. . .: a� L :..: ".. .. 105 School Creek Trail es Project Description::: Job No:. Luxemburg, Wl 54217 . eer' Engineer::. MPM Sheet No ' ENGINEERING Phone- .:.(920),s17-1042 : powerlift 50 16:Door. I Rev:... FaZ (920) 617A100.. www.rice inc.com • Jamie: Busby. Date: 11/29/17: Template: REI-MC;520.1 Chk:By: Date::.:: .. Calculations ::.. 01 Member Section Properties: Detail Ref. sheet No* Powerlift Hydraulic Door. Calculations:.::.. 02 FrameHeader = "HSS5x5x0.188:' , - . = _ FramePost = "HSS5x&0.313" DoorHeader = "HSS5x2x0.125" tfh = 0.174 in tfp = 0.29 in tdh = 0.12 in. WTfh = 11.96 plf . . WTfp = 14.8 plf WTdh = 5:6 Plf i? 28 in. . Afp = 4.1 : 2 in : Adh=1.54::i 2 :in 4 .:. lfh = 12.6 in Ixfp = 12.6 4 :.:. in: ..Ixdh = 4.65 4 •. . in 3. ?fh:= 5:89 In . ?xf .-. 6.42 p- 3 .... in _.. Zxdh = 2.37.:. 8 ' in VerticalRail = ",HSS5x2x0.188" CrossMember = "HSS&M.083" BottomTube = "HSS&M.125":, tvr ;-.0.:174 in . tcm - 0:0$ in tbt = 0.12 . in WTvr = 8.15 plf .. WTcm = 2.73, plf WTbt= 5.6 .... plf. Avr = 2.24 . :. ::in2 Acm = 0.8 in. :. ... .... ' : : Abt = 1.54 in2 . • :I r = 6.5 in4 ... . Ixcm = 1.02 4 in Ixbt = 4:65.:.. in4 .. Zxvr = 9.37 _ .. : . •in3 Zxcm = 0.82 : in3. :. Zzbt= 2.37... .Ina TrussTube:= "HSS3x2x0.125' .. :.:: Trussupright=:"HSS4x2x0.125" _ .. . ttt -0.116 ', ,in .. ttu = 0.12 :. in Witt..3:9 - _ ..:.:: ' :plf . WTtu.=. 4.75 plf mm :. .2 :::. '_ .107 in ..: Atu = 1.3 - :: 2 in Ixtt = 1.3.. .. in4 :: :.. Ixtu- 2.65 4 in. .... :. Zxti = 1.06 Ina, Zxtu = T.66 in3 Wind Load Calculations: . Vebcitypressuirb'Coefficients. Velocity pressures: K - 0 94 sf • zh - . t. P - 0 00256• K K K qh �-- . • . ztr zt• d• V. = 52.36 :.: Kzz = 0.86 .:: psf .. .. qz:= 0.00256 Ku Kzg Kd• 2 = V - = 47.91 Calculated. Pressures (ASD): Pczne g:= �4':gh•:(GCp1 - GCpi1)] if hb -< 60:'. _ -35.5 psf _ (4;gh•GCp1:-'gh•G.Cpill otherwise Pczpos`•= GCpi2fl if hb <_ 60 . _ 30:7.9 . psf ... J[�qh-.(GCp2'- qz• GCP2 - qh• GCpi2 otherwise:. . . ... . P Pneg• Ty [q-gh•(GCp3= GCpi1)� 5 if hb 60=-33.93 -: psf _f I �1b•.gh•GCp3- gh•GCpi1): otherwise os:= PtYPP . [GCp4 - GCpi2)] I)• qh• (.. if hb 560 = 30:79 psf 4z• GCp4 - qhi GCp12) otherwise P os = 33.93 psf w.-= ma, -tP'YP 9ne�'tYPP - ^1 MCE ENGINEERING ' Template: REI-MC 105 School Creek 1 rail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone:.(920) 617-1042 : 'Fax:: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc,cam : Project Description:. m Powerlift 50 x 16 :Door. Jamie. Busby : . Job No:., R17-11-287 Engineer:.: MPM Sheet No: 02 Date: 11/29/1:7 Rev: . Chk By: Date::.:. Powerlift Hydraulic Door- Detail Ref. sneer lva: Calculations . .. �:: 03 Seismic Load Calculations: SpS:= 2 +. 8• Fa- Ss = 7• % DesignSPectral Response AcceleiationAtShort Period (Eqn 11:4-3): _. =448•0 SD1:=2-3•FVS1.- /° Design SpectralR�sponseAcrelerabonAtLongPeriod(Egn11.4-4) 0.4.ap.SDS•Wp: ... hb.l _. _.. . f :- 1 + :2• —: I = 179.2 lb (Eqn 13.3-1 P -.Rp [ [ (hd:J�., ) : Design Response Spectrum I . P. rn :. .: .. . . Fpmiri := 0.3•.SDS• Ip• Wp = 81:5 ... ( 13 Eqn .3-1) lb 0 o . Fpmax:= 1.6•SDS•lp.WP.-434.5 :.:: .. lb ... (Eqn 13.3�) ::m.. • ..Q F:= P F if <'F Pmin ; p .. Amin = 179.25 Ili .. .. c°'i u Q fp.: if fp < Fpmax d..... o Sa(P) Fpmax otherwise. ZA . (Eqn 13.32) m : Fp'ASD:=0.7•Fp=125.5 lb PerASDlLoadComb.Section 24 ::. m. tq ra .. FpvASD :=• SDS: Wp = 38.0 lb: Per LRFD Load Comb.:Sectiori 2-4 O ]j j F 1` �L ENGINEERING Template: REI-MC-5201 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 : Fad: (920) 617-1100 www.rice;nc.com. Project Description:: :Powerlift 50 x 16 :Door I Jamiie. Busby I Job Nb:. R17=11-287 . Engineer:. MP M Sheet No: 03 . Date: 11/29/17 Rev:. Chk:By:. Date::.: Vertical Rail Check; VerticaiRail _ "HSSWA.188" ..Powerlift' Hydraulic Door. Detail Ref.. sheet rvo: •. ::... Calculations.-— 04 Wvr = (hd� 12� - bfh - bdh = bbt- 2.5 =.182.5 in :.. Span DLh wvr _ = 19.38 :.pli 144; Muvr Wvrl-vr _ 8 = 80688.36. 1n•lb i check Flanges f& ompactsecfion :..Check Web f&cohJPact section . ..... ... . ..... :. Es XPvrt:= 1.12;� = 28.12 ::: s �pvrw:.=;2.42• = 60.76 fFy ... y. . . : .. . Es >rvrt:= 1.4 — = 35.15 .. ES.:: [Fy .. . aNrW:= 5.70• = 143.12 . .... Fy :.:. .. .:. blur = 8.49 htvr 25.7 - Xvrt _ .