HomeMy WebLinkAboutOSTDS NEWr CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICANT: Carrison PROPERTY ADDRESS: LOT: PROPERTY ID #: -4 I1o2-.,'C1(o2,1 OF FLORIDA MENT OF HEALTH SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DI RECEIVED - PERMIT #:56-SF-1810781 APPLICATION # : AP 1320621 DATE PAID: JAN 0 9 2018 OSTDS New aT, t.u�►e Geunty, Permitting — — 2830 S Brocksmith Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34945 PAID - PT #: NT #: PR1088456 BLOCK: 4 SUBDIVISION: MCNUrlen Farms 0-501-0064-000-3 [SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE, PARCEL NUMBER] [OR TAX ID NUMBER] SYSTEM MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF SECTION 381.0065, F.S., AND CHAPTER 64E-6, F.A.C. DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF SYSTEM DOES NOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE FOR ANY SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME. ANY CHANGE IN MATERIAL FACTS, WHICH SERVED AS A BASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION. SUCH MODIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN THIS PERMIT BEING MADE NULL AND VOID. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROM COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL PERMITTING REQUIRED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PROPERTY. SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS T [ 900 ] GALLO qS / GPD SeDtic new CAPACITY A [ ] GALLO S / GPD N/A CAPACITY• N [ ] GALLONS GREASE INTERCEPTOR CAPACITY [MAXIMUM CAPACITY SINGLE TANK:1250 GALLONS] K [ ] GALLONS DOSING TANK CAPACITY [ ]GALLONS @[ ]DOSES PER 24 HRS #Pumps [ ] D [ 500 ] SQUARE FEET Drainfield new SYSTEM R [ ] SQUARE FEET N/A SYSTEM A TYPE SYSTEM: [ ] STANDARD [ ] FILLED [x] MOUND [ ] I CONFIGURATION: [ ] TRENCH [x] BED [ ] N F LOCATION OF BENC BM#2 Red capped IR N of new house. (IR735' S of N fence. 15' W of ditch) I ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE [ 5.00 ][INCHES FT ][ABOVE BELOW BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT E BOTTOM OF DRAINFIELD TO BE [ 3.00 ][ INCHES FT ][ABOVE BELOW BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT L D FILL REQUIRED: [20.001 INCHES EXCAVATION REQUIRED: [ 66.001 INCHES The system is sized for 1 bedrooms with a maximum occupancy of 2 persons (2 per bedroom), for a total estimated flow of 0 300 gpd. T The licensed contractor installing the system is responsible for installing the minimum category of tank in accordance with H s. 64E-6.013(3)(0, FA . E R SPECIFICATIONS BY: I Brian J APPROVED BY: DATE ISSUED: DH 4016, 08/09 Incorporated: TITLE: Environmental Specialist II Environmental Specialist II St. Lucie CHD EXPIRATION DATE: 07/08/2019 (Obso etas all previous editions which may not be used) COg 64E-6 003 PAC File,C Pa e 1 of 3 v 1.1.4 AP1320621 SE1059493 Brian i Ing#am 01 /08/2018 NOTICE OF RIGHTS A parry w ose substantial interest is affected by this order may petition for an administrative hearing pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Such proceedings aregoverned by Rule 28-106, Florida Administrative Code. A petition for administrative he aring must be in writing and must be received by the Agency Clerk for the Department, with n twenty-one'(21) days from the receipt of this order. The address of the Agency Clerk is d 052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN A-02, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. The Agency Clerk's facsimile iumber is 850-413-8743. Mediation is not available as an alternative remedy. Your failu re to submit a petition for hearing within 21 days from receipt of this order will constitute a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing, and this order shall become a 'final order'. Should th to judicial review governed by the by filing one copy second copy, acc appropriate Distri s order become a final order, a party who is adversely affected by it is entitled pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are =lorida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings may be commenced of a Notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk of the Department of Health and a ompanied by the filing fees required by law, witli the Court of Appeal in the -t Court. The notice must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the final order. HEALTH PAYING ON: RECEIVED FROM: St. Lucie County Health Department 5150 NW Milner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 PERMIT #: 56-SF-1810781 BILL DOC #:56-BID-3646489 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION #: AP1320621 Cole Construction AMOUNT PAID: $ 515.00 PAYMENT FORM: CHECK 1315 PAYMENT DATE: 12/21/2017 MAIL TO: Carrison Hamrick FACILITY NAME: PROPERTY LOCATIO �: - 2830 S Brocksmi& Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34945 Lot: 12 Block: 4 Property ID: 320-501-0064-000-3 EXPLANATION or DESCRIPTION: QUANTITY FEE 128 - OSTDS ConstrL ction System Inspection Research Fee 1 $ 5.00 -1 - Surcharge (All) 1 $ 15.00 -1 - OSTDS New Permit Surcharge 1 $ 100.00 -1 - OSTDS Construe ion Application and Plan Review, New 1 $ 100.00 123 - OSTDS ConstrL ction Site Evaluation 1 $ 115.00 ` 126 - OSTDS ConstrL ction Permit (New or Mod, Amendment) 1 $ 55.00 127 - OSTDS Constr ction System Inspection 1 $ 75.00 133 - OSTDS Constriction' Reinspection 1 $ 50.00 RECEIVED BY: `{/anceMH AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-3456660 STA DER 'gyp ONS SYS' •�~�a°we'`�• APP APPLICATION FOR: New system [ ] Repair APPLICANT: AGENT: OF FLORIDA MENT OF HEALTH SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL CATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT [ ] Existing System [ ] Abandonment r 564 A if P ;Gl PERMIT NO. DATE PAID: FEE PAID: t,LXD C� RECEIPT #: IS175 [ ] Holding Tank [ ] Innovative [ ] Temporary [ ] TELEPHONE: 7S76 56 27 MAILING ADDRESS: TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. SYSTEMS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED BY A PERSON LICENSED PURSUANT TO.489.105 0)(m) OR 489.552, FLORIDA STATUTES. IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION OF THE DATE THE LOT WAS CREATED OR PLATTED (MM/DD/YY) IF REQUESTING CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY GRANDFATHER PROVISIONS. ------------------ --------------------------------------------- PROPERTY INFORMATI N (� �_ LOT: BLOC : / SUBDIVISION: f �' (c Nor or le o yc�Cm S- PLATTED: Wp$z6 PROPERTY ID # : 3°2 V 0& r ` Dot, J ZONING: I/M OR EQUIVALENT: [ Y.