HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1955 I..'.~I, ,,' , I', .~ ..... .0 --, .,_....~--...----,...._...... -. -.., '1'.<:: -;"......,~_J. ' ~~. ,- ;~. .-~_,..~~~,';~ ~- '. ~'.. .' ...... ~.~... . ~ '. -'. .. , 255~ .. . . ~ , ! ' JfJl.Mo~. '~,~ra ;,' ,dc', " 'I ".~~"',; ~i"~~Jl~'.' Va4.~.:.1. :b, ot;b,~..b~I'.l~;tbe '.~,ot ou '~l'l 'OD."'tbou~llt,i' - .... - . .' '..:- .~- '.' ',,-' '~'.,' : .... \ ';" /",! _"'~., '-. ';' '. .' . '-. . . ~ n1n'~UDar"_4D1n.te'Jl~ ~. JI,:IIoOUlei.'UaJI.,'. MOO~1er.,hl' wite ot the ~ountl, ' , , ,,' , , " ,. ,', ' , ' . , >', , ' ,'" ',' , , " I ot :8.~~t,aoleQA 8tet,ot nor.u.. o~ the 'fir",.."" Mattl. "~,"ol'tOJl,ot,...e'Oo",,. ' anA,atate ~,t the lieoond pUt., WITD8UTB. That 8.14 par tie I, ot,the itr.t,puottor an41n oonsUeraUon 0", the"_'oi'~ I ,0118 DO~~ar8nd other .,aluab~e OO~1~.r.tl~n('~liar.,~ 'la~, .on., Of, the ,thai, t~' 8tai"~.f I "I ~lO. to ~..1D hanel pelAb'-'tbesa1A P~,t, ,~t, ~hes.oon4 part,at, Or be,~or'- th~ enleal- I '1n8and el811.,.r;r' of 'the.e pre.entl, the reoelpt whereot .. herebl aomowledged. 'haT. 8l'ant.d~ I barsalneA. '014. .11enecl~ r_8e4, relea,,4,' con.,e,e4 and oontlraed, and b, tbese pr.sent8 I I ", , ", ' " , , , " .! i 4~e'- 8l'~t. ,bargain, 8~11, alien,relll1ee. ,relea88, oonn, pd oontll'11 unto tb. ea14 part, ! I ofihe, eeoonc1part, dO. her helra ,and 8,s1811' foi-.....r, all thattraot or paJ'oel of lanel 1,- I i ,'" " "... ""'" '. , >', i ! 1118 anel, be1ng 1D<theCountt of st. Luo1e,'.an~8tate ofJ'lorlda, and d...or1be4 a. followlI: ! I' , , ", ,', , , ! l:aeS1D' ata p01I1t fourhunue& Thirteen U8feet ea8t of Bot'tb eaet Gomer of South weat I . .' i I q~ter of Borth eaet quar'-r of aeotion teD'lO Township Thlrt7 '.032 ~uth'R8D8e Thlrt, nlde !39Ba~t Bun SOQ~ . one huncti.~el fl~e,l06fe.tto point of be81nnl118 -Thenoe Run laat 11ght j li;ht, 88 , teet., ,!~eD~e SOuth !h1rt7 30" teet theno. west, .i8ht7 'Iisbt '88 feet thanoe lIo::-th, ~t7,IQJ,te~.tto point of bes1nn1ng. fOGJ!BBR w1th alianel singular the,Lmpt'0~emeDt8, ~enement8, heredltaments. and appurtenanoes i ! , thereunto belong1#l. or 1D an,..i8e appert81n1JJg. and the re..r.ion and re.,ers10ns, remalnder; i ' ,,' '. , ' " , 1 j an4re~lnder8. rents ,iesues an4prof1tathereof. AHD ALSO, all the elltate, rl8ht. U tle, I ' " ! interest, dowel' anel r1~t o~ do.er,separate e8tate. propert7, posse8s10D. olaim and demanel !' r ~hat80e.,or, a, w.,11tn:1a. .s1l1 equi't" of 'the sa1dparUe. of the :first part. ot. in, and ~o , I the '8ametand e.,~r7 part -.11d parcel the:reof~'w1th theappurtenanoes: TO HAVE AftI) ,to HOLD the I ~ - : ..bon aranteel, barsa iDeO., an44elloi'i bed premi,e.. with the appurtenanoes. unto the ealel part7 : , '" " I ,ofthct s80C>d put,' her heir., and ' ass1gne, to her own proper use, benefit anel behoof tore.,er.: , ADel'the 8ald partie. of the ~i'8t part I. K.anA II. P. McCullers tor their h.lrs. ex- '1 eoutors, 'aDd, .tbIl1n18trators.