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"'2.4.,-,;,t!~r""'\T':,",!""'r"Ts~"';:'0t~f;;::IC:."?"'",':~J"? ~:;"." -"S""7"'''?:5'"::'~''.:"J:K''''? =~?"'. ". '''7 ,'" .-~ -. . '-, - - ~ ". -~~~~.\f::' .(~, ,~"'(8_p\'ibo.u~), ' i . - ~'f , , ~O&ImoIIwt~l:t1&\~~ ~~oll~.t'., I sutfo1t,' ....>" i ,I.'~'Il~~ o:~'i\lp10.~ . ~ot.r." JUbUot,or,'l1', OOlalO~.aithot 'MU.aohWl~tt.. 40 l 'h.r,),'oe~tlf;r~ha.~ o.or~...,:B~ook,:~~' known "aU<< ~oWJl' to:.":" ~e'~~. "~.on de.oilbet. ; . ~ . . . . . ~ . ,. . ..,'~ - . - ., . . . 111 and who eZ~,o\tte4 th.tor"~~4..",.per.onall1,.pp.and '~ofor. 118 tbi84q and aolCnowle4seel t~athe' .zeou'"th. a... a,'h,,_fre, ao.\, and"..... , , , Wltne._ 111, hand CQ1d' Offl~lol slai thli1'19~h c1q ot Boy..ber, A. 1). li1e. " , 1 I I I I i {uotaJ:t 8~al) J ' ',I' 'l1lel ~,',noOZ4.~, 'thU 29~ dq-of uov"~r ..A. . D. '191$. , r' ' ' "',' P. o. ~.1)~~, 01erk 01r,outt Ooull RECORD VERIFIED ' I (ot; Ot, 80&1) -1l4~~ ~~, 0.... .. . i :,V. . ' " , i~------~~~~----------------~-----_._-~~~.~:---~----~--~---------~---~--------------- 1 ~, , ' I 'Oh~l.s, W. R1888 and, wi.f~ to, " GeorgewUaon. I ,I I, I , , , ,Lenar4 0.11881 ow' " " , '_ .otU7 Publlo for the, OOJllDOuweal th of Jla88aohu.tte. ' , ' , , !HIS IlfDEnTIJRB. made th18 14 487 of. Hovember A.n,,' 1919BBTWKlUfOharlea' W. Rlgssand . . .... "..-' -' . '.' - ~~ '1$~, ,R1Bga. .hie mte of the O~unt1, of at. X.uoie and ata~e ,of .~l~:dela~partieS'Of the "- .' ", .-: .".. '.' - '--, . - " ., . . tlrst':p.rt,8Dd qeorse Wl1.onot the O~unt:v of St_e Lu1e an4 state ,of 71or1ela,part:v o~the , . .'. ~. '. . ,'.: '.. .:-! .' " ;,." : " '."", . ...' ' .' . ..'.-.. .' '. y ~!oona par~~ WI~BI8SEi'B, t~t the 8~14 ~t1ea o~t~eflr~t part~ '~r ~d,ln oona1deratlon of' the '8U11l of Ten 1;l()liar8: &he} other Valuable, oODsi4'erations :UOllara" thelll.lri ~c1 pa14, '. , .'.' " '. .' . ~.' ,.. ~.' . '..' .':.. : .' . the ,re~~IPt 1!bueot.1& her.b,aokn01ri8dgt4, have, ~e:nte~.' '~arsaln.d.-' 'sold And transterred. I ' ,,'. " " , ' ,', " ,', " ' , ' ;'" ' ' , " '1 and'b,'th.a8.,resen,t8 doe. ~ant.b~gaiD. 8.11, and tr~fe~;,unto,the 881d ,p8l't10f. the "s.oondpart and 'h1shelr8 aild aaB1sua f~reYer., all'.that oertaiD paro.l otland lJ1n8 an4 ,",,' ,', ,', " '. ," --. , . ,', ,..' :, '.. ,,':. " " ' i " " being in' the Count$' of St. La01. end state of' llotiela more parU,oularl)'d.sorlbedaa followsJ . - . . '. . _ '. . .' -. .'