//�1 / PROPERTY SIZE: ACRES WATER SUPPLY: [\_-K'PRIVATE PUBLIC [ ]<=2000GPD [ ]>2000GPD IS SEWER AVAILABLE AS PER 381.0065, FS? [ %Y�-/N ] //DISTANCE TO SEWER: FT PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2 g, S 6/O� DIRECTIONS TO PROP RTY: 1 op-& BUILDING Unit Type of No Establishmea 1 t'SiLPGh�C 1n�1� 2 3 4 ] RESIDENTIAL [' ] COMMERCIAL No. of Building Commercial/Institutional System Design Bedrooms Area Sqft Table 1, Chapter 64E-6, FAC 13jy [ ] Floor/Equipm*nt Drains [ ] Other (Specify) SIGNATURE DATE: 14 �_ .2- /` /7 DR 4015, 08/09 (Ob oletes previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated 64E-6 001, FAC Page 1 of 4 11 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPrE TMENT OF HEALTH ONS SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEMSITEVALUATION AND SYSTEM SPECIFICATION APPLICANT: Carrison CONTRACTOR / AGENT: LOT: 12 SUBDIVISION: TO BE COMPLETED BY REGISTRATION NUMBER 2 rick Cale Construction BLOCK: 4 McNurlen Farms ID#: 2320-501-0064-000-3 APPLICATION # AP1320621 PERMIT # 56-SF-1810781 DOCUMENT # SE1059493 GINEER, HEALTH DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE, OR OTHER QUALIFIED PERSON. ENGINEERS MUST PROVIDE SIGN AND SEAL EACH PAGE OF SUBMITTAL. COMPLETE ALL ITEMS. PROPERTY SIZE CONFORMS TO SITE PLAN: EX ]YES [ ]NO NET USABLE AREA AVAILABLE: 8.00 ACRES TOTAL ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: 300 GALLONS PER DAY [ RESIDENCES -TABLET / OTHER -TABLE 2 ] AUTHORIZED SEWAGE FLO . 12000.00 GALLONS PER DAY [ 1500 GPD/ACRE OR 2500 GPD/ACRE J UNOBSTRUCTED AREA A LABLE.: 1000.00 SQFT UNOBSTRUCTED AREA REQUIRED: 750.00 SQFT BENCHMARK/REFERENCE PINT LOCATION: BM#2 Red capped IR N of new house. (IR"35' S of N fence. 15' W of ditch) ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE 5.00 [ INCHE3 / FT ] I ABOVE / HELOW ] BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT THE MINIMUM SETBACK WiICH CAN BE MAINTAINED FROM THE PROPOSED SYSTEM TO THE FOLLOWING FEATURES SURFACE WATER: FT DITCHES/SWALES: 41 FT NORMALLY WET: [ ]YES [X]NO WELLS: PUBLIC: FT LIMITED USE: FT PRIVATE: 75 FT NON -POTABLE: FT BUILDING FOUNDATIONS: 5 FT PROPERTY LINES: 5 FT POTABLE WATER LINES: 50 FT SITE SUBJECT TO FREQUENT FLOODING? [ ]YES [X]NO 10 YEAR FLOODING? [ ]YES [XINOJ 10 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATI N FOR SITE: FT[ MSL / NGVD ] SITE ELEVATION: FT [ MSL / NGVD —1— rw�Tnu 0r" 1 GATT. AROFTT.F TNFORMATION SITE 2 USDA SOIL SERIES:Wabas Munsell #/Color o sand Texture Depth 1 OYR 4/1 Sand 0 To 7 10YR 3/6 Sand 7 To 13 10YR 4/3 Sand 13 To 19 1 OYR 5/2 Sand 19 To 39 1OYR 5/8 C MN/PRM RF 22 To 35 10YR 3/2 andy Loam 39 To 49 10YR 5/1 Sa idy Clay Loam 49 To 66 1 OYR 5/3 Sand 66 To 72 USDA SOIL SERIES:Wabasso fine sand Munsell #/Color Texture Depth 10YR 4/1 Sand 0 To 5 10YR 3/6 Sand 5 To 13 10YR 4/3 Sand 13 To 19 10YR 5/2 Sand 19 To 37 10YR 5/8 CMN/PRM RF 22 To 33 10YR 3/2 Sandy Loam 37 To 47 1 OYR 5/1 Sandy Clay Loam 47 To 63 10YR 5/3 Sand 63 To 72 OBSERVED WATER TABLE: 19.00 INCHES [ ABOVE / BELOW ] EXISTING GRADE TYPE: I PERCHED / APPARENT ] ESTIMATED WET SEASON WATER TABLE ELEVATION: 22 INCHES [ ABOVE / BELOW ] EXISTING GRADE HIGH WATER TABLE VEGETATION: [ ]YES [X]NO MOTTLING: [X]YES [ ]NO DEPTH: 22.00 INCHES SOIL TEXTURE/LOADING RATE FOR SYSTEM SIZING: Sand/0.60 DEPTH OF EXCAVATION: 66 INCHES DRAINFIELD CONFIGURATI N: [ ] TRENCH [X ] BED [ ] OTHER (SPECIFY) REMARKS/ADDITIONAL CRITERIA YIISWT determined using USI A WSS and soil borings. 10YR5/8 Cmn Prom RF mottil ng >2% starting In 10YR512 matrix at 22" in both SBs. S131 and SB2 5" below BM. SITE EVALUATED BY: DATE: 12/28/2017 Ingram, Brian (Title: Environ4fital Specialist 11) (ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH) DR 4015, 08/09 (Obsoletea previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated: 64E-6.001, FAC Page 3 Of 4 AP1320621 EIDIS10781 v 1.0.2 3ropertj Card t%107 5I Mich le Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser -- All rights reserved. Site Address: 2830 BROCK 'MITI I RD S6ciTown/Migc:20,35S13 E Map ID:2120S Zoning: AG-3 Ownership Property Identification Parcel ID: 2320-50I-0004-000-3 Account =: 140772 Use Type: 0100 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucid Count% Dunalan R Hamrick Carissa I Hamrick 2830 S Brocksmith RD Fort fierce. FL 34945 Legal Description SUBDIVISION OF MC NUR EN FARMS 131-k 4 LOT 1'•-LGSS W 193 FT- (8.02 AC) (OR I I52.1644 1 Current Values Just/f�4arkct Value: $222.700 Assessed Value: $132.012 Exemptions: 550.000 Taxable Value: S82,012 Taxes for this parcel SLC tax C ollector's Office 12 Download TRIM for this p rcel: Download PDF p Date Jun 11, 1998 V ie%% : Building Type: IIC Grade: C Store I-Ia:igttt: I Story Bedrooms: 0 Null Baths: I Half Baths: I AiC %: 1000/. Total Areas Finished/!.Under Air (SF): 1.884 Gross Area (SF): 3.800 Land Size (acres): 8.02 Land Size (SF): 349,351.2 Sale History Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor Price Code 1152 i 1659 XX00 WD S55.700 Building Information (1 of 1) Finished Area: 1.884 SF Gross •rota! Area: 3.800 SF Exterior Data Root Cover: Dim Shingle Rool'Structure: Hip Year Built: 2002 Frame: Effective Year: 2002 Priman• Wall: Cone Block No. Units: I Secondan• Wall: Interior Data Electric: MANNUM Primary lnt Wall: Heat TN pe: FrcdFlotAir Avg HgVI'loor: 0 I leaf Fuel: L•LIEC Primarti Floors: Hardwood Heated %: I00% Sprinkled %: \iA% Page 1 of 3 ttp:lh,v-Nvw.paslc.org/ REC1rd/ 12/ 19/2017 Mission: To protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated �� ` state, county & community efforts.. � 9 Ls HEALTH JAN 0 9 2018 I Rick Scott Governor Vision: To be the Healthiest State in the Nation Philip, MD, MPH i General and Secretary Florida Department of Health in St. Lucie County Conditions for Issuance of Water Well Permits Effective July 24, 2017 • Contact the Florida Department of Health in Saint Lucie County (FDOH — St. Lucie) prior to constructing or abandoning any well. a. Call the FDOH — St. Lucie Well Line at 772-873-4936 or email SLCDOH-WELLS(cD.FLHEALTH.GOV b. Provide the following information: i. Permit number ii. Driller name iii. Address iv. Date and time to begin construction/abandonment • A minimum of 24 hours' notice is required before constructing any public water supply wells. Please call our main office at 772-873-4931 and speak with Environmental Health Staff or provide notification by email to SLCDOH-WELLS(ir)_FLHEALTH.GOV • Submit revisions to permit and/or site map and associated fee within 48 hours of well construction or abandonment. 