°compact" if btvr 5 apvrt = "compact" Xvruv;= "compact" 'if htvr 5 apvrw _ "compact" . "noncompact" if Xpvrf < bf:5 arvrt .... : "noncompact" if. apviW <:htvr 5 Xrvrw "slender".. otherwise .: "Slender".. ;otherwise r Es 0.38.fF�ybevr'•= mii� bVr,1,.92 tvr•�• .1..2 in .= 1 y btvrs ::3 Svreff:= Sxvr = 2.6 in . . . . . . F � Z - 155020 imlb: Mpvr,:-. y xvr - .. nvrt:= M yr if � - com act" = 155020 in - lb /Mpvr Fy :11 "noncompact"1Es Mpvr - - Fy S ��•(�.5,T.btvr- -41if . vrf:= : Fy. Svreff�.. otherwise Mnvrvji= . - 'compact!: _ ::: � Mpvr if Xvrw - P.. _1 50 ,-; , 5 20 in•Ib, .. . .. . r M C Fy ` "noncom M 'vr == F Sr)• pvr - p .. y 0.305 hY r — - 0.7384�1 v if a act" vrW =c.. P.. l=s FY Svreff) otherwise I . mm�Mnvrf, Mnvrw) r Mn = _ 92826:35 'in. Ib... S!b . Muvr VERTICAL RAIL:= . "OK" if _< 1.07 . = "OK" - 'Mnvr • .... "FAILS":. otheruise: 111 CE E1VG�NEERING Template: REI-MG5201 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 - Fax' (920) 617-1100 . www.rice-inc.com Project Description: :. pOwerlift 50 x 16:Door Jamie. Busby Job No:. R1Z-11-287 Engineer: MPM. Sheet No: 04 Date: 11/29/17 Rev: Chk By:. Date:. . I Cross Member Check. CrossMember = "HSS3x2x0.083" Powerlift Hydraulic Door. Detail Ref.. .she' 'Nd: -- - Calculations 05 Lcm := SpaV. 82.25 in Spah•DLh wcm := = 11.31 PH144' 2 Mucm:= `Ncm• Lcm = 12 = 6376.33 in. Ib : :Check Flanges forcompact section Check Web for compact section Q Es cmf;= 1 12•� 28.12 P . Fy... �J�J .... . s xpcmw:: 2.42• E - 60.76 _. -...4 :. . Fy. . Es :... .... �rcmf: = 1.4• — = 35.15 Fy . ES :. : �rcmw. = 6.70• — = 143.12 Fy btcm = 24.1 htCm = 36.15 �cmf�-� "com act" if b P tcm S k pcmf . • _ "co pact"• Xcmw:=. "compact" if 'Mcm 5 apcmw. --."compact' noncompact" if Xpcmf < btcm s Xrcmf ;' :"noncompact" if: >,pdmw:<:htcm 5 Xrcmw "slerider" , otherwise := "slender" otherwise : 038 Fy 1� becm:= Min�ticm,1.92acm..�1 _: = Z. F'F b . tcm :.:. Scmeff:= Sxcm = 0.68 in3: . - F Z • - 37628. indb, pcm�- y xcm.- _ Mncmf:= Mpcm .if X6nIf = "compact" :::: :..::.:. = 37628 in. Ib - Fy (3.57- - l Mpcm.- Fy Skcrri�• btcm - 41� f acmf = °noncompact" ' - LMpcm . ES Fy Scmeff) : otherwise .-RICE . ENGINEERING Template: REI-MC-5201 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 : Fazi (920) 617-1100 www.dce-inc.com Project Description:=: �. :powerlift 50 x 16 Door Jamie. Busby Job No:.. R17.-11-287 ... Engineer:.: MRM Sheet No: 05 Date: 11/29/17: Rev:. Chk By: Date::.: Door Header Chk: DoorHeader = "HSS5k2x0.125" -.Powerlift' Hydraulic Door D etail Ref. h t' N ' See o. Calculations::::.. 16 Ldh:= Spaj = 82.25 in (0.5: Lvr .+ bdh)• DLh....• wdh:= = 21.97 PH .. 2 .. udh:= 0.1071•wdh•Ldh =.15.. .... in•Ili: Check Flanges 6compact section ::.. ::::..Check Web for compact section s �pdhf:=.1.7:2• - 28.12 : FFy s Mpdh:. 2.42•= 60.76 fFy . EsEs.: �rdhf ,. 1.4• = 35.15 . . ::..[Fy �rdhw = 5.70•= 143.12 Fy :.:. btdh = 14.2 htdh = 40.1 . adhf = "com act" if b < a = "com act" P tdh — pdhf - — P �dhw�= "com act"' if h < ap = "com act" P tdh — � . dhw P. "noncompact" if apolif < btdh 5 Xrdhf "noncompact" if XpdhW htdh 5 ardhw "slender" , • othenaise "slender'? .: otherwise :0.38 F 1� y bedh:= min btJh,1.92•.tdh . 1=— —� =2 .. . . 'r�Fy in . ... btdh : Es i� . Sdheff �= Sxdh —. 1 .86 in — . . . . — 109020 in: lb - pdfi �= y xdh — . . Mndhf = Mpdh if .adhf:="compact" = 109020 . .. in -lb rLMp' r3:57•btdh•4� dh— �Mpdh - FyS� TLFif adhf=. noncompact"zdh s (F Sdheff) :otherwise Y. i. . Mndhw:= - Mpdh if adhw = compact":: : - 1090.20'in. Ib .... F "noncompact" Mpdh —'Mpdh =.Fy Sxdh� 0.305 htdn• — 0.7384�� if aclhw = Es: F S otherwise Y. dheff _'. min(Mndhf; Mndhw) - Mndh :_ - 65281.44 11b • in. Ib Mudh DOOR HEADER:= . "OK" : if 5 1.07 . _ "OK":: —.. Mndh: "FAILS":. otfieruvise: ::RICE NGINEERING Template: REI-MC=5201 105 School Creek Trail .. . Luxemburg, WI 54217 . Phone:.(920) 617-1042 : Fax; (920) 617-1100 www.nce-inc.com Project Description:::. Powerlift 50 x 16 :Door Jamie. Busby Job No:.. R17-11287 Engineer:: MPM Sheet No: 06: Date: 11/29/17 Rev: Chk By:. Date:. . Powerlift Hydraulic Door,�'D etail Ref, Sheet ry o. Frame HeaderChk ._; FrameHeader.="Hss5x5xo.1a8° Calculations :.. .. 07 Lfh:= Spav= 82.25 in .. .. . �0.5•Lvr.