HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1939 . "',_'''~~7 -"~~"--:'. :'~-~~--:s::""f-:-~'-":'"-T~~'~~:~-:':~"':~~':"~~~'_"'-~"''"''''--''~ 239 I , f I .. " .,' , ,".'." 'ot.l$h~av.n4'Oa. OO/10(r.D01~arl _or'oolp..,e"0~'1. _el'eb, '&okAowleage4 40'.:)' the.o, .'. '. ','. . '. '. :', " "'." '-', , - '-..:' -- . -. , - ' . - . t>'e..,.'ir"'.'barsala..ltl'l ana. OOIJt'O)'luato act.' par". ot tho Itoonf. par'; hlaheir. &D4 " . '-. ,,:' ,', :,,', d '.' ~ " ,'" j , ' . ;, ,.' . ',', ' " . " . ,,' . I a~~'f.',~l:'~~,,~Ol~01r1'~ .4f;.,~OJ:l~4 '~ea1~I.t..'O.' 81taa~~'i~,t~e .OO~t1ot St/Luolo ani I State Of 'lo~1da, 'to Wi"" ' , , , .. I', ',. ',' .', ~r~o' BWIlber,Oa:.-ori. fhoua~d aui~, ..v~n~< hOVO)ottheltllSlDtre,arm'8 I OOlllpaDJ' ~ .u.~1 ;l.'loli\ of 'all unsune784 pe.r' ot tWonabl, f111rt7' One(81) I ' south,' Range thlrt,3'e"en (,t) k8t 'aooo~4iDg '.o,tb; Pi..tot'~14:'..Ub-' I '41:,;i.lon flle4 In'the oUt". ot the 01erk 'ot the Ofro~it 00urt1n andtol' I ' .-,~ , ' , ,,',,', ': :' .. ' ' ',' ',' ''', : ',', ' ',' , . I Baid count;o~n the 9th d~ ot Jul,A.>>. 1911 ari4reoorde4 among the pUbilo I , I r~oorcis 'ot 8.1'4 oount~ 'In Plat BOOk2,',~" 1 and 2.' I Ii (t1,.OO 'I.Il."<.,~ :~iuioeil0el.) " ".j "1 1'0, HA-v. AlID To' HOLD' T~ sAiiB.'topther ~t~'a1.:i.; and :SlnguJ.U the tenemental hereelitaments an4 I app~tenanoe8 thereunto'belongiq or In ~18' appe:rtatia4n.,foreyer, . .. I I' . 'ADd' 8ai~ ' J.' G04ti(Lase:rqui8t an~ 1.11118n ~I'qulsttor themselves, thelr h~lr8~ I 1 ex.outo:r8 oradm1n18t:ratore, do 'hereb7 ooyenai1t, promi.e an4agr..eto and wlth oai4 party ofl i the. 8'~00~ par1;~ ,that at 1;hedei.i~et:v otthellepr.Be~tll, Wle7 &1'1 lawful17 Beised'ln their I I own right, of an absolute anellnele:teaslble estate o'f 1nhe:rltanoe, ln tee, 8imple; of ~ln, l ! . allandBlngalar theabo~e. 8I:ante~ ancide8o~ibeclpremi8ea, with the appurtenanoe8; that the t i . , , ' ' " . . , , " .,. .." I aame are tree, olear, diBoharged an4 u.nlnowabere4. of anel from oll fomer and other grantB, I , . I , " .' ' , , ' , I titlel, eatates, JUdgment8,taxes, aSBe8~nts aild luc)WI1branoes of what nature ollOkiM 808Te~ . - , _ . C ' _ . - ~ . ' . , : and:thattbef will WABlWfT ANDIOlU$Vl$R DKlPKuD the same unto the 8ald pa~ty Of the sooon! I i part~ his hell'aor ~8S1g88, a8aln8t aald~8l'tl.8 of the flrst part, their heir8 and all an4 ! f i i ! I ' r' t, o eVel'l person or persons WhOlD80eTer, lawful17 ola1lD1ng or to ola1JiQt:he 8811e. , ' . -'. . ~- III WUDS8 'llHEBEOP, the satd parties 'of the f1:rstpart h~e hereunto set their hand.' ,~ ~: " j. the dar an4 ,earfi:rst' aboTe no1 ttln. J. Godttt Lagerquist Lillian Laserqu18t , t; ~ [ I i i I 8TATI 0' lCANSAS,BILBY OQUIft, 88. I I DB IT B~F.IlRERBD, fhat .on 'this '1th dq of Aprll, 191~ before me the under81sne4, a I ,Botar7Publio.l,n 'and ,tor the o'ount7 an4 state afor8sa14, oame ,J. Godfr1 Lagerqul8t an4 ! Llli1ai1 Lagerqul.~, hus:b.8Z1eland wife, 1rh~ arepersonall7 Jmollli to me to bo the same pereona f _ -' .... .... . i who eX80uteel' the .1 th1Jl lnatrWD8nt of wrl dng and suoh persona 4ull aomowledge4 the exe- I . '.. I .outton otthe same. I I I I I I ! I I I I. I I I " ~ I I I I i . i , ! I i l , , I ! l i ~ i i ! 0'. " ,;.' .. [:C. r f: r ! ~ I ~ ~ I 'II USTIJIOBYWJmBB()'.' I h:aYe hereunto set Jq hanel and aftixe4 ..., 1I0torlal 8eal, the .' . .' ,.; ~ 487 anaJ8ar la~t"abpYe written. (lot~7 S.al) '." .'. L.. Blgelow. Botar, Publ10. term explrea, ., oomm18s10n exp1re8leb.17t lizO '~1.4 ano.,~eoo:rde4 thll 88th da1 of lfoyember A.D. lU9 (Ot~ Ot. aeaU ,-RECORD Vt!RIFIEt'> P. O. ZLDBBD.! Ole~ olroul t OOUrt. ~~ fJ---.}vJ.u. D.O. B7 ., ~, ' . .~: ~. .. .' . ~ ~ ' ;:,- ';. . I 'I 1 ! JIt ... , i I I ! I ; f I ~ i I i I I i I