HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1954 "'"':",,(';:~',,{YT~;!'t~'~j'" , . 'tilt,": 2,. '. I I I I, I I I I .' I 'I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I. I 'I I j I I . I' :. .\~!i~'~ -:7.~ \~:~;-"":~.:~"-~~.~~.~'~.~~~:~,;;~~~T"~"0~ ~7'".-'.~~~~.:;~-'~~~'~ ';~,,,~.~~,l'-_:' ~'. :~.;~' :'~~:.~? -'.' , : . I, I .uobtu~lW. .40tb.o,J.' 4...1 _.~.ia~~oe~ ... bl"ooge.l1.N'Il,."tD:t~. la.'...'~ ~O~, ~. _ ,'.__ '- "~ _ , . '. ;. ,~, ." '-':, : _ .J-- .--' , :...... _:~ '_~> ,< - _ ,',"" ~_,'-;,~ '~>,. :::-,: ", ,;~- ;<'~,,:<~' "_ "~".~,' .~,;~.:! > 1 ,:~" "~~'~: - , <'~" ~,. r->' _ ;:.~..::~' .-. '':: '.: ...<~.~:' "::':_'::::<", _,.~,. ~:_~:.' ~ '\;~. . ~ , " .1dU.ct'.~oJiala1t' >>roJte','O~<<'CI~wA'~': ,j,.t.,fJAfiJl:t.'-.n4 .~8:,~t ~~~' li1'i"1UIltn,'. ' , '~4 \b.'.ll:pU,,'otth.tb.',~\~tol'..1t.d hit' b'l'l'~~:tb..:a'b~.,.'~.'~orl bed . '.' . . - ,.' , " '''-. ' ,. - ...' " ~ /'" .' - pre.1808,atld e.,ert Ja1"", ,tmd pUQti _ ~er.ot. '1UltOthe .&14 par" 'oitha .'oonet' Par'~ ih,11' "'. . k'w:' -.~,' ',,-', ......:,.,'_.!:~.", '~<, ::- ~".~ , '.' \ -, ,- _ '. ;"-,~, ,.,~:._':' -.. '. _' . bobs and'...tsn8, aga1U8' the salelpUvo1: ,thO,tb81; pal'~.~~Ja1.li'11'.,anelagaln8~ 811 and eVe1'7>>81'80n O~ pe:r.on8.C)1IUI0eY.~'. lawtui17' ole.1Il11l8'$r~~9' ol.S..t~e' ,eme shall . , ~ ",_ ,.<~_'."_ - .-' >, ..: _, .i,r.-',}-F'A:; ,'-,:_",.'- ~."'~ - ,', end will warran~ ~anel bi' th.8.'Pl'.I.~t8 tor..".. dettild.' ,;f.::~- ~" ~ ,;c~',i../~~:, . , .' ; ~ '. : " '.,' ,~"" ". . '; i -_:' : " ..' ',_ ~, ~~~;:~'_J:,;~~; :.: :~:,;C':< ~.',:.._::!'~:~.~).,/~, >..;~-~. , ,nte.....1enaUon 1,8 wi t~' the ,3qlntqoD"en~ 01' ~~~~~~~:~~,,(:~~~~~;,,\t~at' re- 1.tl0D0X1:.:1~.sa mtD~. tho ..~ P"~ ot tho flr.,~::"~:~w~~~~r~. hend and .eal eaoh;li1'thepr"oDo~ of two aub80rlblna witn...... ,--,' ";'''''< Bll O. Walke. ~(SeaJ:) , , ". ,-- . 81gned, ..~e4. aDd 4el1v~I''' in :pl'o8.noe of Ut . ,:' , . '., . ".. M.' J:rf ' , : ' "II. O'!'. I. ~-"'. , '. , ~" atat. ot nO~l4& ) " CountJotSt., Luo1. t sS', , I BBBBBt OIR!m, !ha~ on.th18 6th. dqof Deoembel' A.' }). .1919, befol'e me , , '0 ' ' ". not&1'1 publ10, >>8r80na117 aP18 ueel Xu. 0.' w,a1ter,w1C10.8I", to 118 welJ.tnown tt.nd known to me .to 'beth.. lncUTlc1.~desol'lb.dln an4 WJlOUlout.el the10rego1~,('-onve~ano., t'o , W., R. JCemp e.n4 W. f.. JCeJlp anel aeveraU)' aok1l0lrledge~~he exeoutlon .thereof to, be h18:tree , ' 80t and dee4 :t9r the us.e' .4~poS08,,~h.rG1Ji JIlentione4. W1fBlSS.81sn~tu%" and 'oftlo1;.1., ..a1.1'at V8I'O, 1ilthe,OOUllt7 of st. Luoie. - - . ' , ' ~d, 8t~t'- ot 1l01'1,da,.the 4qand ,ear 'last aforesaid. Helen my' (Seal) '. (Iotai" Seal) K;r001llll 8810nexplre8 Sept, 116, 1921. state' ofllor14a J Ooun1;J'. oiSt. Luole) 88. . < , , , I,en Of~10~2: a~th~rlleel to tak'-aokl1owle4p.nt" ot 4e~a.. BBBBBY OERtIft, th8t~10.. ,.mal' ,per80n~1"known ,to. me, to b., t~ 1n_alT14~ ~..~l'1bee.' ~ aM who' ex- .outed the fore80$.yJ,J.n.~rwaent,and tha~ 8ald' in41.,14ual thi8 a.., aOtnowleApf. befol'e IN ~hat'lle exeoute48a14 lnstl'ument.' .' . 11'''S ., han:de,n4 ottlo,la1. 8If~1, t.h18 6th clqoi])eCJelll~r 4. n,~: 1919 at ' . ,- ~,-';.~- ~ ,'Vero, in .ald oount7 andJJtate. .' .: (~~sea1) ~, ...' , ,c'~i:ll: ~~ . (S'al) , , lI,J"oollD1s810ilexptr.. sept. '16, 1921. :'(".00 I. a.stamp oUlOelle4.) , . 'Ut"', aDd reooz.d.ctth18 8thdqot JJtoPbe.'-A. ~,1,919. "00 ", 'IlO '"~ ' , , , ' ' r~IiI~I'~O ' ,. O. JiL])BlIDi Ol,eiot01roUj,t' Oourt. ~ , " Br~~" u~t..$f~vlk4AJ1).O. . . ' - - ' ' - . " . , . -~~-~-_._.~.~~~-------~~---~-~~-~----~--~-~~~--~--~~------~---~-~----~-~---~-~-----------~ , ,.' l .', . - ...;,...~ .. 'oii , j .' ~ 01 'f .~i I 0:- -.... . , ~ :,,>-~,::~;~.;ltit'llfA1J~t{