+ bdn)•DLh wfh:= = 21.97 Rli 144 Mufh::= 0:1.071•wfh•Lfh2= 15920.23::.. in -lb'- Check Flanges forcompact section :Check Web forcompact section Es fhf:= 1.12 — = 28.12 . ...P Y sX XPfhw:: 2.42•= 60.76 fFy - 1 4 Es 35.15 : :: �rfhf - _ Y i s = 143.12... :. XrffjHr:= 5.70•fFy... .:. btfh = 25.7 .... .. :.. htfh .7: :.. = 25 Xfhf:- . "compact" if btfh 5: Xpfhf : ' _ "compac " . - :. Xfhwi- "compact" if htfh _<. > pfh,,y _ "compact". "noncompact" . if . Xpfhf < btfh < Xrfhf :"noncompact" if XpfIfi < htfh < Xrfhw slender"': otherwise :::.: "slender"::otherwise . FFy 3 r 0 38FY tiefh:= miry bfh,1.92•tfh:.:Fy.( ::.:infhA btfh IJ :.: Sfheff:= Sfh=.5.03 in Mpfh = Fy Zfh = 270940 in. Ib Min nfhf•lb Mpfh if'X fhf - ° P - com act" =.270940• .: in Fy 1 .. Mpfh:- Mpfh = Fy Sfh� 3.57• btfh =: = 4 if Xfhf = "noncompact°. • :. Es:.. J (FySfheff) otherwise .. Mnfhw:= Mpfh: • if Xfhw'=."compact" = 270940 in -lb Fy. "noncompact", Mpfh - (Mpfh - FYSfh)•. 0.305 htfh� - 0.7384 if X yy= : , - :.. s JJ:.... F Sfheff) otherwise :. Y ... .... . - min(Mnfhf,Mnfhw) -:.. M =:162239;52. nfh.= in -lb Qbbi -- a :.:: : Mufh FRAME' HEADER:= "OK" if 5.1.07 _ "OK" Mnfh.:: "FAILS" otherwise i RICE 105 School Creek Trail Project cript'on:: Des i 1 17-11287 Job No:.. Sheet . Luxemburg; INI 54217 . ngmeer:: E MPM No: 07 -EIVGINEERING Phone: (920) 617-1042 : Powerlift 50 x 16:Door. 1 Date: Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rfce-inc,cgm Jamie. Busby 11/29/17 Rev: Template: REWC=5201 , Chkby: ' Date:: . Door Lea Check DoorLeg = "Hss5x3xo.313" ; Cyl:= CylinderLength.. — 84 :.:in 2 = index10, C linderLen th. - 29. - in dtop:— y g index.10, 3 - :.:. . . adl �= Lvr - dtop — Cyl = 69:5 .inw. Ldl:= Lvr — adl = 113:.:: :..m: 0,5• Spa, DLh) : 2 0.5 Spa, DLv : 2 .. . adl. :.: ( 144 r 144 . rr adl. . l M1dl:= / = 23403.71: in. lb 2 M2dl = = 3563.6 : in. lb 0.5•lid 12•DLv) Rtruss'•=. [0.4•wdh•(wd•12.0.33,)� ;if PINS ='YES- = 1740.26: lb Rtrussz: 0.5•( 144 rwd•.12= 1033.32 alb r0.5•wdh•(wd•12)] otherwise . Mudl:= (0.5•max M1'dl+'adl:Rtruss,M2dl+adl- Rtruss2)) if. LEGS="DOUBLE" .=72175.77 in•Ib max(M1 di + adl- Rtruss; M2d1:+: adl. Rtruss2) otherwise:; .Check Flanges forcompact section :.: - Check Web forcompact section s = 28.12 :: :.. .. �polf'- 1.12.fFy........ s = 60.76 �polw:= 2.42•fFy.... Es . . . .. E s �rdlf:- 1_.4•.� = 35.15 FY Xrdlw:: 5.70• — = 1 43.12 .. Fy btdl = 7.31 htdi - 14.2 adlf:= com act' ..if btdl5 dlf —' ompact" P ' P �.. �dlw:= "compact'::if: h < a tdl — polw .. -:"compact" P "noncompact" if Xodlf <• btdl:s ardlf "noncompact" if Xpd]W htdl 5 Xrdlw "slender" otherwise "slender", otherwise min fEs,• 0.38 Fybedl:= bd1,1.92•tdp 1 —=: — = 3 mY Es 3. ' Shceff:= Sxdl = 5.03 . : m . _ F' Z - 295320.. . in;Ib pol�— y xdl — Mndlf:= Mpol if adlf.="compact" _295320 • : in. lb "noncompact"s I [Mpdl = �Mpdf - Fy Sxdl� 3.57• btdI. — 4 if �dlf = 1F. y Shceff� .otherwise. . ' Mndlw:= Mpol if adlw = "compact!' . .. . . • = 295320 In -lb Y III "noncompact" Mpol - (Mpol = Ty Sxdl)(0.305 htdl. - 0.7384 if adiw Es. /J = F S ' otherwise y dleff min�Mndlf, Mndlw� _ 3 ... Mndl =b .. — 176838.32 .,in•Ib_;_ Mud[ DOOR .LEG i= — ..... .. "OK" if 5.1.07 : = "OK" Mndl "FAILS" otherwise _ O = _ G FRAME P ST: DOOR LE POW2t'llft FiydraUllC DOOt' Detail Ref.. .Sheet Nd: Calculations ::.. os D TCE . Y�l ll% ENGINEERING Template: REI-MC-5201 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 . Phone:.(920) 617-1042 . Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.nce-ing.com Project Description::. P e powerlift W X 16 :Door Jamie. Busby ; :.. Job No: R17-1128 7 • Engineer.: MPM Sheet No: 08 Date: 11/20 : Rev: . Chk.By:, bate: Tmss Tube Check.-. TrussT'ube _ "HSS3x2x0.125" POWerllft Hytllaulic Door Detail Ref.. Sheet No: Calculations .:.. :. 09 Ltt.:= (wd•.12� - 2• dt = 556 ...in. =: (Wd- i 2) 2bdl-594: in.::: k:= 0.5 ..... = Sov 82.25 in . k• Lbtt = 51.15 rytt 2 Es i:: Fett:= = '109395.14 .... (k•Lbtt I \.rYtt J FY .. I F6tt.:.::: k• LI btt (0.658 Es :.:. :. Fcrtt:= . . Fy� if <.4.71 •= 38576.51 Psi rYtt Fy (b.'677•.Fett. otherwise. 0.5hd•12•DLh .... . Wtt:=. 144 = 22.62 Pll • Mctt:= wtt•Lbt2=.8:if.�"PINS" "NO" . _ .. — 26338.$:79 in. lb 0.1•wtt•0.33•Lbt2f otherwise. Mctt . .. . . .... . — — — 71tt11972.22 Ip lb dt:.. .... F A '41276.86 Pntt:= crtt tt -- lb Pntt TRUSS_TUBE:= "OK" if z Putt = ^pK^ c "FAIL". otherwise ]� % �+ lu �li ENGINEERING Template: REI-MC520.1 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: {920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 w. wwrice-inc.cgm. Project Description:' ::. Powerlift 50 x 16 Door. �• Jamie. Busby ; . Job No:. R17-11-287 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 09 Date:. 11/29/1'7= Rev: Chk:By: Date: Truss Upnght Check: _' TrussUpright = "HSS4x2.0.125" Powerlift Hydraulic DoorSheet :... :Detail e Nd:i: Calculations:. 10 Ltu:=.dt.—.dbt— dtt- 14 in wtt•— Pxtu.= " Spat — 791.73 lb Ntu = 17 wo uctu _ = `Ntt Ltt2 _ 8� if "PINS" _ "NO" 4565.54: 1.1 • wtt. otherwise = Spat :. ctu - uctu — 39948.45. 22 J— in -lb — 239.44: lb. p� :.. . Mytu, __ .. _ .::: in•lb Ltd . — 17.1 . . Check Flanges forcompacf section :Check Web for`corimpact section s : >ptuf.:= 1 A'2 = 28.12 fFy :.: . 2• Es 60.7 XPtuw:=:2.4 — = 6 . :. Fy : :.: Es .. Xrtuf:= 1.4•'. Fs = 35.15 :. Y :.: artuw = 5 3.12 70• Fy .. ... bttu= 14.2.::-: htu— 31.5 .. t — atuf:= "compact" if. bttu5 aptuf -:°compact" �tuw = "compact" : if::httu 5 Xptuw ::--_"compact" "noncompact" if Xptuf < bttu 5 Xrtuf, [Inoncompact" if :'Xptuw:< httu 5 artuw slender". otherwise slender° otherwise •'.. " .. ... . i bet u = m!. Es' 0:38 Fy .1:.. . .: btu,1.92.ttu —..1 _ —...—� = 2 in F btu .. Es _ 1:32 3 :Stueff = Sxtu — m . Mptu = Fy?xtu = 76360 ... in,lb . Mntuf:= Mptu' if X of = "compact" .. :.:: : = 76360 : • : : in. lb . ...... . ... M M — F S 3.57•btF = 4 if noncom act" f ptu — ptu y xtu)• to tuf.= °. P ::. Fy Stueff otherwise Mhtuw:= Mptu if ? iuw.= "compact" = 76360 _ in. lb . , . , . r (if (0.:30.5 .� "noncom —1 Motu —. Fy Sxtu� httufE. — 0.7384' IJ — act" tuw — ... P LMp' (FyStueff - otherwise min(Mntuf, Mntuw) :. _ .M — — 45724.55 ntu �— .: : in -lb b Mctu. .. . TRU.SS_UPRIGHT:= "OK" if :5 1.07 = "OK" Mntu "FAILS" otherwise JU E . ENGINEERING:. Template: REW -6201 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 . Phone: (920) 617-1oa2 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description:: powerlift 50 x 16 :Door Jamie. Busby Job No:.. R17-11e 87 Engineer:. MPM, Sheet No: 10. Date: 11/20h Rev: CW13y: Date:.. Bottom Tube Check: ..... .. . Lbbt = SPav = 82.25 : in = k•Lbbt = 48.5 rvbt Fy 1 2 Es Febt'. k;Lbbt Es _ Febt:= 121696.37 Fcrbt:= 0.658 Fy) if ; • . 5 4.71 • — = 39268.93 psi_ . _ 2 ... \ k• Lbbt l , F rybt y �ybt 877•:F ) �0 ebt otherwise • 0.5•hd•12•DLh : . wbt:= 144=22.62 Mcbt = 2 = 263388.79 l^!bt Lbt = 8 if "PINS".._; "NO" -• in -lb 1(0-1•;wbt 0.3& Lbt2 otherwise Mcbt F - 11972.22 ubt:= :d. _ lb :::.. Pnbt:= Fcrbt ?bt= 60474.15 lb Mubt1 :- :(wbt Lbt = 12) :if ".PINS": _ "NO" = 263388 79' ::: in. lb (0.1-wbt0.33•Lbt2) otherwise: ... - ubt:- M if TRUSS = "NO" _ = 0 ubt1 in. lb 0: otherwise Check Flanges /brcorppact section Check Web forcompact section s :. s fFy apbtf-- 1..12• = 28.12 artitf:= 1.4• = 35:15: .:: fFy Es Es ....: . .. ==.143.12 apbtuv:= 2.42• — = 60.76 . : :krbtw:= 5.70•[Fy, Fs :.. btbt = 14.2 :.. htbt = 40.1 :>,btf:= ."compact" if btbt:s Xpbtf . _ "compact". �btw;- compact" if:: Xplitw = "compact "noncom act" if a < bt t < X P pbtf bt - rbtf .. . "noncompact" if Xp6tw z htbt � arbtw "slencleY'. otherwise1:"sIendei` otherwise bebf%- Es :0.38TEY.A7 bt, bt Fy' ...... btbt - 109020:: in -lb M bt:= F Zxbt - Mnbtf:= Mpbt if abtf = "compact': : = 109020 in -lb Fypbt IM - (,Mpbt:- Fy Sxbt)• (3.57. btbt - 4�J if abtf = "noncompact" s _. (Fy Sxbt) otherwise - Mnbtw:= Mpbt if. abtw = "compact" = 109020. in. :. in• lb j fFyM �MP FyS / 0:305•ht— 0.7384. if X - noncom act"-. pbt - bt - xbt (. bt btw - P Fy Sxbt� otherwise min(:Mnbtf, Mnbtw) - Mnbt := - 65281.44 in. lb : :..: Mubt Pnbt BOTTOM TUBE:=. ".OK" if 5 1.07 n >_ Pubt = "OK" nbt S2c . . "FAILS" otherwise POWG'C'llft l-lydPaUIIC �00� Detail Ref.. . SheefNo: Calculations RICE . EIVGINEERING Template: REI-MC-5201 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1oa2 : Fax: (920) 617-1100 _ www.rice-inc.com Project Description:: 1 POWerilft 50 X 16 :Door Jamie. Busby ` Job No:. R17-11287 . eer Engineer::: MPM . : . Sheet No: 11 Date: 11/29/1 : Rev: Chk By: bate: - Reacf/onsandQeffecdohs: Powerlift" Hydraulic Door" Detail Ref, Sheet No: :. Calculations .":.. 12 " Rzno:= o Rzfic :- 1.25• wfh• Lcm if Nvr. =1 : _ 2065.71 lb:- maximum horizontal:wind load on hinges (1.10•wfh•L 'M if Nvr = 2 1.143 w L otherwise fh cm� " Wp:.. wdl":= - 6.84 : : (124. wdj pli: weight of door per inch:: a R ..yhc:= 1.25• w L 0"5 if N - 1 = 321.73 :.. dl cm .� yr - lb maximum vertical dead load on hinges:(door closed) - 1(1�.-10-wdl-Lcm-0.5) : if Nvr 1.143• wdl• Lcm.0.5� otherwise Rypc:=.. �0.375 wdt Lc l: if Nvr = 1 .=.221.24 lb, maximum vertical dead load on post (door closed). - �0.4•wdl•Lcm) if Nvr =:2" :.. . �0.393•.wdtLc' otherwise RZpc :=„ (0.375• wfh• Lcm if Nvr .= 1 . = 710.26 lb maximum norizontal.Ioad on frame post (door closed), (0.4•wfh•Lcm). if Nvr =.2 .. :. 0.393• wfh Lcm:: otherwise Ryfio:=" Ryhc = 321.73 . P = 0.25• W p;= 1026 67 . "' : lb Point load on door leg from truss (open) Pvdl• adl Rypo:= = 631.45 lb ": maximum vertical load frame postfromopendoor: :. Pvdi-(Ldl.+ adl) :. Rzpo:= _ 6460.94 lb maximum horizontal load on.frame postfrom open door dtop ::"... 0.5 (hd•12)•DLh RZfP•- 0.4• Lbt0.33� if H1 = 1 )J = 1773".6.6 ... lb :maximum:horizontal loadonframeposff.rom". wind load :.: : 144 .. . .. 0.5 �hd 12�•DLIj 1 Lbt0.51 otherwise .::: 144 . fp:in:: h •12="192_ = d n7JRi= dfoP = 29 in afp:= kp - bfp = 163 in ... . 2 q Pvdl• afp Rzfpfop = ,(afp+.3bfp)"= 963.48 lb - horizontal, r6ktonaftopofframe post fromopendoor- 3 fp. 2 PVdI bfp Rzfpbot:= - (3• afp + bfp) = 63.19 IV: "" horizontal reaction at bottom of tame postfrom open door _ 3 . ." lfp• .. .... v l dtruss:= dt = 22 ::: : ... in d':=:dtruss - �2•tg) = 21.77: in btruss:,= btt"=2 in . b':= btruss 2•tg) = 1.77 1n .. . btru.3 3 ss•dtruss' 4 ltruss:= 12 .... = 254.97 in 0.5 12)-DLv wDL:=." :.::"144. = 3.44 4. 5• wbt Lbt Otruss = :384• E . I = 4.96 s truss in RICE ENGINEERING:: Template: REI-MC--5261 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, VVI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 - Fax: (920) 617-1100Date:. www.nce-inc.com Project Description: -:. powerlift 50 x.1 6:Door. Jamie. Busby Job No: R17-11- ... Engineer: MPM" Sheet No: 12• 11/29/17" Rev: " chk py:" Date: DoorResufts: Wp=4106.68 lb Door Weight POW2rlift HydraUllC Door Detail Ref. Sheet'No: - Calculations :... 13 Vertical spacing varies - :.. . Wd —S! FrameHeader = "HSS5x5z0.188" DoorHeader=:"HSSSx2x0.125" CrossMember = HSS3x2x0.0831 ail = x : _ Sx3x0 313 VerticalR ' "HSS5 2x0 188" . { Do orLeg� ;.."HSS " 9 FramePost = •"HSS&&0.313" Its, ' BottomTube = "HSS5x2x0.125" Truss it re uire 0pticnal hurricane pins � ( q � Truss upHghfspacing vdri�s TrussTube = "HSS3x2x0:125 spat TrussUpright=""HSS4x2x0:125" .. BottomTube 7HSS5x2x0.125 Otruss = 4.96 in :. -' F me s ra Post Loa 1 22 321.73 lb —� Hinge Loads :.. R h 0 3 Ryhc - � 9 . .: _. Riho - 0 - Member Code Checks: Rzhc = 2066 . .lb. . . Rzfptop - 963 lb VERTICAL —RAIL = .."OK.'- Rzpc = 710 lb FRAME_HEADER = "OK" : ; .... zpo=6461 _":lb FRAME_PO.ST = "OK" " DOOR HEADER -- "OK:' DOOR LEG = "OK" CROSS MEMBER = "OK" BOTTOM TUBE _ "OK" TRUSS _TUBE ="OK" ." .. R pb t = 63 lb : Rztp = 1774 lb zf . o TRUSS UPRIGHT - "OI<" Ry = 221.24 lb Rypo =:631, lb DT!'�L' LIL i Ali :ENGINEERING:: Template: REI-MC=5201 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 . Phone: (920) 617-1042 : 'Fax; (920) 617-1100 . www.nce-inc.com Project Description::: _ 1 Powerlift 50 x 16 :Door. Jamie. Busby Job No:. R17-11-287 Engineer:. MPM Sheet No: 13. Date: 11/29/17 Rev:,,. CWBy: Date: :. :... - Reaction§ RISA 3D model ...... Door Closed Door Open (95 degrees max) ..... Rxc:= 2066lbf :.:: Rxo:=.6164Ibf . . R.c:=:3221bf Ryo:='3221bf RzC:= Olbf4...: . .. Rzo:= Olbf . ::CheckHingeBib de.::::---_------.---.-- d1 c= 3.375 in' : . Rx :... i d2:= 1.751ni ::::: :..:.:.; r HINGE BLADE dhb:= 2.51n t. thb := 1)n ::: ::.: CA HINGE ANGLES:... l Fyhb:= 36000psi :. .. I. :.If;y -- - ----- - - - - - -- Mhb := rnax(Ryc,.Ryo)•d1 = 1086.75=in ltif 2 .. 3 ' :.:Sxhb = thb•dhb . + 6.=: 4.04 in ....... FRAME HEADER D6OR HEADER fbhb :=. Mhb :-• Sxhb = 1043.28 psi ' Fbhb := 0.66 • Fyhb=.23760 Psi Vhb :_ . RX ? + Ry 2 = 6172;4 ibf.:... :: Ahb := thb: dhb r 2.5 in� :. .. ' Check HlnpeAn_ple INeIdS:... - 2468:96 si . . f4hb.:= Vhb.+ Anb - P :liW: 2.5in: . - 4.375 in . dw�- F = 0 4 Fy - 14400 si .. . . • t = 0.25 in eyy:='ttmi-;d1 = 1 in :.:. :. Check HinglePin. :::: :- ::::: :. ma Aw:= 0.7071•tw(2•bw+.dw)='1.66iri2 . Dp:=.1:oin:. . .. :.:. • - 1•twboir.�. - 2,.3 = - . Syw �• b;N+6•dW� 21 m�. 07 071twdW ..... . . . . S �3•b +;dW�;.:3.O6jn3 xw - w = Fvo.= 36000 psi 3 .. 21 VP:-. maz Rxc? +. Ryc2 Rx' +.Ryc = 6172.4 llif '-� 2 l?::: 0:5•Rxo 0:5 R .e � �� r o xo w. • - 0.5 V - A =:3020 47 st YP 10. q two:, + l �. A .3316.52 si S FvP:= OA FyP = 14400 psj :: 2i: 2 .. . :..: • ::... � 0 R .5 yc . r :. 0.5 RXo• ew::: 1 .. .. fwc •- Aw i + + [(O.5Rxc qw' :. I` Syw �J • . = 1115.37; psi Check HinpeAnple::::: :. Fw: 21000 jis . . = b 375 in: d3 := 0.25 in (� gap betmen angle and blade) Fyha := 36000 psi Mxha =.0:5•Vp•d2 = 5400.85 in•lbf. , 2 3 � = tha Lha _ 6 ? 2 in = � BLADE := I "OK""f]51.ibbhb ^ fvhb � Fvhb �K^Sxha +` erwise 4514.67 si Sxha - P • .. .. ......: .. - F xha _. 0.66• Fyha = 23760 psi PIN: "OK" i f fvp 5 Fvp „�K, "FAILS" otherwise Myha := 0.5Vp•(d3).= 771.55 in Ibf 2- :.::: 3. 't W S -. =6=0.1in.. yha �—, ha' ha , :.:. :.. "FAILS" otherwise '. = 7524.46 . • Si::: � fbyna := Myna. - Syna _ . p .. ..... ... . . - 27000 psi Fbyha := 0.75•Fyha.-...... P :: ANGLE:_ "OK" if f 5 F o f bxha xha byha r Fbyha "FAILS" otherwise 105 School Creek Trail ProjectDescription:: - •� Detail Ref.. SheetNd: :Standard Hinge Ari:alysis ' .:RICE .. .. ENGINEERING. .Template: Luxemburg, Wl54217 Pnone: (s2o) 617-1042 : Fax: (920) 617-1100 - www.rice-jnc,com ' ::. ..... powedift 50 x 16:Door. Jamie. Busby 7 ..... Engineer::: MPM . Sheet No: 94: Date: 11/29/1�7 Rev:.. . Chk;By: Date: SmallCvlinder: Detail Ref. - . Sheet No: Large Cylinder Specs _. 15 :. " = 3in Bore diameter = .. _ _ n ABS: �DBs0.5�2•vr :7:07i 2 S 49:5:in Stroke P := 3500 psi: " s — P Max Hydraulic Press F Yd MAXs:=:?s.ABs= 24740.04 Ibf;' :, F,dension. Force DRs:= 2.25 in Rod Diameter: . ARs = (DRs0.52•, = 3.98 in2 ... — _ FRs:—,.FMAXs (PsARs) 10823.77.1bf Retraction Force fret:—" 82:12. in length retracted . ' ACT � 6461 Ibf , OK Actual Max�Force . Lext:= 131.62in length extended - = Dp := 1 in Pin diameter 2.37 2.�44: - 3.38 AIC.#$ PORT WITH P:id.P=MM YY 06:ORIfICE::. -3/4.16 JIC PORT: -JIC GAP -:Od QRIEICE'ON TUBE. ... ��. :. .. :.: :JIC CAP' - - - ?? :. '0 3.38 ' .1 4t12.25 ' z oo, ROD. a 2.00 : . J.L. .. "..... 49.50 STROKE . ... 82.12 RETRACTED :131.62 EXTENDED" ' I "WE7/ �L' l�l i�l% ENGl1VEERING . Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, VVI 54217 Phone. (920) 617-1042 Fax; j920) 617-1100 www•rice-inc.com ::.. Project Description:. 1 11 Pow, 50 x 16:Door. Jamie Busby Job No: R17-11-287 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 15 Date: _ _ 11/29/17 Rev: Chk:By: Date: Detail Ref.. . 'She eif o: Frame Header Connections 16 RICE . ENGINEERING -Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, Wl54217 Phone: _(920)617-1042 : Fax: (920) 617-1100 _ www.rice-inc,com Project Description:: :. powerl lft 50 x 16 .Door Jamie Busby Job No:.. R17-11-287 Engineer:: MPM.. Sheet No: 16 Date: 11/29/1�7 Rev: Chk y':.. Date: 'Detail Ref.. Sheet No: Frame Post Connections 17 vvt�v 48" o.C. max::: np l`ll.L ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, Wl54217 . Phone: (920) 617-1042 : Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc. Project Description:: POWerlift 50 x 16 :DOOC Jamie. Busk Job No:. R17-11-287 Engineer:. MPM Sheet No: 17: Date: 11/29/1.7' Rev: Chk Py:. Date: . • -Anchor DesignerT".^.:: Software. . Version' 2.5:6163.0 Company:: Date: 2/9/18 Engin6er:: I Page::. 14 ; Project: Address: Phone: ' E-mail:.. :: 1.Proiect information .. s. sw Customer company: Project description: Customer contact name:: Location: Customer e-mail:.. :.::: Fastening description: Comment: 2. Input Data & Anchor Parameters ::General :. ::::: Base Material Designmethod:ACI 318-11 Concrete: Normakweight Units: imperial units Concrete thickness; h:(inch): 6.00 .. State: Herat a .... .. ... Anchor Information::. :Compressive strength, f'c (psi):.2500 :Anchor type: Concreteiscrew :.4)c,v:.1:.4::: .. .. Material: Carbon Steel . . . Reinforcement condition: B tension, B shear - Diameter.(inch): 0.500 : Supplemental reinforcement: No Nominal Embedment depth (inch): 3.260 Reinforcement provided at.corners: No 'Effective Embedment depth, hef (inch): 2.350 Do not evaluate concrete breakout in tension: No ::Code report: ICC-ES. ESR 2713 Do noYevaluate concrete: breakout in shear: No - Anchor category: 1 Ignore 6d6 requirement: Not applicable Anchor ductility: No .. Build-up grout pad::No hdiin (inch): 5:00 'cac (inch): 3.56 : Base Plate ;Cmin (Inch): 1.75. • eng . x:..Width x Thickness (inch):.3.50 x 7.00 x 0.5 - Smin (Inch): •3.00 Load and-Geometry, Load factor source: ACI 318 Section 9.2 :: ;Load combination:' not Set: Seismic design: No Z Anchors subjected to sustairied.tensioh' Not applicable Apply entire: shear load at front row:: No Anchors only resistinwind and/or seismic loads: No. Figure 1> _ . i. . .. ... G3 1lb •284014 Input:data and results must be checked for agreement -with -the:existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be'checked for plausibility: Simpson Strong -.Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Pnitas.E oulevard Pleasanton, CA94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.sirongtie.com R1 ' • Anchor Desig'nerTM. Software Version 2.5.6163.0 Company; Date: 2/9/18 Engineer:I Page:. 2/4::: Project: Address: Phone: E-mail:..:::: • Anchor DesignerT'" 1 .... _o are . .. . .. Version:.2.:6163.0 ® 5:. Company; Date: 2/9/18 Engineer::.:: Page:. 3/4::: Project: 'Address: Phone: E-mail:..:::. i 3. Resulting Anchor Forces . Anchor ' ' Tension load, Shear load z, . Shear1dad y, Shear load combined, "' . Nua (lb) ' Vuax (lb) Vuay (lb) AVuax)2+(Vuay)? (lb):: ' 1 0.0 0.0 2840.0 2840.0- - Sum : 0.0 0.0 = 2840.0 , : 28400: ; / 'Maximum concrete compression strain (%o): 0.01:. ' :Maximum concrete corripression stress (psi): 26 ::::: Resultant tension force (Ib): 0 Resultant, compression force '(lb):' 631 : . ..... Eccentricity'of resultant tension forces in x-axis, e'Nx (inch):-0.00 . 'Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in y-axis, e'Ny (inch): 0.00 -Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in x-axis; .e%'0nch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in.y-axis, e'vy (inch): 0.00. is 8.,Steel Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. 13.6.1) sa Oprout ..Ogroutovsa (lb)* 7455 .1.0. 0.60 .. - 4473 I , 9. Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec.b.6.2) Shear perpendicular. to.edgb in y-direction:. Vby = minJ7(/e/da)0Qdaii.agf ccai1•5; 9A.agf'c6ai15J,(Eq :D-33 & Eq. D-34) /e.(in)' fc (psi):, cat: (in) I- da (In) :. iia. Vby (lb)' , " 2.35 ..::::: 0.500 :. 1.00 .::: 2500 :6.00 4957. �Vcby =0 (Avcl Avco)'Y'kv Vc,vvh,vVby (Sec; D.4..1. & Eq. D-30) - .:Avc(in2) Avco(in2) .. VFle Vlcv:: V'n•v:. .:Vby(lb) . -0- : ' ::::: ¢Vcby.(Ib)' 90.00 :. 162.00 0.900 1.400 : 1.225 4957 : 0.70 2975 - Shear parallel to edge in y-direction: '. .' .. '.2 1:s. 1,5 Vb. = minl7(/a/da) �daAa�fcca� -, 91agfccal1 (Eq. D-33 &. Eq.: D>34) .. i I le (in) : da (in) da •fc (psi) car (in) _ Vbx (lb) 2.35 0,500 1.00 2500: 6.00 ::: 4957 Oycby =0 (2)(Avc/Avcc)V-ed,vY'c,vV'h,VVbx (Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-30) Avc in .:: Avice.(lnZ) Y'ed,V Y'c,V . Y'h.V Vbx (lb) 0 ... OVcby (Ib) 90.00 162.00 : 1.000 1A00 1.225 4957 0.70' ::. 6610 10. Concrete Pryout:Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.3): ='QVcp = OkcpNcb = Okcp(ANc/ANw)Yed,NYa,NV'cp,NNb (See: D.4.1 & Eq. D-40) Input_data and results must be checked for agreement with the:existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -:Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 :www.strongtie.com R3 • Anchor Design erTM oftware - Version 2.5:6163.0 Company:, Date: 2/9/.18 Engineer:: I Page:. 4/4: ; Project: Address: Phone:. . E-mail: jQUotedao OPRIETARY AND'C ONFIDENiIAL •�' �� ;Customer•: LGen _� iTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED.INTHIS 50' 6 x T 6 5• eric'S0x16 DRAWINGISTHESOLEPROPERTYOF �"'— ^•-^�— - - - -- - _{' Powedift Consulting. ANY :Location:: ';:Generic V' Lake Benton, MN IREPRODUCTIONINPARTORASAWHOLE,'- ....... Y e : i, Phone (507)36&95001 Po eOdif(Co suRin9 PERMISSION OF . :Ph on ;' Fax : j507)368 1358 PROHIBRED., - . :: , *CHECK:MEASUREMENT&AGAINST FRAME, DOOR, AND SIDE.DETAIL PAGES FOR SPECIAL.DOORS ....... ....... Port; ....... Size - ...... ... :: W. .: . ... .. . . .Len th 1 Frame -Header . 5x5. 