1 Florida Department of Health St Lucie County • Division of Disease Control and Health Protection Bureau of Environmental Health 5160 NW Milner Drive Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 PHONE: 772/873-4931 • FAX: 772/695-1306 FloridaHealth.gov Accredited Health Department Public Health Accreditation Board STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, MODIFY, OR ABANDON A WELL Southwest PLEASE FILL OUT ALL .1PPLiCABLE FIELDS Northwest ('denotes Required Fields Where Applicable) -_ St. Johns River \( South Florida +N''+ire:t:'erico ::a;ro.isresn=rul6lcr�rmmpterre ; ilf:: Jf i!7 il9lr rO:Y•1:f!(r:ri(r ri:rr: _,rmr npr:;i<anan rti rhr _ Suwannee River,:pp:cynn;Bdrk70;CCrlt:rnGut;•vfhsenp;::;wore. :.'DEP Delegated Authority (If Applicable) Permit No. C Florida Unique ID 0_1-, )&a 0 Perin!; Stipulations Required (See Attached) 732-524 Quad No. Delineation No. CUPAAJP Application No 1. Donalan & Carissa Hambrick 2830 S Brocksmith Road Ft. Pierce, FI 34945 'Owner, Legal Name if Corporation 'Address City 'State 7_IP Telephone Number 2830 S Brocksmith Road Ft. Pierce. FI 34945 Well Location - Address, Road Name or Number, City 1.2320-501-0064-000-3 12 4 "Parcel ID No. (PIN) or Alternate Key (Circle One) Lot Block Unit 4.20 35S 39E St Lucie Mc Nurlen Farms Check if 62-5241] Yes ✓Z No 'Section or Land Grant 'Township 'Range -County Subdivision 5, James Paul Tyson 11352 954-818-4269 downthehole@att.net 'Water Well Contractor 'License Number 'Telephone Number E-mail Address t . PO BOX 881496 Port St. Lucie FI 34988 'Water Well Contractor's Address City State ZIP 7. 'Type of Work: $0. Construction ❑ Repair ❑ Modification❑ Abandonment 8. 'Number of Proposed Wells 9. 'Specify Intended Use(s) of Well(s): Domestic Landscape Irrigation ❑ Bottled Water Supply Recreation Area Irrigation ❑ ] Public Water Supply (Limited Use/DOH) ❑ Public Water Supply (Community or Non-Community/DEP)H Class I Injection 'R.,ason fc: Repair Agricultural Irrigation "-%& `a `J LA `� 1 9 4 ❑ Site Investigations Livestock ❑ Monitoring Nursery Irrigation ❑ Test JAN 8 2��1 Commercial/Industrial Earth -Coupled Geothermal Golf Course Irrigation HVAC Supply HVAC Return V Injection: ❑ Recharge ❑ Commercial/Industrial Disposal ❑ Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑ Drainage F130H in St Lucie diation: ❑ Recovery ❑ Air Sparge ❑ Other ioescrtei E IF2a1A�� ❑ Other ioescnnei 10,'Distance from Septic System if 5 200 ft. 75+ 11. Facility Description Residence 12. Estimated Start Date ASAP i 3.'Estimated Well Depth 120 ft. 'Estimated Casing Depth 100 ft. Primary Casing Diameter 2 in. Open Hole: From —To" ft. 14. Estimated Screen Interval From 100 To 120 ft. 15.'Primary Casing Material: Black Steel Galvanized �" PV Stainless Steel Not Cased Other, 16. Secondary Casino: Telescope Casing Liner Surface Casing Diameter in. 17. Secondary Casing Material: Black Steel Galvanized PVC Stainless Steel Other 18.'Method of Construction. Repair, or Abandonment: Auger Cable Tool Jetted Rota Sonic Combination (Two or More Methods) Hand Driven (Well Point, Sand Point) Hydrautrc oint (Direct Push) Horizontal Drilling Plugged by Approved Method Other lnessr;te) 9. Proposed Grouting Interval for the Primary, Secondary, and From 0 To 95 Seal Material ( Bentonite Neat Cement Other i From To Seal Material ( Bentonite Nea—Fi7ement Other ) From To Seal Material ( Bentonite Neat Cement Other ) From To Seal Material ( Bentonite Neat Cement Other ) 20. Indicate total number of existing wells on site- List number of existino unused yells on site 21,'Is this well or any existing well or water withdrawal on the owner's contiguous property covered under a Consumptive/lMater Use Permit (CUP/WUP) or CUP!WUP Application"? Yes No If yes, complete the following: CUPANUP No. District Well ID No. 22. Latitude Longitude 23. Data Obtained From: GPS Map - Survey n:rcUy :.ca!y MA I tunply .;t' m,: arv,caZI, nn•::o:7d: FIno-7, .,:a•.,s::.mw: ccac dnd I r0l — aa•• e p:'•::%t ;v -offs ai tco-iigc poirmt. ,! ni:mn7. ra, lair:• cr .,If fle cSLI::•s }rAr Ia COnt a!,;t:n ;:huC: I lt•;:;c: coup th.n a!i :ttt;:nrac;n ; :a:^en u, :t::; ,;,r.,^.I:.nI.P:: :: a:Cur.!c a^ : tali ! b.0 i eressarj R:m:, 0,1, 51a1 ....:ec.a a•:•pl caw'. 1 5n::•i:1 it a:•or a v.zF. ✓:S,f,:.41,:l fe Jay: ar.c. wfiP1^"01 Cr,•: _ • 1::::, :l'r..+.:i I.._.. :.I:.fin CI •,'La::;u:ancrl :u:,. 'I:.u: nj ::u5 F%n: I t y�c .•qr.::,' h -a:o � �� ,:_ ur; ... 11352 Si4ilalurr, u! Contractor 'UcensH No. Approval Granted By Daturn: NAD 27 NAD 83 WGS 84 I : m:y mat I a::'..r,r ct we pro -,ea . [r,at nee •rtcnt•_tllan 1 a;:,a.c :, 1C: lX. a :d ma: I and ar:ve ar r,,y 1:=f .":V: illu!i, ice?, Fixo;, IS .i: I:t.penf Avanlien 111:51,on• ... I .a.ley mat I all, Ih_ J%111::4l UW ni•T •' lt,f 1:1,• n,'c:::ea•,:n I:tC'rUrC aN ma: t ll.ltq' iT:CI •d :�+. C•',::1': U7::1C9 IS tWed n:;a.L•. 3'.., C::n cnli :n J10, i.: p:.': n:1t: nl:n,5 b'sV0 at ;3Lkga:ill An:tlol'ly ncv.-.s :C'- ._.[:1.',r:y^cCSn.!•:c�i. ri'r,•i: ^.C.i�:f:.:'. Gr alnnZ.rr.:c`�, .:ul:'n::N L, ,^mli C \zI.,Z1 i nature of O-aner or AgentDato Issue Date //X//X Expiration Date ZZAL"I Hydrologist Approval Fee Received S I Recelpi No, Check No THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNTIL PROPERLY SIGNED BY AN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OR REPRESENTATIVE OF THE k%ID OR DELEGATED AUTHOP,ITY. THE PERrAIT SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE vvELL SITE DURING ALL CONSTRUCTION. REPAIR. MODIFICATION. OR ABANDONMENT ACTIVITIES. r1FP Fr:rrn• fl7- 587 gnnr n Innnrnnrateri to F'i7.,537 annftt F A C FffPraivP na1P, nrinhPr 7;9 Sri Pane I of ? p BENCHMARK NO. 2 5/8" IRON ROD do CAP "CSDG FOUND 3/8" IRON ROD do CAP STAMPED REF PT" ILLEGIBLE ELEVATION 21.1.8 FEET (NAVD 88) FENCE CORNER 1.88' SOUTH 5' E�ARB WIREXFENCE ®o COVERED \� - NO Ch T NK W) CONC. co tik�9 S CARPORT �ti r �r , x 34.1' ;p j 1l3.3' 20.0' - 97.92 ' • W � Z Lwi wry 4.1' 0 N CONC. SLAB 11.0' 25.s' I z } �o O(n9 7.6 3 W cnO:LU N 0 m L� li 9.7' 32 0 J i� m m BRICK PLANTER 09 4 29.6' PAVERS a 0- 0 ryby Q_ in N X TIC TANK ry$. �0x N tiy' 32.1' 104.65 e, x X x x x —x-- x x — —x x x PROPOSED 1 STORY C.B.S. RESIDENCE a PROPOSED COVERED\ PROPOSED F.F.E. = 25.55 FEET CARPORT/PORCH 1p rye. 183.21' x 40.5' 0 13. ---, b Nlb °D 23.5' X '- o X in 17.0' v a w sa.u' I I x 183.22' J WELL SED 75 RA01US � � I 20' D.E. & U.E. PROPOSED (O.R.B. 1123, PAGE 1270)—� x 25'X40' x / DRAINFIELD I v1 co � /x x X X X 5' BARB WIRE FENCE i FENCE CORNER 0.68' NORTH, 2.49' WEST FOUND 3/8" IRON ROD & CAP STAMPED "RLS 2391" -FDOH in St.. Lucie County Environmental Health Site Plan Awroved for Construction FORM R405-2014 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation - Residential Performance Method Project Name: HAMERICK MOTHER IN LAW COTTAGE Builder Name: r JJ Street: 2830 S. BROCKSMITH RD. Permit Office: ST. LUCIE CO TYD E C 2 b d 1 l City, State, Zip: FT. PIERCE, FL, Permit Number: Owner: HAMERICK Design Location: FL, Fort Pierce Jurisdiction: County: St. Lucie Zone-2.)