HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1946 f.~-.~:~~lV:-T-:4~~'::.~'~',: ; ;\.':"~~..._~~-..:-... ..".. , ". ''!'''''",.'''''{"'!'" .' .1:,'-~~~: ' ,~ ~:r, '!"'T'~.~:~}:'~:"_,~ .-'_.~::~ ':n\/:~~;"::.~~ ,l.~-(~"\.~)"~-.~J.-....~,~ .' \' ',.'~ "-T~ 24'a: " , ~ , , ,'eel'PO~ ~~'lot~~. 1liU~'~Oa."'B.l~wat'~~~'.rlsb'ot wW" ~OJioe ...at "8.~t.et '0 " ," POint 6O.t..t.a.~.:ot1;he'e"':b~ '~~tthe\~wri.l1t. 41 ~hl'. th.~~.' ~oi.t~'~l'_>>alrall~l " , ~'U~:tb~~_'~~. 4~~hU.~8 ,t"',lo.' a..p~~' lii th.'o~\+4" Qtthe 1'1gbt ot _'" of tb. . , '.u'o.uala 1beUoeUOlrtbe..'e1"lt withaouth tdSt Of~18bto(~ Ot~11 ~anal80,.86 fte' ~ ,'- -: . ,- , , '. " ." - ~ ~ , . - . '. . . " '- . -' -. to a'pOll1~}I1,t~e ,r8.t eel8~otthenorlcla_.tOOlUt1t 1la1l.q Oompan,t 8r18bt-of~; thenoe aonth-eaawrly with the lrl~ht O~,.87" Of, the, ~lo~id...~t-. COBet -1&11.01' e82,,2feet to b8gin- , , nina, o'ont,a1il1ll8 4.90 aor... ',' '('2.00 ,I.~. 'St$IIP8 oan0811e4) 'l'OQEfaBR 1r1~hau and 81ll$Ql..r,tl1e 1mPI'O":8Ulent.,1tenem.nt.,heredl~nt8and appnz- ~ ' ' . tenano.e81ib,erew.to.beloqlng, 'or 1n an;rwi8eappertalning.' :anl,the r.Yer81'On and reverdon8. 1'8l11alnder,lUld remalndere.'l'eitti. 1,a8Ue8 ,anciproftt,a th81'80:riAUD ALSO all the e8t~te. right. , .j,tlue,. 'ln~ereet.' ho...toad, clower and right ~t ,llo..~. ,lIeparate, e8tate ,'propert'.J>>088e8"loD, ---,"'" ,Ol~l" andHdemandwhat,soever. e.t law anel ln, eq1:l~~Y. ~lther and both. otthe 8aU. partte8 ot theftrst part. of. ln and to the s8Ille. and every partandparoel 'hereot; TO SAVE AIm TO ': "HOLD the above4e80rlbed prelft18e8.eaoh and every, unto the Bald. partypf the eeoond part. '. 1 h18.'helre alul a8818DS', 1n,f~e simple.' ab~'olute. indete'aslbll,~orever.'" , 'I ' And th...1dpart1.. o~th' f12*t part, for ..1... and th.1r h*1r., ox.ootor. and 84- . Iil1niatratOl'8, 301ntlll an4: 8evolrally. oovenant. prolll1ee and ag~ee to and wIth' the sa14 party . . " . - I of the seoODd'p&rt.' hia heirs-.exeoutore, adIl1n18trat0l'8and ,a8s1gn8. that the _14 partl~s J ,I' I o,f thefir8t part. at the'ti.e of the 8ealill88Dddel1.er;r ot these presen;t8. ue,lawful17 .e1led1n fee sll1lple'of a 80Od. a\eolute and 1ndefea8ible e8t"te 'of inheritanoe ,ot and in . ' ' .. ~-' . . . '. all aIld8iDgUlar 'the abOvede80rlbe4 premi8e8. eaoh and ,ve"~ end have goOd :right. full , , , . - . , po.erand lawfUl. authori.' to oomel thft same in manner. apd form aforesaid; that tho said , pa~ttof tht '8eoon~part~ bi8 helr8 anda88igns" ehalland m&7.at all .t,1.o8 hereafter. .1, peao,ablY ~~ ,~ui.tll ~~v~,~'hOldt use.,oooupJ, poSSeBS and 811301 the ab~~'4e.0r1beel prem1set, and.....r~part an~ p&1'Oel' ther_ot. wi tlioutaD7,let. 8ul t. ,trouble .1lO~estatlon,..vlotlon or 41sturbanee of the said partie,s of the firet part. their heir8 or aealgns., or' of an;r >ot11er PeraOJlao:rPer8on8 la~,ola1m1ns or to:blafm ~he same; that the flam... all and 8ing-' , , .itllaie. ,are f!ee. olear, d1~Oharaeel anel un1noUJllbered ofan4:f1'oa 811 former .nd' other,Utles. "~Od8an41nOUIDbran~e8' o'i .h~t' nature 'and ~uii1.8oever:tbat the sa14 partie8 of the firet , , , ' ~:'~t.tlielr' heir8. exeoutors and ,adalin1etrator8, esoh anA eVG17.. shall make t exeoute and ., .:'., aokn~)1rled888,UOh furtber' ~Iother: a..e48 and, a88~6QOeS ., b)t" co~.ileal'ned 121 the ial! IIQ 'be (J()n81~ered'r8a80nabl1proper' toetfeot..te the iull intent 'and :_anlns of th18 In- 'I' jst~~nt.:- .;.> 'AD4. the 80lcl parties of th6 first part,for 8elve8 and thelrhel~8.the above deeorlbe~ ..;., . . { . J~~~~8e8t~nd,.v,eY7, part and paroel'the~~ot.unto the a8U, ~rtlot"the aecond part. hie ",h'..l~~;lAIi4,~elgn.J &sam.t the iald'JMirtle8 of'the,fir8t' part. anelthdr hei'8.' and against : ,~i, ~~~~.~ per~OJl or < per~OlUlwb0lD80ever : la1rtuli, Olfl1m1P8 ot, to 0181. the same shall and i":>' , "., ,~, '. ',~" ' ", ' ',' , ",' ;:,'wUl..,r "ana: b,thes8 presents' forever 48:fen4_ - ' ',~~":.~'~~len&tlo~ i" .1~-the' 30blt oonsent of hU8band and wife. where that relati on >;~,~~,~~':~~~';~~t-,' ,',:, '" ", _ .' ' ",' " " , '. P~.';'~~".\i~I)l.t'l~811rrdlmJO~. the .al4 parUel of, the 'fil'8t pArt have hereunto 8et thel~ hand8 -;'~:':.~~I~~-'t%:_'J:._-7.-.:.;:-J:;f"'-"--~'~'_<-e;'_."::". :'~~~~~~~." - ~- ,-:._. -. <,'- " ,..t, .. ~..:':;.e'ai. .."h~ ,~. t\1~i pr...oitoe9~t.08Ub801'1b1JlB~ tne8.e8. .i~"!~~i~a\'~'~4.'i.~~'ere. ~:pr'If.!30.ot~s" ", ," , '~,.;",',;,o"".~"l,;,',;,i,.,;.',!,=,.,!,i..',:,._;.'r,~;'O)::J':~f;i{,' ',." '. ,~.!'~~ma~~ ',"', '"? -<~ ~," - . ,~ ~~ -:f~..~J::>~.:. ',,;'t't;{~:I~%ii~;~"2~;;;&S1~~,f; ." .IiOVAY LUDJAY ILLA: B. LtlmSAY ( SEAL) (am) '., ::-~ ~~ .. ' ,~ '0 ,~,.. - ", .: o H, .;: