HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1945 I I ' ; --~-:!~y.~~5"r-~~:r"""":'"---."y~~,",_~~O;:~''<'''--''-7_~''-~~ , ' , , ' I Ii Ii "0' , ' " ,".!' . ,~ i- . 8!4Ta ,0' lift. _SlY" '. .. - - ,- - >, .... '.- -~. ' '-"}'; ", COtllt~. ,'~~'IU~LBsIX.' . ' _.~: ., . - ~.~.' ':,',1' JllmQY OBa'tIn." 2hlA,t:O~ \hi.- uin~~etn~dat ot:Bo.ell~...,.D.1'19,\.tottme )e1t.,;. '1,.0~al1': .~~ar'41(a~11. R18gt1~W1t.ot'Obt.'1'liw.a18P' to~'.~own" ~o:be: 'the pe~lJo~a~e.~,. I>or.~~~lln 8Z14\'.whO: exeo~t'4:the forogo,lng 00nve1at1oe".oa80rae.Wll'01l ~d ....tall'.aotDOWl~ ' , :- ~a:8~" the,.~~out1,~it"ther.oi to be" het .tree' aOt &nc1' ~..~ fOI; ,tb.~e8 6tt4, 'pupaees ~her.1Jl." '. I, , .',' " , , , " , , . ", "" ' " ratntloued, aD4t)le, aa~a Ku7B. Rl~Pth. w~t. otth.' 8ald Cha~le,8 w.:Rl'g8 on ~ .epaJ:at. II Nl~" pr,ll'ate exam1~~t~ontak~n 'and ~c1.. bl)ndb~for...'. , and,~.p~a~l" ~dapel't tr.' het 8ald ,hu8b4l)4(d14 aouowleASt t~&t. &hemad.'haratif a~ty.to the 8aldi>~'-e~' o~ Oonve:rano. 1'10r ~h., '>>U~8.:,ot'r~nO~O.1~~ ,r.i:1nqUi.h~ an400n.e;Yi~~1,her r18ht.' tUle ~dint8r~'Bt !'.,whetherot dower ,orofL8ep~at"'~rb~rt7.I~tuto'rt Or "qu~i.bl.- in and to, the lande therein l~ d..otlbtd',an4 that sh~ .~eo~te4,sa~dcleed tr~'l' andTo1untUll~tu1il, wi thout aD7 oonstraintl I ,teu"a~rehen81C>n. oroo~ul'1.0Jl ot,ortroll, h8~aaldhU8b'fiD~' , ' , ,," 'I L ' WITllES:1'~ 8~8!lat~.an40ftlo'lal,86eJ.' at'Hane.b'oro tnth, O.ount1- of Klddlesex anel I I ,,' , . k..vJ. " '. I a,tateot'Ue. Jer8~,rrJ~~1~k A.<.'~r~/' ' "',~,., , '" , " '", U" , : ,JOHlf V.B. moo" (3861). .:t) " , ,,"', · (Botar7 eeal) , ' ,lotar)'Publ10 ,of l{e.Je1'8el. i' i ! I I I 1 j i t ! i I I I , I j I 1fIIJiWi A'lKDl 'I Uotarl!ubllo, ,.state of JIlor14a 'I >>7oolllil1ss10n "txplres Aua. 14, 1928 . ; .. I ,l1.cl and r,ooraedtli18 2nd dq ot'Deoellber A.D. 1919 ", I! " (Ct. 'ct. a~al) . ", p~ O. ELDRBJ)~ Olerk 01rouit Oout. ~oo.,o~ I '~~'- ~.,/, I ---___________________.____________~_~___.rJl~:~~~~~~~~____"_::::____~___ -~~?__~ .~~~. ~ MoV" Lindoaq apd Wife toU.rman J. Zeuoh 1"-- >. , I ' I j , "STATB' OF noRlDA I, ' , , ", ' , ' I' COUUTY OJ' ST. LUaU. c ' , \' ',,' " ' , " 1 :he~'.b1oe~tlt.rthat. on thll1 29th daj of Bovellber 1919, before me pereonal1, appeared I ," ' , ' , ' ! 