........... (Florida'Xate 1. New construction or existing New (From Plans) 9. Wall Types (1602.0 sqft.) Insulation Area 2. Single family or multiple family Single-family a. Concrete Block - Ext Insul, Exterior R=4.1 1476.00 ft2 b. Frame - Wood, Adjacent R=13.0 126.00 ft2 3. Number of units, if multiple family 1 c. N/A R= ft2 4. Number of Bedrooms 1 d. N/A R= ft2 5. Is this a worst case? No 10. Ceiling Types (1364.0 sqft.) Insulation Area a. Under Attic (Vented) R=30.0 1364.00 ft2 6. Conditioned floor area above grade (ft2) 1364 b. N/A R= ft2 Conditioned floor area below grade (ft2) 0 c. N/A R= ft2 11. Ducts R ft2 7. Windows(142.1 sqft.) Description Area a. Sup: Attic, Ret: Attic, AH: LAUNDRY 6 325 a. U-Factor: Dbl, U=0.67 91.11 ft2 SHGC: SHGC=0.25 b. U-Factor: Dbl, U=0.65 51.00 ft2 12. Cooling systems kBtu/hr Efficiency SHGC: SHGC=0.25 a. Central Unit 29.4 SEER:16.00 c. U-Factor: N/A ft2 SHGC: 13. Heating systems kBtu/hr Efficiency d. U-Factor: N/A ft2 a. Electric Strip Heat 27.0 COP:1.00 SHGC: Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 2.000 ft. Area Weighted Average SHGC: 0.250 14. Hot water systems a. Electric Tankless Cap: 1 gallonsft.) 8. Floor Types (1364.0 sgInsulation Area EF: 0.600 a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0 1364.00 ft2 b. Conservation features b. N/A R= ft2 None c. N/A R= ft2 15. Credits Pstat Glass/Floor Area: 0.104 Total Proposed Modified Loads: 46.28 PASS Total Baseline Loads: 47.15 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by Review of the plans and 10Oo$E SrA?, this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy specifications covered by this 4 , __ Off, Code. calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code.Vd PREPARED BY: DATE: Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 * " I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance Florida Statutes. with the Florida Energy Code. G'00 WE OWNER/AGENT: BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: DATE: - Compliance requires certification by the air handler unit manufacturer that the air handler enclosure qualifies as certified factory -sealed in accordance with R403.2.2.1. - Compliance requires an Air Barrier and Insulation Inspection Checklist in accordance with R402.4.1.1 and starting July 1, 2017 ALL PROJECTS require an envelope leakage test report with envelope leakage no greater than 7 ACH50 (R402.4.1.2). File Copy 12/22/2017 11:16 AM EnergyGauge® USA - FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 1 of 5 FORM R405-2014 PROJECT Title: HAMERICK MOTHER IN LA Bedrooms: 1 Address Type: Street Address Building Type: User Conditioned Area: 1364 Lot # Owner Name: HAMERICK Total Stories: 1 Block/SubDivision: # of Units: 1 Worst Case: No PlatBook: Builder Name: Rotate Angle: 0 Street: 2830 S. BROCKSMITH Permit Office: ST. LUCIE COUNTY Cross Ventilation: No County: St. Lucie Jurisdiction: Whole House Fan: No City, State, Zip: FT. PIERCE, Family Type: Single-family FL, New/Existing: New (From Plans) Comment: CLIMATE v Design Temp Int Design Temp Heating Design Daily Temp Design Location TMY Site 97.5 % 2.5 % Winter Summer Degree Days Moisture Range FL, Fort Pierce FL_VERO_BEACH_MUNI 39 90 70 75 299 62 Low BLOCKS Number Name Area Volume 1 Entire House 1364 12276 SPACES Number Name Area Volume Kitchen Occupants Bedrooms InfilID Finished Cooled Heated 1 MASTER BEDROO 255 2295 No 2 1 1 Yes Yes Yes 2 M BATH 144 1296 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 3 TLT 24 216 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 4 WIC 112 1008 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 5 LIVING ROOM 322 2898 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 6 KITCHEN/DINING 360 3240 Yes 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 7 LAUNDRY 91 819 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 8 BATH ROOM 56 504 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes FLOORS # Floor Type Space Perimeter Perimeter R-Value Area Joist R-Value Tile Wood Carpet 1 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio MASTER BEDRO 32 ft 0 255 ft2 _--- 0 1 0 2 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio M BATH 8 ft 0 144 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 3 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio TLT 4 ft 0 24 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 4 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio WIC 28 ft 0 112 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 5 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio LIVING ROOM 37 ft 0 322 ft2 ____ 0 1 0 6 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio KITCHEN/DININ 28 ft 0 360 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 7 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio LAUNDRY 20 ft 0 91 ft2 ____ 0 1 0 8 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio BATH ROOM 7 ft 0 56 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 12/22/2017 11:16 AM EnergyGauge® USA - FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 2 of 5 FORM R405-2014 ROOF V Roof Gable Roof Solar SA Emitt Emitt Deck Pitch # Type Materials Area Area Color Absor. Tested Tested Insul. (deg) 1 Hip Composition shingles 1437 ft2 0 ft2 Medium 0.6 No 0.9 No 0 18.4 ATTIC V # Type Ventilation Vent Ratio (1 in) Area RBS IRCC 1 Full attic Vented 300 1364 ft2 N N CEILING # Ceiling Type Space R-Value Ins Type Area Framing Frac Truss Type 1 Under Attic (Vented) MASTER BEDRO 30 Blown 255 ft2 0.1 Wood 2 Under Attic (Vented) M BATH 30 Blown 144 ft2 0.1 Wood 3 Under Attic (Vented) TILT 30 Blown 24 ft2 0.1 Wood 4 Under Attic (Vented) WIC 30 Blown 112 ft2 0.1 Wood 5 Under Attic (Vented) LIVING ROOM 30 Blown 322 ft2 0.1 Wood 6 Under Attic (Vented) KITCHEN/DININ 30 Blown 360 ft2 0.1 Wood 7 Under Attic (Vented) LAUNDRY 30 Blown 91 ft2 0.1 Wood 8 Under Attic (Vented) BATH ROOM 30 Blown 56 ft2 0.1 Wood WALLS Adjacent Space Cavity Width Height Sheathing Framing Solar Belo w _ 1 N Exterior Concrete Block - Ext InMAASTER BE 4.1 15 0 9 0 135.