HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division C r/- (Com any Name/Individual Name) the Lr /& c- T r-,, C (Type of Trade) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT DEC 26 2011 BY. ....................... have agreed to be Sub -contractor for j�G iU� Q I„i 'z ,(v, :z' (Primary Contractor) i For the project located at 2-326 - D0I - b O.0 y -OOD6-13 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. �0( Ill �CA,K_ COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of f , P /% The foregoing instrument was signed before me thiaA day of 0 2d 7 by at Al',10 &jJ16G k who is personally known L�or has produced a as identification. Signature of Notary Public Print N. eB?rJO, ISM Public State of Florida Crisli D Paschal yMy Commission FF 193030 i�OF 10 Expires 0112612019 Revised 1111612016 S ,�- c---) (E l e G7-r-12 SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) la r;�'rKne-t 41 5,'T'Kxs PRINT NAME 1-p-fiYYZ_ COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER /6f. , ' I State of Florida, County of? �-�[C/ e The foregoing instrument was signed before me this /� day of 2017 by �(��,)/e'Cv p?7&hb5 who is personally (mown v Or has produced a as identification. STAMPAJt- 0 _ Pajdwvr Signature of Notary Public Print N. f�l I P Notary Public State of Florida Cristi D Paschal My Commission FF 193030 AF OF *,o-Q Expires 0112612019 STAMP PERMIT # `a y ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT �N (Company Name/Individual Name) the " O© <�- i SAD Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 9,�5 -3 o S F' & (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the dLvi�,i2 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBE State of Florida, County of Sir . A.Nx :'1 The foregoing instrument was signed before me this_ day of ''ffA20 - by D0111�4+1 NNafa►tiGk who is personally known _or has produced a as identification. �p „ _ —�_Yl � � STAMP Signature of Notary blic ::15eAtill 1'#AIE 1��YENs E;:=�vxol�r�Issltii��l¢Gi;'i�23�z1 i ``EXPIRES:1)0i 13416,1020 Revised 11/16/2016 SUB-- O CTOR IG ATURE (Q alifier) oN A c, A l A McTZ- is PRINT NAME 0WK161le _ zLAM COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of %4-' The foregoing instrument was signed before me thislO day of �aV-, ,20td,by pOi.w\n vs �r14,nht �C.k who is personally (mown or has produced a 1. 1D L-- 3+)'/S as identification. STAMP Signature of Nota�PH- Print Name of Notary Public •tom ""°�,: DEANNA MARIE GIVENS MY COMMISSION # GG 022023 =n o EXPIRES: December 16, 2020 Bonded Thru Notary Public Undenvritaro PERMIT # 1, `�� _ a� ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 0 Company Name/Individual I4ame) , the U () MR 0 Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 9'?5 -3 0 S . —6F_0 t.y'e;M (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) have agreed to be It is understood that,, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a C ge of Sub -con cto notice. C OR SIGNA URGE j(QuaGti r) SUB O CTOR Ili ATURE (Q alifier) "'Do"I�AIO mlaz,IG DOW)LW �Rmm_lc PRINT NAME PRIlVT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of 5 . A_1x :V11 The foregoing instrument was signed before me this2,dL day of ,20 by QOt+4\a%4% who is personally known _ur has produced a�' L .n V as identification. \p STAMP iggnnature of Notary lei blic �riJ'Q• rr Name °•� 'be`ANNA'>viAR1�Ed!�Ns t'�'TAl'�OI�t�11SSlhhf•i� G�•Oi�23 t `'F�CFIRES: D�Cetitbet3lf,'�20 Revised 11/16/2016 0GclA161fe Ay T6199 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER 3+),q S State of Florida, County of !%_ The foregoing instrument was signed before me thislO day of `-, ,20 � by �0i.w�o n \A4's-,r ,sA who is personally known or has produced a V, L ID L_ as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary P Rc Print Name of Notary Public 6 fTSO�1S.'SfC2"�'Pti"^"'riA .vm�+evtm,•uslAl:l�i ?k .�,,qYP•,, DEANNA MARIE GIVENS ;;� MY COMMISSION # GG 022023 0 5 EXPIRES: December 16, 2020 Bonded Thni Notary Public Undonvrilens t PERMIT # ' ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 0 Company Name/Individual Dame) ' ' the Sub -contractor for (Type of Tra e) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at ?-e 5 0 S . B( tj!�SfYl l (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a�7 //) f Sub -co cto�, notice. C T TOR SIGNATURE�AMUZ6 (Qualifi r) SUB -CONTRACTOR RIGDVATURE (Qdalifier) pot')�UA6�'RmCujc PRINT NAME PRINT NAME d?411*X M& ,o COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of.!A . X If,. The foregoing instrument was signed before me this_ day of ,20 4 by bon%\a►r \_NQ+t►6"'- who is personally known _or has produced a'c L- -.D L— as identification. �.gn.tur. orWblic � STAMP of I'!"''MY�OINP�IISSIbN�id-O�#���2B I '`F�PIRES:'D�F.efrrbisN 16; �20 Bbiidad l'tirh Notary Piibl'i��E•RiMLrIi9F� Revised I1/16/2016 DGt%U -k 461/LLA5_f COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of !%, The foregoing instrument was signed before me MOO day of 20 VA by �Ot�o�\a ,M1 \444h f %c.�c who is personally (mown or has produced a k•y7 �- as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary P lie De.a-v-.-^-N. �r'W-Qt Y� 5 Print Name of Notary Public ��Y;�•, DEANNA MARIE GIVENS 1, MY COMMISSION # GG 022023' 3a a? EXPIRES: December 16, 2020 Bonded Thru Notary Public Undenvritors n uc 92/