-40 co.enant, promiae and agree to, an4 with said pert7 of the " s~cioi14 put'h.r: h~11'8~d :881~,that,the sa~d partieaofthe' fl~.tpart J. M. and?j!' ~. .'", (' : "-. ~-.':- '. ~.-'. :'. . ' -. -;" ':- 'i: .' - ' . . . - . ..... i IloOull.re at the tllne ot the 8ealing and d.11"_17 of the8e presents, ha.,e lawtttlly sJlhed ln i " j I' tee .1mple of, a 800cl,ab801ute, and Indefeasibl. estate of iDherl tanoe, of and ill, ell anel l'inpi."f.'~e abo.,e, ,gr~~.~, ;,b~8a1ne4' and elesorlbed. ~em1se~, wlth theappurtensDoes, to an4 ! i Jia:V-el 8~od rlSht, 'Ml po....I'.arid16wful authorltl to grant, barsaln, e811. and OOnYel the , , ! >I " '.' _.-, _. - -, ' :- ,~ , i i.. l ,'_ '. , . ! t 8ame in lIl8DIler.4 fOl'llatot'e8alt, An,cithat thesaiel' part)' of tbe s800n4 'Part her heirs and, pm i ',,',', , ' , ",' ' , f ! a8sigu. eh.-:ilea. l1187a-t all'Ume. beroatter~ peaoe:fUl17 and quletll have. ho14, Use, ocoupJ!. 1 ' ',', , " '/',,':, ',' ',' , ",', 1 pos,es8, and ~~o': ~~';~~;Y~:erant~d' Pl'8ID1S88, ano. ever)' part and paroel thereof. wi tb the ap-! pur"ilaJl~e8. _1thout an,: let;~ aut.'; trou,ble, molestation. evi.tion or d18t\1rbanoe of the !.""'_":"",;_"_:!-~_-~-' _ -_.'~~:._,-'~'r"-'_~~:,_".- ,,".~"'. .'. ." I s'-id~rtJ.ee 0' the tlr8tpar.~'their hell'S ot al8ign8. or ot an, other person or persons ! la-dulii"~lall1l~;ns, o~ to ~laJJath~ ~ 8ame. And that the s~. 'are 4~w tree, olear. d1so~argeel. ! and ~l.1Q'umb.red' of and'from all fO:rmer and. other gl'ants, titles, oharges, estates, jUdgmeDt8~, I taxes, a~"e~~m8nts ~'\'no~br~~ee -ot'wutDatur. and k~nd loenr. ' I ; '.' - . , . j- . . ", '. ~ , I! , . _ '. _ _ _ . .And ,the ,sa14' Pftl"Uesot the t1r8t pal't. tor'themeelye8 and their ,beir8, the .-boTe 4e- i , -' .' - , - , . '~', ' ,.' _ , 1 f ~or1be.,aI14:her.b'sr~tet lD4:;~e1f..e4 premise8, and ..,en part ua' p~oelth'I'..of, with th4 ! .ppurten~a'..-,UIlto~~,...14par,t7 o"tho .eoond part.)l,er he1r8 end ..se1gn.... 8881nstthe", ' ',',':/'">:'-: '..-;-, -, ,"'-';'",:;,.,I' , " ":,' ,.,"", , , --, " ,I 1a14p_'1'..':o~{thtJ:t.lr''-~''P8l't 8!lel'~h.1r'~e1t.., and 'against '11 anle"ut p.raon otpe'8ons" ~ ~hO~O."'.;"~~$,~'~~1m1Da01";to 'oii~ 'th~ ".me ~h811~n4 .il1warrPt'..nel'bYth~..pr.- J: to\l'" ~~,~ij~~. .... . J . .... . . ... TI'".'"" . ::r. _ ~ J , ,.,' --: :;::~~~i11~~~~I~