HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1962 [:' ,->':~'~:!\ ~'ty 1'262" , . -', '.' '. ~. ,. . ". . ,". . _ - - 4',' ..'-'.' . . . - - -~ -, . --" ',.-. .. " .- , '."w ~;Y:",~-:;-, ~'~-? ?::~-;, -: ,- '~;.'~:-~ ~"':- t. ~~~~r-~;~'.- ~:,.~~ ~~'~-.~: t:~0~_r::~~~~~~-:~':~:'~~::~~7"7~. ~'.-~' ",::" ..: .-~(:~. ".';, .L . ,. .' , ' ", -, . . . ""'. ~ '-~ , ~". ,~ , :, '8~\. ,01, fto"l~';'", -' "'I" '<~', , " ..' . , ' " ",,' ~'" ' ,,' " .~~,~:,~,t~~t~'~li.~ti:::'>: ',,", , '/' ,:~' . :' : ~::.: ' ,. '" ' ' , , ' ' . ...' '.I~ ~Irt. ,~~ oa tilt. h4 4qotIlO~b~A,ll. 181t.i,otoroioeih,""'Uolp.l , ", "> ' " " ,""" ',',' " :"" " " ' , " ,,'. "", ,I " ,'.U~~~".":""OIl!~~,~;)~~~,,<~~.,.,,,~~~,'.t(),Us'''~7:hel"~~~U4':~~,":~O:Dtt'" ~O"'rto'..:tCt b. ',' .J~;~or~:~.~~;~=:~;~~:~~:~:~~J:~1{::::~:-4-. . fe"",Ullth' ,8~1<< ~U,l~B.,c~n,. ~!~,f.~t:~~;~~1~,!., ~,one;.on,;., ~~"'0t10~, t~~, ~l maele il' , ;.e~at.~, en",.put~ trollhel", ... hueban4~ ao~o.le~edthat:'h':lIad' ,hlr.elt' a,P&l'~1 W th, " 8a14'leecl' tor"th.~ P1lrP~'.e,:'ot ~r6n~1mbi~ ,~ci~~~t.t~.liiD8h8r ~O;;'el":' anel ~18htl! otto.'1" and I '~~n';'.11n8 ~er"'pV.t':e.tat">1n ~4 to, 1he.liJi48," te~...e~~8:.Cr "'4~1811.t.:' h.~ellf 4e.. I -;'.'- ,'",-"-,...., ~:_':, ,":.::..--,...:" .:. ~'~.' ;..,....: -~'. ..::_-',,~:,,~: ~,\.- ". ,":-';,"" _':. .-"..:-':"_. ~,.:,'- ~;' "-. :''''-' "" -..... .~~. :'.':--'~'--'_':- _ c .' - ." . .. , '.O~~b"~ ~~'th.r'~i' gr8nt.~ ,an4. ,r~ie~...<el.' tarsi\' ~a,t: ~b! exeou~e4, 81l~4. aeeA, b.el, imd Yo1.\1I1- ! ," tUli, /:and, "Wi ~O\lt" ..n70ofllnl1ei'C)n, ~" ooJti.tr.~t..pp~ehen810D' or' "t.~r' of 'or fro.' her 8814 h\18~ "b~4/<: .,~ :' ,," '. ' I - ~. t Oi , ':'1f~~.I.''ait'hail4 and 0,tll0,1&1 8eaftb.'4a~ atort8alel. ~ .1 i . '" t i " ''''.e.'. ' S\Jt8. "', I 1,9tlU'~ h'bl1o . 'State, at Jiarse. i 'Jl1'00...18'10n 'Up1~e8 JultlolthJ 1920~ ! . ! l # - - ,". ~ '-',' .....- , , , " .,' CNota17,ae,al) ,: " 'ftl~1lD4 reoo~i4~. U~lqof J)eoellber; .A."D. 1919. $ . : .- .'. - -. : . '. . ."'; -, .' - . P; o. Blued; Olerk .eiro.nit Court_ ~ JIO~;Ot.ao'1)_ >>dLLAL /~.- 'D~'C.- Jl4;, , , : . COli.' , .. . '0 if~ ',. . . '~JP/~ ' , ....0 . . " - . ~.--~~----~~-------_____..____u.._~~.____________.______-----.-.