May 16, 2001
Mr. Milton L. Gruner
Aero Acres Property owner Association
18607 Mach One Drive
o uc�e, ors a .
Dear Mr. Gruner:
This is to notify you that your appeal for a variance, to allover for an exemption to construct a
3,600 sq. ft. hangar at Aero Acres, was approved by the Construction Board of Adjustment
and Appeals at their meeting on May. 16, 2001, with the following stipulations. That airplane
hangars, at Aero Acres, be able to exceed 2,000 sq. ft, up to 3,600 sq. ft. and be considered
an accessory use to the residential code that was already in place as a variance to the 2,000
sq. ft. That the decisions made by. the Board on March 17, 1999 were still in effect, and that
they were still looking at structures over 2,000 sq. ft. to be built by a general contractor.
Also, the airport hangar would be an accessory use which would not push this into
commercial requirements.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at (561)462-1672 or 462-1673.
Sincerely yours,.
4- /�' ._
Dennis M. Grim, CBO
County Building Official
_ DMG:dd
CC: Public Works Director
Building Code Supervisor
Code Enforcement Supervisor
Plans Reviewer
Assistant County Attorney
1QHN D. 6RUHN, D!SrnCr Nc. t i?QUE CC'U .aRD_ p,,;',C: No _ . PAULA A, L EVI5. D;SmC- NO - 4 FRANNIE HU?CHINSON. District No. 4 CLIFF BARNES. Dissncr N
Admims-ucro+ - Det,gics im, Ar,dersor;
2300 w`:rQIgi0 Avenue ¢, F Pier, e, r` u:-6cg2
Division :of Enoineerinc- =. 1' —/ 2-n- ' . -� ._^ ;
; l�r, c,r Road Bridge: (56 i ; 462-2511 rPJ: 462-«63
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