HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT�.' DEC 2 7 jr�Coyu�-;N 4T;Y -, PLANNING & DEV ELOPNIENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliauce Division BUILDING PERN[IT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMI N'T Peay's Electrical have agreed to be (Company Nan e Ird;tidual Narne) the Electrical Sub -contractor for D R Horton Inc (Type of rrade) �'— Wr —.a:,. C'omracror) For the project located at ! _ 3j rP ��ev— C t f— (Prcje_: Srrect A6: rtn� or I'r,}%e'. 'la-, ID =) — It k understood that. if there is any change of states regarding our participation with the above mentioned project. the Building and Cole Regulation Dit ision of S-. Lucie County tt ill be ad%'ked pursuant to the filing ol'a Change of -Sub -contractor notice. CO,tiI1L-1C'rOR5t .. Ail: •. cerl' - -- �— Brian W. Davidson Ri, r SANG CRC 1327068 COUSTl' CF:RTIFICATIOti �U�IBER State of Fluridn, Conn" of Brevard The foretioin�- itistiumcnt reassigned hefore me this 26 da. of December 20 17 bi uiw is personally knnc•n� nr hac produ:cd a __ _ as identification. ?� SignaturJ of Notary Public\otnry Public �-�— Print Name of Notary Public �y.Y P:1 htctary 1'uhlic State of F!crida o c• Si Jra Let)nt; .G 020251 Mt �ammis>>tnn L"Oat1U!:020 9' svo-CO\?RACrORSI(;\.trt'R-,(Qualifier) - Christina Sla`e PRINT N.\3IE ER13014555 �� V COCSTI CERTIFICATION NUMBER _ Sinte of Flnrida. Count, of Brevard I he furegoin{ in,trumcnt nas sired before me This 26 dat of December , ,017 , bt who is pw Banally knot. �ur ha, pruducctl a _ �_�_ � us id tion. ( sr,t�IP 5igna of:Notary Public -- Print `amp of Sotars Public Ex � Notary Public State or Florda Sandra Leone e4 My Commlwion GG 020251 Expires 0t).11012020 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DiN-ision BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT D,'Y......................... Aqua Dimensions Plumbing Service _ (Company Name Individual Name) the Plumbing Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) D R Horton Inc (Primary Contractor) For the project located at O —T \ k� (Project Street Address or Properm Tax ID ") have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Codz Regulation Dig is'on of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, CONTR•1C7011 SIC' NATU : l5ualifier) Brian W Davidson LINT NAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICAT(O.N NUMBER State of Florida, Countyor Brrevard The foregoing instrument uas signed before me this 26 day of December 2017 by who is personally Drown P or has produced a as identification. Signature or Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public oV1Y'Ls, Notary Pubk State _f F!cnda - �� Sandra L ., are i '"IF IN' °xp• es C'?I3+2020 , S(;nMCOP4`11Ay�T/C)R SSIGNATTU/R�E (Qualifier) PRINT NAME CFC057526 -- i g(P" COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 day of December 70 17. by whuispenuuaayknoun X or has produced a as identification. STANIP �—` ' Lti1 ST.i.N1P Signature of Notary Public PqV ,fame of Notary Public y`. j "rs :,,3 p,cta:!'r'- Sate Of Ro da 5 S3rdra Ldore s _gyp fly •_ommiss,•;n GG G2025 t '� at' ''ci.w ERpce-0,10'/^-020 y �+k D Florida Breeze (Company Name;Individual Nanle) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL {TvPc: oFTrzC0 For the project located at �Lts-UUNTRACTOR AGREEMENT have a -reed to be Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC (Primary Contractor) -Tt o� (Project Street -Addres, or Property Ta-< ID ) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding* our participation -with the above mentioned project, the Budding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. cONTR .ACTOR SIGNXrLRE rQualirir)r) Briars W. Davidson PRINT V,1t-E CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTRFICATlo1N,NU.,,IBER State of Florida, Counts or Brevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 da% of December ,0 17 bs vsho is persnnally kno%%u X or has produced a as identifica ' nn. L t/— ST:111P Signature of Notary Pubbc Print ltiame of �omry Public o =z,??a� �v � Pclar/ FubFc Slsie of i•Icrd Sar dra Ux) ' R sed s IyFr?2t?1b� hl7..cmmisst^n,iC-0:?025t E.xpl:es MI. 1 C. I/ St. B.LONTRACTORSICV:7 :RF(Qualifia:) y � Kristen Kelly PR71r')' NA11F ric. 11-11i COUNTY CER'rIFIC.4T10` N1:1113ER State of Florida, Counts of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 day or December ,p 17_ bs who is personally kno"n X or has produced a as identification. �� (A-C Signature of Notary public 5T.-1.11P ri0Z� yy� Print Name of :tiotary Public c,gY Itd; Not}lrvf Pubbc Slale al rier'd3 b Sandra Lone .i (7}y • - g ?dy.umrrts>cn3v^.7G,:g: Expires 1, b°1'�d�i1l�^+�'�:; •«'. ; 'a b'1ltic+'lf�rdr DEC 2 BY SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC (Company Name/Individual Name) ' have agreed to be the Roofing (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for D•R-Horton (Fnmry Contractor) For the project located at - 3 t s � l 1 �>'.e t/ C t (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) - It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. �� CO; TRACTOR LG1pAIiRp Brain W. Davidson PRINT NAIME CRC 1327068 COflN7 Y CERTffICATiO\NUMBER state of Florida, County of Brevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 day or December 2017,by who fs personally known X or has produced a as identiffca 'oa / Slgnattrre of Notary Pablt, sa t4v Leolre Print Name of Notary public �pqr nva� Notary i ublic State 01 Ftorda Revised 11/ Sandra Leone _ c M/ Coimmission GG 020251 V,9j=oit�o' Expi7 as0811C12020 SUB CONTRALTO SI NA ualifier) Brian Maloney PRINT NAIME CCC 1330653 COU, ITy CERTIFfCAT[ON NUMMER State of Ronda, County of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 day of December 2017•by who Is personally knows X or has produced a as identification. SPAJfP /u Signature of notary Pubtie STAMP sands Leme Print Nsme of Natsry Public L p � Notary Public Sate of Florida � Sandra Leone a oR My Commission GG 020251 iorct°o- Expires 08/10/2020