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 2 E Exterior Concrete Block - Ext IndMASTER BE 4.1 17 0 9 0 153.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 3 N Exterior Concrete Block - Ext InsulM BATH 4.1 8 0 9 0 72.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 4 N Exterior Concrete Block - Ext Insul TLT 4.1 4 0 9 0 36.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 5 N Exterior Concrete Block- Ext Insul WIC 4.1 8 0 9 0 72.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 6 S Exterior Concrete Block - Ext Insul WIC 4.1 6 0 9 0 54.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 7 W Exterior Concrete Block - Ext Insul WIC 4.1 14 0 9 0 126.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 8 S Exterior Concrete Block - Ext Ins1NING ROO 4.1 14 0 9 0 126.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 _ 9 W Exterior Concrete Block - Ext InsUVING ROO 4.1 23 0 9 0 207.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 10 E Exterior Concrete Block - Ext Ins!dITCHEN/DI 4.1 24 0 9 0 216.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 11 W Exterior Concrete Block - Ext InsKITCHEN/DI 4.1 4 0 9 0 36.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 12 E Exterior Concrete Block - Ext InsLUAUNDRY 4.1 13 0 9 0 117.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 13 S Exterior Concrete Block - Ext Insi11AUNDRY 4.1 7 0 9 0 63.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 14 W Exterior Concrete Block - Ext In!B ATH ROOM 4.1 7 0 9 0 63.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 15 N Garage Frame - Wood LAUNDRY 13 14 9 126.0 ft2 0.23 0.6 0 12/22/2017 11:16 AM EnergyGauge® USA - FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 3 of 5 FORM R405-2014 WINDOWS Orientation shown is the entered, Proposed orientation. V # Wall Ornt ID Frame Panes NFRC Overhang U-Factor SHGC Area Depth Separation Int Shade Screening 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N 1 Metal E 2 Metal N 4 Metal W 9 Metal E 10 Metal E 10 Metal E 12 Metal Low-E Double Yes Low-E Double Yes Low-E Double Yes Low-E Double Yes Low-E Double Yes Low-E Double Yes Low-E Double Yes 0.65 0.25 15.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 0.65 0.25 12.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 0.65 0.25 6.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 0.67 0.25 73.3 ft2 2 ft 0 in 0.67 0.25 17.8 ft2 2 ft 0 in 0.65 0.25 12.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 0.65 0.25 6.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in 1 ft 4 in 1 ft 4 in 1 ft 4 in 1 ft 4 in 1 ft 4 in 1 ft 4 in None None None None None None None None None None None None None None GARAGE # Floor Area Ceiling Area Exposed Wall Perimeter Avg. Wall Height Exposed Wall Insulation 1 35ft2 35ft2 14ft 9ft 11 INFILTRATION # Scope Method SLA CFM 50 ELA EgLA ACH ACH 50 1 Wholehouse Proposed ACH(50) .0004 1432.2 78.63 147.87 .2922 7 HEATING SYSTEM # System Type Subtype Efficiency Capacity Block Ducts 1 Electric Strip Heat None COP:1 27 kBtu/hr 1 sys#1 COOLING SYSTEM # System Type Subtype Efficiency Capacity Air Flow SHR Block Ducts 1 Central Unit Split SEER: 16 29.4 kBtu/hr cfm 0.7 1 sys#1 HOT WATER SYSTEM # System Type SubType Location EF Cap Use SetPnt Conservation 1 Electric Tankless LAUNDRY 0.6 1 gal 60.9 gal 120 deg None SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM FSEC Cert # Company Name System Model # Collector Model # Collector Area Storage Volume FEF None None ft2 DUCTS --- Supply ---- ---- Return ---- Air CFM 25 CFM25 HVAC # # Location R-Value Area Location Area Leakage Type Handler TOT OUT QN RLF Heat Cool 1 Attic 6 325 ft2 Attic 65 ft2 Default Leakage LAUNDRY (Default) (Default) 1 1 12/22/2017 11:16 AM EnergyGauge® USA - FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 4 of 5 FORM R405-2014 TEMPERATURES Programable Thermostat: Y Ceiling Fans: Coolin [[ Jan Feb [ ]Mar A r Ma Jun Jul Aug Se Oct Nov Dec Heating [X Jan Feb �Xj [X] Mar ArI JMayJun rj Jul rl Au rl rj Sep Oct Nov Dec Ventin [[ Jan Feb X Mar [X Apr May Jun Jul Aug Se Oct X Nov Dec Thermostat Schedule: HERS 2006 Reference Hours Schedule Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cooling (WD) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 80 80 80 80 PM 80 80 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Cooling (WEH) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 PM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Heating (WD) AM 66 66 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 66 66 Heating (WEH) AM 66 66 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 66 66 12/22/2017 11:16 AM EnergyGauge® USA - FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 5 of 5 FORM R405-2014 TABLE 402.4.1. AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA Project Name: HAMERICK MOTHER IN LAW COTTAGE Builder Name: Street: 2830 S. BROCKSMITH RD. Permit Office: ST. LUCIE COUNTY City, State, Zip: FT. PIERCE, FL, Permit Number: Owner: HAMERICK . Jurisdiction: Design Location: FL, Fort Pierce COMPONENT CRITERIA CHECK Air barrier and thermal barrier A continuous air barrier shall be installed in the building envelope. Exterior thermal envelope contains a continuous barrier. Breaks or joints in the air barrier shall be sealed. Air -permeable insulation shall not be used as a sealing material. Ceiling/attic The air barrier in any dropped ceiling/soffit shall be aligned with the insulation and any gaps in the air barrier shall be sealed. Access openings, drop down stairs or knee wall doors to unconditioned attic spaces shall be sealed. Corners and headers shall be insulated and the junction of the foundation Walls and sill plate shall be sealed. The junction of the top plate and the top or exterior walls shall be sealed. Exterior thermal envelope insulation for framed walls shall be installed in substantial contact and continuous alignment with the air barrier. Knee walls shall be sealed. Windows, skylights and doors The space between window/doorjambs and framing and skylights and framing shall be sealed. Rim joists Rim joists are insulated and include an air barrier. Floors (including above -garage Insulation shall be installed to maintain permanent contact with underside and cantilevered floors) of subfloor decking. The air barrier shall be installed at any exposed edge of insulation. Crawl space walls Where provided in lieu of floor insulation, insulation shall be permanently attached to the crawlspace walls. Exposed earth in unvented crawl spaces shall be covered with a Class I vapor retarder with overlapping joints taped. Shafts, penetrations Duct shafts, utility penetrations, and flue shaft openings to exterior or unconditioned space shall be sealed. Narrow cavities Batts in narrow cavities shall be cut to fit, or narrow cavities shall be filled by insulation that on installation readily conforms to the available cavity spaces. Garage separation Air sealing shall be provided between the garage and conditioned spaces. Recessed lighting Recessed light fixtures installed in the building thermal envelope shall be air tight, IC rated, and sealed to the drywall. Plumbing and wiring Batt insulation shall be cut neatly to fit around wiring and plumbing in exterior walls, or insulation that on installation readily conforms to available space shall extend behind piping and wiring. Shower/tub on exterior wall Exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall be insulated and the air barrier installed separating them from the showers and tubs. Electrical/phone box on The air barrier shall be installed behind electrical or communication boxes or air sealed boxes shall be installed. HVAC register boots HVAC register boots that penetrate building thermal envelope shall be sealed to the sub -floor or drywall. Fireplace An air barrier shall be installed on fireplace walls. Fireplaces shall have gasketed doors 12/22/2017 11:16 AM EnergyGauge® USA - FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 FORM R405-2014 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX* = 98 The lower the EnergyPerformance Index, the more efficient the home. . 2830 S. BROCKSMITH RD., FT. PIERCE, FL, 1. New construction or existing New (From Plans) 9. Wall Types Insulation Area 2. Single family or multiple family Single-family a. Concrete Block - Ext Insul, Exterior R=4.1 1476.00 ftz b. Frame - Wood, Adjacent R=13.0 126.00 ftz 3. Number of units, if multiple family 1 c. N/A R= ftz 4. Number of Bedrooms 1 d. N/A R= ftz 5. Is this a worst case? No 10. Ceiling Types Insulation Area a. Under Attic (Vented) R=30.0 1364.00 ftz 6. Conditioned floor area (ftz) 1364 b. N/A R= ftz 7. Windows`* Description Area c. N/A R= ftz a. U-Factor: Dbl, U=0.67 91.11 ftz 11. Ducts a. Sup: Attic, Ret: Attic, AH: LAUNDRY R ftz 6 325 SHGC: SHGC=0.25 b. U-Factor: Dbl, U=0.65 51.00 ftz SHGC: SHGC=0.25 12. Cooling systems kBtu/hr Efficiency c. U-Factor: N/A ftz a. Central Unit 29.4 SEER:16.00 SHGC: d. U-Factor: N/A ftz SHGC: 13. Heating systems kBtu/hr Efficiency a. Electric Strip Heat 27.0 COP:1.00 Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 2.000 ft. Area Weighted Average SHGC: 0.250 8. Floor Types Insulation Area 14. Hot water systems Cap: 1 gallons a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0 1364.00 ftz a. Electric EF: 0.6 b. N/A R= ftz c. N/A R= ftz b. Conservation features None 15. Credits Pstat I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed • based on installed Code compliant features. Builder Signature: Address of New Home: Date: City/FL Zip: O� VE STq?�O 14. WE *Note: This is not a Building Energy Rating. If your Index is below 70, your home may qualify for energy efficient mortgage (EEM) incentives if you obtain a Florida EnergyGauge Rating. Email EnergyGauge tech support at techsupport@energygauge.com or see the EnergyGauge web site at energygauge.com for information and a list of certified Raters. For information about the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, contact the Florida Building Commission's support staff. **Label required by Section R303.1.3 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, if not DEFAULT. 12/22/2017 11:16 AM EnergyGaugeO USA - FlaRes2014 - Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 - 9 m Pro Job: wri htsoft ect Summary � Date: Dec 22, 2017 Entire House By: QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 ST. LUCIE LN., FT. PIERCE, FL 34946 Phone: 772-466-6799 Fax: 772-466-6796 Email: QUICKCALCS@AOL.COM Proaect Information For: HAMRICK MOTHER IN LAW COTTAGE 2830 S. BROCKSMITH RD., FT. PIERCE, FL Notes: Design In• • Weather: Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 OF Outside db 90 OF Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TD 28 OF Design TD 15 OF Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 gr/lb Heating Summary Structure 18942 Btuh Ducts 4751 Btuh Central vent (25 cfm) 756 Btuh Outside air Humidification 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 24448 Btuh Infiltration Method Construction quality Fireplaces Simplified Average 0 ' Heating Cooling Area (ft2) 1364 1364 Volume (ft3) 12276 12276 Air changes/hour 0.45 0.23 • Equiv. AVF (cfm) 92 47 Heating Equipment Summary Make Trade Model AHRI ref Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 100 EFF 5.1 kW 174168 Btuh OF 980 cfm 0.041 cfm/Btuh 0.50 in H2O Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 14397 Btuh Ducts 7131 Btuh Central vent (25 cfm) 405 Btuh Outside air Blower 0 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.95 Equipment sensible load 20836 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 2366 Btuh Ducts 1926 Btuh Central vent.(25 cfm) 1026 Btuh Outside air Equipment latent load 5318 Btuh Equipment total load 26154 Btuh Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 2.5 ton Cooling Equipment Summary Make Trane Trade TRAN E Cond 4TTR4031 L1 Coil TEM6AOC36H31++TDR AHRI ref 7567544 Efficiency 13.0 EER, 16 SEER Sensible cooling 20580 Btuh Latent cooling 8820 Btuh Total cooling 29400 Btuh Actual air flow 980 cfm Air flow factor 0.046 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.50 in H2O Load sensible heat ratio 0.80 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed 2017-Dec-22 11:20:10 wrightsoft• Right -Suite® Universal 2017 17.0.14 RSU08101 Page 1 �� ...cs\Documents\HAMERICK MOTHER IN LAW COTTAGE.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N wrightsofta Right-J® Worksheet Job: Entire Douse Date: Dec 22, 2017 By: QUICK CALLS, INC. 317 ST. LUCIE LN., FT. PIERCE, FL 34946 Phone: 772-466-6799 Fax: 772-466-6796 Email: QUICKCALCS@AOL.COM 1 Room name Entire House MASTER BEDROOM 2 Exposed wall 164.0 ft 32.0 ft 3 Room height 9.0 ft d 9.0 ft heat/cool 4 Room dimensions 17.0 x 15.0 ft 5 Room area 1364.0 ftz 255.0 ftz Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ftz) Load Area (ft� Load number (Btuh/ftz °F) (Btuh/ft') or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 13A-4ocs 0.143 n 4.00 2.55 315 294 1177: 748 135 120 '480 305 -G 4A5-2om 0.770 ' n 21.56 19.31 6 0 129 116 0 0 , 0 0 C, 4A5-2om 0.770 - n. . 21.56 19.31 15 _- 0 _ - .323 _ _ --- 290 ,_ 15 ._.. _ _ .. 0 ._ ___323 _ ____290 �j 13A-4ocs 0.143 a 4.00 2.55 486 443 1773 1127 153 141 565 359 11 1OD-m 1.390 a 38.92 38.45 19 2 750 741 0 0 0 0 O_ 4A5-2om 0.770 e 21.56 42.10_ 24 9 517 1010 .- _12 2 ,_259 _ 505 W 13A-4ocs 0:143 _ ', s 4.00 2.55 243 243 973 619 ., 0-6 _ _ -_ . _ _ 0 W 13A-4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.55 432 356 1426 906 0 0 0 0 T-G 10D-m 1.390 w 38.92 38.45 76 8 2955 2920 0 - 0 ._ _-_ 0 P. 12C-Osw 0.091 _d - 2.55 1.28 126 126 321 162. _ 0 --.0 _ 0 0 C 16B-30ad 0.032 - 0.90 1.68 1364 1364 1222 2292 255 255 .. 228 428 F 22A-tpl 0.989 - 27.69 0.00 1364 164 4541 -0 255 ,- _ - 32 _,___ _886 'mom_ .. r 0 6I c) AED excursion 231 -137 Envelope loss/gain 16109 11161 27421 1750 12 a) Infiltration 2833 776 553 151 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 131 Intemal gains: Occupants @ 230 2 460 2 460 Appliances/other 2000 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 1 18942 14397 3295 2362 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 18942 14397 3295 2362 15 Duct loads 25% 50% 4751 7131 25% 50% 826 1170 Total room load 23692 21528 4121 3531 Air required (cfm) 980 9801 170 161 Calculations aDDroved by ACCA to meet all reauirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrightsoft' 2017-Dec-22 11:20:10 Right -Suite® Universal 2017 17.0.14 RSU08101 Page 1 '��` ...cs%DocumentslHAMERICK MOTHER IN LAW COTTAGE.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Doorfaces: N wrightsoft° Right-M Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: Dec 22, 2017 By: QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 ST. LUCIE LN., FT. PIERCE, FL 34946 Phone: 772-466-6799 Fax 772-466-6796 Email: QUICKCALCS@,AOL.COM 1 Room name M BATH TLT 2 Exposed wall 8.0 ft 4.0 ft 3 Room height 9.0 ft heat/cool 9.0 ft heat/cool 4 Room dimensions 1.0 x 144.0 ft 6.0 x 4.0 ft 5 Room area 144.0 ftz 24.0 ft' Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (W) Load Area (W) Load number (Btuh/ft� °F) (Btuh/ft� or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 V6 13A-4ocs 0.143 n 4.-00 2.55 72 72 288 183 36 30 120 76 4A5-2om 0.770 n 21.56 19.31 0 0 0 0 6 0 129 116 4A5-2om 0.770 n 21.56 19.31 0 0 0 0 _ _ -. 0 - 0 - __... _. 0 _ ____ . 0 Vj 13A-4ocs 0.143 a 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 I-G 10D-m 1.390 a 38.92 38.45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -G 4A5-2om 0.770 e 21.56 42.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 13A-4ocs 0.143 s 4.00 2.55 0 - 0 0 0 �.0 __,. 0 -__ -0 _, _ _ ._ __.__0. W 13A-4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L--G 1OD-m 1.390 w 38.92 38.45 0 0 0 0 - 0 __ 0 0_ _ 0 P 12C-Osw 0.091 2.55 1.28 0 0 0 0 _ 0 _ _ __,0 _ _--_,.__0 C 16B-30ad 0.032 - 0.90 1.68 144 144 129 242 24 24 22_ 40 F 22A-tpl 0.989 - 27.89 0.00 144 8 222 0 _ . _- 24. _- - _ _�.4 _ _111 -_--- _0 6 c) AED excursion -25 -14 Envelope loss/gain 639 400 382 219 12 a) Infiltration 138 38 69 19 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Intemal gains: Occupants @ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliances/other 0 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 777 438 451 238 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 777 438 451 238 15 Duct loads 25% 50% 195 217 25% 50% 113 118 Total room load 972 654 564 355 Air required (cfm) 40 30 23 16 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. A= # wrightsofft' 2017-Dec-2211:20:10 Right -Suite® Universal 2017 17.0.14 RSU08101 Page 2 ...cs\Documents\HAMERICK MOTHER IN LAW COTTAGE.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N - - wrightsoft° Right-J® Worksheet Job: Entire house Date: Dee 22,2017 By: QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 ST. LUCIE LN., FT. PIERCE, FL 34946 Phone: 772-466-6799 Fax: 772-466-6796 Email: QUICKCALCS@,AOL.COM 1 Room name WIC LIVING ROOM 2 Exposed wall 28.0 ft 37.0 ft 3 Room height 9.0 ft heat/cool 9.0 ft heat/cool 4 Room dimensions 14.0 x 8.0 ft 23.0 x 14.0 ft 5 Room area 112.0 ft' 322.0 ftz Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ft� Load Area (ftj Load number (Btuh/ft� °F) (Btuh/ft2) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 13A-4ocs 0.143 n 4.00 Z 55 72 72 288 183 0 0 0 _ 0 4A5-2om 0.770 n 21.56 19.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A5-2om 0.770 n 21.56 19.31 0 0 0 _ 0 0 .-_.__A 0 0. 13A-4ocs 0.143 a 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 I- G 10D-m 1.390 a 38.92 38.45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 4A5-2om 0.770 e 21.56 42.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 13A-4ocs 0.143 s 4.00 . 2.55 54 54 216 _ 137 - 1266 - _. 126. '- -_ _05.05 _�._ -_ _ 321 t-G 13A-4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.55 126 126 505 - 321 _.- _ . 207 _ 131 525 334 1oD-m 1.390 w 38.92 38.45 0 0 0 0 76 4 2955 2920 P 12C-Osw 0.091 - 2.55 1.28 0 0 0 0 0 _. 0 C 1613-30ad 0.032 - 0.90 1.68 112 112 100 188 322 322 -- _ _ 289 F 22A-tpl 0.989 - 27.69 0.00 112 28 775 0 . - _ 322 _ _37 _..1025__ _ _541 0 6 c) AED excursion -53 773 Envelope loss/gain 1885 777 5298 4889 12 a) Infiltration 484 132 639 175 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliances/other 0 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 2368 909 5937 5064 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 14 Redistribution Subtotal 0 2368 0 909 0 5937 0 5064 15 Duct loads 25% 50% 594 450 25% 50% 1489 2508 Total room load 2962 1360 7426 7572 Air required (cfm) 123 62 307 345 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all reauirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -Fk wrightsoft' 2017-Dec-2211:20:10 Right -Suite® Universal 2017 17.0.14 RSU08101 Page 3 �� ...cs\Documents\HAMERICK MOTHER IN LAW COTTAGE.