---~------~~---~-:~-----------l ~ ;:'~RR9BI~801 ~:DBBD.D. R. 1IO~u.r.JI1 AL l'in:SIlIi>~uaB, il&de thefithdQof >>eoembe:r," in the year o~ our Lord qi1etholUland : . .". . . . ,', . .,: 'U1n.hund~edand' nitJe~een;Blt'WBU 3NU:'llob1n~on(w14ow) ot B4en.' st. Lao1e Ooun1;i ~ rlo~1da, ~ . ~.' ," " . ". - , ,'.' . .' . . -' .- . -' ,- . .: - . ' . . pat~ot~~'fb:~t, part endn.',ll. ~lf.Ul,. J~A, JiolleUlanct A. 'J)~,:~OB'1ii~ "all of st. ' , , .. ' '~U01eOoUJi~7 ',~orl.ta.partles of the' seoom >>art, WIl'llESSBtll"tbat the said party of the '.tir_tpart 'for ancl iaioons14er-.tlonot the e. 'o~ taoo.oo. '~a]rtQ1';{JlOnel.ot,the United 'States; ;' _. : . . ; . . ". . ; . . I'. .' _ _' "- "" ,_, _ . ~ . ot'~rl0a:to hu.1Uhan4pald ,bY the Sai,4l*r.168, of t'h~ seoond })!Al't,atol' before 'the en- 'l s~a11118and: c\el~ve~. ofthesepl'ee.nt~,tho reOe1p~Wher~ot ,lS.IiOl'eb1,a,OlploW1Gilse4, has 81'~t'4;'buga1ned,801d. al,,-ened. r~1D18e'd,rel'aB.t~oonveY.dandoontl:r1led. an4bl these , p:r8sent8'~()(t8 $i'e.ntl'barsafil.: fI..11ial'1en, reiUee.release,oOJJYtJ, and oonlin ~~o 'the Ba~~'i>at~1.~'~tth.,e.oC)114~,part anel'the11'. heirs. 8.n~a8';ignq f~~Yeji,,81ttb.a1; pieoe,' . ~l'Oel,Or loti 171%1g e.n4b~1ng1l1th. O,OUJltlo~, $t.Luoie" ~:lftat. of 'J'lorlda, and <ies- ,0I"tbe4' al. fo1101r&$' . ;; , ,.-. .1._". . - . - . .., the So~th ~f( .t)' of,: the ltorth'hlllt( lil 01 tb.sout1iea81;':q~~t.r( S~) of the , , " ' '"',, , ,,' , { 's u.th.a8tquarter~J8Btr:t s'~t1on'1Y'.'(tS). 'oWnllldi>>fhl~V-8~("h80Uth Rqe )o:rt, (40) J o . , ''': '- - -' - . - - ,'- -".' -' - ~. - - "., . ,TOGI~1llCll'.-1thall8hc1u.npar the\en(uDtnta, 'here41 "ament,8"e.n4"pp~t'naDOe8tbereUDto btioc ',~ <: . .;:L~;.0~.::.;;Jt::t::t:r;=::=r=:,~r::r::;::/::1':1:~::: I B, " . ~';.'~~do.'-r<.~f,:~:l~~ '9t,Jo..i.',B.p~ato'e~~t~, P~%tl/p08.'.'."~.' claim aDd demand. I "" ' ':"',' ,.' " " ..". "" , '""', -, ,',," "',,, "..," ' , .. ',' " " . I / <;'1.. .~a,t...';r~. ...~~. U.l~.~ c1l1 .q~ ~,Of t,,".a1d~. ~til. ttr.t _to ot. 1Jl, ODd I / .'~; ~ :~~:;:::~ot:~;!t:;Z:r:::.:::~t: J~~:::::':.::: t::: I ...., .)$t~~;~ ;~~. '~So~~. ~.~._~~~1~; b~r.;~ ~.~l~....t~ . ~1f- Pro,.. tie.. \lon.n tODd, ,', '-'1' __h,~ot> fODTe"t,., , '0'.'''' , " "" , "" ," , , , c'~':,;i'''~.:',,,~~~~~~~l,,~' ,"," ,/. .>' --, "~:',<;~:L<:~::;'~~>:~, 0' , '::~'_{: "';;}::' ,;"~~;::.i,':~~:~~' ~, i 'j I .'