HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1961 , o [] .. o. ".,', ,or: ~.~ '!' ~ ""<'"", ~ ~-.~ -.-;-~.~. )-.._.~:,., '." <T'f"".,~. ,......-"''''''"' ~___--:~~~~"'..... ~.:... ~...~ ..~.__~ ., ~. ~: " ~":'~,~~fii . '-. . ' , . 'Uf" ~.' " KAVDB K. COD AJQ) 1ll18B.AD" . - . . '.' " to W~'DJUID. J. W.B1UODll. lta'e ot ll.OI',lc1a. t oounti' ot'~ntila..'J " , , ", '- " . ',- " - :. . '. _.". . ... " . ".-,.': ' '. . '.', -' . - _.' '. -. - .~ - -. - . ", ','t,'~!th:lI:,~t1ll..~,~,. ,Ka,..:thtlJ:~ 48, of Bon.bel', ,in \11.,,81', ot, 0Q,r" r.o,1. Ollt,thO'QIaAl. Dellle hwl~ec1 and}f1n.tee~. betweaJl~~"e B.'Co~e" ~,o~.4 b,~el' h~~anl., I. ,O()ne. of ,the co~ti: J>!- .. . - , - -',. . ,.' ,,' - - . " --. -'., . '. -. : . - ,." . .",' " I :::~:~::O:;:~~Zl~:;::'~~:::;t~t. "'4 J.. II. IInoUn of ~.OODllt7of 8t. . - - . :" . .' _: :- .' ...~... -. .... , WITNBSSBTJI, >Thai the la1c\,partlel ot 'thettrat part, for anI. 111 oon814ention otthe . lUIIl . , .' .' -'.' ','. .. '" ,-' - '. -.- .' '. o~ 81%, Bunuec\.'1!,~ "II660,.OO)dO:llara ancl. othel' oone~c1eratl~n~, la.ful moile, of the 11nJ.te4 ' 8ta'te~"O~ ADl,el'10a~.~0 th..l~ ~',a14b, the eait,J. 'vi ~ Iraoken part;y of the 1I.~ond part at .01' b~f~t-e, the enS'~~lP$ a~4del~....1"7 .o~ the8.' pl'eeent~, the reoe~pt' whereof i8 hereb, , aoJmo~- lease4thavel grante.. ba1"plned, eolel. oonTe,ecl.and oonfll'1le!1, ud \,)' ~ese prelient. do grant ' . I " bargain" eell,o,onTetand oonfl1'11l" unto,tll, ,said part;y ot the ,e'OQ~4P.rt.and, to hie he1r. ilndase1gns'toreve\", all the,fo"lO'itlDg pl.",e. pal'oellot, or traot.of'land,8itutae, lJ1.ng encl being lnthe 00unt7ot st. Luole. ant $tate ofnorlda, ,~4, o.eeorlbed ae follon: ! ' . Lotll 8lx. (6)' ana: Se.en ,(7) ~. Blook<'leven IU) CarUon.' ~d1t1on to l'ort Pieroe, 01tt of 1'0i't Plerde, st.. LU()bCount,,' ,State of,nuUa. ..,-,...._._'_" .'.., _ '~'.~'" . .. ~ , 1., .,'_ ,,~. ,,' ".' '"" _' ~ . TOOMllllf With aU and singula'r, 'the tenements, heredltAments anc1 appurtenanoe. thereunto :-. ." " . - -" ~ . . , I . . ' , . .be,lon81ng or.appe1"~1Jlt.ng; and .ever, rlght,'tltieqr tntereet, ,legal or equitable, of the lIel . " . , . - . . . part1ee ot'the f1rst pUt of, 1n anel to the same. . . -." . . !O ILlVBAlIJ) 'fOBOLn ~. ...eunto'tha ea14part, of the 'seoonel part, and hie helre and o. . ....,. . . asslgns. to .' thelr ,~wn, pr'OPa~ ue,. b.etl t an4 behoof tor.....r. , An4 the 8a1dpartles otth.Qflret pal'~ for themeelTee enel their hei1"s, exeoutore anel ael.1 mln18tra,tOrs 40 her~b1 oo.,.n.z.t: , . That'the sa14 p,Utt'ee .of the flrst pIll't, at the 4ate hereof are laWfull1 8eiseel In f.. i.~mpl' of~he aboTe deso~lbe~ premlses and are 1n peaoeable and unc1is~uted possession of the' I I..... .. ... ... .. .... ..... i I .. that ~8 lIald part,o:f the seoonft part hie he1rll and aseign8, shall at all times hereaftJr IIuIYlPI'O'Obl, " 1>1"'.'1,.. of .014 prlNli.... ;'U,b, ou.t suit, e,notlon or. 418t~b8noe of the sa14 I. part---- of the first part. or &n;y pereon o1";p,rsone lawfull;r olalmll18 the 8ue.. I i' That '~a1d ~emleeB are :free' floom 81,1 'lnoumbra,noe~ and ,Uena of ,ever)' .nature an4,k1nd I l.ha~80'T'l". '1mJ~din8:ltc8S for ,e,ar1919. Bxoopti,ng Hort.P8e for ODe '~OU881ld. Cl1000.00') d011ara"helt,b,J. "')'8;1'I"e11, whlohtho'Bslel' seoon4'p.rti'hae. and'40ee hereb, aSBWIle with lallobllgaHo,na th~e1il oonta1ned., ' ., '.~. the sal11pUU.e of the -:ruet 'p~t ~ for themeel ve8 an4 theu heir8, the above ele- eo~lbe4 prell1~.'8Jlc1 eTer" pCll'~ and parcel theroot. with theappvtenenoe. unto the Ba14 part of. the eeoonl. ~t, h18~elrs (Uld as~lans. again8t,. tbe 8s1d pal'tt88 9f the flrtlt part anel , . thOl:rh~lre. an4ail818ll8 8I8lJ1st ~l,aA40"~per80" or ~Z:'o. lawtal17 ola1m1na 01" t6 claim . the. e~,- 8hall an.. Wlil' .ari-ant ,~<<, bt' the.e" prellente :to~e.er defenO.. - ..' '. II WX!lfI88 ~', the, 8a14, partie. ,O:f'thetlr~t par~ hayehereunto eet thelr hap48, and ~eal. th,Aat apcl<.,o..,/ tl~lJt abOTe !rl~ton., Slgneel, peal" ~ ll'11Toredln prelenoo()f MaU8 B. Cone I. Oon.- . lSeal) lseal) .-