'Oharl.. W.Big,., to iDe knoWn to be the person 4e80ribecl in and 'who exeouted the foregolng ,oon"t'elanoe to Geotp ~WUson an4 Mar, 'ranee8 Jlillon, hiB, \'rite ,~~ who aob1owled~d th., - - . - . ex.cution 'thai-eof to' be hi8 tree aot and 4.ed to~ the uses anel purpose8 therein mentione4. , ' ' .1tne.if~ ill8:Dature ."ud ot:f101alseal iLt Vt~o, ln the' Oount7ot St.~uo1e and state , , of n()rida'the dqand ;yearlastator.ealel. ': I I I I > I I I i I f I I ,,' " "~" . ,__, ' . I m8 "AJUWI'lYD.8BD Ol' COIYB'{AOOB, Ix.outed th18 20th dq of .DYe.ber in the ;rear l' ot, our LO;el "on.: thOUs~~ bl~' huJ1cl,~e4 and ;Ulna~.n llY ADD' BE~ KoVe7 Llndsq an~ Blla I .. _ :l.1D4.q .h1~ wU.. of V .~o. It. :1.",,:1. 00...'7. J'10~1d.. ,0' th. tbot JIl'ot. aud B....... a. I I aauch ot Da....nport. Soott OOW1tl. Iowa, ot tbe seoond part~ ~,' I '- 'ifiQa:su. fhat:the 8ald 'partlea.-ot. the flret part, tor and 111 '00JJa1d~ratlon ot I 1 the .~~ otoiti ~~i.~~t ~4 oth.'r ,~a1~bl.0;nsi4.~atlon8DoUar8, iawtuJ. .oney ot"tbe ~1 tad 'I , i statesot".bae~ioa,to ~h8mln'band pald by the .said' party of:'the 8eoond pert, atoibefor~ I lth.onon~~& lOI!4 d~1".~~Of th... pr.~~ta'~h.~.od~ ..i..'onfl~h.nb7 &elmowlodged .: : ?',th..8 'Pl..sents, ~~,8i"'~. ,81'aDt.' ))a%'~~l~,:, "tll. '81,i4tJai enfeoff ~ rell18e, rel.ase, OO~'" I' ,and oonf~r.~ !dl~~' the ,._,aid part, ot, the "~f)nd pa~t and hl.. he1~~. that 0.r~1Il p~opert, in "-.~<_~ _;.~-:..::~-..-::~f-:A~_;~ _.,-:~::;.':-.:.;.-...::/ ;'.'<:.-", ~,.~~:- i ,., _ "-"_ _ . '_'-. "'_ _..,". tJi.o~\Uit7,:~t'.i. ~~,lt$DclStat_ C)f :rr,9.tJda. Cl'8Qrlbed as'foUow.'I,Oane Mlll an~a1.l its: .' '~.--.~i<::'-,_::;-4--~_-:;~_.:~:.-~:~,..,:--~..:..-.-~~;".> ,"'- _.......~.~~._,/~~k.,.~~ >__~ ,,', "___"_,-:_ _', ...... _'. _'. . equi-,Jit, a,ncl'ap~t.n~.!lioCJate4 onplo. ot 8ro1Ul4 4e80ri~d as toUQ1r81 . .. . ~ .. - '. '. .' .-" .. - - . ',- , .. - "..' . " ~;... .. . '. .-' . , _:._~-;...- -~._'.': ~::~,---'-~:~- "..' -" - '., '.' ~~ .:.-,.: .<.-."-.': - ...,-~:' -:,.. -'- < -~_.. -,-~ - ~'- ".~-. '.- ,'. - -_:~ .. " " ,'",:~I~~i1:t,. "_.' a fo~~~ .640;,.~~.ti1ort.h o,t:'t~..oa~' ltJi.ot<~uthSt~e..,a., .---.:...., ..:-' ," -.,.:._-<....---_::-....._---_._-._-~.. ':",'~>-' ~- .~".:'...--.-:_..-.--.... -.... ',,- ._.~_.-.~_..;.. ,'_:, '......-,--. ','~-:..... ~_"O~', .~I~1.~{1l1...t,.~,O,otDP8D1' ~,pla,- otth.~O~; qt, 'e:ro, ..nc(~;.f;b", ...~ :......,.....::.-.....~:~~"...-,.,.,....;:.,...,~.::,.._< ':~_.;..;:, '.' ,.-': ;~..- ,,-.,- .:' ',' '-';-".---- .<.. -. --.-,,'#,'- -...,,-,.. .- , C lfoto'r7 aeai)