3/16" 5.0' 6" 1: Door'Header : 5x2 1/8" 59 3-3/4" 2 :: 2 P..osts ' ..Legs ... 5x3:: _ : 5x3 5/ 1:6„ :5/16" 1.5' 1-1, 1 /2" 15' 9".. -8 Vertical Rails x2_ -. 15 7" . 21 Crossmembers :-:: - 3x2 1.4ga 6' 8 1 /41 . 14 .. :Steel Nailers 3x2 :14 ga 1 Outside of truss' 3x2 _1 l ga 46' 1:1 3/4" 1 Inside: of truss.,.._: .... :�x2 ..:. 1 Tga:. 1/81' 49':9:3/4" . 1.7 Truss: -Upright's::. :4x2:. 14" .Cut hing6.slots in.5x5-centered at dimensions on frame detail page:. . Make -truss:49' 9 3J4".space.tubes1:7".from the ends and every 35" on center:: No holes.or tabs for.post's,:.Door is :Weld.ln.:,. Weld -5x3 Legs to the 5x2.top tube. Wipe: down_mating surfaces. Clamp angles on:5x2 top tube. Lay 5x5 header on 5x2 top, tube;: ay 5x3:Posts ori;5x3 Legs: Weld Posts to 5x3.header weld plates on end hinges..Cap ends dnd_grind smooth: Complete: hinge assembly. except;pins,_slide apartto finish Welding and grind smooth:, Weld hinge pins in: place.:Tack-truss:into place. Screw-shippingnabsinto- os#s::and legs-. . p:.. Measuring fromtheaop of the vertical rails;. layout the-crossmember locations. Tack in=3x2-vertical rails: 'Location per drawing or according to. crossmember width. Weld: 3x2 cross members_ :and -steel Hailers.; inset: from outside of legs flush oor:is-INSIDE: MOUNt.:USING :LARGE CYLINDERS:.: Tack on upper cylinder mount 29 inches from,bottom",of 5x5boaderto center of pin. Install 60 inch 5x3-tube gussets. Install 3 inch- bar: channel FaZT on Bottom cylinder mount so: , e � _ o 01s cen ere: - rom e� e o - :arc . anne Install caps_on--3" bar -channels. Weld'mounts moving around to AVOID _WARPING:! .- Install 6'inch belting so it extends outside. of posts Lock valve assembly is.on the.LEFf SIDE..:.. .: Plumbing lines: are on -the back face of_5x5 tube.:: . Paint -door.'???. ' (Qu e:..: a �r PROP EN PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDTIAL' THE __._._.....__.�..:�..„--�»�.��..._-...._�..._.: Customer... { Generic 50x16 INFORMATION CONTAINED INTHIS r DRAWING IS:THE SOLE PROPERTY. OF PowerUff ConsuRing. ANY Location:: ;:Generic �? Lake Benton, MN_ REPRODUCTIONINPARTOR'ASAWHOLE i _ ;'Phone' S07 36 wRHOUTTHEWRITTEN PERMISSIONOF Phone: ( ) 8-9500 Powediff:Consulfing IS .. . _ °F x :(507)368-1358 PROHI9RED. ' - .... - - .... game t �j ;�e: Always Double Check.Measurem enf's from -opposite end of headed: M r-1N r-00 �O ... _ er ....... ,_ .... N _ . All Top Measurements are from the inside ofahe Doo,r.Leg. ,:,.;, Door • � Ott 1l Always Double Check Measurement's from o posite nd :of � ader: p e he .. ."IN MI•et.: ^I .. N " r--let:. C4 M d' C . Q�. :. . _. .942" -------------- 3 1 04,... 2 — .. .. . • ' 140a' ..... �a .. o. -- - L.187" .. 4. . .. .. . .. . v. NOTE: REFER -TO DOOR-WEATI'IERBTRIP CLOSEOUT. D1UkW1WG.(DRAWING NUMBER.7001) FOR WEATHERSTRIP CLOSEOUT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS,: - . �.Quoted ao: - - - PROPRIt7ARY AND CONRDENiIAC . : • ' Customer. ' Ge nenc SOXI 6 C_wlp� i`THE 'INFORAAATIONCONTAINED IN THIS ` I ' � !DRAWING ISTHESOLE PROPFRT9.OF PowerUff Consulting. ANY ... location Phone''.�.._��'Fax:(507) ::Generic . O , ' M EPRODUC. 0- IN PAR T OR AS A WHOLE I Lake Bent N: wR HOUTTHE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF .Phone'(507)36 =9500`• Powertil ConsulRnglS :. !PROHIBITED., q IB D. .. ..... _ _ -�-��---' - -j .. rOST (1 Tr u S s Detail' : Pre -BOW Truss . .: 1 1 /2" .. ... _ :.. 49,:_ 9 . . .. �"�... 46'-11 all 4: ... N _ !- . .. n N: : CM CV...... tq ..... a _ ... _ .N .. N N . N T' c:... La�S`r: CAR o. F� al TRU.SS UPRIGHTS CAN' BE 14:GA OR:1/8 INCH --- Employee.,,, fV'otes Date. Start Finish,:-, Load :. Cut'q. - _. Cut ,Wood: :. w Belt.... ..... _ _ P umbing Wipe Down :: .. .Paint :. nstall. W..0 d. yllnders T .' '1 QfTruss : p - - .__ :.PROPRIETARYANDCONFIDDMAL: .. . p;yasaTETawf !i EITCONTAINED DRAWING IS THE SOLE If IS PROPr o 14:1 7/g", ". _ .° 280 , 141 7/8 sQuoted:fo __. _ k Customer Generic 50x16 Bottom Of Truss 53 1 /2":, 280" ,: 264 1 /4" I i Location: - � Generic: PowediftConsulting. ANY . R) REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE!'. . _-. ...... - - -�� Pil 8' O� WRHOU[THE WRRTEN PERW5S 10N OF on Ph - .. PowerUTt Consulting IS .. Fax: o ne;(507)36 95 .. (507)3 8-1358 I PROM 6 --� - '�' - . -... - - -- _ - i