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N - wrightsoft° Right-J® Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: Dec 22, 2017 By: QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 ST. LUCIE LN., FT. PIERCE, FL 34946 Phone: 772-466-6799 Fax: 772-466-6796 Email: QUICKCALCS@4OL.COM 1 Room name KITCHEN/DINING LAUNDRY 2 Exposed wall 28.0 ft 20.0 ft 3 Room height 9.0 ft heat/cool 9.0 ft heat/cool 4 Room dimensions 24.0 x 15.0 ft 13.0 x 7.0 ft 5 Room area 360.0 ft2 91.0 ft2 Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ftZ) Load Area (ft� Load number (Btuh/ft22F) (Btuh/ft2) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 W. 13A4ocs 0.143 n 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A5-2om 0.770 n 21.56 19.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A5-2om 0.770 n 21.56 19.31 0 0 0 - 0 _ . _ 0 _ _ _ _ __0 _______0 �j 13A-4ocs 0.143 e 4.00 2.55 216 191 764 485 117 111 444 283 11 I--G 10D-m 1.390 a 38.92 38.45 19 1 750 741 0 0 0 0 O 4A5-2om 0.770 e 21.56 42.10 6 1 129 253 6 _ 1 - _ _ _ 129. _. _ 253 W 13A-4ocs 0.143 s 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 - - -_ _63 _ - . _63 __- _ _- 252 __ 160 W 13A-4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.55 36 36 144 92 0 0 0 0 L-G 10D-m 1.390 w 38.92 38.45 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 __- 0 P 12C-Osw 0.091 2.55 1.28 0 0 0 0 .. - 54 _ ._ _ __.54 _�. _. _ 138, -. -._ _ 69 C 1613-30ad 0.032 - 0.90 1.68 360 360 323 605 91 _ . 82 _ 153 F 22A-tpl 0.989 - 27.69 0.00 360 28 775 0 91 .- ,91 20 554 0 6 c) AED excursion -237 -56 Envelope loss/gain 2885 1939 1599 862 12 a) Infiltration 484 132 346 95 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliances/other 2000 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 3369 4071 1945 957 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 3369 4071 1945 957 15 Duct loads 25% 50% 845 2017 25% 50% 488 474 Total room load 4214 6088 2432 1431 Air required (cfm) 174 277 101 65 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrightsoftm 2017-Dec-22 11:20:10 Right -Suite@ Universal 2017 17.0.14 RSU08101 Page 4 ''�� ... cs\DocumentslHAMERICK MOTHER IN LAW COTTAGE.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N -�+ wrightsoft° might-J® Workshee$ Job: Entire House Date: Dec 22, 2017 By: QUICK CALLS, INC. 317 ST. LUCIE LN., FT. PIERCE, FL 34946 Phone: 772-466-6799 Fax: 772-466-6796 Email: QUICKCALCS@AOL.COM 1 Room name BATH ROOM 2 Exposed wall 7.0 ft 3 Room height 9.0 ft heat/cool 4 Room dimensions 7.0 x 8.0 ft 5 Room area 56.0 ftz Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ft� Load Area Load number (Btuh/ft? °F) (Btuh/ft') or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 13A4ocs 0.770 n 0 0 0 0 4A5-tom 0.770 n 1.56 21.56 9.31 19.31 0 0 0 0 4A5-2om 0.770 n 21.56 19.31 0 0 0 0 �j 1 13A-4ocs 0.143 e 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 11 I --G 10D-m 1.390 a 38.92 38.45 0 0 0 0 �--G 4A5-2om 0.770 e 21.56 42.10 0 0 0 0 W 13A-4ocs 0.143 s 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 1N 13A-flocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.55 63 63 252 160 T CG 10D-m 1.390 w 38.92 38.45 0 0 0 0 P 12C-Osw 0.091 2.55 1.28 72 72 183 92 _ C 1613-30ad 0.032 - 0.90 1.68 56 56 50 94 F 22A-tpl 0.989 27.69 0.00 56 7 194 0 _ 6 c) AED excursion -21 Envelope loss/gain 680 326 12 a) Infiltration b) Room ventilation 121 0 33 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 0 0 Appliances/other 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 801 359 Less external load 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 14 Subtotal 801 359 15 Ductloads 25% 50% 201 178 Total room load 1001 537 -T Air required (cfm) 41 24 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed At -Fk wrightsoftm Right -Suite® Universal 2017 17.0.14 RSU08101 2017-Dec-22 11:20:10 Page 5 '`C�` ...cs\Documents\HAMERICK MOTHER IN LAW COTTAGE.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N Y -�- wrightsoft® Duct System Summary Entire House (,QUICK CALLS, INC. 317 ST. LUCIE LN., FT. PIERCE, FL 34946 Phone: 772-466-6799 Fax 772-466-6796 Email: QUICKCALCS@AOL.COM For: HAMRICK MOTHER IN LAW COTTAGE 2830 S. BROCKSMITH RD., FT. PIERCE, FL External static pressure Pressure losses Available static pressure Supply / return available pressure Lowest friction rate Actual air flow Total effective length (TEL) Heating 0.50 in H2O 0 in H2O 0.50 in H2O 0.250 / 0.250 in H2O 0.265 in/100ft 980 Cfm Job: Date: Dec 22, 2017 By: Cooling 0.50 in H2O 0 in H2O 0.50 in H2O 0.250 / 0.250 in H2O 0.265 in/100ft 980 cfm 189 ft Name Design (Btuh) Htg (Cfm) Clg (cfm) Design FIR Diam (in) H x W (in) Duct Matl Actual Ln (ft) Ftg.Egv Ln (ft) Trunk BATH ROOM h 1001 41 24 0.490 4.0 Ox 0 VIFx 7.1 95.0 KITCHEN/DINING c 3044 87 139 0.340 7.0 Ox0 VIFx 32.0 115.0 st1 KITCHEN/DINING-A C 3044 87 139 0.471 7.0 OXO VIFx 11.2 95.0 LAUNDRY h 2432 101 65 0.492 6.0 Ox0 VIFx 6.7 95.0 LIVING ROOM c 3786 154 172 0.333 8.0 Ox0 VIFx 35.2 115.0 st1 LIVING ROOM -A c 3786 154 172 0.331 8.0 Ox0 VIFx 36.1 115.0 st1 M BATH h 972 40 30 0.278 5.0 Ox 0 VIFx 44.6 135.0 st2 MASTER BEDROOM h 4121 170 161 0.270 8.0 Ox 0 VIFx 50.5 135.0 st2 TLT h 564 23 16 0.266 4.0 Ox 0 VIFx 52.6 135.0 st2 WIC h 2962 123 62 0.265 6.0 Ox 0 VIFx 53.8 135.0 st2 Supply Trunk Detail Table Trunk Htg Clg Design Veloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (Cfm) (cfm) FIR (fpm) (in) (in) Material Trunk st2 Peak AVF 357 269 0.265 654 10.0 0 x 0 VinlFlx st1 st1 Peak AVF 751 752 0.265 703 14.0 0 x 0 VinlFlx �, wrightsoft° Right -Suite® Universal 2017 17.0.14 RSU08101 ACM ...cs\Documents\HAMERICK MOTHER IN LAW COTTAGE.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N 2017-Dec-22 11:20:11 Page 1 Return Branch Detail Table Name Grille Size (in) Htg (cfm) Clg (cfm) TEL (ft) Design FIR Veloc (fpm) Diam (in) H x W (in) Stud/Joist Opening (in) Duct Matl Trunk rbl Ox 0 980 980 0 0 0 0 Ox 0 VIFx wri htsoft° 2017-Dec-2211:20:11 9 Right -Suite® Universal 2017 17.0.14 RSU08101 Page 2 ACM ..cs\Documents\HAMERICK MOTHER IN LAW COTTAGE.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N