.' ~ .' .' '.'. :.'.. .' ' '..".- ..' .'.'.,", '. i fto Yo::t8:~~::0(~:~:'~::1:1~h:ri:~~~1=~~t:~~:t . , I '. O~ei'k.,ot~lroultoOU1't of ~t. Luoh ,~ount~.":o,l',lda,e ".' ,;:, , , :,:..1, 1'OG~ Wlth,~,~'~the. te~~~nt.. h.l'e~lt~nt8, ,and a~~r~nan~'8, wlth ,ever",prlyuege, , I' !lgh~t'}l~.(~,~,~~st ~;",.~t.. 4~..r SDd riglit o~c1o.e;r,~evera'1OJi, ~a11l4eJ: and ,I ' .a....Jlt.t~~r.~'~iOD81bi or'~ 8$t188 ~pp8rt&1h~gl ,tQBljB AJID 1'0 JI)LJ)' ~be awn. In .' ':rt.e,. 8i~pl.'tC)t'.T~~~ " ' , . " .' , . ' . .,., , , . ,i " ' ~dth~ ,8~4p.aJitieS ,o:t the fi:rst 1*rtd40e.~~.nant, with :the 8Id4:.pai'tr'pt th~ ~. . "'_~' _. _ ~_, ::-',:, . . -'P,_., _ ,_ _ T !',," :_:. _: __~ ,,' ',_ .....", ' _ 8eoond "rt,..that~e~lawt\i11)'.e1l.4 of, th.saldpz'.m1a,a. that the, are tree from all in- -' " "'. ~ .,' ~-' ~ '.'. - '. , . - - -.' .. '. - , '."', " " " ,,-, , ", ", " ' , 'OWD~l'anoe. and that'the1he,ve gOOd.,l"i8h,t .and :lawf~ atltl1orl't;r to ~eU the, 8~;an4 the "sa14' partie8 of the ill'S'" :part'doe& ht.:rebJ ftU1.~ .u:rant ,the t1 tle ,to 8aidled, and will ;' ~:.. "-:"; .::--.,.;;'.":".:~ __.c"__,', _:;,.-. " ^.. .:_~_' _' :__,'_"'. .' --.,- ----._-..-.._ .-.- <_ ",':: _ . ~. -.. * .t\e~,~c1 ~~.".~'~aiD~~'~be l~~,Ola1~ot' ......1. per8~~8 ,W~OWl?V.1".. .~ ,,' ,':";,' . ni 'fIlT1tQaWHBll8O;1~.aa:id JAt,rtl88 ot~'1i.he tli'.~ ~t'h.V'- h.r'\1Jlto ..e~, thell' ~n48 I ;c,':,...,..,:,.,;,?:,/lc,:,','"'~,(:4..,,,IJ1,',:,.th,',~A~, an~,'.",.ar," ab, ,',0, "y,~,',~,Wr, '~..tt.n,fI ".' ',o_a ,,~ ,'aicCJ3 '. ,(,s8::~), . I ',~:.'.' ".(,,, ,,-' , , .- :", '.' ,-, '. , ~, ':,' MAllY B. RIGGa ( _ ) :,; ""'/", '1fP1'4f...;.!il,84~,4: ct.).l.,..~ed b( our<F...noe ' I ,~""~,~.':~~f~r ..~.'.,',:,;,',:,.,.,'.,.~.,:,.,..".,..,.....,,^.; ~^ ^. . ..,~,~:t,.~,.,.:"'"..,J.."f.,, .,i@!!;<<""1 f;>:'~~~~jij;<< .. '" ' , {-~:'~~<~~-~~-<; ~::...-:> "t.. ':'.~~'..;-~~:?'~;-~'\ ; ;-. ;~, .. ."-: .~'" "'. -" - ';5~'_:r_,'~:_ .~--~ I, ! r I ! : ;-d '. ~ .'_;-0-':.- J ,,,~. -" ,:: <.-'--<" ". . ':""!.f~i~{~l?:~:' ," . '1!.,: 't 'I, ' '; .; '~4 . t'O ", >, " ' r" L " ~. , o ',11" ',' I ..