HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1963 - ':...~ ~~c ;. :r"";;:"~ :'<~-~ :~' _.;..;.:,- 7;: . - ';".,-:-~ - ..> I ~ I n U " , ' ". .', ';"n."'::','''"2IJB::,, ";, . "" ::',""-",'", ,." " , ,.'''' ,:,"0' '.,' " ,'".'.'" , ~4~h~...alc1' pe,r,,' Qi' :~f'~,,~.,' p&r.'fox::'J!.r...;L~.~ '" btr .11911'8, . e~.q~~)":aM:,~~..i2d..'~ " tra'ol'.,4~e.'~~.~n~~~:;~oDd8..'~d,i~8i..."t~,'~nr;~iill':.-alt' p~~iel' ot 'b.~~,o~h4~~~t,' ~.i'" ~ei~J' al14,~,~lgti!tb.i"tl1. D.l,~ ,~r"7 ot,:,tbe t'1r..~'Patt. ,'.~CthO,:'tlm. O:t':th~ 'lIe811n~ran4' . .' dOl1.,&1"" of '~.~'e proseiltit,: 1elawf\llli: ..t...o.l~:t.e"81~.,~t . ;8004,.. a'bRolut. 3n4 ~ ',deteasibl. .~tat'.~'tP i~h'~~i'ailo.l!,'ot ,'and. 'in!' a1.1' aild' .in~~th:.,abO.,~~a1it.d.: bar8.1~.4' 1~4,!.,O,~~b,';~.F:'m18ea" .1 th~t~e ',a~purt.~~Q~,",~d~Od i"iSb1;:t tili':po".r "'~d l_:fU1"~ . autb,q..~t, to Brant, bar8ain, lI.ell and~e7the 8eme in lWlner andforlll a:fore8a1d~ Ani that:~:~{'~~i4':'#~1'8 ot'the 's.oondP8~t'tlhe'tr bti;ril an4, a8818118, shall tincl mqa\ o1ltimelJ hor.a.f~'~~ JlG~oefu1i7 and qU1et,ll'h~ve'~ h~ld. uqe, oooup) , )lOaUII8.and ~n301theabove ,I arfllii8d"P~,,~~8~:8.'ana: 6yoi, part<~dp6.r081.lhereo:t. w1ththeappurtenanoe8, ~1th0t1~&n11.t ........_..,-,,:_~...-.. '-..-:" "'::'. '~--'.': ;--~., ,-.-.' -:. -. ~. '.~ ..... . ,'. -.';:" - - .' ." ~ suit, tr()~bl', m()le8t~tion,' 8vlotion ord,18tlUob~o~ of the BaU 'PUtY" of tJ18 f1~8tpart her 'heb8ora~sl~~" o~ot .an;.. ,ot'J1er p'er~~nor ,. ~n~nla. :lawful.l1 ,~laUling 'Ol',to olnt.. the' ,Bam~. An4, that, thee._. ., ar~ ,~o\'t' free ;;\'lear i ' diBohn,rg84.' and'lUltJloiuDbered, 'of and !rolit 811 former an .ot~er~ran,t8,:;t,1tl~~,O~arg~~~,. estatep, 3~i)t8.nt~e8, .sS',BBmen\8 and lnoilmbrnnoesof '1 ,what n~t~~ JU1,d ~i~g8oe,,:u. ,... .' "!, And'th, sald pilrt1 of the :tlratpart, tor herBelf and her' he. irs, the aboTe 48801'1 be4 an4 he~e b;V 8%;;';~I. 8I1<\re~..e~ >>>...1..., an4 ..or;v l"'r.' ...01 par.oi. tIlereot.. 101. theppurten- I anoeB,unto' tlle B6U parUes:.~t, the seoo~' part;,'thelr hefts and aSBlgns,againlilttheea1d. I par~ Ofth'''fir~t par"t', (U'Jdh~r n81ra, and against all aridevu7 porson or persons whom- . _: ....,:;. t :,-,;';..-,'-- ", ,'. J - ,':.~ -. 8'oev.e~ .lawful11()161ming r() tool.a11ll the' same ahall and w111 wui'ant and b)': theje preSent8 .1 I I I I I I I I , ,I j j I I I I , t I I I I 'I I I I I I I I t J I , . . ", forever' dele'rid. I I .1 I i ! _ t i I . 'I I . 1 I I I I I I I , i 1 ! I ' I .' lJl jiIfllB$S1IBIIIlJIO,.l hey. here""to eti'ix04 .q n.......4.o~l.Ciel oOel, thiB 6\1l I dq otbeo_btr~4. D,., 1919; at J'ort Pieroe, 'la. I ,.1 .>.) . , . B.ub~. Swain (Seal) , . , . '. '" '+ . ..,. , BotUJPu:!>110, State of fiorlda a~ lar (lfot!ill": ~ea1) ,., , 'Q M7' ooum1811on expires lIovember16,1928 '1184 anel reoorded thl. Ut~ ela)' of Deoelllber~ A. D. 1919. I , , , . R~CO P. O. BLDBBD. Clerk Oirouit OO\1:rt. RO Vi: ' , I I '. :-h.. . .~p . f " ,RIF'/~O ; 'lOt. Ct.. Seal) , B" ~1~11M.u~ ~f1A~_.AA, >>.0,., ' I --.--------------"---------~----------~-----------~----------------------------------------1 , , IUWITlIBSS mmuo"the said party ofthe'firat part has hereunto' aet h8'r hand and ~eai tho d,a;yand tear ftr8t, aboV~~ lJuallBo binGon (Seal) Signed,' lIeale~ antd.el1Tere4 1n' pre8e~0., o'lUl:: ' ,. , , ' ' ,aubF a.a1Il atldJeel Jaokson (6~ I. B. atamp oanoe11ea) , - -.... , , -.., - atate ot,l'lorid.a , oount7 ot St. Lao1e ,'. -. 011 THUl>AY ~r"onall" appeared ~:tore me S~rah Rob'inson'to me-well, known aathe ~rson de8od.bed ln, and .lio exeouted the foregoing aee40f Oonve1anoe, and aoknOWledged that eh' :exeou:ted:th~.anietQr the purpose there1ri expressed; whereupon 1t 10 prayed' that tb.88ame 'maY 'be re~o:l'de4. ';",